Chapter 316 Don't Lick Me 10
Xiao Mian is in charge of dealing with Lan Shuang. She has a gentle and protective personality, so she has a good relationship with Lan Shuang. She is always used to addressing things like "bao" and "dear".

Lan Shuang didn't react at all, Ning Yufeng, who was peeking upright, narrowed his eyes, and said in a bad tone, "What are you talking about?"

"She asked me why I didn't broadcast live recently. I signed a contract with the platform to broadcast 25 days a month, but isn't there a lot of things recently? I was delayed. It's still five days away. Today is the 23rd, and next month is seven days away Yes, if I don’t have enough time to broadcast, I will have to pay liquidated damages.”

Ning Yufeng was silent for a moment, and asked a soul question: "What is a live broadcast?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

It's a bit of a headache to explain, one problem will be involved in another problem after explaining it, Lan Shuang feels that she has to buy a mobile phone for Ning Yufeng as soon as possible, so that he can integrate into the modern society in the shortest possible time.

"I'll talk to you in a while, I'll get back to you first."

Lan Shuang: [I'm sorry, Xiao Mian, I'm busy with something unexpected at home during this time, I forgot to tell you, the broadcast will start when I settle down, and I won't break the contract. 】

Xiao Mian: [Huh?You have something to do at home, so take care of it and don’t worry too much. There are two days left, and it’s the same after you broadcast for five days. I’m just here to remind you. 】

Lan Shuang: [Thank you for your understanding, there is one more thing, can I advance the live broadcast salary for this month and next month in advance?I need money urgently now. 】

Xiao Mian didn't reply in seconds this time, it's really hard to say something like advance salary, she can't decide, so she probably has to ask.

Lan Shuang didn't rush her either.

She leaned on the sofa and murmured, "I still have to change the house."

Ning Yufeng was puzzled: "Change houses? Why?"

Lan Shuang spread her hands: "The two of us must be wanted by the Ling family now. This place is not safe. If they find it troublesome, I plan to change to a new house."

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, there are traces of Ling Feng's life here, she is a little out of touch, she can endure the difficult living conditions, but she can't tolerate her territory being offended.

So changing houses is imperative!

Ning Yufeng pondered for a moment, then nodded reservedly: "That's true, it really doesn't look right here."

Lan Shuang glanced at him and was about to say something when the phone rang suddenly.

Xiao Mian: [It is reasonable to say that you have only worked for less than half a year, so you cannot advance your salary. Our management is stricter, but I don’t think you are such a cheater, so I used my salary as a guarantee to get it for you. For this opportunity, pay 8000 yuan in advance, and in the next two months, except for rewards and advertising revenue, you will have no salary~]

Xiao Mian: [Because you are the newcomer I fancy, I think you have great potential, so you have to work hard! 】

Xiao Mian: [Maomao clapping hands.jpg]

Lan Shuang felt relieved, 【Thank you, Xiao Mian, I will definitely work hard and not let you down! 】

Xiao Mian: [Okay! 】

After a while, Lan Shuang's mobile phone received a text message, and a bank transfer came.

With the 8000 yuan, she can rent a new house and buy some new things, which is enough to support her and Ning Yufeng for a short time, and then...

She turned her head to look at Ning Yufeng, and then studied the subsequent development.

After Lan Shuang thanked Xiao Mian again, she took her mobile phone and showed Ning Yufeng how to use various software.

Ning Yufeng was honest this time, and seriously wrote down everything Lan Shuang said.

Lan Shuang taught the unfamiliar characters one by one. Fortunately, although there were some differences between the past characters and the present ones, most of them were similar. Thinking about them made it easier to learn them. In an afternoon, Ning Yufeng could basically understand the words on the phone. All words are gone.

In the evening, Lan Shuang took Ning Yufeng out, because he didn't have Ning Yufeng's clothes, so he had to wear the previous white robe to go out.

With red eyes in white clothes and long hair, Ning Yufeng is simply the prettiest boy on the street.

Everyone who passed by him had to look back twice, and even an old man accidentally bumped into a lamppost without paying attention.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Ning Yufeng: "..."

Impatiently, he grabbed Lan Shuang's sleeve and asked in a low voice, "What are they looking at me for?"

Lan Shuang said quietly: "Don't you feel that you are different from them?"

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He thought about it for a moment, and instead of leaving, he stood on the side of the road and stared at the pedestrians coming and going. His eyes were too sharp, and the dark red eyes looked a little gloomy under the streetlights. People who looked at him twice couldn't help but speed up. After a while, no one passed in front of them.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Thousands of mountains and birds fly away, and thousands of paths and people disappear. It turned out to be such a scene.

Ning Yufeng's face became even more stinky, "What are you running for?"

Lan Shuang sighed, pinched the back of his neck and pushed the man forward: "Okay, don't look at it, and then you will be on the headlines of the local news tomorrow. What kind of man in white clothes and red eyes is standing guard on the side of the road at night. Passers-by gave way one after another, suspected of having mental problems.”

Ning Yufeng: "..."

"Looking at it for a long time, you should also see the problem, right?"

Lan Shuang pulled him to a secluded place, away from the street lights, so that his red eyes would not look so obvious.

Ning Yufeng pulled her hand down, squeezed it hard, and then let go, "Isn't it because her hair is shorter than mine, and her clothes are shorter than mine? Her arms and legs are exposed."

"And your eyes, most people's eyes are black, your dark red ones, I can only tell you that you wear colored contact lenses, the eye color of foreigners is not common, you'd better restrain yourself The color changes back."

Ning Yufeng was silent for a moment, closed his eyes, opened them again the next moment, leaned in front of Lan Shuang and said, "Is it okay this time?"

His tone was reluctant, and his eyes were somewhat resentful, but his black eyes were wet, and he looked a little obedient for no reason.

The aggressiveness became weaker all of a sudden, Lan Shuang couldn't help but patted him on the top of the head, "It's pretty nice."

Ning Yufeng raised his eyebrows, his face looked good to the naked eye, "Really?"

"Hmm, so let's go and cut our hair next."

Ning Yufeng: "."


After being pushed into the barber shop, Tony, who spoke native English but not English, twisted his waist and walked over, looked them up and down, then raised his orchid finger with a smile: "Oh, new customer, beauty, this girl Is this handsome guy your boyfriend?"

The three words "boyfriend" poked Ning Yufeng's itchy spot, and Ning Yufeng secretly glanced at Lan Shuang, wanting to see what she had to say.

Lan Shuang said frankly: "Yes, boyfriend."

Ning Yufeng curled up his fingers, pressed his lips tightly, turned his face away, his earlobes were slightly warm.

The light in Tony's eyes, who was dyed with white hair, dimmed instantly: "Oh~ this Yazi."

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, "Why do you sound so regretful?"

(End of this chapter)

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