Chapter 306
The live broadcast of the marriage proposal at the awards ceremony, the trending searches exploded that night, and Weibo was stuck for a long time, but after recovery, the top few searches were all occupied by Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao.

#How sweet can two-way proposal be?#
Everyone recovered from the shock that Lan Shuang's boyfriend was Uncle Gu Ting, and when they found out that the other party was a billionaire, they expressed envy.

The various interactions between the two at the scene were intercepted and edited into videos that went viral on the Internet, and many people believed in love again because of this.

There are also some people who insist that they are just putting on a show, saying that true love does not exist among rich people.

But this part is still a minority, Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao don't care.

Maybe Lan Shuang would be hesitant if it was another person, and would worry that he would not be able to withstand the temptation if he was so rich, but this person is Gu Xiao, so she has no such worries at all.

It's not that she's in love, it's just that they have gone through life after life, he wants to give up on her at any time, but he doesn't, so she should give him the same trust.

So they went home after the award ceremony, and Lan Shuang took Gu Xiao to meet her younger sister. Lan Xue didn't like Gu Xiao at first, but thanks to Gu Ting, she picked Gu Xiao's nose and eyes. But Gu Xiao responded calmly, and gradually Lan Xue had nothing to say.

When Lan Shuang was going to the kitchen to cut fruit, Lan Xue suddenly came to Gu Xiao's side and threatened in a low voice: "You'd better be nice to my sister, or when I grow up, I will beat you so hard that you will find your teeth all over the place! I am learning Sanda now, and the teachers praise me for my talent."

Looking at the face similar to Lan Shuang, Gu Xiao couldn't help but feel relieved for Lan Shuang. This sister is sensible and knows how to protect her sister. In the future, the two sisters will support each other, and they should be very happy.

"What are you laughing at?" Lan Xue frowned at him.

Gu Xiao shook his head: "It's nothing, I will treat your sister well, don't worry, I won't give you a chance to beat me up, if I'm really sorry for her, don't say beat me up, you can kill me."

Lan Xue was silent for a moment and rolled her eyes, "If someone kills someone, he will go to jail, so I won't be so impulsive."

Gu Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, this kid has a strong sense of law.

Then in the next second, Lan Xue picked up the fruit knife on the coffee table and gestured at him, showing a slightly ferocious smile: "I will castrate you."

Gu Xiao: "..."

He silently clamped his legs.

Later, Gu Xiao took Lan Shuang to meet his father. Of course, it was just a formality, to inform him, and he didn't mean to listen to his opinion. Then he took his ID card and account book to get the certificate.

Lan Shuang turned off half a year's work for the wedding of the two, concentrated on the wedding and honeymoon, and then took Lan Xue to travel, and came back to continue filming after having enough fun.

Gu Xiao also devoted himself to his own business. Five years later, Gu Xiao seemed to be the helm of the new generation of the Gu family. His own business was also flourishing, gradually becoming a daunting presence in the business world.

Lan Shuang's movies and TV series are alternately filmed, the number is still small, but the quality is very good, from the traffic to the guarantee of word-of-mouth and ratings, and has won all the awards.

After winning the last award, she announced in public that she would quit filming, no longer filming, but moved behind the scenes, opened her own company, specialized in cultivating professional and dedicated actors, often cooperated with Gu Xiao's company, and soon became the second largest entertainment industry in the industry company.

And Lan Xue lived up to expectations. She was admitted to a top university in China and chose a medical major. After graduation, she went straight to graduate school and studied for a Ph.D. and went on to become the youngest surgeon in the end.

At that time, Lan Shuang also asked her why she studied medicine with so many majors. Lan Xue smiled gently and firmly said: "Because I don't want to be helpless when my family members are sick, and I don't want to see other people lose their parents. I want to use my hands. Save more people."

Lan Shuang understood that this was the influence left by the death of her parents when she was young, and the knot in her heart became a motivation to support her to go on.

Later, Lan Xue married a senior of the same major and lived happily ever after. Lan Shuang was completely relieved.

In this life, she lived with Gu Xiao for a long time, and finally died without a cause.


When she left the world, Lan Shuang inexplicably felt a heat in her heart. She lowered her head to look at it, but was sucked into the system space. When her eyes turned dark and bright again, the temperature in her heart disappeared.

She pressed her heart, thoughtfully.

"Host, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" 888 ran over, seeing her pressing his heart, a little worried.

Lan Shuang came back to her senses, "Ah? It's okay. My heart beat a little fast. I guess I didn't realize it. What's the next world?"

888 pointed with a small hand: "Well, this time is also a relatively special identity."

Lan Shuang took a closer look and found that the system interface was stuck on the transmission confirmation page. Her identity information was - "Cat demon?"

888 nodded, rubbing his hands expectantly: "Do you like it? So cute!"

Lan Shuang touched her chin, "Well, it's not impossible, let's go."


888 seemed more excited than her, and quickly opened the teleportation array, then stared at Lan Shuang with watery eyes, as if silently urging.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Why do I think you are a bit strange? Do you like cats?"

She crossed her arms and stared suspiciously at 888.
888 waved his hand: "Xiaoyou, it's nothing, I just think cats are cute, hurry up, don't waste energy."

Lan Shuang: "Oh?"

She dubiously walked into the teleportation array, 888 immediately pressed the teleport to send the person away, and when Lan Shuang could no longer hear him, he laughed out loud: "Hey, I don't feel the same about cats and dogs, but I like to see furry in Playing together, how healing~"

He really isn't a pervert!
888 turned off the teleportation array and sat down in front of the screen, staring intently at Lan Shuang's movements.


Lan Shuang was used to the feeling of weightlessness in her soul, and she remained calm the whole time until...

"Hiss - pain, pain, pain! Why is it so painful? Am I being bullied?"

As soon as it entered the body, the consciousness resumed functioning, and there was a sharp pain in the internal organs, limbs and bones, as if being trampled by a thousand elephants.

Lan Shuang once suspected that she was already a muddy beach meat.

However, her consciousness clearly reminded her that it was not that simple. After she got used to it, she found that the pain in her internal organs was because she had suffered serious internal injuries, and the pain in her hands and feet was because they were all injured and were still bleeding.

"Host, are you okay? Shall I prescribe some pain shielding for you?"

888 saw that Lan Shuang's condition was really bad, so he quickly activated the pain shield for her, and Lan Shuang immediately felt lighter and felt a lot better.

She exhaled a long breath, and said weakly: "Send the memory to me quickly."

"it is good."

A lot of information flooded into her mind, and Lan Shuang gritted her teeth to bear it.

- off topic -

A new world opens tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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