Chapter 298
After making her wish, Lan Shuang opened her eyes, and the candlelight danced in her eyes, illuminating her eyes as bright as stars, and when she looked up like this, there was a kind of distant and gentle glance of thousands of years.

Gu Xiao was stunned, he saw his reflection inside, that look, as if across thousands of rivers and mountains, as if they had known each other for a long time.

It seems that we have been in love for a long time.

"Phew - I've made my wish." Lan Shuang blew out the candles and pulled them out one by one, "Do you have a knife and fork?"

"Ah... Yes." Gu Xiao came back to his senses, picked up a disposable paper holder, knife and fork, cut a piece of cake with the most cherries and handed it to Lan Shuang.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu." Lan Shuang took the cake and forked a big cherry and fed it to Gu Xiao's lips: "Here."

Gu Xiao paused, but he still bit the cherry with his lips, and chewed slowly.

"Aren't you very busy recently? Why are you here?"

Lan Shuang took two bites of the cake before she remembered it.

Gu Xiao leaned on the back of the chair and looked at her with a relaxed posture, "Because I miss you, I want to see you, I originally wanted to wait for you to wrap up before coming back, but..."

He looked down at his feet, and said with a light smile, "I can't control my legs and feet."

Lan Shuang leaned on his shoulder with a smile, took a bite by herself, and then fed him a bite, and the two of them ate together.

"Did you drive here by yourself?"

"Well, my assistants are all going to deal with the company's affairs. I sneaked here for a while. When it's so important, I just want to meet you. I don't do anything, just looking at you makes me very happy."

Gu Xiao said these words without lust, but Lan Shuang's heart was throbbing with the straight balls one after another, and all the clamor was the emotion of throwing him down.

She lowered her eyes and took a bite of the cake almost viciously.

"Then you're going back later? Did you sleep last night?"

After Lan Shuang ate the last bite of cake, she lovingly patted Gu Xiao's head.

Gu Xiao meekly lowered his head to touch her casually, and said softly, "Well, I'll go back after a short rest, there is a board meeting to be held in the afternoon, and I slept for three hours last night."

He didn't say much, but Lan Shuang could think of how he was devastated. After all, Gu Ting was a member of the Gu family. He was a member of the Gu family. While good for the whole, it really hurts.

When I met Lan Shuang just now, I saw Gu Xiao's dark circles under his eyes, which were heavy, and his eyes were no longer as clear as before, they were full of bloodshot eyes.

"How long can we stay?" Lan Shuang took out her mobile phone.

Gu Xiao thought for a while and said, "Two hours."

"Okay." Lan Shuang set an alarm clock for her phone, then sat up and leaned on the back seat, patted her thigh, "Go to sleep for a while, I'll accompany you."

Gu Xiao didn't refuse either, he took off his jacket and adjusted his posture, lying on his side on the back seat, with his head resting on Lan Shuang's thigh.

Lan Shuang took his coat and put it on him, hummed softly, and patted Gu Xiao lightly with her hands.

Gu Xiao closed his eyes and breathed evenly after a while.

Lan Shuang's voice gradually weakened until it disappeared.

She looked down at Gu Xiao's tired side face, leaned over and kissed him lightly on the forehead, "Sleep, my baby."

888 looked at Lan Shuang's movements and eyes with a delicate mood, "Host, how did I notice your maternal side?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

The warm atmosphere that had just been brewed was instantly shattered.

"I don't have such a big son, thank you." She gritted her teeth and said to 888: "If you are allergic to romance, I suggest you go to the doctor."

888 pointed fingers: "He's just telling the truth."

"If you have children in the future, will you be so gentle with them?
Lan Shuang was taken aback, "Child?"

"Yes, you will return to reality in the future. After you get married, you will definitely have children. Don't you want the crystallization of love?" 888 looked at Lan Shuang curiously.

Lan Shuang's fingertips lightly brushed Gu Xiao's brows and eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up: "If it is the crystallization of love, of course I want it, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, I will raise him (her), but only if I find the true love." The one you like, otherwise there would be no children."

"Huh?" 888 was puzzled, "I think the hosts love these worlds very much, don't you think you have a child? Don't you think it's strange?"

"Taskers generally don't give birth to children in the mission world, do they?" Lan Shuang said in a natural tone: "If you have children, you will have a bond, so you usually decide not to have children before doing the mission, so you don't have to. Said, I didn't ask, I just accepted it by default."

888: "That's true. In the past, there was a host who was reluctant to leave after giving birth to a child. In the end, he sent the child and his lover away in that world. After returning, he had a mental breakdown. He couldn't get out for a while, and he didn't do any more tasks in the end."

Lan Shuang spread her hands: "So I spare no effort in love in every world, but I never plan to keep my children. If I can come to reality in the future, it's not too late to think about children."

She seemed to be speaking to 888, but her gaze fell into the void, as if she was speaking to another person.

But 888 didn't notice, and after chatting a few more words, he fell silent.


Two hours of sleep isn't enough to rejuvenate, but better than nothing, it's still relaxing.

When Gu Xiao woke up, he saw Lan Shuang leaning against the car window with his eyes closed, and sat up cautiously. He reached out to touch Lan Shuang's face, but before he could touch her, Lan Shuang opened his eyes.

"woke up?"

Her eyes were clear, and it seemed that she was not asleep.

"Well, you just sat there for two hours?"

Gu Xiao pressed Lan Shuang's leg, and Lan Shuang immediately took a breath, patted his hand, and said softly, "It's numb, don't press it."

"Then I'll rub it for you." Gu Xiao said as he lowered his head and pressed Lan Shuang's legs seriously, with red marks on the side of his face.

It looked inexplicably a little silly.

Lan Shuang couldn't help rubbing his head, "Good boy."

Gu Xiao: "..."

Both of them were very busy, and the time they spent together was very short. After enjoying the warmth, it was time to part. Before they left, Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao kissed a long kiss in the car. They didn't have much desire, only longing and dependence.


After Lan Shuang went back, she devoted herself to the filming. Gu Xiao drove back to the company and was busy until late at night again.

He didn't even have time to go home, so he spent the night at the company.

I don't know if it was because of being too tired, but he had strange dreams again.

The dream this time is different from the previous ones, there is no Lan Shuang in the dream, and there are no various people.

Only him.

He was sitting in the pitch-black mist, with a floating throne beneath him, his black robe corners were hidden in the mist, as if being swallowed up, and seemed to be a whole.

This feeling is very mysterious. He knows that the person sitting is him, but he is "seeing" himself from the perspective of a bystander.

The people on the throne were also looking at him, his white-haired and red-eyed lips curled up in a strange arc, his voice was low, and it seemed to echo in the air.

"You came earlier than I thought."

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(End of this chapter)

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