Chapter 296
When Lan Shuang answered the phone, she guessed that Qin Shou might be planning to let her use the topic to play. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the circle. It is easy to gain a large number of diehard fans if it is done well.

Sure enough, Qin Shou's next sentence was: "The company means to set up a self-reliant and self-reliant heroine for you at that time. Now this character is quite popular. It just so happens that you were not injured a while ago? Take this opportunity to publicize After a while, this character set will stand, and the follow-up will develop on this route.”

Xiao Xu came back and heard it clearly from the sidelines, with a complicated expression on her face, she muttered: "It's so complicated, if someone sets up the car and overturns, won't it be backfired by then?"

Lan Shuang shook her head at her, made a "silence" gesture, then turned to Qin Shou on the other side of the phone and said, "Brother Qin, I understand what the company means, but I don't want to cooperate."

Qin Shou took a breath, and then asked a little annoyed: "Why? This is beneficial to you and not harmful! You knew it before, because you don't have many fans, and the traffic is not as good as before. Although the company signed you , but I have never paid attention to it, now it is different, the company obviously intends to cultivate you, why don't you seize the opportunity instead?"

Lan Shuang stood in the corner, watching the staff come and go, the actors gathered together to talk about the play, smiled lightly, and the voice was blown away by the wind.

"Brother Qin, I have my bottom line. No matter what happened in the past, I want to be a good actor in the future. I want to reach the top by relying on my true skills instead of relying on these low-level tricks. It's right to want to be popular. Opportunity It’s rare, but it’s not very important to me, I know what I want and what I need to get it.”


Before Qin Shou could continue, Lan Shuang's voice suddenly cooled down, "It's not that there is no one behind me. Don't let the company do small tricks. I won't do it if I say I won't do it. If you abuse fans and set up such a thing, if you carry me behind your back Come on, I'll clarify right away."

Qin Shou was taken aback by her tone, Lan Shuang hung up the phone without recovering.

Xiao Xu: "..."

She was silent for a while, then applauded Lan Shuang violently, like a happy little seal.

"Okay! Sister Shuang is domineering!"

Lan Shuang held her hand dumbfoundingly: "Don't make trouble, the takeaway is ready?"

"It's ready." Xiao Xu showed her the list, and Lan Shuang nodded: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, Sister Shuang, what are your plans for the future? After this incident breaks out, there will probably be many people looking for you, and the paparazzi will probably come to squat you."

"The soldiers came to cover up the water and the soil, and I didn't do anything wrong, so I have nothing to worry about."

Lan Shuang was very calm, and then the staff came to call her, and she went to filming as usual.

Public opinion fermented quickly, and netizens who eat melons were excited, and they were all waiting for a follow-up, and Gu's official blog fell.

But soon, both Gu Ting and Bai Moran's accounts posted an apology statement, the words were sincere, and it seemed that someone had carefully prepared it, and netizens didn't buy it at all.

Gu's immediately issued a solemn statement, drawing a clear line with Gu Ting, and reprimanding Gu Ting's behavior.

Netizens took a high look at his swift and resolute tactics, and Gu Xiao also came out to clarify, and sent an apology video along the way. His attitude was much more sincere than Gu Ting's, and he quickly gained the understanding and support of a large number of netizens.

Gu Xiao Group's official blog fans did not decrease but increased, and Gu Xiao's limelight suddenly overshadowed Gu Ting.

Lan Shuang has also changed from being black on the whole network to being distressed by the whole network. Many people privately sent Lan Shuang to express condolences, but Lan Shuang was so focused on filming that she didn't pay attention to her mobile phone at all.


In the evening, everyone drank the milk tea invited by Lanshuang, knowing what it was for, they all congratulated her.

Lan Shuang smiled and said a few words before going back to the hotel. After taking a shower and lying on the bed, she remembered that she was going to call Gu Xiao. She looked at the time, and it was 10:30 in the evening. She didn't know that Gu Xiao was asleep. No.

As soon as this thought flashed through her mind, she heard a familiar radio sound in her mind, "Xiao Baba? Are you back?" Lan Shuang blinked.

"My dear host, long time no see, do you miss me? Did anything happen during my absence? You... Fuck! Only twenty points of resentment left? What happened?"

888's voice changed from elation to shock.

While receiving the news during this period, he checked various data, "Hey, Gu Xiao's favorability is 80?"

Lan Shuang was stunned: "Wait, Gu Xiao's favorability? How did you see it?"

888 straightened his tie, bowed and said, "Dear host, let me introduce to you the content of our upgrade."

"First, some abnormal data has been corrected."

"Secondly, the favorability data of the host-related characters is added (only the closest one is counted for the related characters). This data is still under development, and there are many imperfections. It will continue to be improved in the future."

"Third, add a forced disengagement function."

Lan Shuang listened quietly, and after digesting, she asked: "So, in the future, I can check the favorability of people who have close relationships with me at any time?"

"Yes, but this intimate relationship is not limited to lovers, family members and friends. You can specify a person to inquire about, but you can't change it later. Use it with caution~" 888 explained.

"What is forced disengagement?" Lan Shuang directly ignored the first one.

888: "Ang, to put it bluntly, this is for the sake of system stability and the safety of the host's soul. In case of any emergency, the system can bypass the authority of the main system and directly lead the host's soul out of the mission world."

"What kind of emergency?" Lan Shuang was more concerned about this.

"It's life-threatening, something unsolvable, something abnormal in the mission world, or something abnormal in the characters in the mission world."

888 said one by one with his fingers, and paused when he reached the last point, "Oh, the last one is mainly for taskers, because there are so many systems, taskers will inevitably crash, and at this time there may be conflicts between each other's tasks, When this happens, we will stop losses in time.”

"Is that so..." Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, her cold expression flashed by.

It sounds like they are targeting people like Gu Xiao.I hope it is her illusion.

"Host, your leg is broken?" 888 let out an earth-shattering scream after receiving the latest mission data, "My darling, I'll be away for a few days, why did you make yourself like this?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Where did you get that flamboyant tone of voice?Who are you obediently?
She pressed the center of her eyebrows: "It has been cured, and now it is no problem to walk normally without running or jumping."

Only then did 888 calm down, "That's good, it seems that the task is mostly completed, what are your plans next?"

- off topic -

Gu Xiao: You can just say it’s against me (Tan Shou.jpg)

Lan Shuang: Are you sure you can prevent it?
Gu Xiao: Oh, he doesn't know about my existence now, forget it, forgive him.

888 at a loss: What are you talking about?
Lan Shuang|Gu Xiao: Smile.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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