Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 242 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 35

Chapter 242 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 35
Lan Shuang ate and drank medicine as usual after waking up, and there was no abnormality on her face. The maids watched carefully, unable to figure out what Lan Shuang was thinking now.

Master Guoshi left in a hurry last night, and asked them to keep an eye on Lan Shuang before leaving, and report any changes to him in time.

Ke Lanshuang still looks at the storybook and snow, drinks medicine, eats and sleeps, but can't see anything.

The national teacher looked at these reports and had nothing to do, and threw down a sentence: "She is not allowed to go out, and the rest is up to you."

Lan Shuang didn't plan to go out, anyway, Xin Wujiang was the one who passed on the news, so she couldn't bear to watch it.

When there was no one around, she wrote letters in the room to discuss the next step with the Fifth Prince.

According to the information given by 888, Lan Shuang disclosed to the fifth prince all the information collected by the former national teacher to bring down the prince.

What the fifth prince will do is out of her scope. She is not the protagonist of this world, so in many cases, she cannot be involved in core events, especially for such major events. If the mission goal is the protagonist, she can Rewrite the direction of the story, but if not, it is better not to destroy the original plot.

So Lan Shuang is very Buddhist in this life, and her health is really poor, so she focuses on self-cultivation.

But the national teacher is different. Lan Shuang wants to walk on the road of life, but he is only on the road to death.


The emperor was sick for a long time, the national teacher and the prince gradually took control of the government, the prince became a little arrogant for a while, and soon aroused the jealousy of other factions, they joined forces to collect evidence of his crimes, and accused him one by one.

At the beginning, the national teacher suppressed the scriptures and talked to the emperor, but then the trouble got bigger and bigger, as if someone was fueling the flames, the national tutor let go and showed the scriptures to the emperor.

The emperor was so angry that he almost died, and called the prince to give him a good reprimand, then took the power from him and distributed it to several other princes.

The chaos in the courtroom became more and more serious.

The prince was anxious and wanted to discuss countermeasures with the national teacher, but the national teacher refused for several days.

The prince had trouble sleeping and eating, and lost a lot of weight in just a few days.

These national teachers and the fifth prince all saw it. Finally, on a dark and stormy night, the prince disguised himself and secretly went to see the national teacher.

The national teacher didn't stop him this time, and invited him into the study.

There was only one oil lamp left in the study, and the room was dimly lit, looking gloomy. The national teacher was sitting behind the desk with a mask on, and the flames danced around, illuminating his shadow with teeth and claws like a ghost.

The prince shivered as soon as he entered, and fear entangled him like a shadow, grabbing his heart.

He closed the door behind his back, looked at the national teacher with his eyes under the bamboo hat, and said in a low voice: "National teacher, you must save Gu!"

The national teacher blinked and stood up to salute, "I have seen His Royal Highness——"

"Hey, there are no outsiders here, so you don't have to care about these empty etiquette."

The prince hurriedly raised his hand to help, "Master, why didn't you see Gu a few days ago?"

The national teacher sat down and said calmly: "His Royal Highness is really in danger recently. If I get too close to His Highness, I will not be able to tell when the time comes. Once I break my trust with Your Majesty, Your Highness will be completely in danger."

"It's true." The prince accepted this explanation in an instant. He can only rely on the national teacher now. If the national teacher is rejected by his father, he really has no one to rely on.

The prince gave a wry smile: "Now Gu is like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats him, and those who have shown favor to Gu before also turn their heads and throw stones at him."

He sat on the chair and took off his bamboo hat, revealing his haggard face.

The national teacher stared at him twice, and sighed: "Your Highness, the tree attracts the wind."

The prince's lips twitched: "They are trying to catch Gu like crazy now. If they all show it to the emperor, Gu's position as prince may not be guaranteed. What should Gu do?"

The national teacher pondered for a moment and said: "Your Majesty has lost much trust in His Highness, if this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the crown prince is abolished, and His Majesty's body will not last long, so it is hard to say who will have the last laugh. "

"Really?" The prince didn't know that the emperor was already so ill, and he jumped up from the chair when he heard the words, "Father is really dying?"

"Well, so we have to act first."

"How to say?" The prince walked to the front of the case, staring at the national teacher with almost bewildered eyes.

The national teacher was silent for a moment, raised his hand and took a pen to write a word on the paper - kill.

The prince's eyes widened suddenly: "This... can't be done!"

The national teacher put down his pen, sat upright, and said in a calm tone: "Your Highness, you can think about it carefully. At this time, you are still the prince. If your majesty goes, you will naturally succeed to the throne. If you continue to wait like this, it may not be certain. "

These words immediately hit the prince's lungs, he took two steps back with a shaken look on his face.

The national teacher lowered his eyes to remove the darkness, and continued: "Besides, His Majesty's time is running out. A few days earlier, others will not be suspicious."

The prince raised his eyes blankly: "Can't the imperial doctor see it?"

"The imperial physician has known for a long time that His Majesty's health is failing, but he dare not tell the truth, fearing that only the Empress will know the inside story."

The prince didn't speak anymore, he stepped back and leaned on the arm of the chair, silent for a long time.

The national teacher was not in a hurry, and waited for the prince to express his position after speaking.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, he raised his head, his eyes were determined with a bit of ruthlessness, "Okay, I know what to do."

The corner of the national teacher's lips curled up slightly, and he got up and bowed to the prince, "I wish your Highness the throne in advance."

Hearing this, the prince suddenly felt refreshed. Thinking of the faces of those people who made trouble, the prince clenched his hands tightly, "After the matter is completed, Gu will never treat the national teacher badly. It's late at night, so go back first."

"Congratulations, Your Highness."

The national teacher watched the prince leave, and when his figure disappeared completely, the national teacher straightened up slowly, with cold and gloomy eyes.

"On the road to Huangquan, go all the way."


Lan Shuang guessed that the time was almost up, so she asked Xin Wujiang to send a letter to the fifth prince, telling him that the national teacher was going to trick the prince into poisoning, and let him watch it.

The fifth prince was concerned, but did not do anything to stop it. After all, the emperor was dead, and it was in his best interest.

He was happy to see it happen.

However, the prince did not do anything for a long time, and the wedding date of Lan Shuang and Xin Wujiang was coming soon.

Three days before the marriage, Lan Shuang was carried back to the National Teacher's Mansion by someone sent by the National Teacher in a sedan chair.

It has been a long time since the last time the two broke up, and during this period, the two have never seen each other, nor have they heard any news.

Their relationship became very delicate. When Lan Shuang came back, the national teacher just came back from the palace, and the sedan chair met at the door. No matter how you looked at it, the scene was a bit awkward.

Of course, only the person involved was embarrassed, and the others didn't know what happened that night.

And Lan Shuang is thick-skinned and big-hearted. She helped the maid get off the sedan chair, and bowed to the national teacher: "Your Excellency, go first——"

The national teacher pursed his lips tightly, unable to express what was in his heart.

 Taste: The taste of regret medicine, is it good?
(End of this chapter)

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