Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 235 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 28

Chapter 235 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 28
So General Xin, who was amused, fed chestnuts one by one into Lanshuang's mouth, and Lanshuang came back again after eating one, turning from a good-looking person into a squirrel stuffed with food.

"OK OK……"

Seeing that Xin Wujiang wanted to feed him, Lan Shuang hurriedly pushed his wrist to refuse.

It didn't take much effort, and it looked like a cat.

Xin Wujiang thought she was cute again, and after putting down his hands, he laughed.

"Don't eat?"

Lan Shuang pointed to her bulging face, do you think I look like I can eat it?
Xin Wujiang's eyes were full of smiles, and he was about to put this one back in his hand, but Lan Shuang snatched the chestnut kernel and stuffed it into his mouth with his backhand.

Xin Wujiang: "Um..."

He chewed subconsciously, looked at Lan Shuang's smiling eyes, and let her go.

After that, the two of you divided most of the chestnuts one by one.

"You can't eat too much at one time. You can save these when you are free."

Xin Wujiang packed the remaining half bag and put it back on the stone table, "It's getting late, I should go back too, you—"

"and many more!"

Lan Shuang stopped him, "Help me deliver a letter to the Fifth Prince."

Xin Wujiang frowned, and his expression turned dark again, "Fifth Prince?"

Lan Shuang observed his expression, and always felt a faint sour smell, as if someone's vinegar jar had been knocked over.

"What are you sending him a letter for?" Xin Wujiang said in a bad tone.

"Of course there is something. I am still the adopted daughter of the national teacher. The current situation of the national teacher and the fifth prince is unclear. Of course I have to find a way to help him, otherwise I will not be the only one involved."

Xin Wujiang didn't speak, and didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Lan Shuang came over and picked up the oil paper bag on the table, walked out of the pavilion and walked down the mountain, saying, "I have no friendship with the Fifth Prince, so it's not good to send letters directly. After all, I have a husband."

These words tickled Xin Wujiang's itch very well, his face suddenly turned bright, and he turned his face faster than turning a book.

"That's why you came to me? Then why didn't you say it before, I just saw him today."

Xin Wujiang followed behind her, watching her back carefully, for fear that she would accidentally have any accidents.

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, no wonder she was so active today, it turned out she was stimulated.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's still old vinegar essence.

"I wanted to send you a letter, but I was afraid of disturbing you, so I'll wait until you come to me. You're here now."

Lan Shuang turned her head and smiled at him, Xin Wujiang paused.

He didn't recover until Lan Shuang was far away, and touched his earlobe, it was a little hot.

After going down the mountain, for the sake of Lan Shuang's reputation, Xin Wujiang didn't go with her, but went around to the back, and after leaving the mountain, he turned into Lan Shuang's bedroom through the back window. Lan Shuang happened to come in too, and she took a look at Xin Wujiang. , walked to the bed and took out the letter he had prepared from under the pillow and handed it to him.

"I will ask the fifth prince to go to the restaurant for a talk. If you are free, you can come together, but don't show up."

Xin Wujiang took the letter and nodded, "Understood, I will send someone to deliver it in a while."

"Then...thank you, General."

Lan Shuang sat down at the table and looked at him with a smile: "You can go now."

Xin Wujiang: "..."

Throw away after use, ruthless.

He took a deep look at Lan Shuang, turned around and wanted to leave, but he didn't know what to think of, and stopped again.

"What's wrong?" Lan Shuang was puzzled.

But Xin Wujiang said with a serious expression, "Come here."

"Huh?" Lan Shuang was puzzled, but she was not prepared. She got up and walked over. When she got close, Xin Wujiang suddenly stopped her waist with one hand and brought her into his arms. As she approached, she heard Xin Wujiang's smiling voice, "The reward for roasting chestnuts in sugar."

Lan Shuang: "..."

You are buying and selling.

Fortunately, this time it was just a taste, Xin Wujiang pursed his lips, pinched Lan Shuang's face and left.

Lan Shuang touched the place where she was pinched, and said in a low voice: "The innocent and cold generals are all fake, the world is as black as crows, and a certain person has a virtue in every life."

888: "Huh? Someone?"

Lan Shuang added calmly: "Some people."

"Oh." 888 continued to play with his fingers.


After a certain person came out of the blessing altar, he turned over the wall and saw Xueqing waiting for him with his horse in the old place. When he heard the sound, Xueqing immediately raised his head, and the master and servant met each other's eyes. Xin Wujiang suddenly realized, no wonder he I always feel like I forgot something.

It turned out that Xue Qing was forgotten.

Xueqing looked at him resentfully, is this the legendary subordinate who emphasizes sex and despises it?
He has been waiting here for a long time.

Xin Wujiang coughed lightly, touched his nose, jumped off the wall, and landed on the horse's back, he took out Lan Shuang's letter to the fifth prince from his arms, for a moment, he looked at the envelope I really want to open the words on it to see what my little fiancée is going to say to the Fifth Prince.

But in the end he still didn't touch it, and handed the envelope to Xue Qing: "Send it to the fifth prince's mansion, and ask him to collect it himself."


Xueqing went there without complaint, and Xin Wujiang rode a horse back home.

Thinking of those two kisses, he was in a trance from time to time.

No wonder some people are addicted to beauty and cannot extricate themselves, it seems that they are indeed addicted.

He suddenly felt that getting married early seemed really good.

The wedding date still needs to be mentioned again.


The fifth prince was surprised when he received Lan Shuang's letter, and repeatedly confirmed with Xue Qing, "Wujiang asked you to send this?"

Xue Qing remained expressionless: "Yes."

"Lan Shuang's letter?"

Xue Qing: "Yes."

The fifth prince read the letter over and over. He didn't recognize the handwriting, but it did look like it was written by a woman, neat and beautiful.

After hesitating for a while, he said to Xue Qing: "I'll accept the letter, let's go back and deal with business."

Xueqing left.

The fifth prince returned to the study with the letter, and his confidant stood in front of the table, "His Royal Highness, how could the good-looking saintess send you a letter? Could it be the intention of the national teacher? He wanted to use the hand of the saint to confess to His Highness? But this It's a bit too contemptuous of His Highness."

The fifth prince waved his hand to stop him from continuing, tore open the envelope, took out the letter paper and unfolded it.

Lan Shuang didn't say any compliments, she didn't even bother to write some words of greeting, and got straight to the point: the court lady knows that His Highness is not a treasure in the pond, and the plan is huge, so she has painstakingly planned for many years for this, keeping a low profile and waiting for the right time.But the power of one person is meager. I can help your highness to make your wish come true faster. Please tell your highness at Xiangyun Restaurant in two days.

The fifth prince's complexion can be described as extremely wonderful.

The secret that I have been covering up for so many years, my confidantes and Xin Wujiang only know about it, but even Lan Shuang knows about it, then there is something serious going on here.

Or does the national teacher also know?
Lan Shuang knew, maybe the national teacher didn't know?
(End of this chapter)

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