Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 230 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 23

Chapter 230 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 23
After the national teacher left, Xin Wujiang stared at the wine glass in front of him for a moment, then suddenly laughed lowly, "Consider?"

"Deceive your ears and steal your bell, and deceive yourself and others."

The national teacher is obviously different from Lan Shuang. He can deceive others but not him. They are both men, and they know what each other is thinking. However, it seems that the national teacher has not discovered his own thoughts.


He picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, picked up the chopsticks and ate slowly.

The hairpin sent by the servant girl should be repaired, so you can take a look when you go back.


After the national teacher left the restaurant, he returned to the national teacher's mansion, sat for an afternoon, and only set off for the blessing platform when the sun was about to set.

After eating, Lan Shuang was sitting on the porch watching the sunset. This place is very comfortable to watch the sunset, with a wide view and a panoramic view.

Her body is almost recovered, and she should be able to fully recover in two days, so she is really relaxed now, with a faint smile on her lips.

However, the smile disappeared when he saw the sedan chair at the door.

"The master of the country is here."

The maids immediately went forward and stood in a row at the door. When they saw the national teacher get off the sedan chair, they immediately bowed and saluted: "I have seen the national teacher."

The national teacher's white clothes are hanging down, the breeze is blowing, and the sleeves of the clothes are lightly fluttering, making him look even more mysterious and thin.

His eyes swept over those people, and finally landed on Lan Shuang who was in the corridor. Lan Shuang didn't move, just looking at him like that.

After some distance, Lan Shuang's expression couldn't be seen clearly, the national teacher pursed his lips, and strode over.

When she got close, Lan Shuang said calmly, "I'm not feeling well, and it's inconvenient to salute. Please forgive me, sir."

Her tone was flat, but she couldn't hide her unfamiliarity. The national teacher was annoyed, but she didn't like to get angry, so she only said in a low tone: "It's okay, let's go in and talk."

Lan Shuang did not refuse this time. With the help of the maids, she got up from the soft couch and went into the room. Lan Shuang sat down on the chair, and the national teacher sat in the main seat. Withdrew and closed the door, this time I was not afraid to listen.

"What's the purpose of my lord's visit this time?" Lan Shuang didn't think he was here to visit her, it was probably Xin Wujiang who came to him.

Sure enough, the national teacher said after a moment of silence: "Xin Wujiang came to me and said he wanted to marry you."

"My lord agrees?" Lan Shuang leaned back in the chair and looked at him with an unclear expression.

The national teacher shook his head: "I said I want to ask what you mean."

"Heh—" Lan Shuang chuckled, and the national teacher suddenly felt a little uneasy.

He let Lan Shuang wander among the princes before, but he never asked her what she meant, but now he said this, it was obviously an excuse.

The scene suddenly became awkward, no one spoke again, and the atmosphere froze for a while.

After a long time, when the national teacher felt a little restless, Lan Shuang said, "I don't have any objections, or in other words, I wish for it."

The national teacher immediately squeezed the teacup in his hand, frowned and looked at her: "Why? Are you so sure that he is a beloved?"

"You can't tell a good person from a bad person at a glance. Anyway, you marry anyone, why don't I choose the one I like the most?" Lan Shuang asked back: "Do you think the fifth prince must be better than Xin Wujiang? You should have investigated the fifth prince during this time, right? How about it, do you still think he is a fool who doesn't understand anything?"

The national teacher was silent, and it was a bit difficult for him to admit that he was wrong.

So Lan Shuang didn't want to force him to admit it, but just wanted him to recognize the reality.

"Xin Wujiang is no worse than the fifth prince, and if I marry Xin Wujiang, the fifth prince will not easily do anything to you if he wants to win him over, and it's okay to save your life at a critical moment. My lord, you won't for such a simple reason. I can't figure it out."

Lan Shuang took a sip from the teacup and put it down again, waiting for the teacher's answer.

The national teacher looked at her deeply, and suddenly said: "You are really different from before."

"People have experienced great joy and sorrow, and there will always be changes. This is not surprising."

Lan Shuang spread out her hands, with a very natural expression, "Besides—how did you know that the former me must be the real me?"

The national teacher was startled, and after understanding the meaning of her words, he felt a little lost.

"You've made up your mind?"

Lan Shuang gently put down the teacup, her gaze was firm: "I don't regret my mistakes."

The national teacher stood up suddenly: "Okay, as you wish."

He strode out, seeming to get angry, Lan Shuang didn't care, when he was about to cross the threshold, she said faintly: "Stop in time, there is still time."

The national teacher didn't speak, just turned his head to look at her, and left silently.

After confirming that he was gone, Lan Shuang propped her chin with one hand and complained: "Look, this man came here once, just said such a thing and left in a hurry, without even asking me how I am, hehe—— "

888 agrees: "Really, I didn't even ask a single question, and even acted as if I was doing your best. It's disgusting."

"Whatever, if he doesn't listen to persuasion, let it be. Humans don't turn back without bumping into the south wall. No matter what others say, it's as useful as a bloody head."

"But just let him take revenge like this, won't he be on his way to death again?"

888 scratched his hair a little annoyed.

"That's definitely not possible, let him toss about it, and I'll just save his life in the end." Lan Shuang already had a plan in mind.


The next day, the National Teacher sent a letter to Xin Wujiang, asking him to come to the National Teacher's Mansion for a detailed discussion.

As for what was discussed, outsiders don't know, only that Xin Wujiang stayed in the study of the national teacher for an hour, and when he came out, he got on his horse and went straight to the prayer platform.

"Saint, General Xin is here."

The maid went in to report, Lan Shuang put down the notebook in her hand, went out to have a look, and saw Xin Wujiang got off the horse, holding a brocade box in his hand.

"For me?" Lan Shuang leaned on the pillar and looked at him with a smile.

Xin Wujiang strode over and handed the box to her, with a slightly unnatural expression on his face, as if shy.

Not sure, look again.

Lan Shuang took it with both hands. The box was not heavy, but it looked quite delicate. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Xin Wujiang: "Can I open it?"


Xin Wujiang nodded.

Lan Shuang was not polite to him either. After opening the lid, she saw that the inside was covered with red silk, and on it lay a hairpin inlaid with gold and jade.

"This is... my hairpin?" Lan Shuang recognized it at a glance. The peach blossoms on the hairpin were still beautiful, and the broken parts were wrapped with gold leaf and thin wire. I've broken it before, I just thought it was designed that way.

Lan Shuang took out the hairpin, looked at the sun, and couldn't help laughing: "General, what do you mean by giving away the hairpin?"

Xin Wujiang clenched his hands into a fist and coughed lightly on his lips. Seeing her smiling like a flower, he said seriously: "My lady, a gentleman is so good. I prefer a girl, please marry her."

Lan Shuang felt a little hot in her heart, "For the sake of your sincerity, I agree."

She handed the hairpin to Xin Wujiang, lowered her head slightly, "Put it on for me."

Xin Wujiang took the jade hairpin, paused, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

- off topic -

Here is a reference to an ancient custom called blind date, yes, it is a blind date, an ancient folk custom, the man goes to a restaurant or the woman's house, and sees the woman. If he likes it, he puts the golden hairpin in the woman's hair. If you like it, you can send two bolts of colorful satin, which is called shock.

So before Lan Shuang didn't want the hairpin back, but asked Xin Wujiang to fix it, it was actually a subtle hint.

But today, Xin Wujiang repaired the hairpin with gold, took it back and returned it to Lan Shuang in front of everyone, which meant asking for marriage~
It would be easier for Lan Shuang to ask him to plug it in for her, so she agreed.

The romance of the ancients is sometimes quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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