Chapter 205 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 37
"Have you figured it out?" Lan Shuang looked at Lan Sisi with an inexplicable expression.

Lan Sisi was so ashamed that she couldn't look directly at her, she looked down at Lan Shuang's blood-stained skirt, and said tearfully, "I've made up my mind, now Morduo needs an alliance, and I'm willing to make this bond, just treat it as an alliance." Atonement for my mother."

"I don't need you to atone for me! Lan Sisi, lift your head up!" The queen was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, trying to jump up, but was pinned down by the guards, unable to get up at all. Come.

Du Xilun was much calmer. He looked around, no one wanted to intercede for them, they were in danger, and if they dragged Lan Sisi into the water, they would die.

Marrying far away may not be a bad thing, so keep a low profile, and by the way, win over the power of Saibi, so that you can avenge them in the future!

Thinking of this, Du Xilun looked at Lan Sisi as if looking at the savior, full of expectations and admiration.

Lan Sisi knew that he had misunderstood something, but he was going to die soon, so it was good to lie to him.

Lan Shuang glanced at the queen, and the guard immediately blocked the queen's mouth.

"Okay, since you have made up your mind, I promise you that we will discuss marriage when the envoy from Saibi Kingdom arrives."

"Thank you." Lan Sisi looked at the Queen for the last time, shedding a tear, "When this is over, please send someone to inform me from the Queen."


After getting an affirmative answer, Lan Sisi didn't stay any longer, got up and lifted her skirt to leave.

The queen watched her figure gradually disappear, her eyes blurred.

After sending off Lan Sisi, the last bit of warmth on Lan Shuang's face disappeared. She turned around to look at the queen and Du Xilun, her expression was cold, her eyes were like abyss, which made people shudder.

"Dusilun, Celia, you two tried to put me to death over and over again, but now you are not greedy enough, and you even have the king's idea! I can't keep you, all the adults are here today, just to be a witness together, Now that the king has placed them both at my disposal, I must not disappoint them all."

She raised her sword, walked up to the two of them step by step, and said condescendingly: "However, considering that Celia is the queen and Du Xilun is the former finance minister, public execution would damage the face of the royal family, and family ugliness should not be publicized. Kill on the spot for treason."

When the words fell, she didn't give them a chance to refute their sophistry, and directly wiped their necks with a sword, their eyes widened, blood gushed out, and they died.

Everyone present did not expect that she would kill as soon as she said, without giving everyone a chance to react!

She didn't even change her eyes, as if she didn't kill two people, but some weed.

Such a ruthless method directly frightened everyone, and they couldn't help but look at her with fear.

Lan Shuang didn't care at all, or what she wanted was such an effect.

The king of a country can show kindness in majesty, but he must not exert majesty in weakness.

The occasional kindness under the usual majesty will make people grateful, but the sudden majesty of the weakness will only greatly reduce the effect, because the image of weakness has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is difficult to eradicate it.

"Chi—" In the dead silence, Lan Shuang suddenly smiled, as beautiful and cold as a mountain red plum.

"Don't be so nervous. In the future, anyone who commits crimes against others or seeks rebellion will end up in this way. I hope you can take warning."

Louis was the first to stand up and bowed: "I, the Louis family, will follow Her Royal Highness to the death!"

Those old ministers who received Lan Shuang's letter also stood up and expressed their opinion.

The rest of the people, even if they had different intentions, did not dare to touch Lan Shuang's mold, and they all saluted and professed their ministers.

Lan Shuang nodded in satisfaction, then suddenly looked back and smiled at Ross.

Rose has been looking at her with tolerance and pride in his eyes, giving Lan Shuang a feeling that no matter what she does, he will always stand behind her and wait for her.

"Let's continue."

Lan Shuang suddenly let go of her evil killing intent, threw the sword, took Luo Si's hand and said, "Let's go, today is our wedding day, we can't waste it."

Ross smiled even stronger: "Okay."

The two left just like that. Before leaving the door, Lan Shuang said: "These rebel soldiers have found out, the leader will be killed, and the rest will be exiled everywhere."

Louis nodded: "Yes."


After Lan Shuang returned to the bedroom, she took a shower and changed into clean clothes, and Ross waited for her to come out before going in.

When she came out, Lan Shuang was already lying on the bed drowsy.

He walked over lightly and touched Lan Shuang's side face. Lan Shuang immediately opened her eyes and looked over, "Huh? Finished washing?"

Her voice was still a little confused, and with a thought, Ross leaned over and kissed her on the lips. When he spoke, his voice was filled with hot water vapor, gentle and tender.

"Don't sleep."

Lan Shuang felt itchy on her lips, and couldn't help but lick it, which was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

Lost's eyes dimmed, his body lowered a little, his hands rested on the side of Lan Shuang's face, and he grabbed a strand of her golden hair and stroked it gently, just like the movement on his lips.

Lan Shuang wrapped her arms around his neck, and obediently exchanged a tender and lingering kiss with him.

Her whole body was limp, she couldn't lift her strength, as if she was wrapped in spring water, Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes comfortably.

Ross took advantage of the victory to pursue, got up and looked at her rosy lips and said hoarsely: "Can we continue?"

Lan Shuang smiled and nodded slightly.

After getting the answer, Ross no longer restrained himself, he had waited too long for this day.

Sometimes having memories is really not necessarily a good thing. Those intimate and lingering, many times can only stay in the memory. If you want to put it into practice, it is very difficult not to let your own personality collapse.

Fortunately, he finally made it through.

It's ready to eat.


Lan Shuang was awakened by a cool touch. Before she could tell what it was, she felt her legs were a little tight, and there was a small piece of something going up her legs.

She turned her head and saw that it was a silver-white fish tail.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Seeing that she was awake, Ross leaned over and pecked her side face, and asked with a smile, "Are you still tired?"

Lan Shuang said without thinking, "Tired!"

Any second of hesitation would be disrespectful to Ross!

"Huh? But you've been asleep for four hours."

No matter how you hear Rose's voice, it's a pity.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Listen, is this human speech?four hours?How many hours have you tossed me? !
Seeing that her expression was gradually turning to the direction of grief and anger, Ross immediately stuck to her face, but his tail rubbed against her waist dishonestly.

Lan Shuang shivered itchyly, "You...don't make trouble!"

Rose's clear eyes sparkled with lust.

Lan Shuang: "Don't come here."

Rose: "But I think..."

He leaned over and bit Lan Shuang's ear and whispered, Lan Shuang was distracted by the touch at first, and couldn't hear what he said, so he asked again: "What did you say?"

Ross: "..."

Lan Shuang's body froze immediately, and the red color spread from her ears to her whole body in an instant, "You are not human!"

 The little train is dirty, please vote for it

(End of this chapter)

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