Chapter 195 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 27
One word woke up the dreamer, and many people who were still confused were immediately associated with the queen after such a mention, and everyone looked at the queen immediately in a wrong way.

Seeing this, the queen was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood!

It took her so many years to maintain her gentle and wise image, but Lan Shuang smashed it to pieces with a few words, who could swallow it?
And it should be said that people are always willing to believe in their own inherent thinking. From the very beginning, no one really believed that she would be good to the children of the queen. Shuang's words were nothing more than a trigger, detonating the dormant doubts in everyone's hearts in one go!

At this time, the queen only hated that she didn't have eight mouths, and she couldn't explain it.

"I know what everyone is suspecting, but if there is no evidence, you can't jump to conclusions, so as not to wrong good people, so I will devote myself to searching for Daixi's whereabouts after I come back."

Hearing this, the Queen's heart skipped a beat.

No, it is impossible for her to find it, impossible!
Du Xilun, who was hiding in the crowd, also opened his eyes wide, and his heart began to feel weak. He had been sending people to search for Daixi's whereabouts, but he couldn't find it. Could it be that Lan Shuang found it first?how can that be possible?Where did she get the manpower?

While Du Xilun was uneasy, he hypnotized himself, Lan Shuang couldn't do what he couldn't do, let alone do it.

However, Lan Shuang's next sentence shattered his fluke fantasy.

"Probably God also felt that it was not easy for me, so he entrusted me with a dream. I dreamed of Daixi's hiding place, and I asked General Louis to send someone to look for it. Fortunately, I found it."

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she looked around for a week, taking in all the different expressions of the people.

"Come here—bring Daixi up!"

As soon as she gave an order, the soldiers who had been waiting outside came in with a disheveled woman in their hands. Everyone avoided the place where the bad smell passed and backed away.

Du Xilun was completely stunned, did she really find her? !
How can it be?

The soldier didn't look sideways, pressed Daixi to the front of the high platform and knelt down, "Your Highness, Daixi is here."

Lan Shuang nodded gently at the two soldiers: "Thank you."

Then she looked at Daixi in the middle, her face darkened instantly.

"Daixi, long time no see."

Daixi raised her head in fear to look at the glamorous Lanshuang, her dry lips trembling: "Your Highness... Your Highness."

"When you pushed me into the sea, did you ever think that today would happen?"

Lan Shuang's tone was cold, and Daixi's face turned pale instantly, "I, I really didn't mean it, I..."

Lan Shuang didn't speak, and when she stretched out her hand, Ross handed her his white handkerchief.

Lan Shuang took it and smiled at him, then turned her head and leaned over and pinched Daixi's chin to wipe her face, "Why are you so pitiful? You said you left me, and life is not easy."

She slowly approached Daixi, and said in a voice that could be heard by only two people, oh no, two people and one fish could hear: "In the public, Daixi, after you think it over, you need to make it clear—"

Lan Shuang exerted force on her hand, and two tears burst out of Daixi's eyes in pain.

"Your little life is in my hands now. As long as I give an order, your body will be separated. No one can save you. Do you understand? Smart people should know what it means to judge the situation."

Lan Shuang smiled sweetly, it was so beautiful, but Daixi only felt that it was the devil's smile, that death was waving to her.


She was still hesitating, Lan Shuang brushed her face gently, in the eyes of outsiders, Lan Shuang couldn't bear it, and at this moment she was still thinking about her old love for Daixi.

Daixi's eyes fell on the queen on one side, but the queen just stared at her and didn't speak.

Lan Shuang continued to add fuel to the flames: "Look, you are just a pawn that can be discarded at any time. At this moment, it is too late for them to hide from you. How could they stand up for you? Even if I want to kill you now, they You will only watch with cold eyes, only I can save you, why are you hesitating?"

Her tone suddenly turned cold: "Now, I'll give you a chance to make up for it."

Daixi gritted her teeth, but in the end the survival instinct prevailed. She took one last look at the queen, but she still didn't speak. Daixi was completely disappointed, she lowered her head and cried bitterly.

It took me a long while before I said, "I'm sorry Your Highness! I was bought by someone, and I was blinded by money to do this kind of thing. I beg Your Highness to forgive me this time, I dare not!"

Lan Shuang smiled shortly, stood up and pinched the veil with a distressed expression, but she kept paying attention to the direction of the door from the corner of her eye, and when she saw someone appearing, she immediately shed tears, "Daixi, you Growing up with me, I treat you as my own sister, and share everything with you. I didn’t expect you to kill me for a little money! Who is it and how much is it that can make you ignore us? So many years of friendship?"

Daixi knelt on the ground, looked around, and finally pointed at Du Xilun who was quietly pushing behind the crowd, "It's him! Master Du Xilun!"

As soon as these words came out, Du Xilun's side was instantly emptied, everyone backed away, and he stood there very abruptly.

Du Xilun: "..."

His face changed again and again, and in the end he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave.

"He found me and said that he could give me endless glory and wealth for the rest of my life, and he could also help me to marry me into a rich and powerful family. I will agree to it for a while, Your Highness... please forgive me this time!"

Daixi reached out to grab Lan Shuang's skirt, but Luo Si held the corner of Lanshuang's skirt and pulled the skirt away, leaving Daixi's hand empty.

Daixi looked at him stiffly, and Ross only said one word: "Dirty."

Daixi: "..."

"Master Du Xilun, what do you want to say?"

Lan Shuang looked at Du Xilun, and Du Xilun's face changed greatly: "I didn't! Your Highness, you can't listen to this maid's one-sided words. She is slandering me! I have no grievances with Your Highness, why should I kill you?"

"Because you are the queen's elder brother, and you want the second princess to be the successor. As long as the eldest princess is alive, the second princess has no right to inherit. Seeing that the second princess is about to come of age, you can only go ahead and get rid of the eldest princess!"

Daixi spread everything out without hesitation.

"Nonsense! Who ordered you to slander me and the queen? Did you—"

"shut up!"

A majestic voice sounded from the entrance of the main hall. Everyone was startled and saluted one after another: "Your Majesty the King."

The king followed Louis, and a group of people walked in. Louis exchanged glances with Lan Shuang calmly.

Lan Shuang nodded, "Your Majesty, now that the truth is out, I'll leave it up to you to deal with what happens next. I'm tired. As for Daixi...after the interrogation, please hand her over to me. I still have something to say to her. "

 By the way, the previous episode of the former three generations has been released, have you watched it?
(End of this chapter)

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