Chapter 191 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 23
"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"s, what happened to you while i was away?"

I can't make up for the missed information on 888, I can only see the current situation.

Lan Shuang recounted everything that happened early in the morning, deliberately omitting the part about herself and Rose. After all, the child had just suffered a serious injury, so it is not appropriate to sprinkle him with dog food, so as not to cause secondary trauma.

888 said indignantly: "This queen is really not a good thing! She really understands what she is doing."

"It's okay, I've already solved it, now everything is ready and I only owe Dongfeng."

Lan Shuang adjusted her posture in Rose's arms, and Rose stroked her hair: "Do you want to sleep for a while?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "No, I guess the king will find me later."

"What do you want?" Ross kissed Lan Shuang's face twice naturally.

"You sleep with me, do you think he will be happy?" Lan Shuang smiled and pinched Rose's face: "Last night he probably thought that I would arrange a separate room for you in the bedroom, so he didn't ask, he didn't expect us to sleep together directly Well, he will come back in a while, someone will report to him, he must come to find fault."

Ross paused: "Will that separate us?"

Lan Shuang hugged him tightly and said in a low voice, "No one can separate us, let alone him."

A dark light flashed in her eyes, fleeting.


Sure enough, not long after, the king sent someone to call Lan Shuang away. This time, Lan Shuang didn't bring Rose with him, and let him stay in the palace by himself, or go to the garden.

Rose believed in Lan Shuang's ability, and he didn't have to follow, so he went for a walk in the garden by himself.

The garden in the palace is very large, it is lunch break time, the garden is very quiet, there are no people, just in line with Rose's wishes.

He walked casually along the artistically paved cobblestone path.

As expected of a royal palace, the garden design is very aesthetically pleasing, with various flowers blooming in a patchwork pattern, with ups and downs, and swaying like waves when the wind blows.

Being in the sea of ​​flowers, Luo Si also felt relaxed. He thought of his previous lives. Almost every home had a garden. Just take a nap, it's very comfortable.

If they return to reality in the future, they should also build a large garden, or a greenhouse, which can shelter from wind and rain and ensure sufficient sunlight.

Los was thinking about it, and unknowingly stopped in front of a rose bush.

He was stabbed with a fingertip, and he woke up suddenly.

"What am I thinking? Later?"

Los looked blankly at the flower in front of him, "I don't even know who I am, how can I guarantee that there will be a future?"

He frowned, doubting his identity for the first time.

But no matter how he thought about it, he still couldn't find any clues about his life experience.

"You are……"

Los was stuck in his thoughts, when he heard the voice and looked over with a gloomy face, he saw a young man in elegant and luxurious clothes walking from the other side, accompanied by the captain of His Majesty's personal guard.

The captain's face changed when he saw Ross, as if he had seen a ghost. Seeing the young people around him staring at Ross, he felt a little embarrassed.

How to introduce this?

Say this is the current lover of your ex-fiancee?

The captain shuddered, it was too terrible.

Before the young man could react, he exclaimed loudly: "Wow! You are so beautiful! You look like an elf! Are you a prince from another country? Welcome to Modo Country——"

The young man bowed and said, "My name is Ossie, nice to meet you—"

He held out his white gloved hand.

Ross raised his eyebrows, "Ossie?"

Ossie asked in surprise: "You know me?"

He... is he so famous?

"You are Shuangshuang's ex-fiancé."

Rose's direct declarative sentence confused Ossie, "Ex-fiancé? What do you mean? When did I become an ex-fiancé?"

"Also!" Ossie reacted immediately: "You call her Shuangshuang? What's your relationship with her?"

He looked directly at the captain of the pro-guard beside him.

team leader:"……"

After all, the fire still burned on him, and he smiled shyly and said, "Viscount Ossi, this is Mr. Ross brought back by the eldest princess."

"Oh? Not a prince from another country?"

"No." The captain said with a smile: "We don't know the origin of Mr. Ross either. If you want to know, you can ask Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Ossie held his breath: "Then what does he mean by ex-fiancé?"

"This..." The captain glanced at Luo Si, rather blaming him, but Luo Si didn't look at him at all, and answered for him: "Shuangshuang said that she would divorce you, and you hooked up with others at the dinner party. Fiancé's obligation, and misbehavior, in that case, how can you be worthy of her?"

"When did I hook up with others? Stop talking nonsense!" Ossie didn't know Ross's identity just now, and bowed to him. Now that she thinks that she is really heartless, her mother opened the door for heartless eyes—the heartless eyes are at home!
Bow to your rival in love, and he doesn't have to mess with it if it spreads!
The more Ossie thought about it, the angrier he became, and he wanted to roll up his sleeves and start a fight with Ross. Seeing that the situation was not good, the captain hurried forward to stand between the two of them.

"Is it nonsense, you know in your heart, what kind of viscount, that's all."

Ross glanced at him coldly up and down, his disdain beyond words.

She has an average height, an average figure, an even more average temper, and a character...not to mention.

Ossie was immediately taken aback by him!

He was born as a young master with a golden spoon in his mouth. His family is one of the largest families in Moduo. Although he is the youngest son, his parents love him and his brothers and sisters take care of him.

"You wait for me, I have to teach you a lesson today! Don't think that I dare not touch you with the support of the eldest princess! Your Majesty would not talk to me like this, what are you? huh?"

He was so angry that he didn't choose what to say, but unexpectedly, this sentence was heard by the king who came out.

Lan Shuang stood beside the king, smiled silently and said: "Your Majesty heard that, this is the attitude of Viscount Osi, but he really didn't take you seriously, do you think such a person is worthy of being the husband of the eldest princess?" ? When I succeed to the throne in the future, he may usurp the throne."

These words pierced into the king's heart like a thorn, his brows were furrowed tightly, Lan Shuang continued her efforts, and stabbed in a little bit more, "Marrying a man with no background and no threat is the best choice for me." Most suitable, Your Majesty, do you think so?"

The king's eyes fluctuated. Seeing that Ossie drew out his sword and jumped over the captain to stab Ross, he finally stopped: "Stop! Ossie, you are too rude."

(End of this chapter)

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