Chapter 171 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 4
Lan Shuang withdrew her hand, looked at the burning wood, and said with a smile: "Yes, my mother is a magician. I learned from her, although she never used magic again..."

When it comes to her mother, her eyes are a little gentle and a little complicated.

Ross blinked, and reached for a branch on the side to put the fish on.

"Wait!" Lan Shuang quickly stopped him, "The fish need to be processed before they can be eaten."

She took the two fish, found a sharp stone in the woods, disemboweled the fish, cleaned out the internal organs and threw them back into the sea, where they were soon eaten by the big fish that swam over.

Ross stared intently, and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you going to eat these?"

Lan Shuang concentrated on cleaning the fish, and said with a smile: "Of course, people don't eat these, they only eat meat, and if they are not cleaned up, they will be unclean and tasteless."

Ross half-understood, "We all ate it whole."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Are you mermaids?"

Ross sat down beside her, hugged his tail and looked at her, "Yeah."

"Because you are different from people." Lan Shuang finished cleaning one and handed it to Ross: "Here, you can wear it."

Ross nodded obediently: "Okay."

He picked up the branch and pierced the fish with all his strength. After Lan Shuang finished handling the one in his hand, he looked back and saw the fish's head drooping, staring at her with regret.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Brother, don't dress like this!
She was so helpless, 888 rolled around laughing in the space.

"It's not like this, it's not easy to bake, and the bottom is easy to burn." Lan Shuang looked at Rose's beautiful and innocent face and couldn't say anything serious, and she was more patient than ever.

She took Ross's hand, sharpened the ends of the branch with his sharp nails, and then pulled the dead fish out, pierced it from tail to head, and let it lie on the branch.

Lan Shuang held up the branch to show him: "Here, that's it, it can be placed directly on the fire."

She took the branch and put it on the fire that she had set up before, and the flame was just a distance away from the fish.

Ross looked at it for a while and suddenly realized, picked up another fish, dressed the fish like Lan Shuang, and then put them side by side on the fire, looking at Lan Shuang with bright eyes, and gently raised his tail behind him shaken.

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, why did she feel like she had a big pet?

However, I have to say that compared to previous lifetimes where I had developed my own virtues, the little mermaid in this lifetime really makes people want to protect her!
She loves it!
Cough cough...... She tried her best to look serious, suppressed the urge to throw the little mermaid on Rua's tail, and reached out to touch his head, but when she stretched out, she saw Ross' long silver-white hair like satin. look at your hands.

Lan Shuang accidentally put it under her nose and smelled it, and then her expression changed, "Ugh—"

It was so fishy that she almost vomited the overnight meal.

Ross: "Huh?"

He looked at Lan Shuang in confusion, "What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

Lan Shuang waved her hands, and said with a disheveled face, "It's nothing, it's just that I handled fish just now, and my hands were very fishy."

Ross digested the concept of "fishy" in a daze for a while, then suddenly got up and went into the woods.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, "Loss?"

"Wait for me." Throwing these two words, Ross disappeared into the depths of the woods, but his silvery white fish tail was still very obvious in the dark. Looking from a distance, it looked like a galaxy flowing in the woods, brightening from time to time. From now on, there is an inexplicable sense of security.

Lan Shuang got up and walked to the beach and squatted down, soaking her hands in the sea water and scrubbing vigorously.

"Little Baba, is there any soap or something? I already have a lot of points, right? Change one?"

888: "Host, are you sure you want to exchange for soap? I think you may need something more practical."

"for example?"

"Clothes, you don't know how long you're going to stay on the island... Well, if you follow the plot of the original book, you won't be rescued until a ship passes by after a month."

Lan Shuang: "..."

How did she forget this?It really is beautiful and seductive.

If you stay on the island for a month, food and clothing will be a problem.

"Change two sets of clothes for me first." Lan Shuang calculated and said, "Two sets of clothes should be enough."

888: "Alright, please ask the host to check the style and price of the clothes!"

The next moment Lan Shuang saw an invisible electronic screen in front of her eyes. On it was a row of exquisite women's clothing. Lan Shuang was excited just by looking at it. There is no girl who does not love beauty. No one can bear the sight of beautiful clothes and shoes. Live to look twice.

Lan Shuang is no exception, she is still a face control, and she can't refuse good-looking things at all.

However, considering that it is useless to look good on a desert island, it still needs to be more practical, so she glanced at the skirts and looked at the short-sleeved trousers that were convenient for movement.

However, when she picked out the price and looked at the price, her face instantly turned green, "A set of 58, a set of 88, are you sure you're not playing with me? Why is it so expensive?"

If it was exchanged for real-world money, the two sets of money would be very cheap. The problem is... this is exchanged with points, and she has only accumulated [-] points after traveling to three worlds!
A point was obtained through hard work, and taking out 140 all at once killed her!

Lan Shuang looked at the screen expressionlessly, her heart was bleeding.

888 wiped off his sweat and said, "Host, this is a daily necessities, the price is already very affordable, and now the system is holding an event, buy two get one free~"

"A set of clothes?" Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows.

"No, give me a bottle of seasoning, the gift is randomly given according to your current needs."

Lan Shuang: "..."

"I thank you, it's so fitting."

"You're welcome dear~" 888 forcefully smiled.

Forced by the situation, Lan Shuang hesitated for 2 minutes, but still bought it. The system immediately sent the clothes to her. The underwear was included in the suit, so it was actually quite suitable.

She hid behind the big rock and quickly changed into another set and a bottle of seasoning and went back.

It just so happened that Rose came back, holding a large pile of yellow fruit that looked like lemons.

Seeing Lan Shuang after changing clothes, Ross was obviously taken aback: "Is this also magic?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Well, yes, it's amazing, isn't it?"

Ross nodded dumbly: "Well, it's amazing, it's very beautiful."

Lan Shuang looked down at her clothes, black short sleeves and black denim shorts, which were a bit incompatible with the painting style of this story, where did it look good?
Beauty is in the eyes of beholder?
Lan Shuang put another set of clothes on the clean boulder, turned around and picked up the fruit in Rose's arms and asked, "What is this?"

Ross leaned over to put the fruit on the beach, picked one up and squeezed it open, a burst of fresh and rich aroma spread immediately, he peeled off the skin, and handed the whole pulp inside to Lan Shuang, "Rub it and it will be fragrant."

 Ross: My wife is a godsend, anywhere is good!
(End of this chapter)

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