Chapter 140 I Don’t Want This Marriage 25
Lu Yihan gritted his teeth, feeling sour and hated in his heart, even though Patriarch Lu and Mrs. Lu did not do anything, he still felt a burning pain on his face, as if someone had slapped him twice in the air.

But he can't resist, and he can't be unwilling, so he can only send his face to be beaten, because this is his life, and he has to admit it.

In the end, he didn't know how he got back upstairs, he just felt a blur in his mind.

When he threw himself on the bed, he couldn't help but think of the Lan Shuang he saw during the day. She was beautiful, exquisite, generous and elegant, and her gestures exuded a sense of nobility.

It was the arrogance cultivated by Gui, something out of his reach.

No, it's not out of reach, he almost got it once, but in the end he was beaten back to reality, with nothing left, just like a dream that lasted four years, the dream was shattered, and reality gave him a blow.

Thinking of something, he suddenly got up, picked up the phone on the side and unlocked it, looked at the message Octopus had sent him before, and listened to his voice, feeling bitter and dazed.

Do you really want to go back to find Lan Shuang?
But other than that, he really doesn't seem to have the ability to be independent now.

Just when he was wavering, Su Le sent him a message: [Are you asleep?Brother Han, are you okay?Is it resolved? 】

When Lu Yihan saw that she was still sending him a message at this time, his heart softened a bit, 【Why haven't you slept yet? 】

Su Le: [I'm worried about you, I can't sleep. 】

Lu Yihan let out a deep breath, feeling a little comfort, 【It's okay, go to sleep, it's all settled. 】

Su Le: [That's good, don't be unhappy, let's go visit Auntie on the weekend, shall we? 】

Lu Yihan thought of his mother, and his mood became more complicated. After thinking for a while, he finally replied: 【Okay. 】


In the next few days, Lan Shuang went to work as usual, and didn't pay much attention to Lu Yihan, and rarely appeared in front of him, as if she was really busy.

On the one hand, Lu Yihan didn't want to see her and felt embarrassed, on the other hand, he felt that her attitude made him feel even more uncomfortable.

And from time to time, someone would send things to the company, all for Lan Shuang.

Either milk tea, coffee, cake, or a bouquet of flowers, but without exception, a red rose is served every time.

The personal characteristics are too distinct, and it is difficult for him not to know anyone.

It was the man who took Lan Shuang to eat hot pot that time, Mr. Jiang.

Lu Yihan looked at the computer, feeling very uncomfortable.

Suddenly there was another rush of footsteps, and a little brother in a blue delivery uniform stood at the door and smiled, "Is Miss Lan Shuang in?"

Everyone was familiar with this, and someone walked in with a smile and shouted: "Assistant Lan, your takeaway!"


After reading the documents in hand, Lan Shuang got up and walked out. Seeing the little brother outside, she felt in a good mood: "What are you giving today?"

The little brother took out a cup of iced milk tea from his box and gave her a beautiful package of roses, "Please check."

Lan Shuang took it with her hand, with a sweet smile on her lips, "Thank you for your hard work."

The little brother was a little embarrassed, "It's not hard, it's not hard, I'll go first."

"Yeah." Lan Shuang turned around holding the milk tea, and her colleagues looked at her enviously.

"Hey, this suitor is really hardworking!"

"That's right, the gifts are not the same every day, and I don't forget to send flowers every time, if my heart will melt."

"When will Assistant Lan agree to him?"

Lu Yihan's heart skipped a beat, and he almost wanted to escape from this place, but he was inexplicably expecting Lan Shuang to refute him, saying that she would not be with him.

This kind of contradictory psychology haunted him and made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

When Lan Shuang's voice sounded, he couldn't help but tense up all over.

Lan Shuang said: "We haven't been together yet, thank you for your concern. If we get together, I will let everyone know. Everyone is welcome to have a wedding wine."


"Then look forward to it."


After everyone laughed, Lan Shuang went in, and when she passed by Lu Yihan, she left behind a light and elegant scent of perfume.


Lan Shuang sat down at her own seat, and after taking a sip of milk tea, she was called to a meeting again. She sighed and said to 888 in her heart, "I'm so tired at work."

888 said: "Come on host, I am optimistic about you!"

Lan Shuang touched the rose petals and laughed: "I also believe in myself, let's go."

This meeting is mainly aimed at the sales plan and sales strategy for the second half of the year, and representatives from various departments will take turns to give presentations.

Lan Shuang, as the assistant to the general manager, was in charge of meeting minutes at the beginning, but this time she volunteered to make a summary and final analysis.

She was wearing a small silver-gray suit and stood at the front of the desk. Everyone was looking at her. She didn't panic at all, she was calm and confident, and she spoke clearly, making people follow her involuntarily.

Lu Yihan sat down and looked at her, shocked.

When he was with Lan Shuang, he knew that Lan Shuang was a top student and her grades were always at the top, but he never knew how strong her ability was, and even because of his own prejudice and rejection, he rarely attended with Lan Shuang He has never participated in activities, especially those in which Lanshuang is the main venue.

After a long time, he even forgot how good Lan Shuang is.

What was he doing at that time?
He was distracted and thought for a while, as if he was watching Su Le's performance. At that time, Su Le joined many associations, danced and sang, lively and friendly, and got along well with everyone. He often went to see Su Le at that time, and felt that Su Le Le is so beautiful and talented.

Now it seems……

Lu Yihan hurriedly looked away, feeling blocked in his heart.

Soon after Lan Shuang finished speaking, she bowed to everyone: "These are my opinions, I hope it can be helpful to everyone, thank you."

After the words fell, the general manager took the lead in applauding, and everyone gave Lan Shuang admiring glances.

"Xiao Lan is indeed very talented in this area."

"Yes, I have a few suggestions that I think are very feasible. Go back and ask the people in the department to change the plan and try the effect."

"As expected of Mr. Lan's daughter, that's different. I've been obsessed with it since I was a child, so where can I go?"

Lan Shuang didn't care about everyone's whispers. She returned to her seat and looked at the computer, thinking about whether to ask Jiang Lusheng to hang out on the weekend, but maybe he would mention it first?

Just as he was thinking about it, the general manager stood up and said, "Okay, today's meeting ends here. I'm going on a business trip next Tuesday to discuss an important cooperation. I have to bring a few people. I've already thought about the candidates. Xiao Lan, Xiao Lu, Xiao Li, Xiao Meng, do you guys have time next Tuesday?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, and brought Lu Yihan together, that was so much fun, she immediately agreed: "Yes."

Others have no objection, the general manager nodded: "Then go back and prepare, and you will be back in about three days."

(End of this chapter)

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