Chapter 135 I Don’t Want This Marriage 20
Under the dim light, Lan Shuang's facial features were cut into three-dimensional and profound by light and shadow, with a kind of hazy and strong beauty, just like a carefully drawn oil painting.

In her arms was a bouquet of roses that were as delicate as hers, and a beautiful fruit cake was placed in front of her. While the candlelight was dancing, she closed her eyes, and the corners of her lips curved happily.

Everything was so beautiful and just right that people couldn't take their eyes off it. At this moment, Jiang Lusheng seemed to see Muse alive.

His hands kept moving, until Lan Shuang looked over suspiciously: "Have you taken a picture yet? Is it because the light is too dim to take a good picture?"

"Okay." Jiang Lusheng kept all the photos calmly, and clicked on the latest one to show Lan Shuang: "It's beautiful, you are very photogenic."

"It's really beautiful, and you're really good at taking pictures." Lan Shuang admired from the bottom of her heart. Generally, you don't have to expect too much from boys' photography skills. There are only a few who can take pictures, but Jiang Lusheng is a master at first glance.

Jiang Lusheng readily accepted her compliment, turned the phone to silent and put it upside down, "Blow it."

Lan Shuang nodded, and blew out the candles with a "huh".

The room was dark all of a sudden, Lan Shuang stood there and asked, "Where is the light?"

Jiang Lusheng walked behind her in the dark, raised his hand and stroked her head naturally, and said, "The light will be very bright when you turn it on, please close your eyes first."

"it is good."

With a sound of "snap", the light came on, and the whole room was suddenly bright as day. Lan Shuang closed her eyes for a while to get used to it, and then opened them again, looking at Jiang Lusheng still a little distorted.

Jiang Lusheng came over with a knife and fork, "Sit down, I'll cut the cake for you."

"I can do it myself."

Lan Shuang reached out to grab a knife and fork, but Jiang Lusheng raised her hand to avoid it, "I'm older than you, so I should take care of you."

He walked up to the cake and joked: "My cake cutting skills are very good, and it will definitely not be ruined."

Lan Shuang couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay."

What Jiang Lusheng said was really not an exaggeration. He held a knife in one hand and a plate in the other. His movements were steady and his eyes were very focused, as if he was completing some important ceremony.

Lan Shuang looked at his side face, the outline was three-dimensional, and the bridge of the nose was straight. It was a very superior and tough appearance, but it gave people a very gentle feeling. This contrast was really charming. At this time, it was even more difficult to concentrate. The charm of words.

Seemingly aware that her gaze had been on him, Jiang Lusheng did not raise his head, but the corners of his lips curled up.

This subtle change was caught by Lan Shuang, and she couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere in the box was very good, and the invisible pink bubbles floated all over the room.

However, the phone rang suddenly, interrupting Lan Shuang's thoughts.

Jiang Lusheng turned his head and handed her the just-cut cake, "Your phone is ringing."

After Lan Shuang took it, she took out her mobile phone, looked at the strange number on it, and frowned: "Maybe it's some salesman?"

As she spoke, she pressed hang up.

"Well, try to see if it's delicious. The cakes here shouldn't be very sweet."

Jiang Lusheng handed the fork to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang took it and forked a piece of strawberry and was about to eat it when the phone rang again, it was the same number as before.

She frowned, and Jiang Lusheng sat down opposite her, and smiled gently: "Go ahead."

Lan Shuang thought for a while and nodded. After the call was connected, the person over there did not speak immediately. Lan Shuang asked, "Hi, may I make a mistake?"

The people over there paused, and a slightly hoarse and vicissitudes voice sounded, "Lan Shuang."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows slightly, and Jiang Lusheng who was opposite was putting meat into the hot pot. Seeing Lan Shuang's expression was different, she couldn't help but pause: "What's wrong?"

Lan Shuang said without concealment: "It's okay, a call from an acquaintance."

Lu Yihan on the other side of the phone heard Jiang Lusheng's voice, smoked half of his cigarette and suddenly choked, coughing non-stop.

"What do you find me for?"

Lan Shuang didn't want to spoil today's mood, and wanted to make a quick decision.

"Lan...cough coughcough...sorry, I didn't expect what happened today. I didn't want her to come. We had some conflicts last night. She came to apologize to me today. I didn't know you were an intern in the company beforehand. That's why there was a misunderstanding, I've already told her, I won't do this again in the future, I'm sorry."

As proud as Lu Yihan, he never said sorry when they were dating in the first four years, and he never said sorry in the last lifetime. The most common thing he heard was "Don't make trouble for no reason."

It's only been a few days now, kneeling and apologizing again, vividly interpreting what is called feng shui rotation.

888: "Host, do you think his apology is sincere?"

Lan Shuang was very calm: "Half and half, I showed a different generosity from Su Le in front of him, and he would naturally lean towards me, so there is more or less apology, but it is based on my dislike of Su Le , and the other half is because people have to bow their heads under the roof."

888 understands: "Because he is an intern in Lan's company, so he needs to establish a good relationship with you, otherwise, once he is fired, it will be difficult for him to find such a good job again."

"That's right, although he studies well, it's basically impossible for him to enter a company as big as Lan's as an intern right after graduation. If the original owner hadn't worked hard to lobby his parents, he wouldn't have been able to get in at all. Everyone looked up to him and envied him very much, he walked with wind at that time, if he was fired suddenly, he couldn't afford to lose this person."

After reading the information, Lan Shuang knew Lu Yihan's temperament clearly.

This person is self-willed, arrogant and has a complicated sense of responsibility. He is rebellious by nature. The more he is not allowed to do something, the more he wants to do something. This is especially true in terms of relationships. In addition, he desires power and money, and looks down on those with power. He is a very contradictory guy.

Hearing Lu Yihan's apology at this moment, she felt nothing in her heart, and even smiled: "There is no need to apologize, what happened just happened, and an apology can't make up for it. I'm still eating, so I'll hang up first."

After speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for Lu Yihan's answer.

888 was puzzled: "Host, why did you hang up like this? Don't say anything anymore?"

"No need, this way he will think that I'm still angry and that I still care about him. He doesn't need to say more, he will make up a big show by himself."

Lan Shuang put the phone aside casually, and said with a smile: "If you want to fulfill the original owner's wish, you have to hang him, wait for him to sink completely, and then give him a fatal blow!"

888 silently gave her a thumbs up and gave her a thumbs up.

As soon as Lan Shuang was done, she looked up and met Jiang Lusheng's deep and dark eyes.

She froze for a moment, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jiang Lusheng picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of water, but his eyes kept falling on Lan Shuang, with an oppressive feeling that made people unconsciously nervous.

 Did you get the details of Jiang Lusheng?

(End of this chapter)

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