Chapter 131 I Don’t Want This Marriage 16
Lu Yihan didn't expect Lan Shuang to say this, and quickly explained: "It's not because of you, there are other problems between us."

He didn't want to say more in front of Lan Shuang, so as not to reveal his embarrassed side.

But Lan Shuang just wanted to show her concern at the right time, and didn't mean to go deep. Hearing what he said, she walked down the steps and said, "Then I don't worry. I'll see the general manager first. Goodbye."

As she said that, she turned around and walked in. Lu Yihan stood there and looked at her back with complicated emotions.


Lan Shuang found the general manager's office and knocked lightly on the door.

"Please come in—"

The voice of the general manager sounded a little young. Lan Shuang opened the door and saw that the person sitting on the large boss chair was indeed a young man, about 30 years old, and looked quite handsome, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed Glasses, polite.

The general manager was busy looking at the materials on the computer. When he heard the movement, he raised his head and glanced. At first, he thought it was the secretary who came in to deliver the materials. Unexpectedly, there was a strange girl at the door, who was still very pretty. Isn't this Missy?

He immediately got up and went to meet him: "Miss Lan, I'm sorry, I'm too busy here, I forgot about your visit today."

"It doesn't matter. From today onwards, I will be the assistant to the general manager of the branch. You can treat me as an ordinary employee. You don't have to be so polite. I'm here to study, not to inspect."

Seeing her such a good temper, the big stone in the general manager's heart suddenly fell to the ground. He shook hands with Lan Shuang with a smile, and then said with a smile: "Before, Xiaolan always showed me pictures of Miss, but I didn't expect Miss to be prettier than the picture Too many, I didn't recognize it for a while."

Lan Shuang smiled and said: "Really? I didn't expect the general manager to be so young. You can sit in this position at this age. It can be seen that you are young and promising. I really came here at the right time. I will definitely learn from you." Quite a few things."

These remarks are extremely level, and the general manager is full of joy when he is praised. Who doesn't like others to praise him for his youth?He was also affirmed for his work ability, double affirmation, and he was in a good mood for the day.

The two quickly drew closer.

"Come on, let me take you to familiarize yourself with the company's departments first. By the way, you don't need to call me the general manager in the future, just call me Mr. Liu."

"Okay, Mr. Liu, you can call me Xiaolan or Lanshuang."

"Okay, Xiao Lan, your place is here—"

Mr. Liu took Lan Shuang out, and there was a desk opposite the secretary, which was the same as the secretary's, and the configuration was the same, and she was not treated differently just because she was the eldest lady of the Lan family.

Lan Shuang was very satisfied, nodded, "Yes."

"This is the marketing department," Mr. Liu introduced as he walked forward. Lan Shuang followed him and happened to pass by Lu Yihan's position. Lu Yihan looked up at the two of them, and Mr. Liu paused slightly, a little embarrassed.

Mr. Xiaolan had explained before that it was best not to let the young lady have any contact with Lu Yihan, but how could she not have contact with someone who looked up and looked down?Didn't this hit?
Just when Mr. Liu was embarrassed, Lan Shuang already nodded with Lu Yihan, pointed to the one in front and asked, "What department is that over there?"

"Ah, that's the PR department over there, let me tell you..." Seeing that the embarrassment was resolved, Mr. Liu immediately led Lan Shuang to move forward.

Lu Yihan waited for the two to leave, looking at the data on the computer in a daze.


On the first day of Lan Shuang's arrival, she got to know the various departments first, and ordered fruit tea and small cakes for everyone at noon, and a group of delivery staff came directly to carry the boxes up together.

Lan Shuang stood in the open space in front and said to everyone: "Everyone has worked hard all morning. I originally wanted to order meals for everyone, but it was difficult to agree with everyone, so I bought some cold drinks and cakes. There are all kinds of flavors. Everyone agrees." You can swap them out if you like."

As she spoke, she opened the lid of the incubator, took out the fruit tea and cakes and divided them one by one.

"Wow! Xiaolan is really nice too, isn't she?"

"As expected of a young lady, she is rich!"

Everyone was very happy, cheering and surrounded Lan Shuang, secretary Zhang Lu also helped her share, Lu Yihan sat aside and watched awkwardly, it was wrong for him to take the initiative to go forward, and it was wrong not to go.


Someone saw him, and asked inexplicably, "Old Lu, what are you doing? Go get it? Could it be possible to wait for someone to give it to you?"

Lu Yihan sneered and said, "I..."

"Excuse me? You are too thin-skinned."

Colleagues teased him, but he didn't know what to say.

Lan Shuang naturally noticed it, and she picked up a cup of coffee and a piece of mango mille-feuille and handed them to Zhang Lu, whispering in Zhang Lu's ear: "Sister Zhang, please give these to Lu Yihan, my relationship with him is a bit awkward, no It’s better not to give it to him, or take the initiative to go there, so as not to be misunderstood, you can give it to me.”

"Okay, no problem!" Zhang Lu, in her 30s, capable and enthusiastic, walked towards Lu Yihan with her things, "Xiao Lu, here, I think you just sit here and don't move."

Lu Yihan quickly took it and thanked her: "Thank you, Sister Zhang."

Zhang Lu smiled meaningfully, "You don't need to thank me, just eat quickly."

After she finished speaking, she stepped on her high heels and turned away.

Lu Yihan looked at the coffee in his hand, it was his favorite iced Americano, paired with sweet mango millefeuille, it just complemented each other, it was his favorite combination.

Apart from Su Le, the only one who knows what he likes is... Lan Shuang.

His heart skipped a beat, and he turned his face to see that Lan Shuang had finished sharing the things and left with his share.

Lu Yihan lowered his head, "What do you mean..."

"Well, this cake is delicious."

The boy next to him was eating happily, took a big mouthful of milk tea, and squinted his eyes happily.

Then he turned his head to look at Lu Yihan, "Old Lu, what kind of cake is yours?"

Lu Yihan opened the lid and said, "Mango Melaleuca."

"Wow, you like this?"

Lu Yihan nodded, and the boy showed an envious look on his face: "Tsk, then you're lucky, you just got what you like."

Lu Yihan's eyes darkened slightly, "Yes."

He picked up the straw and was about to drink when someone suddenly came to the door, "Brother Han——"

Lu Yihan was taken aback, "Lele? Why are you here?"

Su Le smiled and said: "I thought about what happened last night, I was wrong, so I came to deliver things to you, and I apologize to you by the way, don't be angry, okay?"

Lu Yihan put down the straw and stood up, Su Le was already approaching, she was holding a paper bag in her hand, "Here, your favorite iced Americano with mango millefeuille..."

While she was talking, she took it out, and the boy next to her widened her eyes when she saw this: "Lao Lu, this is your girlfriend, she looks pretty, but girl, the things you gave are heavy."

"Ah?" Su Le looked at him blankly: "Is it heavy?"

Lu Yihan nodded embarrassingly: "Well, just now the assistant brought us afternoon tea, which is the same as yours..."

(End of this chapter)

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