Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 107 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 37

Chapter 107 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 37
Speaking of which, Lan Shuang even opened the top cover with her hands, revealing a stack of certificates, certificates and... photos?
"If you want to see it, just sit here and watch it. My clothes are still in the room inside. I'll go and take them out."

"it is good."

Jiang Han agreed and sat on the sofa, picked up the certificates in the box and looked at them, such as Putonghua certificate, computer certificate, elementary school Chinese teacher qualification certificate, English certificate, blood donation certificate, volunteer certificate, high school graduation certificate...

They come in all sizes, in all shapes and sizes, and even have a driver's license.

Jiang Han flipped through and looked at the photo of Lan Shuang's youthfulness above, and couldn't help but smile.

Looking at this thick stack of certificates, Jiang Han could imagine how fulfilling Lan Shuang's life was in the past few years.

He put these aside, and then picked up the photos below to look at, from childhood to adulthood, most of them belonged to Lan Shuang himself, and there were also those with Du Mingsheng, from the little one to the cardamom girl, from the junior high school campus to the university At the freshman ceremony, they almost all used the same pose, taking a group photo that looked intimate but missed something.

The more Jiang Han looked, the more ugly his face became. He looked around and saw a pair of small scissors under the coffee table. His eyes lit up, and he immediately picked it up. He picked up a photo and carefully started cutting along the edge.

Lan Shuang was packing her luggage in the room. The big suitcase was filled up quickly. In fact, she didn’t have a lot of clothes here. One suitcase is more than enough. Take the rest of the things you can take, and throw away the ones you can’t take. Yes, after packing, she came out with the suitcase, and saw Jiang Han clicking there with scissors.

"What are you doing?"

Lan Shuang took a closer look curiously, and found that Jiang Han was pinching her photo with a concentrated expression—the kind that cut off Du Mingsheng without leaving a single hair.

This old man probably still has obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every time the edges are cut neatly without leaving any flaws, it looks like the photo is originally like this.

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but felt that Jiang Han was a little childish and cute.

Jiang Han looked up at her, pinched the scissors and asked, "Can't you?"

Lan Shuang smiled and shook her head: "Yes, you can cut it as you like, but won't it be too troublesome? Why don't you just tear it up and throw it away? It's useless anyway."

As she said that, she wanted to pick up the rest of the photos, but Jiang Han stopped her, "No, these photos are all from your past, I want to keep them, but I don't want to see the surname Du, so just cut him out, I don't want to I find it troublesome."

Seeing that he insisted, Lan Shuang didn't stop him, went to get a pair of big scissors, and helped him cut together.

Soon the rest of the cuts were finished, Lan Shuang got up and stretched her sore neck and hands, and suddenly an arm stretched out from behind, wrapped her waist and pushed her to the wall next to her, pinching her Her jaw made her turn, and the hot breath swept over all her senses.

"What are you doing... um..."

The broken voice is the best witness when you are in love.

Lan Shuang soon had no time to be distracted and think about other things.

Jiang Han forcefully pinched Lan Shuang's waist to make people turn around, leaned against the wall and kissed wantonly.

Lan Shuang had nowhere to focus, so she had to wrap her arms around Jiang Han's neck to borrow strength.

The two of them lost themselves in the joy of this moment, unaware that the door was opened from the outside, or only Lan Shuang didn't notice, Jiang Han heard all the noises outside the door early in the morning, but he deliberately didn't let go. Kailan cream.

Who will come at this time can guess without saying anything.

Jiang Han's eyes flickered, he clasped Lan Shuang's hand and pressed it against the wall, slowly and firmly inserted his fingers in, intertwining them.

The person who entered the door obviously didn't expect to see such a beautiful scene when he returned home. He was stunned and didn't react at all until the thing he was carrying fell to the ground and made a broken sound.


This crisp sound brought back Lan Shuang's sanity, her eyes gradually focused, and she looked at the person at the door, as if dissatisfied with her inattention, Jiang Han bit her lower lip moderately.

Lan Shuang snorted, then pushed Jiang Han, and said vaguely, "There is someone."

Only then did Jiang Han reluctantly leave her lips, turned around and looked at her fiercely, with a bit of desire and dissatisfaction.

"You... you guys?" Du Mingsheng staggered back as if he had been hit hard, but he forgot to close the door. He stepped on the ground and fell directly into the corridor. If he hadn't grabbed the stairs next to him in time, I'm afraid I can roll off.

Jiang Han sneered, turned around and put the photos on the coffee table back into the iron box, and just carried the iron box and pulled the suitcase out.

Walked to the door and said to Du Mingsheng, "An eyesore."

Du Ming was so angry that he didn't come up, almost suffocated, he got up from the ground suddenly, reached out to grab Jiang Han's collar, Lan Shuang stepped forward and grabbed his wrist, and asked coldly: "Do you want to do it?" what?"

"What are you doing?" Du Mingsheng's eyes turned red: "Shouldn't I be the one asking you this?"

He looked at Lan Shuang in disbelief: "It's fine if you bring a wild man back to our home, and you're still making love to him in front of me here, have you ever thought about my feelings?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Why do these words have the taste of an ancient brain-dead drama?
Is the gender wrong, bro?

Fortunately, most people have gone to work at this point, and no one pays attention to the few shops in the corridor.

Lan Shuang shook off Du Mingsheng's hand, and said indifferently, "Why should you consider your feelings? First, I said before that we will be enemies when we meet again. Do you still need to ask your enemy's opinion if you are making love in front of your enemy? "

"Second, didn't you say that I broke up with you? Then who I make out with has anything to do with you?"

"Third, this is my boyfriend, fiance, not the wild man you said, please be respectful."

"Fourth." Lan Shuang showed him the spare key in her hand: "I came back after saying hello to the landlord. Who knew you would come back suddenly? I didn't blame you for interrupting our kiss."

Du Mingsheng's eyes widened, "What?"

His mind was confused, and he only heard Lan Shuang say that Jiang Han was her fiancé.

"Have you really been with him? How long? Have you reached this point?"

Lan Shuang didn't react yet, but Jiang Han felt upset for a moment when he heard this.

He let go of the suitcase, grabbed Du Mingsheng's skirt, and threw him into the room with a little force. Du Mingsheng fell to the ground, his facial features wrinkled together in pain.

"It was you who pushed her into the abyss first, so what right do you have to ask her why she bloomed in the abyss?"

Jiang Han raised his hand to caress Fu Lanshuang's face, his movements were gentle and compassionate, "Let's go."

Lan Shuang nodded, she was gentle and peaceful when facing Jiang Han, but when she looked at Du Mingsheng, the temperature in her eyes faded away, "Du Mingsheng, just wait, your good days are yet to come."

After she finished speaking, she slammed the door shut.

 Du Mingsheng, your luck is yet to come, it will be tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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