Start with the star survival show

Chapter 75 Time to show the real technology

Chapter 75 Time to show the real technology
At night, the sea water was still turbid, and the underwater vision was blocked. Wu Hu and Zhan Langjing checked the rattan basket trap, harvested a few conch shells and two crabs, and then returned home.

But the other groups still chose to go into the water because they lacked protein.

But because of the poor underwater vision, the harvest can be imagined.Waste the energy of the boss, but the harvest is very little, and the harvest and the physical strength paid are almost not proportional.

Although the members of the other groups were in a low mood and the atmosphere was dull, they were still relatively good compared to the six groups.Because on the side of the six groups, there have been mutual accusations.

After the six groups of fishing masters "Shrimp Dao" were eliminated, there was only one "Swimming Dragon in the Sea" left among the fishing masters on their side.But tonight, 'Dragon in the Sea' obviously didn't want to go into the sea, because with the visibility of the sea, he knew that there would be no good harvest.

But the companion who accompanied him tried to persuade him to go to the sea to try, but because he didn't gain much, "Swimming Dragon in the Sea" inevitably complained a few words.

As a result, his companion couldn't bear this anger, and choked up a few words, and said that when the "Big Shrimp Fisherman" was out of the game, God really had no eyes.

Originally, these words were nothing, but because he choked on 'Dragon in the Sea' first, and said this again, 'Dragon in the Sea' felt that he was alluding to himself.

So the two quarreled at the beach, but fortunately they didn't do anything.

But this situation disgusted the fans who supported them.

Some tempered ones choked directly: "You still want to win the championship? Eat shit!"

"The sixth group originally had the greatest chance, but now, hehe..."

"Maybe, this is human nature! Everyone wants to get more!"

"This is very funny. The infighting has already begun before the bonus is paid."

"Wealth touches people's hearts! 5000 million! After paying taxes, there are 4000 million!"

"Don't donate? The dog's head is funny."

"Upstairs, are you a devil?"

"Ha ha……"

The second group was speechless overnight.

The next morning, everyone got up early, and Wu Hu deliberately boiled a pot of porridge with wild vegetables and crab meat with rice. The wild vegetables were dried wild vegetables, and the crab meat was crabs harvested last night.

I also specially added a spoonful of white sugar to Sister Cai's bowl. Although there is not much white sugar, Sister Cai likes to eat sweet food, and she is very restrained in order to maintain her figure.

Of course, on this desert island, white sugar is expensive, so she is not willing to eat more.

But in order to wish her a good grade, everyone is willing to let Sister Cai eat something good.

The other groups are similar, they are all trying to get more food for their participating companions.

At eight o'clock, Wu Hu and the others sent Sister Cai to the beach. Unexpectedly, besides the staff who came to pick Sister Cai, there was also a group of medical staff.

These medical staff are here to give them a medical examination.

"Before I knew it, it's been two weeks!" Tie Tie sighed with emotion.

When she came here, she felt that she might not last a week.

Fortunately, everyone is in good condition and has lost some weight. Wu Hu has lost the most weight. He has lost [-] to [-] catties, an average of more than a catty a day.But all indicators are still normal, no big deal.The only problem may be Tie Tie, her blood pressure is a bit low, but she doesn't need to retire yet.

Sister Cai left after everyone's physical examination was over. Everyone sent her to the speedboat and watched her leave before starting to search for those unfortunate little seafood on the beach.

"Brother Hu, Brother Jing, who do you think the other groups will send to fight?"

Wu Hu and Zhan Langjing warmed up on the beach, and prepared to dive for a while to see if they could catch some fish. After all, they hadn't harvested for several days, and the smoked fish reserves were already in a hurry.

Sister Mina followed Yahuazi carrying a shovel, carrying a fish basket, and asked as she passed by Wu Hu and Zhan Langjing.

Hearing this, Yahuazi leaned on a shovel, turned around and said, "Survival experts from various groups must have been sent there! Do you have to ask? We artists, which ones have the ability to participate in those personal desert island survival? Even Fat Tiger And Brother Jing, I have no confidence that they will win."

Zhan Langjing shrugged, expressing that he did not believe that he could defeat those survival experts.

Hearing this, Wu Hu raised his eyebrows, opened his arms, and did a few chest expansion exercises, "It seems that it's time to show you my real skills!"

Zhan Langjing, who was doing bow exercises on the side, laughed, "Fat Hu, what skills are you hiding, show them quickly!"

Wu Hu patted his fat belly, duang duang made a sound, then put on his flippers, picked up his spear gun, walked into the sea, took some seawater and patted his body, then plunged into the still cold seawater, Swim to the distance.

In the distance, a speedboat approached quickly, and the underwater photographer was in position.

The visibility of the sea water is not bad today. Under the sunshine, the beauty of the seabed is gradually revealed in the live broadcast room.There are a lot of fish in the coral reefs on the bottom of the sea, probably because the visibility of the sea water has become stronger, and they all came out to look for food.

However, there are very few big fish, almost all of which are the size of a palm.But in the coral reef, you can see a lot of conch.Wu Hu thought that he could carry a covered rattan basket and hang it around his waist, so that he could pick up conch when he came across it.

About half an hour later, Wu Hu returned to the shore panting, handed his fins and speargun to Zhan Langjing, who had already prepared, and threw a string of small fish around his waist on the beach.

Yahuazi walked over barefoot, picked up the string of palm-sized fish, bared his teeth and said, "Fathu, is this your so-called real technique? I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Facing Yahuazi who was madly mocking, Wu Hu couldn't say anything except rolling his eyes. After all, he had blown the bull out too early, so he had to bear such a risk.

But after thinking about it, he still stiffened his mouth, "It's too early now, just wait!"

"Well, I'm waiting! Come on!"

Yahuazi also intentionally made a fist gesture.

Wu Hu was a little speechless, when did Yahuazi become so teased?

Sister Hammer and Sister Mina hid aside and shrugged, pawing at the sand.

Lao Hu and Naicha Lun were looking for shellfish beside the distant reef. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to have gained something, but it should not be a big harvest, otherwise Lao Hu would have been dazzled.

Twenty minutes later, Zhan Langjing came back panting.

His harvest was similar to Wu Hu's, without a single big fish.

Wu Hu took over his job and said, "Brother Jing, I'm going to travel a little further. Anyway, there is a photographer around, so there won't be any danger..."

"Fat Tiger, take it easy. Although there is no danger to the life of a photographer, we can't reduce our staff because of this! If you are eliminated, our team will suffer a lot."

Yahuazi coughed lightly, and said: "Fathu, listen to Brother Jing, at most, my sister will not laugh at you for a while, there is no need to take risks."

Wu Hu shook his head and said: "I'm not taking a risk. Sister Cai said that we should build a raft to go to the deep sea area, but this week we were delayed by the typhoon. Although we don't have a raft now, as long as we control the diving time, You can still try it.”

Hearing what Wu Hu said, Zhan Langjing also nodded.

There is a raft, but there is an extra resting place in the sea. If there is no raft, then the diving time will be longer, and you can really try it.

"Okay then, be careful yourself."

Thus, Wu Hu started his first deep-sea fishing trip.

Wu Hu's decision was right, because he had just approached the deep sea area when he encountered a big fish weighing at least ten catties swimming in front of him, and even saw a moray eel sticking out its head in a piece of coral, waiting to Fish swimming ahead.

However, this moray eel did not expect that the danger had quietly come to it.

(End of this chapter)

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