Start with the star survival show

Chapter 740 Jinzhou villain: We all love Chaoyuan 3 points and dunks!

Chapter 740 Jinzhou villain: We all love ultra-long three-pointers and dunks!

Dayao smiled embarrassingly, and said in front of the Black Mamba: "You are wrong, we are now the Big Five, in addition to Tiger, we also have Steve, and Shark."

It has to be said that Dayao's emotional intelligence is undeniable. In a word, he not only resolved the embarrassment of the scene, but also praised Lao Na and Xiao Shark.

Lao Na didn't care about this kind of fault finding. He had already seen that the Lakers came to hug their thighs to get the championship ring, but the little shark was a giant baby.


Many reporters at the scene were stunned for a while, and then laughed.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. When Lao Na was young, he was indeed considered a super giant, but that was when he was at his peak. Now he is 39 years old. It is time for a veteran to be late. What kind of class is he? Super giant ah?

As for Little Shark, this guy who was once highly anticipated by everyone has never achieved satisfactory results. Although his nickname is Little Shark, it is just a loud name.The Lakers are really super giants, only Corvo and Dayao.

As for Wu Hu, he was actually here to make soy sauce.

"Tiger, do you know the bet between the big shark and the flying pig?"

"What kind of gamble?" Wu Hu blinked, with a look of surprise on his face, "Flying Pig won't die again! No way! Isn't the lesson Yao taught him not deep enough?"

Hearing what Wu Hu said, the reporters at the scene burst into laughter.

And when Wu Hu knew the details of the bet, he couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that I have to ask Shark to record a video and send it to me, but I don't know when Fliggy will honor this bet, the All-Star Weekend? "



On the other hand, when the 58 Pao was asked about being blown up by Wu Hu, a rookie, he skillfully pointed out that he had a bad stomach and performed abnormally.

Short-handed Fen on the side was endorsing for him, reminding everyone that his brother's movements of covering his stomach from time to time on the court were because of stomach discomfort.

Tiger is great!But my brother was just not feeling well, so he was taken advantage of by the other party.Of course, it is indeed amazing that Tiger can get such rookie data.

The main thing is to throw the pot away, and then praise Wu Hu kindly.

Everyone is not a fool, how can you not understand that 58 Pao wants to get rid of the blame, so you can report it as you like, and only a few pao honey solved it for him.Then the honey who was sprayed miserably on the Internet finally found a reason to excuse her brother.


One game made Wu Hu famous in the basketball circle, directly occupying the headlines of major sports media in American, and made some fans re-acquainted with the fierce and legendary two and a half years of this international music superstar.

After playing this ball game, Wu Hu played another unique ball game after returning home.

He who has always claimed that his physical strength has no problems, finally ushered in a test.

Unfortunately, the four foreign bodhisattvas would not give him a chance to breathe.

The next day, Wu Hu took Ronaldinho, black mamba and Dayao, and boarded the plane to Houston. There were many celebrities with them. For example, after returning home last night, Wu Hu Taylor Swift and the husky girls played a game of ball games.

Aunt Meizuan is not ready for a comeback yet, so she continues to take care of her baby at home.She knew that after the All-Star Game this time, Wu Hu would go back to China directly, and the next meeting would probably be in April, when Wu Hu would come to Bald Eagle to promote his movie "You Now You See Me".

Parting is always sad, and Aunt Meizuan is full of nostalgia for these few days of life.Although it is absurd, at least there is a man in the family who can rely on.

But Auntie Meizuan also knew that this man did not belong to her. All she could do was to wait silently. Fortunately, she still had little Jackson.

Ronaldinho sorted out some reports that praised him to entertain him and make him proud, and at the same time showed him the highlights of yesterday's top ten NBA games.

The scary thing is that most of yesterday's top ten goals were provided by Wu Hu.

Two-handed free-throw line dunks, 360-degree windmill dunks, crotch-changing dunks, short-hand dunks, tomahawk-style dunks, bottom line-turning dunks... LOGO ultra-long three-pointers.Even Wu Hu's alley-oop dunk to the little shark can only be ranked at the bottom.

How influential this game is, many people who don't know it, actually don't have much intuitive experience. The only thing they can see is the order of the first generation of the Tigers from the Little White Dog Mall and the Tiger Company, which has surged again .

But for some fans who like basketball, the impact is far-reaching, because in the past when fans talked about basketball, they never mentioned Wu Hu.

But now, whenever basketball is mentioned, it is inevitable to think of this perverted guy, Wu Hu.Especially the terrifying scoring record that has made countless rookies desperate.

Moreover, this record-breaking first show is too easy for people to imagine.

Many people can't help but think, if this guy goes to play professional ball games, what kind of impressive mark will he leave in the NBA?
What kind of basketball wave will be set off in the 21s?
It's a pity, this guy knows too many things, how can he play professionally?
For Wu Hu himself, he doesn't know how much influence this game will have. He only knows that the available popularity value on his system panel has increased a lot.

Of the 7 million spent last month, the available popularity value dropped to 19 billion, and now the available popularity value has reached 23 billion. In addition to the 6000 million available popularity points brought to him by the Spring Festival Gala and the Grammy Awards, yesterday's The game will bring him at least [-] million available popularity points.

And this available popularity value is still growing. I believe that with the subsequent impact, this game can provide him with at least [-] million available popularity points.

It can be seen that his influence is increasing day by day.

When he came to the city of Houston, Dayao originally wanted to show his "landlord friendship" and take Wu Hu out for a stroll, after all, this was once his territory.

But his kindness was rejected by Wu Hu. With Dayao's body, it was difficult for him to go out and not be recognized.Once recognized, it is difficult to move an inch.

Wu Hu made a disguise, and went out with Taylor and the others who had also been disguised, and Xiao Luo happily followed him as a light bulb.

There is no way, in this free American every day, Xiao Luo usually dare not go out for a walk, and only when he first came here, he dared to run out foolishly.

Now that the more he knows about this country, Ronaldinho feels more afraid. He is afraid that he was so stupid at the beginning and went out alone to wander around. Fortunately, he did not encounter mental illness.

As for whether to be a light bulb, this Ronaldinho has completely given up treatment.

Even the women like Taylor Swift don't care about Ronaldinho being by the side, and they never shy away from whether there is such a little assistant next to them when it's time to kiss and hug.

But usually they wouldn't shout at Xiao Luo, because they all knew that Xiao Luo was Wu Hu's classmate.

Went out for a stroll in the afternoon, and participated in the All-Star Rookie Challenge in the evening.

Although Wu Hu is considered a rookie this year, because he has not participated in any games before the All-Star Game, he is not eligible to enter the rookie challenge list at all.

Therefore, tonight he came to see the performances of this year's rookies and last year's rookies.

He also came with Dayao and Black Mamba. Taylor Swift and the others didn't come and rested in the hotel, planning to attend tomorrow night and the night after tomorrow.

Tomorrow night is Wu Hu's three-point contest and dunk contest, they will definitely not miss it.

And the night after tomorrow is the All-Star Game. If they don't attend, it will be very strange, because many stars who come to participate in this event will attend during the main game.

In tonight's rookie challenge, the head coaches of both sides are Shark and Fliggy Barkley. Both sides select ten two-time rookies to compete.

In the arena, many fans have already entered the arena, watching the rookies warming up on the court.

"Hey! Tiger!" Big Shark saw Wu Hu coming, got up and said hello. On the court, rookies from both sides were shooting and warming up.

This greeting from the Shark made the stars on the sidelines and the rookies warming up on the court all look at him.When some rookies saw him, they all had fighting spirit in their eyes.

Last night, Wu Hu's rookie debut in the NBA showed the faces of these rookies. Seven of these geniuses were not happy, and eight of them were not satisfied, but they had no choice but because of that record, they had no chance to break it.

In fact, it is the record of scoring 60. Most of them will never have the chance to touch it in their lives, and they can only envy and envy.

Flying Pig Barkley, who was sitting on the coaching bench on the other side, also got up and walked towards Wu Hu, "Tiger, you made me miserable." This guy vomited bitterness to Wu Hu as soon as he came up.

Some fans at the scene couldn't help laughing when they heard Feizhu's words, and some bold fans shouted directly: "Tiger, well done!"

Fliggy was so angry that he kept scolding 'WTF', which made everyone laugh.

Wu Hu hugged this Flying Pig, and standing beside him, Wu Hu, a strong man, immediately looked smaller, patted Flying Pig's big fat elbow, Wu Hu smiled and said: "If you get hurt, I will I'm sorry! But I heard that you have unparalleled dancing skills, so I'm looking forward to it."

Immediately, there was another burst of laughter from the sidelines.

On the sidelines, Wu Hu saw many super giants, such as the Big Three of the Heat, Du Xiaoshuai who likes to carry a schoolbag and always wants to drink the widow sister's bath water, and Brother Gui who likes to wear strange clothes, but tonight's Brother Gui is not in strange clothes, but It's a red Tang suit.

This made Wu Hu a little astonished, this guy is now eyeing the Tang suit?

As a Chinese, he has never worn this kind of Tang suit. When he usually attends formal occasions, he wears wolf-style clothing, which is a custom-made costume specially made for him by the wolf department.

After all, Wu Hu often needs to attend some high-end occasions, and the wolves don't want their spokespersons to be laughed at because they wear their clothes to go out.

For example, the dark red casual style Chinese tunic suit with a stand-up collar that he is wearing tonight is a set of wolf-style handmade custom-made clothing that is not cheap.Wearing it on him, the overall style looks quite formal, but still fashionable.

When the Big Three saw Wu Hu, their eyes were full of fear, because they also watched Wu Hu's game last night, and the more they watched, the more frightened they became. I can't stop that guy, what should I do if I really want to meet him in the finals?

As for Wu Hu's scoring and assists, they didn't pay much attention to them. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the entire Lakers team was helping him.

What really terrified them was Wu Hu's breakthrough and the ultra-long three-pointer. As for whether he made a mid-range shot, I don't know for the time being, because Wu Hu has never made a shot.

Brother A Tan also scolded in private, is this guy playing in the NBA, is it in compliance with the rules?He is not a player!How can the Lakers sign people indiscriminately?

But the president father of their alliance told him that this is in line with the rules of the game.

So, now Brother Ah Tan just stared at him blankly, with a kind smile on his face, as if familiar, he stepped forward to say hello to Wu Hu, "Hey, Tiger, we meet again!"

Indeed, Wu Hu had met him before. When he punched Mayweather, this guy had been to the scene with the Black Mamba and the others, and they had known each other since then.

Wu Hu shook hands and bumped shoulders with him, half-hugged him by the way, and then said with a smile: "Yes! I met Lei Balong again, and the next time we meet, maybe it will be the finals!"

The phrase 'Lei Balong' made Brother Ah Tan extremely anxious. I wonder why Wu Hu's speech is so strange?And when he heard the 'finals', Ah Tan's mood was even worse.

However, he adjusted his mentality very quickly. After being stunned for a while, he laughed loudly, "I look forward to playing against you then! Your performance last night was great, and Pao Luo was restricted by you."

Xiao Pao Luo, one of the four Banana Boat brothers standing behind him, had a dark face at this time, although his face was originally dark.So he shouted dissatisfiedly: "Dude, don't underestimate Tiger, his strength is very strong, I think he can withstand your back blow."

Will Brother Ah Tan know how to hit back?No, he'll just push the dirt sideways.

Wu Hu gave 58 Pao a lot of face, nodded and said: "I think Pao is right. Maybe I will come to defend you when we really play in the finals, haha..."

Brother Ah Tan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and said confidently, "I'll wait for you!"

With Wu Hu's height, Brother Ah Tan felt that Wu Hu came to defend him, and he was here to send him off.What's really bad is that he still has the 'Three Gods Costume'!

Duanshoufen who came with Pao greeted Wu Hu outside and nodded.

"Tiger, we meet again. You did a great job last night!" At this moment, Brother Gui also brought Du Xiaoshuai to squeeze up. Du Xiaoshuai greeted the Black Mamba, and Brother Gui congratulated Wu Hu, and then Picking up Wu Hu, "Tiger, what do you think of my outfit?"

Wu Hu directly gave him a thumbs up, "One word - handsome!"

Brother Gui was very happy, laughed and said: "I decided to wear this after watching your game last night. I think your playing style is very similar to mine. It's fate, so I want to wear it to compete with you." You meet."

Wu Hu laughed and said: "It is indeed fate, we should take a photo as a souvenir."

Aside from the ultra-long three-pointer, Wu Hu's style is indeed a bit like that of Brother Gui. This guy also picks up the explosive bag and rushes into the penalty area when he plays, and then blasts it to the basket.

The same is true for Wu Hu, both of them play very explosive style of play.It's just that Wu Hu's breakthrough is sharper than him, his bounce is better than his, his movements are more beautiful, and he is more explosive.

As a result, at this time, behind them, there was a primary school student bouncing around, "I think Tiger and I have a similar style, we both love ultra-long three-pointers, and we also love dunks!"


(End of this chapter)

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