Start with the star survival show

Chapter 725 The old man is too old to listen to this kind of song, asshole!

Chapter 725 The old man is too old to listen to this kind of song, asshole!
On this festive day, thousands of households are watching the Spring Festival Gala. On the front stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Shen Teng and Ma Li are performing the sketch "Today's Happiness 2".

This is the 20th show tonight. Wu Hu and the others are all sitting in the audience, surrounded by a table. Around him are Liu Qian, Li Jian, Shabaoliang, Zhang Jie, Wang Banbi and others.Every rehearsal recently, Liu Qian would go to discuss magic tricks with Wu Hu.

Among the celebrities sitting nearby, only Wang Banbi didn't talk to Wu Hu much. Because of the hot eagle, Wang Banbi didn't have the nerve to get too close to Wu Hu, but when the two met, they would also nod their heads and greet each other. As a sworn enemy.

Maybe at the beginning, they really thought about blocking Wu Hu, just like how they blocked Tai Lang back then, but when Wu Hu became popular in Europe and America, it was already impossible.

After seeing Shen Teng and Ma Li step off the stage, Liu Qian got up to prepare for their upcoming show, and there was still a song in between.

This guy Liu Qian is very popular now. After knowing that Wu Hu can do magic, he would go over to compete with Wu Hu every rehearsal.He is also full of praise for Wu Hu's magic skills, and even bluntly said that Wu Hu has the level of a professional magician.

Everyone didn't know whether Liu Qian was flattering Wu Hu or whether Wu Hu's magic was really that powerful. Anyway, they couldn't see the traces of Wu Hu's performance, just like magic.

Some magic tricks, not to mention that they couldn't see them, even Liu Qian couldn't see them. For example, when performing the item disappearing technique, Wu Hu directly put the items into the system backpack.

Due to the rules of the industry, although Liu Qian really wanted to ask Wu Hu how he did it, even he couldn't see the traces of Wu Hu's hidden objects, which was too awesome, but he was too embarrassed to ask.

Although Wu Hu saw that Liu Qian wanted to ask, he just smiled and said nothing.

When watching other people performing magic tricks, one can't wait to expose their magic tricks, but when it's their turn to perform, it will definitely make people continue to guess.

Speaking of which, if Liu Qian hadn't gone to the foot pot chicken to die and kneel down to some emperor, he wouldn't have lost so badly.

But he is from Wan Province, so Wu Hu is not surprised by this, because some people in Wan Province don't actually have that much hatred for foot pot chickens.

Not everyone can be as stubborn as Milk Tea Lun, and I dare to say that Hualiu is the worst.

Just like the patients with Stockholm syndrome, some people in Wanwan have an incomprehensible morbid affection for the chickens that have persecuted them.

Otherwise, that Mrs. Kurosawa would not have chosen to marry a rooster.

But since you want to come to the mainland to make money, you should be clear about not doing things that hurt the feelings of the people in the mainland. This is the most basic and simple value.

But Wu Hu didn't have much dislike for this guy, the main reason is that this guy hasn't done those things yet, and he came over to communicate with him enthusiastically. Can he play a big game?

And it is very possible that some things that happened in another time and space may not necessarily happen in this time and space. It is better to wait for it to happen later, just keep a distance from him.

Just like Wu Hu's face was gentle when he was faced with Jin Wuyun, after all, he hadn't done anything that made Lao Guo's stomach hurt.And he didn't have much contact with Lao Guo, and even Lao Guo didn't invite him to listen to the cross talk between him and Lao Yu, but invited him to be on his show.

It was a program co-produced by Lao Guo and Lizhi TV (Jiang S TV), called "Guo's Show".

It is said that the first episode has already been recorded, and the one invited is Lao Zhao, the king of sketches.I wanted to invite Wu Hu for the second issue, but Wu Hu said that he was not free, he had to go to the Grammys.

Lao Guo said that he could wait, but Wu Hu said he still had to participate in the NBA All-Star Game.

Then Lao Guo understood that Wu Hu was tactfully rejecting him.

Lao Guo is a fine man, how could he not hear it.

But Lao Guo was not angry, and said casually that his son can also perform, and if there are any small roles in the future, he can consider his son.

His son is that unicorn, and he is still a little chubby.

Thinking of this little chubby man, Wu Hu thought that in another time and space, this guy also collaborated with Tie Tie in "Zuo Son", by the way, there is also "Celebrating More Than Years", but in "Celebrating More Than Years", they Acting as siblings.Speaking of acting, this little fat guy is pretty good.

But maybe because he was born as a cross talk actor, the roles he plays are all inclined to comedy, which is quite pleasing to watch.

Not long after Liu Qian left, Shen Teng quietly sat back. He was arranged to be at the same table with Wu Hu, probably because Wu Hu had worked with him on "Xing Xing" before!
Old Shen, who sat back, was drooling looking at the untouched dishes on the table.

Wu Hu asked with a low laugh, "You guys haven't had the New Year's Eve dinner yet, have you?"

Shen Teng swallowed, took a sip of the water on the table, shook his head and said softly, "How dare you eat it! If I hiccup on the stage, how do you think I will die?"

Apparently, the current Lao Shen is not the hob meat that he later fumbled for in variety shows. On this solemn stage, he dared not make any mistakes at all.

Not far away, Li Jian took advantage of the fact that the camera missed them, and said with a low smile: "You think everyone is like you, Fat Tiger, dare you come over after eating the New Year's Eve dinner! By the way, Fat Tiger, you didn't eat tonight." Fried food!"

Wu Hu shook his head and asked, "No, what's the matter?"

At this time, Xiao Sa, the host on the stage, had finished speaking, and invited the singer Aunt Mao to the stage. Now it is Aunt Mao's program - the song "Happiness".

Sitting next to Li Jian under the dim light, Sandbag Liang chuckled in a low voice: "It's better not to, otherwise if you can't hold back on the stage for a while, then there will be a joke, think about what will happen tomorrow Headlines!"

Li Jian said softly, solemnly: "Shocked, the international superstar Fat Tiger actually farted on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but bow their heads and shrug their shoulders to hold back their laughter, and the water from Lao Shen's mouth almost spewed out.


Far away in a certain valley in Fujian Province, Wu Hu's family members were also sitting in front of the TV watching tonight's Spring Festival Gala. The eldest nephew yawned, "Why hasn't Uncle's show come yet?"

Although the host said auspicious words on stage, and when reporting the curtain, there were occasional shots where Wu Hu and the others were located, but there were too many celebrities, and there were not many shots of him.

The grandma felt sorry for the eldest grandson, and said, "Your uncle's show is going to the end! If you are sleepy, go to bed! Children don't need to stay and watch the night."

There are many people like my eldest nephew who wanted to watch Wu Hu's show but thought it was too late.But for some people who are used to staying up late, it doesn't matter.

It's just that the programs of the Spring Festival Gala are like this, which makes it harder and harder for young people to like them. Many people even call friends with their mobile phones and start fighting in the Grand Canyon.

And some young people who have returned to their hometowns are directly in groups of three or four, playing mahjong.

Finally, when it was almost twelve o'clock, Wu Hu finally appeared on the stage.

His fans started beckoning friends to come back and watch the show.

Because the song is called "Displaced Time and Space", many of Wu Hu's fans did not think about the main theme of this song, because the title of the song is not the main theme.

However, when some movie images appeared on the big screen behind the stage, the voice-over sounded, 'The situation in the country is chaotic, the people are suffering, throw away your illusions and prepare to fight! ', many people immediately had goosebumps all over their bodies.

At this time, Wu Hu took the microphone, walked onto the stage, and spoke as he walked:
That year, you were the same age as me

young as a green song
But in order to create that new world of dreams
You turn around and rush into the wind and rain

Young people may not understand the suffering in troubled times, but watching those movie images on the big screen, they also feel a tremor in the heart, a slight blockage in the throat, and a sore nose.

Not to mention the older generation of revolutionary workers who have come from that time.

At this time, some of them picked up reading glasses, placed them on the bridge of their noses, and looked at the TV screen; , Breathing speeded up a bit.

This is a song that can resonate with the revolutionary work of the older generation.

I see, thousands of lovely you

Don't look back, run to the depths of the smoke

How many youthful figures disappeared in the night
In exchange for dawn

In the live broadcast room... the Douyin platform spent a lot of money to buy the live broadcast rights of this year's Spring Festival Gala from CCTV. For Wu Hu's sake, CCTV was relieved.However, the money spent was not cheap at all, which made Douyin's general manager Cheng Quansheng feel a bit at a loss.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens directly launched barrage.

"For Chinese New Year, is it appropriate for Fat Tiger to sing this song?"

"That's right, I got sand in my eyes!"

"The old man is too old to listen to this kind of song! Damn!"

"I was quite happy at first, but now I feel panicked..."


Just when the netizens talked about each other, and I said something, the song entered the climax:
I look up at the starry sky you have seen

Meet again through a hundred years of time and space

That smile before you turned around

i understand

I look up at the starry sky you have seen

The earth under our feet has changed time and space

The red you left swaying in the wind

in the heart


In the live broadcast room, a group of sand sculptures launched a barrage-'tears'.

"My eyelids are shallow and I can't hide my tears, what should I do?"

"It's Chinese New Year, my mother asked me why I was crying, what can I do? I don't want to cry either! Dead fat tiger, you pay me..."

"If I knew it was this kind of song, I should have prepared tissues."

"Salute to the revolutionary martyrs!"

"Salute to the great pioneers!"

Then the bullet screen was swiped by such words.

At this time, many people feel a little bit blocked in their hearts. They think of the country struggling to get up from the aggression of the great powers, of the country's blockade by the great powers, and from poverty and poverty, step by step, to the present; The revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives had different sympathies in their hearts.

Some more emotional people were already in tears at this time, unable to restrain their emotions gushing out from the bottom of their hearts.Just like the poem by the poet Mr. Ai Qing-Why do I often have tears in my eyes, because I love this land deeply.

Why cry, because I am proud and proud of the rise of this country.

Why did the director team arrange such a song on this festive day, because this song is so good, they are reluctant to remove it.

And this is also the reason why they put this song at the end of the show, because it is really not easy to spoil the festive atmosphere.

At the end of a song, many people at the show stood up and gave the warmest applause to Wu Hu on stage.

It can be seen that many people have tears in their eyes at this time.

In a word, cry for me!

Even those who don't have tears, they still touch the black technology all day long to make themselves look less cold-blooded and ruthless, and let people know that they also have a hot patriotic heart.


When Wu Hu returned home from the Spring Festival Gala, it was past one o'clock.

Only Ya Huazi was still waiting at home, seeing Wu Hu bring Xiao Luo in, Ya Huazi rolled up a burst of fragrant wind, and hung on Wu Hu's body, hugging him and breastfeeding, "Damn Fat Tiger, you sing too well!" Alright, I'm crying with my mother!"

Ronaldinho laughed and said: "Many people on the stage were sung and cried by the boss, ha!"

Wu Hu didn't put down Yahuazi, just supported her like that, walked in, and asked, "Where's our mother? Rest here or go back to your place?"

"Go back to me!"

"Let's go! Let's go to rest too, it's getting late at night." As he said that, Wu Hu went upstairs with his teeth in his arms, and turned his head to Xiao Luo and said, "You can do it yourself."


Early the next morning, Wu Hu got up to make breakfast and found that there were a lot of leftovers in the refrigerator. Seeing this, Wu Hu didn't throw them away, but heated them all up.

Born in the countryside, he has no resistance to eating leftovers.

Even though he is now worth hundreds of millions, he still doesn't waste money.

It's just that there were a lot of leftovers, so he had no choice but to add more, and by the way, he could give Yahuazi and Xiao Luo each a bottle of constitution potion.

Ronaldinho held his mobile phone and said with a smile, "Boss, you're on the top search list again. Even the second-rate newspaper named you and praised you, saying that your song "Displaced Time and Space" is a good singer."

Wu Hu said with a smile: "At that time, you will send another version of "Displaced Time and Space" to my account on the Douyin platform, and it will be my New Year gift to fans."

Yahuazi raised his eyebrows at him when he heard this, "Fathu, what about my new gift?"

"Didn't I give you hundreds of millions last night! Still not satisfied?"

Yahuazi was stunned for a moment, and gave him a 'pooh' sound, "Shameless!"

'Zu Luo' understood this in seconds, and said to Wu Hu speechlessly: "Boss, I'm still here, can you stop feeding me dog food forcibly! I'm so sorry."

"Drink more soup when you're feeling overwhelmed." Wu Hu didn't mean to reflect on himself, and said to Ya Huazi: "Qi Qian, call our mother and ask her to come over for dinner."

After Yahua's mother came over, Wu Hu took out three bottles of constitution medicine for them.

Yahua's mother doesn't ask too much about this thing now, even when drinking this, she cares more than Yahuazi and the others.The young Yahuazi and the others may not feel it, but the elderly Yahua's mother is very aware of the benefits this potion brings to her.

It's a good thing to make her body more alive.

At the same time, Wu Hu silently added two points to his strength.

Name: [Wu Hu]

Age: 【26】

Height: [183cm]

Weight: 【96kg】

Power: [105]

Physique: 【105】

Agility: [103]

Stamina: [103]

Flexibility: [103]

(End of this chapter)

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