Douluo angel and knight

Chapter 367 Logical but Magical Reality

Chapter 367 Logical but Magical Reality

People who have been in contact with Yu Xiaogang on the mainland will probably have such a doubt.

That is such a top quality, how did he win the favor of two talented female soul masters, Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong, and how did he make a soul sacrament like Flender take him as the main one?

The doubt of the former is that even if you, Yu Xiaogang, are particularly talented in pursuing women, you are not blind, right?

It's not that the princess fell in love with the script of the poor boy. It's not that it hasn't happened in the mainland, but it has been proved afterwards that the so-called poor boy is probably just poor, and in other respects, it is more than enough to match a princess.

At worst, people treat their wives well enough.

As for Yu Xiaogang, other people don't bother to comment on other aspects, so they say that in terms of women, I don't know which noble family took out their own women's virtues as the truth, forget it.

The problem with the latter is that the weak obey the strong and give priority to the strong. This is the truth of the mainland. How come you, Yu Xiaogang and Flender, are doing the opposite?

Knowledge and wisdom gained Flender's respect?Don't talk about it, okay, Yu Xiaogang probably has nothing to do with these two words in his life.

Flender is a soul sage anyway, no matter if he is a commoner soul master, no matter how he doesn't know any theory, he should understand everything he should know at this stage.

But no matter how confused things are, things happened so strangely, everyone can only think that Yu Xiaogang's means of chasing women is super strong, and they don't see anything else.

There are a lot of strange things on the mainland, and this one is not bad.

But today, this strange thing got an answer, although only Bibi Dong got the answer.

But Bibi Dong doesn't want to care about this now, it's just a dog she met in her life, she wants to know another thing more now.

"Have you imposed any means on Chihiro Ji?!"

"No, I guarantee there is absolutely no such thing. I did have a secret fight with him at that time, and he should have suffered some injuries.

"But it's Wuhun City after all, I might be able to make some small moves in it by virtue of the special Wuhun. If it's really a big fight, it's no different from courting death.

"As for the means, Chihiro Ji is a super douluo with an angel spirit. As the limit, I may kill him at will, but it is absolutely impossible to influence him like I want to influence you, and Qian Daoliu will not be unaware of it." .”

Lin Di's body lying on the ground began to tremble. As he was good at the soul, he could imagine what would happen if he didn't answer honestly.

Bibi Dong closed her eyes, feeling a little complicated.

How should I put it, I was both relieved and disappointed.

Relieved that his revenge wasn't a joke.

Disappointed with...

She didn't know what to be disappointed with.

"There are no more questions I need you to answer, let's go." Having settled down, Bibi Dong opened her eyes again and looked at Emperor Lin who was lying on the ground, her eyes were icy cold.

Naturally, she wanted to use all means to torture this scum who once controlled her life.

But it's not necessary now, she has more important things to do.

Lin Di opened his mouth and looked at this woman whom he manipulated and influenced for his own goals and for his son.

In the end, the divine test that he dreamed of and prepared for his descendants was obtained by this woman again.

The taste is indescribable and too magical.

But in the end he didn't say anything, chose to struggle to get up, and limped towards the depths of the Raksha Temple.

His fate is beyond his control. He should have died in the hands of Walter that year, and it is time to pay the price for living up to now.

When he influences and manipulates the fate of others, why isn't his own fate in the hands of others?
Still the same sentence, the taste in it is indescribable and too magical.

But weirdly reasonable and logical.

Bibi Dong felt the purple-red beam of light covering her body, and looked at Lin Di who had turned into ashes in the distance, her eyes were neither sad nor happy.

"I seem to have forgotten something?" Then she frowned.

Obviously she should think of something, but there is a voice in her heart telling herself that she shouldn't think about that.

The voice from the bottom of my heart, there is the voice that made me indulge in dreams in the past, and there is also my own voice.

They are all talking about one thing, and you can't think about it in that direction.

So, she didn't want to.

Shaking her head, throwing those thoughts out of her mind, Bibi Dong closed her eyes.

"This is really..." After a while, she opened her eyes again, her face full of bitterness.

Without him, the ninth test of the divine test-to exterminate the blood of the angels.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but it's very difficult for her now to do this.

It's really a vicious circle, you need to complete the ninth test to get the god position before you can get revenge - you need to get revenge before you can complete the ninth test to get the god position...

"I hope Nana and Xue'er are strong enough."

After muttering a sentence, she stepped out of the Rakshasa Temple.

Sometimes death is a relief.


'How is the teacher? Hu Liena looked worried as she looked at the direction Bibi Dong left at that time.

"Nana, what's wrong?"

Hu Liena took a step back, choosing to stay away from the red-haired mad dog.

She figured it out, Yan didn't so much regard her as a goal, it was better to say that the process of pursuing her was the goal.

"Brother, why are you here?" She turned to look at her brother Xie Yue.

She has not returned to Wuhun City according to the established plan, and met her two companions on the way.

"Go to Tiandou City to participate in the soul master competition." Xie Yue looked at Hu Liena a little strangely, she must have lost her mind after going out.

"Oh." Hu Liena bowed her head in response, and she also realized that the soul master competition didn't mean that she had to wait for her to return to Wuhun City before rushing to Tiandou City to start.

Arriving at Heaven Dou City ahead of time is the norm for the competition teams.

"It's a pity that I didn't go with Second Miss and the others." Seeing that Hu Liena ignored him, Yan restarted the conversation beside him.

He knew that Hu Liena was usually most interested in news about the Second Miss of Wuhundian.

"Why, didn't you go all the way?" As expected, Hu Liena raised her head and asked.

It's not that I was disappointed that I couldn't go with them, but theoretically, shouldn't the team of Wuhundian go together?
Why do they have to be divided into two groups? Now is not the era when the hall of worship and the hall of the pope are clearly separated.

Could it be that these former popes are so unpopular?Qian Renxue doesn't look like such a person, does she?

"Because we were waiting for you, Nana, we were supposed to go together, but we were late after waiting for you for several days."

Xie Yue continued to look at Hu Liena with a strange expression.

"Ah..." Hu Liena was embarrassed again.

"It just so happened that I met you, Nana, so let's hurry up and catch up with the big army." Xie Yue didn't bother about this, and then said.

"Oh, there is a strange girl in the team this time, let me remind you first." Xie Yue remembered something again, with a strange look on her face.

"Ah, is there anything strange?" Hu Liena looked confused. Are there any younger generations in the Spirit Hall, including the Hall of Enshrinement, that she hasn't seen?

(End of this chapter)

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