It's a space ball!

At this time, the space Anxu and the fourth-level players are in is different from that of Cheng Xun, and the space ball can form a space of its own.

Cheng Xun could only watch helplessly as An Xu was pressed and beaten, and he couldn't touch anything when he rushed over.


Roaring feebly, he beat the ground, but there was nothing he could do.

Bai Lulu wept silently.

Liu Heqing's complexion remained unchanged, and the veins in his arms were all bulging.

What could be more uncomfortable than this!They can only watch.

An Xu kept resisting, and every time he received a move, he felt that his bones were about to shatter.

"Use props, props, talk about it!!"

Pippi shouted anxiously in his mind.

she knows!Just thinking about how to use it to maximize the benefits!

Despite regenerating flesh and infinite stamina, she still hurts.

At this time, there is a feeling of pain that the internal organs are all cracked,

Transform into a pill! !
But the situation at this time is afraid that it will be blown away before it can be eaten!

correct!Time watch!
An Xu took out his watch and pressed it on him.

The fourth-level player was torturing An Xu like a cat, but his body suddenly seemed to be slowed down.

The movement is extremely slow.

This low-level player is cheating!
You don't think you can kill yourself like this, do you?Innocent!
However, An Xu showed no sign of intending to kill him, but instead stuffed something into his mouth.

what is this?
Level [-] players are full of doubts.

The moment he ate it, An Xu's body rioted, his limbs began to grow slender, and his whole body became taller.

She actually turned into the appearance of the mother of aliens! !

But the strength is less than half of the mother of aliens.

"Hmph, don't think that changing your appearance will turn things around!"

The fourth-level players still looked at her with disdain, drew out their whips and surrounded her again.

An Xu flicked his tail and patted him, waving his hands and roaring angrily.

Looks like...has lost his mind.

"Continue, what did you eat?"

Bai Lulu was startled, looking at An Xu who had turned into a monster.

"Don't know, and seems to have lost his mind."

Liu Heqing stared closely at the space ball.

Suddenly, there are more people around.

who? !


"Master Xu!"

Lu Yu, who was watching the battle closely from behind, saw the extra figure and shouted in surprise.

Bai Lulu also looked at him in surprise.

Continue to be saved!
"I'm late."

Master Xu frowned, looked into the space ball, and said.

Cheng Xun also showed hope, looked at Master Xu and said:

"Master Xu, can this ball be broken?"

Master Xu shook his head and said with a serious expression:

"The space ball is an A-level prop. It cannot be broken by external force. It will disappear automatically after 10 minutes."

Well, at least 7 minutes have to wait!
Everyone looked at An Xu worriedly.

Here, An Xu, who had transformed into an alien, vaguely tied with the fourth-level players.

"Damn girl, there are such props."

The fourth-level player felt the pain in his chest, put away his whip, took a pill, and took out a bow and arrow.

The whole body of the bow and arrow is glittering with gold, which looks incredible.

"He's... the lunatic Chen Yili!"

Master Xu recognized the fourth-level player.

Chen Yili shot a golden arrow at An Xu's chest in mid-air.

The arrows split into two, four, eight, and sixteen arrows in mid-air!
An Xu, who had turned into a strange shape, roared loudly, and slapped away several arrows with a wave of his hand, but there were still many arrows in his body.

"mock up."

Chen Yili looked at An Xu with disdain, but saw that she raised her hand and pulled out all the arrows and threw them at him.


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