Chapter 61 Shameless

Those marketing accounts said that Hu Xin was very dissatisfied with this result, and complained in private that Hu Kexuan had an ulterior relationship with Huaqing's top management, and publicized this matter everywhere, which greatly affected Hu Kexuan's reputation.

They also interviewed Huaqing's staff in a serious manner, and the staff said that they had indeed heard about these things, but Hu Kexuan was a newcomer, and the coffee position and the company's senior management had no connection at all, and there was no improper relationship at all.

Hu Kexuan also posted a Weibo, the content was so frightening, Hu Kexuan said that she is clear, and I hope everyone will focus on the work, because I am a newcomer and have flaws in many aspects, so I will take this role She was ready to face all criticisms when she was young, but she did not want to fall into this type of public opinion storm and would never accept it.

At the same time, Hu Kexuan also said later, I hope everyone can analyze and treat rationally, and don't attack Hu Xin blindly. Like Hu Xin, she is a low-level actor struggling in the entertainment industry. It is not easy. It is normal to have resentment in my heart. I hope everyone can forgive Hu Xin. She is also a poor person who is fighting for her dream.

After these words, it seems that they are speaking for Hu Xin, but they are actually hammering Hu Xin.

This disgusted Xu Qing.

Damn, why did this happen?
This Hua Qing is a bit too shameless, dare to use such crooked tricks for publicity?

The comment also made Xu Qing angry enough, "They both have the same surname Hu, why is there such a big gap?"

Let's make it clear, besides, Mrs. Hu Kexuan has a lot of gossips behind Hu Xin's small belly.

This is the idea of ​​which wicked and smoky person came up with it. When I saw him, I must give him a set of Chen Hegao's unlimited fighting moves for his chin, chin, chin, and chin.

But what Xu Qing didn't know was that that vicious and fuming person was looking at the public opinion on the Internet with complacency.

This person is none other than Wang Hai, the screenwriter of The Secret History of Shendu.

Before, he felt that the fun was not enough, so he wanted to do something more.

Just when he couldn't think of an idea after much deliberation, Mr. Liu's wife came to the company. That's right, Mr. Liu, who had never overturned his car, actually overturned his car, which made Wang Hai almost overjoyed.

Although Mr. Liu's wife did not make a scene in public, everyone in the company knew about the quarrel with Mr. Liu in the office.

The reason for the quarrel was vaguely heard, and it had something to do with Mr. Liu's new girlfriend, Hu Kexuan.

Now, Wang Hai, who was having fun watching the excitement, suddenly had an inspiration.

He didn't have the qualifications to talk directly to Mr. Liu, so he went to the representative of the producer, Mr. Li, to tell his thoughts.

Mr. Li, as the dogleg representative, felt that Wang Hai's idea was very reasonable after listening to Wang Hai's analysis.

So he took Wang Hai to Mr. Liu's office. Under Wang Hai's vigorous speech, the dejected Mr. Liu agreed to Wang Hai's plan.

The final result was that the Mystery of the Divine Capital broke the circle in an instant with the help of Hu Xin's public opinion, and everyone remembered the drama of the Secret History of the Divine Capital.

Of course, promoting the play is only one of the purposes.

The second purpose is the main purpose, which is to clarify the relationship between Mr. Liu and Hu Kexuan through this plan.

How to clarify it, take the initiative to release the rumor that Hu Kexuan has a relationship with the high-level, and then deny it.

It doesn't matter whether netizens believe it or not, anyway, the full text is about Huaqing's top management, and Mr. Liu is not mentioned.

Moreover, in the eyes of Wang Hai and others, it is enough for Mr. Liu's wife to believe it. How can he make his wife believe it? For a ready-made reason, Mr. Liu can tell her wife, if Hu Kexuan and I really have a relationship, how can I tell her? The whole world knows what can be done.

Could it be that I, Liu, can't block this bit of news?
Since I am not blocked, it proves that I have no ghosts in my heart, and I have nothing to do with Hu Kexuan.

As for why Hu Xin was chosen as the outlet for this public opinion.

One is because Hu Xin is indeed Hu Kexuan's competitor in the role of Rong Qi. She did come to audition, and there are photos and videos.

Secondly, Lin Qiao is now marketing Qiao Xin CP every day. Although the popularity has almost passed, there is still enthusiasm.

In this way, it can also bring a certain amount of heat to the secret history of Shendu.

Win-win, Huaqing wins twice.

After one set, Wang Hai felt that he was simply a genius, and he was embarrassed by the very successful leader.

If you want to ask Wang Hai, why do you have to mess with Hu Xin?

Wang Hai will tell you, in fact, if it wasn't Hu Xin who auditioned, it was Li Xin and Liu Xin. None of that matters.

If Yuan Huhu knew what Wang Hai was thinking, he would definitely shout, isn't this the kind of pervert that Brother Qing talked about when he was bullied and only wanted to bully someone weaker than her?

Hu Xin is now a small fifth-tier artist. If Hu Xin were a first-tier artist, Wang Hai probably wouldn't have the guts to do this.

In Xingtang Culture, in Xu Qing's office, Xu Qing and Yuan Huhu sat opposite each other, their faces very gloomy.

Yuan Huhu couldn't help but asked, "Brother Qing, what should we do?"

"Let me think about it." Xu Qing really doesn't know what to do with this kind of thing now. Sometimes, public opinion is such a thing as yellow mud falling into the crotch, and the spectators around don't care if yours is shit or not.

Most people just want to see you running away amidst the teasing of the crowd wearing the yellow stained pants, and finally become the talking point of everyone.

As for your explanation that this thing is yellow mud, they will only say, ah, yes, yes, it is mud, mud, and after they finish speaking, they turn their heads and say to others: "Did you hear that? So-and-so shit on them gone."

After hearing it, people were very excited and said to others: "Have you heard that so and so fell into the cesspit, and the whole body is full of shit."

As for whether this thing is yellow mud or not, who cares? After all, it is much more interesting to say that someone has shit on their body than that someone has yellow mud in their crotch.

Even if the last person with the yellow mud on his crotch tried his best to prove that there was really yellow mud in his pants.

Everyone will only say, ah, yes, yes, I understand.

Then, she turned her head and said to others: "That so-and-so, shit on me."

At this time, others will say: "Didn't you say it was yellow mud?"

And the person spreading the rumors will act like an expert who knows a peerless secret at this time, pretending to be mysterious: "You believe it, you are still too naive."

Therefore, under this public opinion, even if everyone finds out that Hu Kexuan's acting skills are worse than Hu Xin's, even if it is revealed that Hu Kexuan really has an ulterior secret with Huaqing's top management.

For Hu Xin, it's not the time to stand up, because some people will say that you, Hu Xin, are so small. If someone steals your role, you will explode their private life. There are too many people in the entertainment industry who have improper relationships with high-level officials. Oh, why didn't I see you, Hu Xin, explode.

After all, you, Hu Xin, are a villain, not a representative of justice.

However, the speaker never thought about whether Hu Kexuan's story was really spread by Hu Xin?

Is it possible that Hu Xin didn't say it?

In the minds of most people, this is impossible, absolutely impossible, no matter whether it is you who spread it or not, we have shouted for so long, it must be you if it is not you, if we admit that it was not you who spread it, it does not mean that we are stupid , what did we do wrong?
How can we be fools, how can we be wrong, the world is wrong, you are wrong, we are not wrong anyway.

Therefore, Hu Xin's matter will never be clarified.

This was the most disgusting thing about Xu Qing, it was so disgusting.

 In view of the fact that some readers said that the two chapters are not enough, a lot of content has been deleted and changed in chapters 61 to [-], and it has been updated now.

(End of this chapter)

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