The ace agent starts with the girl group

Chapter 601 Are you going to perform?

Chapter 601 Are you going to perform?

"it is good."

"it is good."

Shouts of applause came from the inner theater of the Beijing Theater, Xu Qing was among the applauding crowd, and Xia Zhimei was sitting next to him.

"It still has to be Teacher Xia. In just one and a half months, six plays can be arranged." Xu Qing looked at the performance that was still going on on the stage, and whispered to Xia Zhimei next to him.

It has been a month and a half since the meatball troupe rehearsed at the Beijing Theater.

Chen Jieyun and Yi Rong also stayed in South Korea for more than a month, and the singing session has ended, and they are now filming with peace of mind.

In the past month, the two of them have been on all the big and small singing shows.

It also successfully won the first place in "Inkigayo" on Monday.

It's a pity that they didn't win consecutive awards, and they didn't win anything in other song-playing programs. Some viewers in Korea seem to have a lot of opinions on the two Chinese people winning the first place, so the public opinion is not very good, and there are big differences.

On the one hand, some people clamored that the Hua people should not be allowed to get one, and that Chinese artists should be restricted. There is already a lot of competition for domestic artists, so how can foreign artists be allowed to take a share of this pie?

On the other hand, some Korean viewers think it is an honor, because foreign artists have come to sing Korean songs, which shows that Korea's international influence has improved, and Smecta should be strongly supported.

The two parties held different viewpoints and quarreled fiercely, and no one could convince the other. After the quarrel finally got angry, the topic of the quarrel was no longer a matter of whether the two should be allowed to take the first place, and they labeled each other. The operation is called a familiarity.

Xu Qing looked very kind, because domestic public opinion was similar to theirs.

Xu Qing was also happy that they were arguing, Li Youna's sailors were going in anyway to bring rhythm, so they had to make them quarrel.

Amidst the noise, the popularity of Chen Jieyun and Yi Rong has gradually increased, and they have become the two most famous Chinese young artists in Korea. Apart from the Chinese artists who have gained popularity in Korea in the past, they are considered to be The two I know the most.

It even gained a group of die-hard Korean fans, and they were full of praise for them.

Of course, to gain fans, Xu Qing used all the means of fan circles that were useless in China to South Korea. This wave is called import and export. There is no domestic sales link, and as much as he learns, he will go back.

In contrast, the domestic public opinion has a lot of praise. Although there are some yin and yang, these people themselves are hermaphrodites who can get a word for everything. Their evaluation has no reference value, so don't pay too much attention to it.

Under the vigorous publicity of both Xu Qing and Yi Rong Company, most people think that they are helping internal entertainment to win glory, which makes the two of them have the same limelight in China for a while. There are so many voices that no one knows what they are doing.

Chen Jieyun's dream of surpassing Yang Tutu seemed to have been realized briefly.

In addition to the two of them, the New Boys and 9SF teams arranged in the past are also doing song promotion, and they have achieved some good results one after another. A song playing program on the wild list.

But regardless of whether it is a wild list or not, it is considered a success and a good result to get one.

With the blessing of this good result, New Boys and 9SF have also become representatives of domestic male and female idol groups, and their status can be regarded as surpassing other idol groups.

Of course, speaking of it, there are not many well-known idol groups in the country, and these two teams can be regarded as generals drawn out of dwarfs.

As for the Maruko group is not considered an idol group, no one thinks that they should be compared with girl groups like 9SF.

Seeing that the popularity and commercial value of New Boys and 9SF continued to increase, many people in China turned their attention to Yinsha, wanting to see how good the group selected by "Founding Group" this year is.

But what is surprising is that the "Creation 4" that everyone is looking forward to has not come, and Lisa has no intention of continuing to do it this year.

The reason for not doing it is very simple. It is simply that I can’t choose any good seedlings. The domestic trainee system itself is not perfect. There are so many people harvesting year after year. It takes two years to grow.

She wanted to slow down, but other programs didn't want to slow down, and neither did the young guys and girls in the country who were waiting to come out.

The idol audition shows on various platforms in China are desperately doing publicity. From the news released, it can be estimated that they clearly want to copy the way of New Boys and 9SF, and after they are selected, they will also send them to Korea to play a song.

Seeing this scene, Lisa shook her head helplessly, while Xu Qing laughed out loud. Some people are prone to whimsical things, and they are not afraid to talk about it.

Don't be like the Chopsticks Brothers, taking "Little Apple" to the Grammys, trying to copy the results of "Gangnam Style", and then handing out an award in the background, how embarrassing it would be.

It's not that "Little Apple" is any worse than "Gangnam Style".

The main reason is that the path didn't work out and the gameplay was wrong.

For example, Xu Qing himself, now let Chen Jieyun, Yi Rong and others really follow the foreign way of playing, it is not as simple as spending some money to gilt, it is really competing with local artists, this way Results are convincing.

Speaking of which, the three-team combination of Chen Jieyun, Yi Rong, etc. was able to achieve results, and Li Junhao still played some role in it.

The people in charge of the six singing programs didn't dare to do small tricks at all. This grandson took Xu Qing's things to blackmail some resources, and then sold them to some companies, which happened to make Chen Jieyun and others less obvious.

Without making small moves, they naturally won the honor they deserved by relying on the high-quality works Xu Qing provided.

As for the fact that Li Junhao wanted to ask Xu Qing to get something, after Li Youna left his house that day, she immediately reported it to Xu Qing.

Xu Qing didn't care about anything after listening to it.

Li Junhao didn't contact him, and he wouldn't give him anything for the time being.

It will take time to complete the task of the group soul of the meatball group. South Korea has already hammered a nail down, and it just needs to wait for it to ferment slowly.

However, what Xu Qing didn't expect was that, as time went by day by day, even if Li Junhao called him, it was only to communicate with him about business matters, and he didn't mention anything about this aspect at all.

With this kind of attitude, Xu Qing thinks that his grandson has changed his mind.

It was only later that Xu Qing found out that this guy hadn't forgotten or changed his sex, in fact, his heart was getting more and more itchy.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to extricate yourself from eating the marrow to know the taste.

Apart from gaining benefits by beating others, of course that matter is what he misses the most.

Of course, this bastard has already shifted his target. He originally wanted to have some female idols, but now he has no interest. What he really focuses on is his favorite, a few married female artists.

That's really called one, if you have anything to do, ask Li Youna if Xu Qing has anything about these female artists.

That pose almost made Li Youna spit out.

When reporting this matter to Xu Qing, Xu Qing was disgusted by this bastard, what's the matter with staring at other people's wives?

This kind of thing that threatens others with things and wants to sleep with others is even more disgusting.

Simply put, the two female idols he had met were not very good, one of their scandals was pimping, doing nasty things to help some people stun others.

Therefore, Xu Qing didn't think there was anything wrong with Li Junhao's messing with him like this, and he deserved it.

Anyway, Li Junhao's actions were not too small. If there were no accidents, he should have been targeted. Xu Qing's arrangement would not take long to bear fruit.

In the Peking Opera Theater, Xia Zhimei and Xu Qing were still chatting about things. Facing Xu Qing's compliment, she said with a smile on her face: "Okay, don't compliment me, it's you girls who are good at it. It's just a rehearsal." , it’s just to cooperate with other people, and it’s not a complete learning from scratch, how can you be unhappy?” Xia Zhi

"That also has to be because you control it well. An ordinary person wouldn't be able to adapt so quickly." Xu Qing continued to compliment.

"This play is almost done, how is your arrangement?" Xia Zhimei didn't answer the topic of asking Xu Qing to flatter her, but asked about the performance of the meatball troupe.

"It's already being arranged. Now that everything is ready, a large-scale publicity will be carried out immediately. Others have also been coordinated with the performance department of our Star Hall Club. They will be responsible for our venue arrangements and ticketing work." Xu Qing Just said it briefly.

As for why the performance department of the Peking Opera Theater is not used to arrange performance tasks, it is mainly a business distinction, and the key point is not to be explained too much. Anyway, the performance department of the Star Hall Club is used to undertake the performance, and the actors of the Peking Opera Theater get more money.

 The foreshadowing in South Korea is almost done. I originally wanted to be more concise, but if I don’t write some things, it will look fake and brainless when the meatball group develops and achieves results later.

  There will be more in December, and the update will start on the 12th and last for about a week.

  If there are book friends who are more interested in the affairs of Chen Jieyun and Yi Rong, I will add a special episode at that time

  thanks for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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