Chapter 548 Language Master
"Did you not sleep well last night, so dark circles under your eyes?" In the rehearsal room of E11, a member looked at Liu Yuyu suspiciously and said.

After hearing this question, Liu Yuyu didn't answer, but waved her hand wearily.

What do you mean I didn't sleep well last night, I didn't sleep at all.

How could it be possible to sleep, my fans are going to go to heaven as monsters, last night I was really worried that the fans would make things worse, and at the same time worried that Xu Qing would deal with me because of this matter.

Liu Yuyu can feel the accuracy of the idiom description of heart upset.

It wasn't until this morning that she squinted for a while because she was really tired. Although she seemed to have squinted for two hours by looking at the time, she always felt that she was woken up just after she closed her eyes, as if she had fallen asleep. nothing.

Thinking about having to rehearse with Yang Tutu and the others today, as far as I know, Yang Tutu probably won't say anything, but I can't guarantee that Wu Manqi and Yi Yunyi won't be eccentric.

In addition, a day of rehearsal is extremely exhausting, and the public opinion on the Internet does not know where it will develop.

All kinds of psychological pressure, plus physical exertion.

Under the superposition of various factors, Liu Yuyu always felt that she might die suddenly in the rehearsal room today.

At this moment, she was sitting in the corner of the rehearsal room with blank eyes, looking at the door.

Soon, a person walked in at the door. This person was Chen Jieyun. Chen Jieyun obviously saw the public opinion on the Internet. The first thing she did after entering was to look for Liu Yuyu with her eyes.

After seeing Liu Yuyu, he ignored the others, but went straight to Liu Yuyu's side, and said in an extremely aggressive tone, "Hey, Yuyu, it looks like an eggplant beaten by Shuang. "

Liu Yuyu didn't want to talk to her, so she didn't say anything. She just cast a glance at Chen Jieyun, then continued to stare blankly at the door. She was waiting for Yang Tutu and the others to come in. She wanted to see through the performance of Yang Tutu and the three of them. to get some information.

Waiting and waiting like this, Liu Yuyu felt that half a century had passed, and the three of Yang Tutu finally appeared.

The three of them are in very good condition, and they are talking and laughing and saying hello to the people in the rehearsal room.

Even Liu Yuyu's side was not deliberately ignored, and she also greeted her.

Judging from the performance of the three of Yang Tutu, the people in the rehearsal room once wondered if they didn't surf the Internet yesterday.

Not only are they not connected to the Internet, but even their team is disconnected from the Internet. Otherwise, why would they act like they didn't know about the public opinion dispute that happened last night?
It is impossible to disconnect from the Internet. Of course, the three of Yang Tutu knew about it, but they just knew about it.

It cannot be said that their reactions were similar to those of Xu Qing and Yuan Huhu, they were exactly the same.

The first reaction was to be funny, and the second reaction was to continue talking about topics they were interested in, such as what is the current situation of their newly bought house and so on.

At this time, they have the same mentality as Xu Qing, and they have no feeling for this kind of thing.

What level is Liu Yuyu?
Worse than Chen Jieyun, Chen Jieyun is still an amphibious artist after all.

Liu Yuyu is just a half-hearted Idol, and Wanzi Tuan and her are not on the same track at all, let alone on the same level.

For her fans' attacks, don't respond if you can't respond, not only don't respond, but even restrain her fans from responding to them.

After a few days of waiting like this, the turmoil will naturally pass, and the quarrel also needs an opponent. It will inevitably be boring in the end to search for enemies in the air alone, and it is easy to be distracted by new topics.

At the same time, if you don't scold back, in the eyes of the general public, the fault is all on the side of Liu Yuyu's fans, and the popularity of the meatball group will be better.

As for the fans of the meatball group, if they are well guided, they will naturally change from an angry mentality to a foolish mentality, and instead they will have a sense of superiority, which can appease the fans.

Otherwise, if you really want to get into trouble with Liu Yuyu's fans, for the meatball group, it's simply sending traffic to others, purely to make people touch porcelain.

This is Liu Yuyu. She, Yang Tutu and others are still teammates, so they can be easily linked together. If someone else is not a member of E11, this kind of topic of comparison will not be discussed at all. stand up.

There is no need to repeat the principle of Pengci's marketing. Liu Yuyu's fans are not like Pengci this time. Forcibly pulling Liu Yuyu out to compare with Yang Tutu makes everyone seem to be in the same position in the entertainment circle.

Xu Qing didn't make statistics on this kind of porcelain touching, but the meatballs were really touched many times, which made both Xu Qing and meatballs get used to it.

It was precisely because they were used to it, and because Yang Tutu and the others had been taught by Xu Qing, they knew what to do in their best interest.

Tang Qian knew what to do, so she was suppressing the heat of this matter.

Liu Yuyu's team may also know what to do, so they let the fans mess around, and even add fuel to the flames.

It doesn't matter whether Liu Yuyu's professional life is long or not. If he can get popular when he leaves the group, he can generate more commercial value in a very short period of time.

This kind of income may be more in line with the company's interests than Liu Yuyu's tepid continuation.

After all, it costs a lot to maintain an artist for a long time, especially consumables like Idol.

The only person who can't figure out these truths may be Liu Yuyu himself.

She was absent-minded in rehearsing today, making all kinds of mistakes, and the only words running around in her mind are Xu Qing and fans... Oh, no, there is another word, that is "sudden death".

Apparently, her worry was a bit unnecessary. Sudden death is not so easy, and Xu Qing would not waste time dealing with her, and her fans were even more incapable of making things worse.

If someone who understands is willing to say a few more words, maybe he can persuade her to worry about how her company will squeeze her after leaving the group.

Liu Yuyu made a lot of mistakes, which made the rehearsal not go smoothly. Yang Tutu and others didn't say anything, and the teachers didn't dare to say anything. Even Chen Jieyun didn't say anything in front of everyone.

On the contrary, it was the group of E11 who were usually as close as sisters to Liu Yuyu who kept complaining.

Perhaps this is that the person who is the least patient with you in most cases is actually a concrete manifestation of the person who has a good relationship with you?
After a stumbling day of rehearsal time, Liu Yuyu returned to the room exhausted. When a person is extremely tired, it is easy to mess up.

She didn't look at her phone, and didn't pay attention to whether Xu Qing would deal with her. Instead, she went to bed and fell asleep with whomever she loved.

Liu Yuyu fell asleep, but there were many people who didn't sleep.

For example, Xu Qing, he is doubting his life right now, lying on the bed without vomiting, judging from his state, he should be very uncomfortable now.

Of course, this state is not because he is sick. In fact, after the improvement of the [Physical Enhancement Card], he seems to have never been sick.

It's not the first time he has made himself into this kind of virtue. He has experienced it before. It was when he was learning [Makeup Master]. When this skill card is used, he will enter a place similar to the consciousness space to participate in the study of.

The time flow rate in the conscious space is different from the real time flow rate. The time flow rate of [Makeup Master] is 1:5. That is to say, 1 hour in reality will take 5 hours in the conscious space. This kind of The time difference made Xu Qing feel extremely dizzy after returning to reality.

Xu Qing is naturally not participating in the study of [Makeup Master].

He used another host-exclusive skill card [Language Master Skill Card]. This skill card was drawn from the lottery tickets issued by the system after the end of the first season of "Love Apartment".

The overall memory and rehearsal experience of the dance drama "Zhaojun Out of the Fortress" was drawn from that time.

In addition, there are a bunch of acting cards, singing cards, drama cards and the like.

Other props have been used up long ago, but this [Master of Language] Xu Qing is using it for the first time.

The system's description of [Language Master Skill Card] is as follows.

[Language master skill card: dedicated to the host. After using it, a language learning space will be opened. The host can enter this space and choose to learn any language of Bluestar. The learning cycle of each language is 30 days, and the daily class hours are 10 hours. After the course starts, it cannot be interrupted. After the course is over, the host will permanently acquire this kind of language ability, the language level is the anchor level of the local official news platform, and the ratio of language learning space flow rate to real time flow rate is 10:1]

Obviously, [Master of Language] is more nonsense than [Master of Makeup].

Judging from the ratio of time flow, [Master of Makeup] is used as 1 hours per hour, and [Master of Language] is used as 5 hours per hour.

This made Xu Qing, who had already adapted to the discomfort caused by the difference in time velocity of [Master of Makeup], feel uncomfortable again.

With the launch of the sea plan, Xu Qing had to think about quickly learning a few languages, otherwise how would he explain it when he took out his own foreign language songs?
You can’t even speak, and then you can write songs in foreign languages?
We can't arrange translators to fill in the lyrics every time, it's too inconvenient.

The key is whether the words filled out by the translation will work or not. I don’t know how to do it myself. Wouldn’t it be too nonsense to guide others to translate according to the original lyrics?

Not only learning by yourself, Taro is already arranging for New Boys and 9SF to learn foreign languages. At present, English can be postponed, and Korean and Japanese must be followed up quickly. It is not required to speak well, but to be able to speak simple Sentences, or some simple dialogue will do.

Yi Rong has already started to learn, as for Chen Jieyun, she has also been learning.

At this time, the importance of the [Language Master Skill Card] was highlighted. After all, if Xu Qing relied on himself, it would be difficult for Xu Qing to learn the level of the anchor of the local official news platform.

Moreover, language never exists alone, and behind the language is likely to represent a place's human culture, way of thinking, customs, and so on.

If you want to learn a language well, it is not just as simple as learning to pronounce and write.

At least in the [Language Master] class, Xu Qing is not only taught pronunciation and writing, but also tells the origin of some vocabulary to help Xu Qing better understand the meaning behind some vocabulary.

This allowed Xu Qing to passively understand the general situation of the country where the language he was learning was in the process of learning the language.

It is also easier for him to modify the lyrics when necessary when he is copying the song. The modification is naturally for better modification, at least not too vulgar and indecent, and even some elements that our country people hate , everyone understands some foreign language songs.

Some companies and artists can be shameless, but Xu Qing and Wanzituan still have to.

When the plan to go to sea really started, at least two or three months had to be prepared. With this time, it was enough for Xu Qing to master a language or two.

It’s the pain of learning that you have to get used to. If you get used to it, take 1 hour a day to study for 12 months a year. If you don’t treat yourself as a human being, you can learn [-] languages ​​a year. what.

This is indeed worthy of the title of "Language Master". In the future, even if he is a translator, Xu Qing can earn [-] more than others, so don't worry about not getting a bite of food.

(End of this chapter)

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