The ace agent starts with the girl group

Chapter 540 Harem Star Hall Biography?

Chapter 540 Harem Star Hall Biography?
"The Legend of Zhen Huan", as a classic Gongdou drama, has been discussed since it was launched in 2011 until 2022. The content of the second creation always gets some good views.

There are many people who repeatedly watch dramas.

From these behaviors, it is not difficult to see how exciting this TV series is.

Since "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has proved himself on earth, Xu Qing didn't make too many changes when he was writing the script. After all, this drama can become popular, and it must have his unique features. If you change something else, you may lose a tiny bit and make a huge difference.

In order to restore the taste of the original version to the greatest extent, Xu Qing put forward very detailed requirements for work in the fields of storyboards, props, scenes, etc. during the preparation.

This is also the reason why "Zhen Huan's Legend" has been in preparation for so long, but it is still unable to start. Even the time in November that Xu Qing just gave is an approximate time. He himself does not know whether it will start in early November or November It will start at the end of the month.

Speaking of which, Xu Qing's perception of this drama is not that exaggerated, at least he won't watch it again and again. The TV series he watched most often is "Soldiers Assault", and he may have watched it more than ten times. I can memorize the lines, but I can still read it with gusto.

It's a pity that the "heroine" in "Soldier Assault" should only appear for three seconds in total. That's right, she is the "village flower" in Xu Sanduo's village. She is the heroine in Xu Qing's heart. As for the others The heroine in my heart may be the proprietress of the supermarket, or the female family member who sends the recruits to the train station.

Well, there is no heroine in this drama, otherwise Xu Qing really wanted to make it, this drama would be a real classic.

Let's wait for the future, when the meatball group has developed to a certain status, and when I don't need to worry too much about them, I will see if I want to make this drama.

As for now, let's decide on the roles of the meatball group first, not only the role of the meatball group, but also other roles. The actor for the role of Emperor Yongzheng has not yet been found.

"I've made up my mind, I want to play Concubine Hua." When Xu Qing asked them for the second time whether they had chosen the role, Yi Yunyi said suddenly.

"Concubine Hua?" After Xu Qing listened, Jiang Xin's appearance couldn't help appearing in his mind, and he looked back at Yi Yunyi, and couldn't help but slapped his mouth.

Although you are quite fleshy like Jiang Xin, but the feeling of flesh is different, and you are a sweet girl playing Concubine Hua, isn't it a bit unsuitable?

Thinking of this, Xu Qing said to Yi Yunyi: "Why do you want to play Concubine Hua?"

"I just want to play an upright villain. I'm much more arrogant than the other few who are scheming people behind their backs every day. I can't be presumptuous in reality. I have to go to the play to be presumptuous." Yi Yunyi raised her eyebrows, and then turned around Xingyi was sitting on the sofa, looking at everyone with a slightly squinting expression.

Not to mention, the feeling of not looking at people directly, really brought Nian Shilan's arrogant and domineering taste to the show, coupled with her sweet appearance, there is a sense of contrast.

"That's fine, Concubine Hua is Concubine Hua, what about the others, who will play?" Xu Qing turned his attention to Qi Xi who was next to Yi Yunyi.

"I don't know, it's all pretty good. I'll play whoever you arrange for me to play." Qi Xi shook his head immediately after being looked at by Xu Qing. The script was given to them a long time ago. Clearly.

Moreover, during this period of time when Hu Xin taught them, she used a lot of scenes from "The Legend of Zhen Huan" to audition. Each of them played several roles. If Xu Qing really wanted to arrange things casually, they would be fine. Too big a problem.

"Go play Shen Meizhuang, the temperament of the character is more suitable for you." Xu Qing thought for a while and said to Qi Xi.

Qi Xi nodded and didn't say much, but Wu Manqi who was next to him suddenly said, "Brother Qing, who is the emperor planning to find to play?"

"I don't know, just pick slowly." Xu Qing lay on the sofa and stretched.

The actor of the emperor, I really have to look for it. The original version of Chen Jianbin played pretty well. Most of the time he was calm and calm, and a small part of the time he was emotional, which is better than the general bluffing or the emperor who is paralyzed from beginning to end. much better.

"Brother Qing, you said that we all participated in this drama. Why don't you also participate in this drama? Why don't you play the role of the emperor." Qi Xi didn't comment on her role, but after talking about the role of the emperor, she suddenly came made a suggestion.

"Me?" Xu Qing was still lying on the sofa, but after hearing this, he sat up slowly, and then picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table as a mirror to look at his face.

Or maybe it's not good to be preconceived sometimes.

Xu Qing really couldn't connect his face with the emperor played by Chen Jianbin, but it was the Yongzheng played by Zhuge Villager. He could cosplay it himself, and his eyes were quite big.

However, age is not the main reason. The main reason is that the emperor in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is a bit miserable. How can I play this role.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing put down his cell phone, then shook his head and said, "I can't, Yongzheng was 44 when he ascended the throne, and he was 57 when he passed away. The timeline in the drama is probably [-]. I'm too young to be suitable. .”

"That being said, the age of the queen and Nian Shilan are not too young. It is difficult for an actor in his 50s to play a young man in his twenties. It is relatively difficult for a man in his 20s to play a man in his [-]s or [-]s." It's much easier, with makeup and your acting skills, it won't be a problem at all." Yang Tutu suddenly became interested, and said to Xu Qing.

After finishing speaking, she went on to say: "Besides, you have said that this is a fictional drama. How old the emperor is is not what the script decides."

"If you don't act, you don't act." Xu Qing shook his head like a rattle, saying that age was just an excuse, and there were other reasons.

So he changed the subject and said: "No, we are discussing who you are playing, why did the topic come to me."

"We've been playing for so long, anyone can play the role, the main reason is that the emperor is very important, let's decide on the leading actor first, do you think so?" Yang Tutu said immediately.

"That's right, acting, Brother Qing, your acting skills are so good, our group finally acted in a TV series together, it's a pity that you are absent, think about it, if fans know that we have acted in a TV series together How happy." Wu Manqi persuaded from the side.

"Yeah, yeah, brother Qing, think about it, how much fun it will be for all of us to appear in a TV series together."

"Play it, play it."

A few girls have opened up the chatterbox, all kinds of persuading Xu Qing to play this role.

"The fans are happy, but the role of the emperor is really not happy.

The eldest wife, the queen, couldn't bear children by herself, so she wanted to kill his other children.

The second wife, Concubine Hua, was the same. She couldn't conceive herself, and she thought about letting other people have abortions every day. The worst thing was that her brother wanted to rebel against the emperor.

The third wife, Zhen Huan, not to mention the cheating emperor's younger brother, will try to piss him off in the end.

The fourth wife, Shen Meizhuang, used all kinds of excuses to be unwilling to make out with him, and even said that she had a mental disorder. She was probably going to be a Qingdeng ancient Buddha in this life, but in the end she cheated on the imperial physician and asked the emperor to be a successor.

The fifth wife, An Lingrong, forget it, this guy has a bad brain, and he is played around by the other wives.

As for the other bunch of little wives, there is not a single fuel-efficient lamp.

Who can stand this role, I can't stand it, it's unlucky, it's unlucky. Seeing that the more they persuaded them, the more interested they became, Xu Qing could only express his true thoughts helplessly.

As soon as this statement came out, the five girls were stunned for a second, and then there was a burst of exaggerated haha.

"Hahahaha, oops, I can't do it anymore, Brother Qing, your reasoning is fresh and refined, no, this is a TV series, and what we acted in is fake, there is also an unlucky saying. Wouldn't it be even more unlucky for a dead person to act as a cancer patient." Hu Xin laughed so hard that she almost collapsed, she said to Xu Qing while laughing.

Looking at the people who were laughing like fools, Xu Qing could only smile along with embarrassment, could he not understand what they were saying.

But it always feels weird.

Another problem is that fans of "Charlotte Annoyance" can open their minds and say that they are reborn people.

If he played the role of the emperor himself and let the meatball group play the role of concubine or queen, then the audience would have to interpret it.

This "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is broadcasting, don't be interpreted as "The Legend of Xingtang" by sand sculpture netizens. Xu Qing is very confident in the imagination and creativity of sand sculpture netizens. They can think of things that they can think of. Can't figure it out?

Not only can they think of it, they will only think more outrageous.

"The Legend of the Harem Star Hall" tells about the love-hate entanglement between the boss of an entertainment company and six main female artists and other minor female artists of the company.

Good guy, can't think, can't think.

"Brother Qing, it's just right for you to play the role of the emperor, and it's just right for Tutu to play the role of the queen." After everyone finished laughing, Yi Yunyi suddenly said again.

"Okay, one or two of you want to kill me first and replace me, right?" Yang Tutu immediately stiffened his neck and raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

After finishing this expression, everyone started laughing together again.

"If you want Tutu to play Zhen Huan, no, if Tutu plays Zhen Huan, brother Qing will not play the emperor at all." Qi Xi foolishly made a suggestion, and then immediately rejected his own suggestion.

"Hahahahahaha." After saying this, they laughed again.

Xu Qing looked at them talking and laughing inexplicably, and some of them scratched their heads, saying that there are three women in one play, and one and two-thirds of the play is being sung opposite him, and all the brains are sung for himself. It's buzzing.

It's a good thing Ye Sitang is not around, otherwise the two dramas would start working left and right in front of him, and it would be really unbearable.

"Then let Sitang play Zhen Huan, let alone, Tutu, Yunyi, and Sitang, don't they usually bicker together all day long, this time we can go to the play and have a good time." Wu Manqi suggested .

"If you say that, then you are going to play the harem figure skating champion An Lingrong, and it has to be you, Man Qi, who never forgets to prepare for the next "Starlight Games" when you play TV. In addition to running, you also want to expand A new field, right?" Wu Manqi had just finished speaking when Yang Tutu added another sentence.

"Hahahahahaha." Obviously, after completing this sentence, several people laughed again.

"Xinxin, do you want to play someone else?"

"I've decided. I want to play the queen mother. Anyone of you who sees me has to call me mom." The atmosphere at this time made it difficult for them to be serious, and Hu Xin began to bring up the old story again, targeting the queen mother.

"Good guy, the emperor is in his forties and fifties, how old is the empress dowager?"

"That's not afraid, I can make up."


Joy, they are so happy today, there are 6 people in the meatball group, except for Hu Xin, only Ye Sitang has acted, and the other four are fresh now.

Especially some time ago, they had been taking acting classes for so long, and now they finally had the opportunity to show it off, so they couldn't help but be unhappy.

Naturally, it is impossible for Hu Xin to act as the Queen Mother, and putting on makeup will make people play, which is meaningless.

After everyone agreed for a while, the final role was determined.

If Xu Qing plays the role of the emperor, then Yang Tutu will play the role of the queen, and Zhen Huan will be played by Ye Sitang.

If Xu Qing does not play the role, it will be reversed, Ye Sitang will play the queen, and Yang Tutu will play Zhen Huan.

As a result, Ye Sitang probably wouldn't have any objections. In the words of these people, they could play anyone.

Shen Meizhuang was played by Qi Xi, An Lingrong was given to Wu Manqi, and as for Concubine Hua, it was naturally Yi Yunyi.

In the last Hu Xin, she chose a role that surprised Xu Qing. He wanted to play Ye Lanyi, a rather sassy concubine.

The original version of Ye Lanyi was played by Re Yiza, and Li Shuihua in "Mountain and Sea Love" was also played by Re Yiza. If Hu Xin and Re Yiza didn't look alike, Xu Qing would have suspected that there were two What has the world intersected.

After the allocation is completed, everyone can prepare according to their roles.

Of course, they still wanted to know whether Xu Qing would appear as the emperor in the play.

Xu Qing was very conflicted about this. In fact, what they said was correct. First, everyone finally got together to act in a TV series. In the future, they would like to appear in the same TV series together, and the chances of acting as the leading role are probably very few.

Therefore, if Xu Qing does not participate in the performance, they will indeed regret it, not only for them, but also for Xu Qing himself.

Moreover, for fans, Xu Qing has never played the leading role, just like when he went on stage to participate in the New Year's Eve concert, it brought infinite freshness to fans.

Xu Qing, who usually appears as a behind-the-scenes person, if he can act in a TV series, and he will act together with everyone from the meatball group.

The degree of topicality and freshness, if you think about it, you will know how big it is, and the quality of this drama is supported, let alone whether it is explosive or not, the probability of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" meeting the requirements of the group soul mission must have increased a lot .

No matter from which point of view, playing the role of the emperor is beneficial. Age is really not a problem, Xu Qing is capable of acting in that state.

As for whether the fans will interpret it as "The Legend of the Harem Star Hall" in the end, then let them go. Anyway, there are people who are discussing whether they are reborn. There are so many topics on this topic, what can they count.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing slapped his thigh, damn it, it's acting, what auspicious or unlucky, acting in a TV series is serious, he is not so superstitious.

Everything is for Ren W... No, everything is for the fans, I risk it all, I really, I cry to death...
(End of this chapter)

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