The ace agent starts with the girl group

Chapter 534 Aishang's Diary (Extra Story)

Chapter 534 Aishang's Diary (Extra Story)
My name is Aishang, and I am an e-commerce anchor.

Today is September 2020, 9, and I received a very exciting news.

I will soon be the first anchor on the entire network to sell movie tickets with movie stars in the online shopping live broadcast room. This movie is called "Charlotte's Annoyance" and the star who comes is Ye Sitang.

God, our whole family really likes Ye Sitang, she is beautiful and humorous.

It's a pity that even though we belonged to the same group, I couldn't take a photo with her to ask for an autograph. This time I got my wish.

When I think about it, I want to thank my parents for giving me such a good name.

I heard from my leader that Mr. Xu of the group was picking a live broadcast room at the time. He seemed to think my name was very interesting, and praised that my name was a name that was born to be a public figure, so he gave me this opportunity. .

Mr. Xu is not the first to say so, my leader and colleagues also think so.

Because, I have been an anchor for more than a year, and the promotional slogans in my live broadcast room are all articles around my name, such as "Tonight at 07:30, watch Ai Shang live", "Let you completely Fall in love with Aishan's discount", "Aishan always has something to make you fall in love with" and so on, it's like a jingle.

In fact, I was quite embarrassed about this kind of publicity at the beginning. Now, I have been working for more than a year, and I have already adapted to it. I even consciously think about some slogans that are strongly related to my name. To expand your influence.

People often say, 360 lines, every line leads to the champion.

I am now one step away from being the number one in the e-commerce live broadcasting industry, but I couldn't make it this step before, because our company really has a lot of powerful anchors.

Although I have a good performance, there are three or four other people with similar performance, both men and women. This time is an opportunity, a big opportunity. As long as I can grasp this opportunity, then I will be better than me. Those colleagues in the company walked half a step faster.

Speaking of the experience of this year, I often feel as if I am in a dream.

All the old viewers in my live broadcast room know that I was originally just an ordinary store salesman. At that time, my job was to promote the promotional products of our store to customers with a loudspeaker. There is eight or nine thousand, if it is worse, it is only more than 4000.

The only advantage I can talk about may be that I have a sharper tongue than others, and when facing the camera or the crowd, I am not timid or dull.

Oh, and I also have a loud voice, and if that counts as an advantage, then I have two advantages.

Last year, I was discovered by my leader and signed. During the signing process, I learned that if nothing else happens, I should become a delivery anchor in a short time.

To be honest, I don’t know what an anchor is. Aren’t anchors the ones who broadcast news on TV? Even if they’re internet anchors, in my impression, they’re either playing games or dancing. I can't touch anything.

But it doesn't matter, I agreed to join this company because the remuneration here is much better than that of my original position, and the future of this company seems to be too bright, at least the basic salary here is more tiring than mine It takes a lot more to work hard to produce a good performance.

Moreover, my leader said that even if I can't be an anchor, I can still try to transfer jobs within the company. There are many vacancies in the company now. As long as I provide snacks, it is not a problem to have a stable income.

Of course, I think this is a polite word. People asked me to come over to do this kind of "carrying anchor". .

So, before going to work, I kept checking on the Internet what is a delivery anchor, and what exactly does a delivery anchor do?
It's a pity that when I inquired, this kind of profession hadn't emerged yet, and the more I read the statements on the Internet, the more confused I became.

Fortunately, the company has a very systematic training. With the deepening of the training, I gradually understood what the company wants me to do. Bringing goods to the anchor and bringing the goods to the anchor seems to have moved the store to the online store. Yelling in the live room.

Why does this sound similar to TV shopping?
Speaking of TV shopping, I watched a lot when I was young, mainly because my family was poor and didn’t have a TV when I was young, so I always watched it at the aunt’s house next door.

That aunt likes to watch TV shopping very much. The host in it is blatantly selling some things that I don’t see the value of. The aunt seems to be able to see the value. Anyway, she bought a bunch of messy things. What is the emerald brand made by the master, what is the health pot imported from Europe.

However, because of buying these things, their family quarreled every day, and sometimes they even fought, which made me afraid to go to her house to watch TV.

When I was young, I didn't understand why it happened like that. I didn't realize it until I grew up. My neighbor's aunt must have been cheated.

Those jade brands, I heard that in the eyes of people who make jade, are used to pad the legs of the table. The aunt spent more than 1000 yuan to buy it, which is a big loss. It is a dream to increase the value.

As for the imported health pot, it’s actually a rice cooker with a different shell, and it doesn’t have the magical effects boasted on TV at all. I heard from my brother from the same village who came back from the electrical appliance factory that it was too expensive for 80 yuan, so I sold it on TV. 888, this is still a discounted price.

Since then, I have always believed that TV shopping is pure deception.

After receiving the training, I feel that my job is similar to those TV shopping people, so, I will soon become a "liar"?
That’s no good, making money is money making, I still can’t do this kind of obvious deceitful work, I said why this company’s treatment is so good, dare they want to cheat money, 10 yuan is sold for 1000, this is sold You have to make a lot of money on every order, can the treatment be bad?

But the leader told me that there is a big difference between us and those who engage in TV shopping.

I am very puzzled, I asked the leader where is the difference?

Don't they all sell things online, but one is on TV and the other is on the Internet. To be honest, many people trust TV more than the Internet. After all, there are more scammers on the Internet, and the TV station has an official background anyway.

After the leader heard this, he patiently explained to me that the biggest difference between us and TV shopping is that we sell different things.

The TV shopping products are basically "special payment", not to mention that they are not circulated in the market, and the quality inspection may not pass the test, so the price is very tricky, and those things are of course deceiving.

In the future, there will definitely be people on the Internet who will engage in "special supply" to fool consumers in the live broadcast room.

But we do not engage in "special supply" products, all we sell are branded products, and they are genuine products circulating in the market.

The leader also told me that Taobei will vigorously promote e-commerce live broadcasts, and other shopping platforms, including short video platforms such as Shaker, will gradually follow up. The trend of e-commerce live broadcasts has come, and I am lucky.

I don’t care much about what the leader said. I’ve heard this kind of thing a lot. All the companies I went to said that their company is in a turmoil. One thing that this leader is better than the leaders of the previous companies is that he has no Tell us to take a long-term view and take less now in order to get more later.

If you can't afford the salary, you can say that you can't afford the salary. What's the point of talking about it?
What I care about is that the leader said that we sell genuine circulation goods, but so many people sell this kind of goods, whether it is an online flagship store or an offline store, there are so many channels, why do people have to come to our live broadcast time to buy?
Could it be that for the sake of the anchor's introduction, everyone should buy some?

How many things can be sold that day, and the money earned is not enough to pay our wages.

The leader told me after hearing this.

Because the products we sell are the lowest prices on the entire network, absolutely low, so low that consumers are tempted.

The leader asked me to think about how consumers would respond to such low prices.

I really thought about it carefully. Since online payment has become more and more convenient, my consumption on the Internet has increased.

The feeling of spending numbers is far from the feeling of spending cash. It doesn’t hurt to use numbers at all. When I usually have nothing to do on Taobei, once I place an order, under the continuous recommendation of big data, it is difficult for me to stop easily. Come down, there is an [-]% chance that you will buy more things.

Now if there is an anchor who keeps telling me that this one is cheap and that one is also cheap, then I guess I won’t be able to count the money.

But here comes the problem again, since it is a genuine product, if it is sold at a price that is so low that consumers are tempted, there is a high probability that it will lose money.

How can a business that is losing money continue?
I asked this question to the leader again. The leader just smiled mysteriously and told me that there is a big supply chain company behind us, and we will be able to get a lot of prices that others can’t get. .

Not only that, if the sales of our live broadcast room start to increase and the reputation of the live broadcast room will increase, the brand will use our live broadcast room as an advertising channel. At that time, it will not only give us a low price, but also want us to sell its products. You want to give us a pit fee.

After finishing speaking, my leader asked me with a smile, if I was very moved?

Heartbeat, hammer, heartbeat, I think my leader is crazy, let this be a dream.

But my leader thinks that I am a good person and thinks a lot about problems, so he needs to focus on training me. He told me that if I perform well, within half a year, I can earn what I could not earn in the previous ten or twenty years. to the money.

Hahahaha, he is indeed crazy, he is not finished dreaming by himself, and wants to take me to dream together.

The leader seemed to see my doubts about his intelligence level. He was not angry, but told me mysteriously that we have a very good boss.

Hearing this, I suddenly felt that my leader was not crazy, but he was dumbfounded after eating the cakes painted by the "very awesome" boss.

Very awesome boss?

I've met the boss, isn't it the girl named Lin Qiao? She seems to be the first sister of Shaking Hands, but how much face can the first sister of Shaking Hands have?
Later, during the National Day last year, I participated in the live broadcast of "National Day Shopping in Seven Days" hosted by Taobei.

As it turns out, I'm still too young.

The leader is not crazy, let alone confused.

But I was completely confused by the price of the product they gave. Can it really be sold so cheaply?
I was wondering if this would be the kind of grand opening promotion, making money at a loss?

Facts have proved that it is not about making money at a loss, we really make some money, and later the brand really pays us a pit fee.

And things have always been so cheap, even cheaper than back then. The audience in my live broadcast room were all crazy, waiting for my live broadcast every day to grab these low-priced goods.

Also, our leader is not bragging, we really have a very arrogant boss, my boss is not the shaking hand sister Lin Qiao, but Xu Qing, an upstart in the entertainment industry.

To be honest, when I heard that my boss was Xu Qing, I suddenly felt that it was true that my leader said that I could earn money in half a year and a year that I could not earn in ten or twenty years. .

Because based on my previous salary, I would not earn 100 million in ten years.

But with Boss Xu, it seems that there is a chance to earn 100 million a year, because our boss on the face, a song that Boss Xu gave her casually made her earn money.

I don’t want to earn that much either. I’d be laughing if I could earn 50 a year. After all, in that store, I’m lucky if I can earn 10 a year.

Ever since, I have been studying what the audience likes every day, and participating in product selection with people from the supply chain.

In this way, I worked [-]/[-] in my live broadcast room for a year.

Facts have proved time and again that even if I earn 50 yuan a year, I have paid more than 50 yuan in personal income tax.

By next year, maybe I will have to add a zero to my taxes.

Because Xingtang's supply chain is now strong, there are more than 100 long-term cooperative brands, all of whom are familiar faces in the market, and short-term selection brands are constantly being screened.

This supply chain company mainly focuses on online channels, and of course, it also does Nanpei City representatives for some brands.

The company is quite profitable, really earning a lot. From January this year to the present, the combined sales of all the anchors have exceeded 60 billion. As one of the few anchors at the head of the company, I get soft hands with the commission.

I heard that because it was too profitable, the female president of the supply chain company who was just coming to help out didn't leave, saying that she wanted to use the waste heat of her life for her daughter and my boss's company.

Her daughter is Mr. Yuan of our group. I met Mr. Yuan once. She is very young, so the female president is estimated to be only 45 or [-] years old this year. I don’t know where this residual heat comes from.

Later, I heard that Boss Xu asked her to merge her original supply chain company into Xingtang Supply Chain in exchange for shares in the supply company. Now the president has become a shareholder of Xingtang Supply from a worker.

Speaking of shareholders, Xiang Media has opened up its shareholding pool. Those who meet the conditions can buy shares, and they can also change from workers to shareholders.

And the ticket sales in the live broadcast room this time is one of the opportunities for me to make achievements.

You know, although our live broadcast room is booming, sometimes I invite our company's Internet celebrities to come to the live broadcast room, but the real big stars have never come.

Not only have we never been to the live broadcast room, but all the live broadcast rooms with goods on the entire network have not had any celebrity artists appear.

The leader told me that I have picked it up. In the plan of Boss Xu, the live broadcast room is not just a place to sell goods. With Ye Sitang selling tickets, he will cooperate with other brands in the future to develop in our live broadcast room. The advertising campaign is to move the offline advertising campaign to the online one, and invite the spokesperson to introduce the product directly to the whole network.

In other words, there may be quite a few artists coming to my live broadcast room in the future, and this benefit is undoubtedly huge.

Of course, all of this depends on the effect tonight. If the effect is good, everything will proceed smoothly. If the effect is not good, Boss Xu may try another live broadcast room.

How can I get him to change the live broadcast room? Although similar activities will definitely be carried out in other live broadcast rooms in the future, I will definitely get the first bonus.

No matter what, I must do my best today to help Ye Sitang sell the tickets, not only to sell, but also to sell quickly and well.

(End of this chapter)

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