The ace agent starts with the girl group

Chapter 45: Film and Television Environment

Chapter 45: Film and Television Environment
[Elementary Film and Television Opportunity Card: After using it, there is a chance to get the secondary supporting role of film and television works with a score of 6 or more, the main supporting role of a film and television work with a score of 6 or less, and the protagonist with a score of 3 or less. 】

In fact, since Xu Qing had the intention of wanting Hu Xin to develop in the film and television industry, during this period of time, in addition to giving Hu Xin acting lessons, he also paid special attention to Blue Star's film and television environment.

Xu Qing will not be able to figure out the situation in foreign countries for a while, but the film and television environment in Huaguo has been thoroughly analyzed by Xu Qing.

The biggest difference between Huaguo's film and television environment and Earth's is that the censorship environment is very loose. Xu Qing vaguely remembered that when he was on Earth, he heard people complain more than once that many types of film and television dramas could not be filmed at all.

The official review mechanism of Blue Star Huaguo has actually gone through two different stages.

The first stage was a long time ago. In order to regulate the market, the review was relatively strict. At this time, the situation was similar to what Xu Qing knew on Earth.

In the early stage of relaxation, many excellent works emerged in Huaguo's entertainment industry, and various themes showed a trend of blooming, just when everyone thought that domestic entertainment was really going to take off completely.

Things didn't go the way everyone wanted.

Everyone underestimated the inferiority of capital.

The entertainment that has only been prosperous for a few years has been made poor by capital.

What exactly is going on?
To put it simply, when someone in the market has made an excellent subject matter, all kinds of capital will flock to it, desperately shooting things of the same subject matter.

Some of the shots are not bad, but most of them are shoddy. Many companies just want to make a wave of money by taking advantage of the popularity. The works that colleagues took a year or two to make, these companies can do it in a month or two. You can imagine how it was shot.

This kind of thing is like the gambling movies that became popular back then, so everyone went to make gambling movies, and all kinds of gambling movies emerged one after another, and the final result was that the life of the gambling movie was seriously overdrawn.

Under the bombardment of the same type of films of varying quality, the audience completely lost interest in this type of film.

So this theme was killed by capital.

It doesn't matter if you die, anyway, there are other themes that can become popular, and when other themes become popular, the capital side will start to repeat the previous operation.

As a result, instead of ushering in the expected take-off of entertainment, it ushered in an entertainment market with serious homogeneity and poorer quality of works.

Creative entertainment workers have no money. Even if they grit their teeth and do it, they often don’t get the rewards they deserve, because compared with big capital, most of these innovative entertainment workers can only pay back their capital and earn money. The profit channels are very limited, and when they barely figured out some ways to make profits, a large number of similar products appeared in the market.

In the end, the theme dividends he created will be eaten by big capital, and he can't even drink soup.

As a result, a large number of innovative entertainment workers decided to show off, innovative ass, if a work can only make money back, then it is a loss, how do you count the energy and time wasted by everyone?This part needs to be compensated by profits. Who will do things at a loss?

And big capitals with the ability and money to innovate don’t play innovation at all after they have tasted the sweetness of following suit, because innovation may lose money, and copying popular themes in the market can basically make money.

Since plagiarism can make money, why bother to create originality?

Therefore, in the entertainment market, no matter whether they have money or not, those who are capable or not are all doing poorly.

Therefore, when simply strengthening or relaxing censorship does not work, official agencies are gradually studying other methods, but it still takes time. Therefore, the current situation is that official censorship is still at the stage of relaxation, and the first step has not been done. The second tightening, but some new policies are introduced from time to time.

The market environment is like this. After a comprehensive understanding, Xu Qing couldn't help but sigh, "Mr. Ma is not lying to me, and Das Kapital is really not written in vain.

However, Xingtang Culture is currently only a brokerage company, not involved in film and television production, and the market environment has little impact on Xingtang Culture.

Going back to the primary film and television opportunity card, this is the second opportunity prop card that Xu Qing obtained after the variety show opportunity card.

For this kind of card, Xu Qing still hasn't fully figured out its operation logic. According to the system, opportunities will not be created out of thin air, and there must be someone who will be the link.

And this link person will be magnified by the system's impression of Xu Qing, so as to get a corresponding job opportunity from Xu Qing.

When Xu Qing was using this film and television card, he carefully thought about whether any of his classmates worked in the crew. After all, the bond that joined the founding group was Lisa.

But Xu Qing thought about it and didn't think about it. People he has acquaintances are working in the film and television industry. Regardless of whether everyone studied media, there are really all kinds of jobs in the end.

Even Xu Qing himself was an art student on earth back then, but the work he does after graduation has nothing to do with art. If you have to work in any industry, then Xu Qing should be a design director rather than a marketer. Director.

However, since the system has this card, it can naturally find a link to win a film and television opportunity for itself.

Put it into use!
【Primary video card in use...】

[Matching corresponding film and television projects...]

【Match successful...】

[Project: TV series "The Secret History of the Gods"

Genre: Costume Romance Idol Drama
Investment amount: 2 million

Predicted score: 3-4 points

Introduction: In the first year of Shenlong (705 A.D.), the empress was seriously ill. Crown Prince Li Xian, Prime Minister Zhang Jianzhi, Cui Xuanwei and other ministers launched a mutiny in Ziwei City, the capital Luoyang, forcing the empress to abdicate.

In fact, in the first year of Chang'an (AD 701), Prince Li Xian saw that the empress was getting old, and secretly formed the killer organization "Fu Tang", in order to cut off the empress' wings and restore the Tang Dynasty.

The male protagonist Mu Yan and the female protagonist Siji are the top assassins in the Futang Dynasty. They wrote an epic story in order to overthrow the rule of the empress]

[Host matching role: Killer Rong Qi]

[Role positioning: main supporting actress]

[Character introduction: Rong Qi is the sister of Four Seasons, one of the top killers in Futang, ruthless, and thinks that feelings will affect the cause, thus hindering Mu Yan's love with Four Seasons, and finally moved by the feelings of the hero and heroine, and realizes the value of love, He sacrificed his life for the hero and the woman to be together]

(End of this chapter)

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