The glory of Kyoto wings

Chapter 216 216. Am I separated from you?

Chapter 216 216. Am I separated from you?

The sky in the morning is full of overcast clouds, which means that there is less rain, otherwise the atmosphere will be even more depressing.

The wind outside the window was still bitter.

If you are standing in the villa, you can still see the willow branches swaying from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room.

The carp in the pond also seemed a bit cold.

They all swayed their tails in different colors and gathered under the wooden bridge or on the edge of the stone to gain warmth and stability, but even the water in the pool was rippling.

Compared with the violent wind and rain outside the villa, the central air conditioner in the living room delivers sufficient heating.

It's just that the tea sound from the royal medicine bag is a little headache now.

What could be more painful than looking at recipes and even instructional videos, but not being able to cook?
In order to fulfill the agreement of the transaction, as well as the habit of waking up early that she had developed from working these days, she got up at six o'clock and stood in front of the coal stove.

Put on an apron and read the recipe for half an hour.

Turning on the phone again, I looked at the cooking list that Minamoto Raimitsu sent to me before I went to bed yesterday. After reading the tea bag tea sound for a long time, I saw two words from it.

eat human--

So she chose the simplest cooking.

I really worked hard today, so let's talk about dishes like pagoda meat and Buddha jumping over the wall tomorrow.

"Today make scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

Yuyakudai Chayin turned the menu to the front without hesitation, which was the minimum standard dish required by Minamoto Yorimitsu, and then cracked the egg with one hand.

In addition to making this simplest Chinese cuisine.

She also made a pot of Oden, which is something in the refrigerator, and she is also responsible for purchasing ingredients, so she has to go shopping today.

Pick up the ingredients such as konjac and big root prepared by the chopping board, put them in boiling water first, and then take them out and put them in the pot with the soup bag to cook.

Place the chicken skewers in the microwave.

Every action is methodical. Although she is not a person who likes to cook, looking at this clean and luxurious kitchen, she seems to be very comfortable doing it.

Is this the addition of money?

The sound of imperial medicine bag tea thinks it is, and it has something to do with the huge area of ​​[-] square meters.


Following the cat meowing in a milky voice, she saw the white cat that Minamoto Raimitsu picked up in Kamogawa walked gracefully and jumped straight up from the floor.

Royal Medicine Bag Chayin rubbed the cat's head.

The breed of this white cat is unknown, but after careful care during this period, its hair has become softer and shiny, and its frail body has become healthier.

The tail is a very sensitive place for cats.

According to Minamoto Raimitsu, turning the body over to expose the soft belly is equivalent to passing the knife over trustingly, and touching the tail is a step further.

So her eyes became softer.

Although Minamoto Raimitsu was a little speechless about his ability to name the cat Shiro, but after calling it for a long time, Oyakudai Chayin didn't want to change the name.

Pushing the white cat's body, let it stay at the side with peace of mind, try not to get close to the stove.

Yuyakudai Chayin glanced at the menu, and then felt that there were too few dishes to cook, so she decided to pick two more dishes from the menu, and then went to cook.

After cooking, it was already nine o'clock.

After stroking the hair around her ear, and putting the last dish on the plate, she took off the apron covering her stomach, and turned to look at the cat lying next to her.

Looking at the white cat curled up by the window, with its tender belly rising and falling with its breathing, Yuyakudai Chayin felt that it became more and more beautiful, and suddenly thought of why, there are always reasons why men like cat girls.

Standing where he was and sighing slightly, Yuyao Daichayin turned off the stove and walked out of the kitchen exhausted.

After about 10 minutes.

When Minamoto Raikou walked downstairs in pajamas, smelling the smell, and sat down at the solid wood dining table, he raised his eyes and looked at the royal medicine bag tea tone who was clutching his belly.

After a few seconds of silence, Minamoto picked up the dishes in front of him with chopsticks: "Is that all you made?"

"Isn't it according to your request?"

Yuyaodai Chayin knew that he would definitely find trouble after seeing it, so he prepared his speech in advance.

Minamoto Raimitsu gave him this recipe yesterday.

All of them are the names of dishes that she has never seen before. According to Minamoto Raimiko, these are all Chinese cuisines, and she needs to learn progressively.

And the difficulty is divided into high and low levels.

In order to prevent her from being unable to learn, Minamoto Raimitsu deliberately bought basic cookbooks, and found video tutorials from the Internet, and stuffed them all into his mobile phone.

She was only surprised that Minamoto Yorimitsu liked Chinese cuisine, and she didn't feel strange.

Rich people always have some idiosyncrasies.

This is almost the inherent impression of ordinary people.

But for those difficult dishes, some even need to be boiled for more than ten hours, she felt a little scalp numb when she saw it, and suddenly felt that it was not worth living in such a villa even without paying the rent.

But thinking of her other goals, Yuyao Daichayin has no urge to break the contract for the time being, but feels that she has the opportunity to blur the relationship.

Minamoto Raimitsu didn't like her, he just frowned and looked at the dishes, and said unceremoniously:

"So two home-cooked dishes and a bowl of ordinary oden, do you think it can be used for exams?"

Even though he said that, Minamoto Raimitsu still picked up a piece of egg and put it in his mouth, tasted it with his taste buds, and it really was the familiar taste of heavy salt.

Pay attention to the taste of the ingredients themselves.

This sentence does not apply to him.

"I'm a little stupid, I'm really sorry." Yuyakudai Chayin apologized decisively: "I will definitely work harder next time."

"It's because I don't want to learn because I think it's troublesome."

Minamoto Raimitsu was indifferent to her apology.

Yuyaodai Chayin pursed her lips, held her stomach and took a deep breath: "You saw through."

"There is still a chance to have a meal in the evening. I am not a harsh person. Of course, I will give you time to learn Chinese cuisine, but in the evening, I want moderately difficult dishes."

Minamoto Raimiko glanced at her slightly pale lips, cold sweat seemed to be seeping from her forehead, her eyes were a little enlightened, but she still didn't give up the bottom line.

"I'll try to learn how to do it."

Royal Medicine Bag Chayin nodded silently.

The atmosphere became silent.

The wind is still blowing outside the window, and the willow branches and leaves are shaking, but the room is still quiet and warm.

The two faced each other and began to eat.

Oden is specially made by Yuyao Daichayin for her to eat, and there is no spicy packet. It seems that the soup is less watery, and the taste is probably even worse.

So he is not interested in eating.

This atmosphere continued until a cat meowed.

"You brought it too?" Minamoto Raimiko was surprised, and then waved: "Xiaobai, come here."

As he waved his hand, the little white cat not far away meowed twice, and quickly ran to his side skillfully, and jumped into his arms with a flick of his legs.

The pupils of the white cat are dark blue and black. After artificial feeding, it looks more beautiful than before.

I don't know what the reason is, probably because he first came into contact with this white cat, or other reasons, this little white cat is very close to him.

"Why didn't I see it yesterday?"

Minamoto Raimitsu teased the white cat with his fingers, even rubbing the cat's head angrily, he didn't get offended. After playing for a while, he said with a smile: "I thought you moved and abandoned it."

"I put it in the box and I just let it out in the room, so you didn't see it yesterday."

Yuyaodai Chayin stared at them closely, especially when he saw that the white cat was more intimate and lively with him than with himself, the chopsticks were directly inserted into the carrot.

This sentence reminded her of the cardboard box.

Minamoto Raimiko thought for a while, then nodded, and while rubbing the white cat that was curled up in his arms, he pondered for a moment and continued:
"Winter is coming soon, and considering the current weather, sleeping in a cardboard box is too warm. I have time to buy a cat litter for it today."

Cardboard boxes can't hold body temperature.

This cat is still young, it was only about a month old when it was picked up, and now it is only three months old at most.

Female cats are generally weaker.

So the best way, of course, is to buy a warm cat litter for it, and I didn’t bring anything else when I saw the sound of the imperial medicine bag and tea. In this case, besides cat litter and cat food, I have to buy a teething stick and the like.

"You don't have to worry about this, I'm afraid it will get sick if it's too cold at night, so we hugged and slept together."

Before Minamoto Raimiko could speak again, the sound of the imperial medicine bag tea biting the root of the white radish had already spoken.

Sleeping together?
Minamoto Larimitsu suddenly stopped stroking, "You mean, it's sleeping on the bed?"

Perhaps he could hear the change in tone, or the topic had changed too rigidly, but when he suddenly asked this question, Yuyaodai Chayin frowned.

Now seeing Minamoto Larimitsu looking over with a slightly inquiring gaze, Yuyakudai Chayin licked his less blood-colored lips and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"Is there a problem? Of course there is."

Minamoto Laiguang patted the cat in his arms, and under its reluctant eyes, he put it down with both hands, and began to eat slowly again:

"The reason why a pet is a pet is because you are its owner. It is against the rules to sleep in a hug, no matter how cute it is."

Pausing his voice, he swallowed the food in his mouth, and added another sentence to the previous words:
"Of course, it doesn't count if you change people."

Chayin's face darkened slightly.

Some don't know what to say.

But being opposed again and again, even if he has a good temper, he can't bear it now.

"It's just cuddling and sleeping, besides, I've already given it an injection, and basically take a bath every two days."

"According to what Yuyakudai-san said, the factory that produces cat litter can go bankrupt. After all, they have lost their business. It is because there are always people who break the rules, which will lead to a worse situation."

When I first heard this, it made the sound of Royal Medicine Bag Tea feel reasonable, but after tasting it carefully, I found it to be sophistry. After all, I don’t know how many people are willing to sleep with a cat, and I haven’t seen the factory go bankrupt.

And in Minamoto Raimitsu's tone, the imperial medicine bag tea sound seemed to feel an extra meaning.

Oyakudai Chayin picked up a piece of konjac, put it in the oden to soak up the soup, looked back at Minamoto Yorimitsu, and spoke after a moment of silence.

"I'm just representing an example. Not everyone sleeps in their arms. Can Yuan Jun's rules not be changed?"

"Of course there is no absolute thing in the world, but if you want to pursue order, you can work hard to get closer."

Minamoto Raimitsu ate half a plate of eggs, and it was really hard to keep eating without staple food. He was already determined to buy some yeast for Yuyao Daichayin to learn how to make noodle cakes.

"Just like when I used to work and save money, I could earn a salary of 20 yen a month. After setting the goal of saving [-] yen, the other [-] yen is my own liquidity, but I may not spend it all by the end of the month. It’s going to save, it’s just better than expected.”

Accumulation will increase unconsciously.

And it becomes a habit.

Yuyaodai Chayin thought about it, and thought it made sense at first, but Yuanyuan Laiguang used his own rules as a metaphor, and suddenly regained consciousness.

"It means that Yuan Jun will only have more and more rules, just like a man after the period of passionate love fades."

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you."

Minamoto said with a smile.

Yuyaodai Chayin put down his chopsticks: "So what do these words have to do with cats not being able to sleep on the bed?"

Minamoto Larimitsu and her looked at each other for a while, the eyes became meaningful, and he thought about his words and said:
"If I were to sleep with you, as a human, I would not object, but it is common sense that pets cannot sleep with people. Maybe you think it is pampering it, but after a long time, it may become more pampered. "

"After all, felines are more fickle. Sometimes in order to confuse you, they will show that they like you very much, but they will start to be cold after a while."

"You can't avoid these possible risks for a moment of greed, just like you gave it warmth when it was still wandering, and if this warmth continues, it will take it for granted."

Maybe Minamoto Raikou's tone and voice were too fluent when he said these words, or the imperial medicine bag tea sound has become accustomed to hearing her various connotations.

So even after hearing the words of sleeping with myself, it can no longer stir up waves in my heart, and even using this as a metaphor sounds very convincing.

It's just that the more she heard these words, the more she felt something was wrong, especially since he also advocated not being nice to the cat all the time, which was very similar to how he treated herself.

That is, when she was still thinking, Minamoto Raimiko's already silent voice sounded again.

"What's more." Yuan Laiguang paused, and continued: "Not even a domestic cat, let alone a wild cat."

"It's my own cat!"

The royal medicine bag tea sound suddenly raised his head, his face turned cold instantly, and the chopsticks creaked.

Minamoto Larimitsu also put down his chopsticks, and lightly touched the table with his fingers. The collision between his knuckles and the wooden table was very clear, and he was not affected by the violent wind and rain outside.

He was not dazzled by the other party's appearance.

Instead, he shifted his gaze to the white cat walking back and forth in the living room, and said with a smile:

"Then let's make a bet, now you and I call it at the same time, and see who it will come to in the end."

"I want it to sleep dignifiedly."

The royal medicine bag Chayin stared at him, after all, she lost her old grandmaster demeanor, and instead played with the disposition of a little girl, as if she would not give up until she achieved her goal.

Reasoning works only on those who listen.

Seeing that she became unreasonable like a great master, Minamoto Raimitsu had no way to deal with it, but calmly picked up the miso soup with chopped green onions floating in his hand.

It has been a metaphor that she has been a shameless person until now, which is tantamount to rubbing her dignity on the ground.

Haven't hated the hint yet?
He kept thinking about it, only felt that the few people around him were becoming more and more patient with him.

Whether it is Saki Hatsu Koto or the master, even the master and Kamiya Aiko, it is like a mine that has been hollowed out and it is difficult to mine again.

Now Minamoto Raikou has also awakened.

There are some things like precious innocence.

Once the puncture disappears, it will only become looser and looser, and it will no longer be tight.

Thinking of this, he thought for a moment.

Looking at the still cold sound of tea from the imperial medicine bag on her face, as well as her pale lips and the hand still pressing on her abdomen under the table, she finally let go.

"Did you misunderstand a little, I don't let him sleep on the bed, it's for your sake."

"Cats often have parasites on them, and they shed hair very badly. I don't know if you have allergies yet, but it's better to be careful after all."

"And compared to you, it can be called petite in front of you. You may only need to turn it over slightly, and you can crush it to fracture or even suffocate it."

Of course, these words he said have been scientifically proven, and they are also precautions for raising cats. In fact, not sleeping together is good for both people and cats.

It's just that it has been said so far, no matter how serious Minamoto's words are, she will never believe them again.

After hearing the words, Yuyaodai Chayin fell silent, staring at the chopsticks in front of him, thinking for a long time with slightly moving eyes.

It also seems that the quarrel is pointless.

Or seeing that Minamoto Raikou has given in slightly now, her face gradually returned to normal.

"So what should I do?"

"Build a nest, it can accept it, and everyone is happy."

"What if you can't accept it?"

"Before it is raised by us, it may die the next day. If you don't accept it, you will be too greedy."

After saying this, Minamoto Raimitsu stopped talking, and started to eat with his head down again.

That's the last sentence.

The royal medicine bag tea sound was stunned for a moment, and the hand that was holding the chopsticks in the hand gradually withdrew its strength.

Probably lost his life before being adopted.

So after getting it, I will only become more greedy, and I don't even look at what I have already got.

Yuyaodai Chayin lowered her head in silence for a moment, then put down her chopsticks, and stood up suddenly.

"I'm full, let's go out first."

Looking at Minamoto Raimiko who raised her head, and the unfinished food on the table, she opened her mouth slightly:
"I remember that there is a dishwasher in the kitchen. If you don't want to clean it up, then you can do it when I come back."

Minamoto Raimiko glanced at the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sky was dark outside the window: "Go to work in the bureau today?"

He remembered that today seemed to be a rest day.

Places like the Kyoto Broadcasting Bureau are still very secure in terms of vacations and benefits. At least there are no emergencies and weekends and Red Days will be closed.

Not to mention the bad weather today.

I don't know if Yuyakudai Chayin passed the driver's license test, but she definitely doesn't have a car, so if she wants to go to work, she will most likely have to take the tram.

However, Yuyao Daichayin would rather go back to work overtime in the rain than enjoy the warmth in this villa, so she put on her freshly dried suit jacket and got up:

"The promotional video still needs to be edited. I plan to go to the video room to check it myself. Maybe I can find any mistakes."

This sentence is obviously just an excuse.

But Minamoto Raimitsu did not intend to pursue it.

Just picked up the chopsticks and started eating again.

"In that case, let's go."

"Don't forget to buy ingredients when you come back at night." Yuan Laiguang instructed: "Remember to ask for a receipt for reimbursement, if you don't have any, then you will have to pay for it yourself."

"Of course I remember."

Yuyaodai Chayin had just put on her clothes and was changing her shoes at the entrance, when she heard the words, she didn't turn her head and replied.

She drew an umbrella from the umbrella bucket.

She put her hand on the doorknob and was about to go out, but Minamoto Raimitsu's voice stopped her again.

"and many more."

Chayin from the imperial medicine bag frowned and looked back.

Minamoto Raimiko, who was sitting at the dining table, stood up and walked up the spiral staircase leading upstairs, and soon disappeared into the living room.

She stood there with an umbrella and waited.

I don't know what Minamoto means.

But after standing for a long time, the faint pain in her abdomen became more severe, so she could only hold it down again.

Nearly three or four minutes passed.

Yuyaodai Chayin took a deep breath, took out the phone from his pocket and looked at the time again, his emotions became more and more impatient, especially the feeling of physical discomfort.

She wasn't going to wait any longer.

So he turned the handle of the door and planned to go out.

But in the next moment.

Yuan Laiguang, who was going upstairs, calmly walked down the stairs, and strode towards her.

He pulled his hand out as he walked.

Chayin's footsteps stopped.

Seeing Minamoto Raimitsu getting closer and about to walk in front of her face, she actually started to get nervous, especially when she saw Minamoto waving her hands from behind expressionlessly.

What is this for?
Just because of the cold face?
Did the domestic violence start?
A thought that had never appeared before suddenly appeared in her mind. According to her personality, it was impossible for her to have such a thought.

The more you face the people you care about.

There will be less stuff in your mind.

Yuyao Chayin knows this truth, but knowing it doesn't mean it can be avoided, just like what is terrible about people is not falling into the abyss, but sinking when they are awake.

When her thoughts were soaring like vines.

Minamoto Raimiko finally stood in front of him, and the hand swung from behind did not fall on her face as imagined, but spread out and handed it to her.

"Have you been bleeding for the past few days?"

"These are the only things in the house."

"Eating may not work at first, but you should also have experience, just bear with it and you will be comfortable."

Listening to this familiar style of speech, Yuyakudai Chayin didn't have the heart to refute, but lowered his head slightly, looking at the things Minamoto Raimiko held in his hand.

In his hand is a green takeaway paper bag.

But Minamoto Raimiko reached in and took out the takeaway paper bag, which caught her eyes.

Warm Palace Paste Pain Relief Pills
Yuyao Chayin's pale lips moved slightly, looking at the things in his hand for a while before regaining consciousness.

But after a few seconds of silence, she didn't pick it up.

Instead, she raised her clear cheeks and stared at Minamoto's pupils: "Why do you have such things at home?"

"That's not something a tenant should ask."

Minamoto Larimitsu was stunned when he heard the words, obviously he didn't expect her to care about this issue. It can only be said that the master's thinking was very clear, but he didn't choose to answer her question.

Of course he couldn't tell the truth.

These palace warming stickers and painkillers are all for Grandmaster Mizusawa from the takeaway ordered the morning before yesterday.

Of course Mizusawa Xiaye didn't have her period.

But Minamoto Raimitsu was really provoked by the grand master that day, so he fired all his firepower that night, and even the grand master couldn't completely eat him.

And Grandmaster Mizusawa went to the battlefield.

It should be normal to bleed a little bit after being injured.

Yuan Laiguang was kind-hearted, and bought her medicine the next morning to prevent the wound from getting inflamed again.

Because this matter involves the Great Master.

So he temporarily listed it as top secret.

The royal medicine bag tea sound did not wait for the answer, his eyes were a little clouded, but he still took the medicine he gave.

"For the time being, I will pay you back."

Minamoto smiled and nodded.

Taking a deep breath, he folded the green takeaway bag in his hand, and the royal medicine bag Chayin opened the hall door, propped up the umbrella in his hand and walked out.

The cold wind rushed in from the gate.

The heating that had been accumulated with great difficulty in the hall of the villa was completely dissipated, and the cool rain swept to the feet.

The thin figure of the royal medicine bag tea sound went away.

Electronic gates were soon opened.

It disappeared into the courtyard in just a few tens of seconds.

"Is she also like Tianhai?"

Minamoto Raimiko muttered to himself, looking at the willow tree by the courtyard pool, the already crooked trunk seemed to be even more crooked, and a small half of the willow branches were hanging in the pool.

Standing in front of the door and looking at the sky, the drizzle was intertwined into a rain curtain, giving a feeling of mist.

He tightened his pajamas a bit, and he let out a breath. The hot air condensed into mist in mid-air and quickly dispersed. Winter seemed to have quietly come.

In the tea room on the roof of the villa.

The black tea is steaming hot.

Minamoto Raimiko breathed a little, took a sip of tea, and then looked intently at the sky ahead.

The classical roulette slowly emerged.

The cherry blossom chain shook off the dust, peeled off the solid roulette, and a tiny price shrouded in hazy mist appeared, this time glowing crimson.

[Crime of Rage (serious): Rage stems from excessive discrimination against others, warning and injury]

[Sin of laziness (serious): laziness stems from the nature of human beings who do not work hard to achieve results]

[Sin of jealousy (slight): Jealousy stems from excessive pursuit of what others have]

[Congratulations on your reward: Cadillac Beast Car]

[Congratulations on your reward: your physical fitness has been greatly improved]

[Congratulations on your acquisition of the skill: mastering the basic classification of kissing skills]

【Skills have been loaded】

【Rewards have been issued】

The reward information appeared in front of his eyes, and all the lucky draw chances accumulated this time were also consumed.

Minamoto Raimitsu quickly checked the rewards.

But looking at the two serious crime rewards that he had placed high hopes on this time, a strange expression soon appeared on his face, and he was even a little surprised.

"Can a car be worth serious rewards?"

The first thing that surprised Minamoto Yorimitsu was that the crime of rage he got from Sakatsu Koto yesterday was just a car.

Serious guilt is the highest level of guilt he has known so far. If there is no accident, it should also be the highest level of guilt in the love crime simulator.

According to his past extraction experience.

Foreign objects are the shares of Kyocera Corporation, Kyoto Broadcasting Corporation, and Kansai International Airport, and they are used to greatly improve their appearance and temperament.

The former allowed him to step into the top of the pyramid in Kyoto.

And the role of the latter is also obvious, Minamoto Larimitsu's face has quietly changed, from the original ordinary face to the level of a handsome guy, as for his temperament, his every gesture exudes charm that attracts others.

Can this car be worth broadcasting in Kyoto?
Not even the car of the Emperor Yuhuang!
But after reading the detailed information, Minamoto Raimiko's eyes gradually became astonished, as if he understood its value.

This beast of a Cadillac sedan.

All configurations are exactly the same as the car in the impression. Compared with the weight of one or two tons of ordinary cars, the weight of this car is directly pulled to ten tons!
The doors are made of the same composite gold material as Boeing airliners, and the top and bottom are reinforced with high-strength ceramics and composite armor. The cockpit is even pressurized and sealed, making it indestructible.

Even the glass windows are made of nearly six centimeters of bulletproof glass. Even if Barrett is used to hit it, it may not be broken without a few shots.

It is no exaggeration to say that this car can already be called a small armored car, even if it is hit by rockets, it is well-deserved to be dubbed the name of the beast.

And it is different from the car drawn before.

Because of the particularity of this car, it is impossible to only give a contract like the previous cars, and no car shop can send it to him through the normal process.

So it is a direct realization, but the license plate and other things are also readily available, and even have confidentiality authority.

According to the information given by the simulator, even if the Kyoto Prefectural Police dragged his car back, they would even think that he had some background because they couldn't get permission.

"The extreme safety in normal travel, if you think about it this way, it seems to be worthy of this crime."

Minamoto Raimiko rubbed his fingers over the teacup, his eyes were a little lost, and he said something to himself in a low voice.

Visby class patrol ship?

Apache gunship?

Abrams main battle tank?
These things sound very bluffing, but the key is does he dare to use it?If it is taken out, it is estimated that it will be detected immediately, and it may be approached by the Tokyo District Prosecutor the next day. If it is not good, it will be escorted to Tokyo for trial.

The actual value of this car is definitely more useful to him than the sum of these three.

Taking a deep breath, Minamoto Raimitsu looked away from the car, and turned to look at the next reward, which was exactly the physical improvement he had been thinking about.

This sin of laziness is the son of God Valley.

That's why he was even more surprised. According to normal expectations and past experiences, Shengzi Shengu should be guilty of jealousy or greed, but it turned out to be laziness.

He frowned and looked at the attached commentary.

Then the eyelids couldn't help jumping up.

"What do you mean you don't want to move in the future?"

"Just for such a ridiculous reason?"

"Why are the sisters of the Kamiya family abnormal?"

Minamoto Larimitsu no longer wants to delve into it, no matter what Seiko Kamiya thinks, he only wants to improve his physique.

In my heart, I silently read the word "cash cash".

With the concentration of the mind, the red light that was originally stored in the inventory gradually disappeared into the invisible.

Only about three seconds had passed.

Minamoto Raikou, who was sitting on the mahogany chair, suddenly felt a warm breath gushing from his heart.

This breath is full of power, and along with the beating of the heart, it also continuously flows into various parts of his body, improving the muscles, lungs and organs.

Minamoto closed his eyes and felt the power.

Clenching a fist, it feels like you can tear apart the space in front of you as long as you punch it out. Of course, this is just an illusion.

But running ten kilometers will never be too tiring.

"Finally, I have the confidence to fight."

Minamoto Raimitsu has always been frugal and energy-saving, but he seems to be more relaxed now.

Stand up and move your body joints.

Lifting off the thin velvet pajamas, the outline of the abdominal muscles is obvious, and there is a standard mermaid line.

Just rely on his current physical fitness.

Minamoto Raimitsu made an estimate.

Last time, Grandmaster had a little blood.

Maybe it will be double next time.

Satisfied, he put down his clothes, picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, then checked the last reward.

"Basic classification of kissing skills mastered?"

With the withdrawal of skills, a wave of information flooded into the mind, and a lot of knowledge appeared naturally.

push kiss, gum kiss, slide kiss
Different types of kissing techniques popped up in his head, and based on previous experience, this technique would have muscle memory when he actually performed it.

In short, it is much better than riding a tricycle.

After sorting out his rewards, although he didn't expect them, they were all unexpectedly useful.

Minamoto Raimitsu was drinking tea cup after cup.

After drawing the rewards, I finally have time to reply to the green tea reserve army on the phone. According to the mining rules of the mine, finding new mines has to be put on the agenda.

[Yuan-jun, Yuan-jun?Why are you so slow? ]
[Actually, you should not know, sometimes I will be very sad, such as the chat records between us. ]
[Just look at this full screen to know. ]
[I sometimes think, what happened to the two of them?How did it go from saying nothing to this? ]
[It's been a long time since I contacted you. ]
[Suddenly I was so sad, like a fish jumping out of the water, it looks very beautiful, but it will suffocate if it stays for a while, no one can understand this kind of pain. ]
[It's like I keep looking for you now, knowing that I won't get a response, but I still have no hesitation. ]
[Suddenly, I feel so sad and feel tight in my chest. ]
[Have I separated from you?]
Minamoto Laimitsu, who returned to the study, picked up his phone and looked at the screen full of messages. He was speechless for a moment, and didn't even want to reply to Mizusawa Xiaye.

Looking at the new information that is still dancing on the screen.

He directly set Do Not Disturb first, so as not to let the phone vibrate non-stop, and only then began to edit the information and reply to the great master who added LINE for an hour.

[Why are you so full of drama?I just went to the toilet, it should be less than 5 minutes, right? ]
I have to say that the grand master is very strong.

In addition to having the same ability to penetrate his mind as the master, he also has the willingness to surpass the master.

Clingy women are not annoying.

It is annoying that it is definitely not beautiful.

Being able to achieve this level, Grandmaster Mizusawa is invulnerable and can't find any weaknesses.

Plus what happened that night
She is definitely worthy of being both civil and military!
This mine is too dangerous. Although it is worth a lot of money, it also depends on the investment ratio.

The brief clinginess is over soon.

The other party is also a person who controls hundreds of millions of households like Shengzi Shengu, so it is impossible to spend time talking about love, and the temptation and flirting of the two of them ends here.

Minamoto Raikou stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Place your hand on the fogged glass.

After wiping off the water mist generated by the interaction of cold and warm, and the cold and comfortable feeling on his fingers disappeared, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.


The time to answer the phone was a bit slow.

I don't know if the other party didn't see it.

Still hesitating to accept something because of certain things.

After the call was connected, he waited for a while and then spoke first: "It's me, Minamoto Raimitsu."

"I know it's you, senior. Good morning."

As soon as Liangying Tianhai's voice came, Minamoto Laiguang frowned, because just judging from the tone of the sentence just now, the other party seemed a little guilty.

"Are you still in the hospital?" Minamoto asked.

"No, I have been discharged from the hospital. I felt fine last night, so I went through the discharge procedures."

"Will you observe for a few days?"

Even if there was no abnormal reaction at that time.

It should also be observed in the hospital for two days.

Why was he discharged from the hospital yesterday?

"It shouldn't be necessary. Yesterday it was just a period of distress. It's all right now, and I took a lot of medicine. The doctor said that resting is enough."

The voice on the other side of the phone was still guilty.

Minamoto Larimitsu pondered for a moment, and decided to get straight to the point: "How did you wake up yesterday?"

"Because it's time to wake up, and Ateng discovered some of my small movements at the time, so I woke up."

Liangying Tianhai's voice became even more guilty.

"Are you still going to lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you. My neck was really uncomfortable at the time, and I was seen when I twisted it."

"Then what did you say? If I'm not wrong, Xiaoteng probably already knows about the relationship between you and me, so what are you hiding from me?"

Minamoto Raimitsu has lost his patience, at least when it comes to a few girls, he doesn't want to lose control for the time being, it's better for himself and for them.

A plan that is out of control is a failed plan.

He was pinching the phone in his hand, his voice was already calmer than before, and even became indifferent.

"If you have difficulties, you can actually tell me the reason. Whether it is my or your personal matter, I can probably solve it. On the contrary, if you hide it, it will cut off our trust."

"I. I don't know how to say it."

He could hear that he was a little angry, and Liangying Tianhai on the other side of the phone panicked instantly: "In short, Ah Teng did know, and she discovered it by herself."

"I also know that she discovered it." Yuan Laiguang's voice softened a little, then he narrowed his eyes and continued to ask: "Why are you a little afraid of her now?"

"I, I'm not afraid, it's because of other reasons."

Speaking of this, Liangying Tianhai hesitated for a while, denied his conjecture, and gave an ambiguous explanation.

"Then ask Liangying-san to give me an answer."

Minamoto continued speaking into the microphone.

But this time the master did not answer.

Instead, there was a long silence.

Just when Minamoto Larimitsu frowned and was about to continue asking questions, the other side of the microphone suddenly said:

"Didn't you say before that you won't ask me as long as I don't betray you? Please don't ask me again this time."

What does it mean?
Use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty?

This condition was when the price was clearly marked in the past, but now I use this to respond to myself.

Minamoto Raikou was a little surprised.

What are they plotting behind the driver's back?
"That was in the past, so you think our current relationship is the same as the first transaction?"

Minamoto Raikou asked calmly.

"of course not!"

Liangying Tianhai on the other side of the phone categorically rejected the words, but before he could continue speaking, he said in a flustered tone: "Stop talking, Ateng is here, I'll hang up."

Under Minamoto Raimiko's astonished gaze, the phone was hung up in an instant, leaving only the blind tone still ringing.

He removed the phone from his ear.

He thought of a lot in an instant, including that Liangying Tianhai is now with Sakihat Koto, and the latter seems to have changed from his previous impression.

"Things seem to be getting tricky."

Minato Raikou narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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