When he got home, his father was busy cooking dumplings. When he saw Jiang Hua coming back, he smiled: "I reckon I'll be back soon, and I want you to have something warm. I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

Where did Zhong Shanyue take care of things in the kitchen, he was in a hurry to cook a dumpling, Jiang Hua pushed him onto the sofa.

"Let me do it, you, you don't look like you are working."

Jiang Hua quickly cooked the dumplings and put them on a plate. There were a few cold dishes on the table, and the braised pork stewed on the stove was placed on a plate. The New Year's Eve dinner for the two of them was complete.

Jiang Hua took out a bottle of Moutai with an iron cover and filled Zhong Shanyue's glass first, and poured himself a glass too.

"Dad, happy new year."

Zhong Shanyue raised his glass and said, "Happy New Year to you too."

After taking a sip and drinking the Moutai, Zhong Shanyue let out a long breath. At this time, someone in the courtyard outside set up a kicker, and it exploded in the air with a thud.

Zhong Shanyue said with emotion: "At this time last year, I was Wowotou drinking plain water. The more I ate, the more hesitant I could only read the letter between you and Yuemin repeatedly. I saw you talk about building a reservoir, and Yuemin talked about him. My comrade-in-arms Wu Mantun, the more I saw this, the brighter my heart became. At that time, there was also this Erqijiao. It exploded in the sky, and I suddenly woke up. My heart suddenly brightened.”

Jiang Hua filled up the wine again, took the initiative to touch Zhong Shanyue, and comforted him: "Don't talk about it, at least you are safe and sound, and I will feel at ease when I am a son."

The two talked and laughed after the New Year's Eve dinner, and now they don't pay much attention to keeping the year old. Zhong Shanyue is getting old, and his life has not been very good in the past few years, and he has exhausted too much energy, so he went to bed early.

Jiang Hua was in a daze holding a book, staring at it with his eyes, but his mind was completely out of it.

He thought of Zhong Yuemin, Yuan Jun, and Zheng Tong, as well as those brothers and sisters in the northwest. I wish you all a safe life.

The first day of the new year was a sunny day, and the snow had stopped for half the night.

Zhong Shanyue was going to work as usual, after eating yesterday's dumplings, Zhong Shanyue returned to work full of energy.

Jiang Hua stayed at home, and children would come over from time to time to ask for candies. At the beginning of the new year, Jiang Hua was very generous to the children. No matter who it was, they would leave with their pockets full.

The New Year is not lively at this time, there are big fairs in the countryside to catch up with, and there are no celebrations in the capital, so Jiang Hua can only pay New Year's greetings to his uncles and uncles, and spend the rest of the time with Kui Yong.

Kui Yong's daughter-in-law Liu Xiaohui's culinary skills are good, home-cooked dishes are delicious, and she is also enthusiastic. Every time she sees Jiang Hua eating home-cooked dishes, her eyes can smile.

When the school was about to start, Jiang Hua came to the train station in Beijing. Xie Tianyi made an appointment before going home, and asked Jiang Hua to pick him up at the station. He said that he would bring the special products of Shanghai. The luggage would be heavy and he needed help.

Jiang Hua stood on the platform and waited. At this time, the management was not very strict, and he could go to the platform for pick-up and drop-off.

When Jiang Hua was waiting bored, he found a funny person, Jiang Hua could vaguely guess who he was, because he looked similar to Zhang Yi, probably a chicken feather.

"What are you looking around for? Be careful that people treat you like an idiot."

The man looked around, finally pointed to his nose, and said in mandarin with a very strong dialect: "Are you talking to me?"

"Otherwise, listen to your accent, from Jiangsu and Zhejiang"

This guy didn't hide anything: "I'm from Yiwu."

"I know Yiwu. Qi Jiguang's Qi family army was recruited in Yiwu."

The kid laughed and said, "That all happened hundreds of years ago."

Jiang Hua asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking at people, there are so many people, there are so many differences."

Jiang Hua asked with interest: "Why are you observing people?"

"We Yiwu people like to do business. We just deal with people. If we think about people thoroughly, the business will be done."

Jiang Hua said with a smile: "You dare to speak, and you are not afraid that I will arrest you. Your consciousness is not right."

"You are here to pick up people, not to arrest them."

"How do you know I'm here to pick you up?"

"When you talk to me, every time you pass a train, you have to cast your eyes. It must be to pick someone up."

Jiang Hua squatted down and stretched out his hand: "You are very interesting, let's make friends, my name is Jiang Hua, from the capital."

He also stretched out his hand: "Chen Jianghe, from Yiwu."

"Why don't you stay at home during the Chinese New Year, why come to the capital?"

Chen Jianghe said with a smile: "I have been walking around on the train, just want to see the wonderful world."

Jiang Hua said, "I have ambition and ideas."

Chen Jianghe asked, "Brother, what do you do?"

"I'm studying at Capital University."

Chen Jianghe was in awe: "College student, I'm disrespectful."

Chen Jianghe lowered his body and asked in a low voice: "You are a college student with a lot of experience and knowledge. I want to ask you a question."

"You ask."

"Can private individuals do business?"

Jiang Hua looked around, this problem is really terrible, he also lowered his voice and said: "It's definitely not possible now, but it will definitely be possible in the future."

"How long is the future?"

Jiang Hua shook his head: "I don't know, five years? Ten years? 15 years? It's all possible. I can only say that there is no private economy, and development lacks a leg."

Chen Jianghe said with a smile: "It will be fine for five or ten years, I can wait."

The two squatted in the corner and whispered for a while, when a train came into the station, it was the train that thank God.

"The person I want to pick up is here. It's a pleasure chatting with you."

Chen Jianghe also smiled and said, "My heart is bright when I chat with you, brother, can you leave me your address, can I write to you to ask questions?"

"Yes." Jiang Hua took out his notebook, wrote down the address with a pen, tore it off and handed it to Chen Jianghe.

Seeing the address look up, Chen Jianghe said in surprise: "Hey, this place, brother, your family is not simple."

Jiang Hua said with a smile: "Don't talk about this, we are friends and don't mix other things."

Chen Jianghe waved his hand and said, "Okay, bro, you go, I'm leaving too."

Jiang Hua has been paying attention to the train carriage, and at this time he can already see the big and small bags of Xie Tianyi, so he goes up to meet them.

"Hemorrhage, bring so many things."

Xie Tianyi looked rich and powerful: "Isn't this what it should be, people in Alamodu are never stingy with their friends."

Jiang Hua took the luggage and Xie Tianyi immediately felt a lot more relaxed. The two talked and laughed and walked towards the exit.

Jiang Hua looked at the place just now, but Chen Jianghe had disappeared.

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