Chapter 79
Zheng Tong muttered: "When there is a shortage of manpower!"

"Little comrade, don't be so pessimistic, but be full of hope. We are the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and it is too early to go down the mountain."

Zheng Tong picked up the bucket and walked away without looking back. As he walked, he said: "You can be whimsical, I won't answer your question, I took your words at noon, I poured water all afternoon, and then told you I'm exhausted."

Jiang Hua is a practical man. Now that he has decided to do it, he will act immediately. After finishing the work the next day, he will take a notebook to write and draw around, and choose a suitable path to dig the canal.

Others knew it was going to be bad at a glance. This guy must be plotting something. He writes and draws on paper every day, like a map, but one thing is for sure. After getting along for so long, everyone knows that he will not be a foreigner Spy of power.

When Jiang Biyun was working, he approached Zheng Tong and asked, "What is Jiang Hua doing these days? It seems like he is drawing a map. What is he going to do?"

"He is crazy. He plans to dig a canal directly to the Wuding River to draw water here to solve the village's irrigation water problem."

As soon as Zhao Dayong, who was listening, lost his mind, the hoe in his hand fell to the ground. He quickly picked it up, and hurriedly said to Zheng Tong: "Why does he think that one is one? The work is not enjoyable, right? I have to find something for myself to do."

Zheng Tong said helplessly: "That's why I said he was crazy."

Zhao Dayong said angrily, "We must stop his whimsical ideas. I don't want to be exhausted every day."

In the evening, Jiang Hua was sorting out his design drawings. Zhao Dayong, Zheng Tong, Qian Zhiming, and Cao Yang sat across from Jiang Hua in a serious manner.

Zhao Dayong said: "Jiang Hua, I think we need to have a good talk."

Jiang Hua asked without raising his head, "What are you talking about?"

Cao Yang said: "Don't make trouble for yourself. We know what you want to dig the canal. You don't care about the amount of work and your strength. We have small arms and legs, and we can't bear it."

Qian Zhiming also said: "This is a small village in the northwest, Jiang Hua, if you have big plans in mind, you can go back to the capital to display them. Anyway, you have connections and backgrounds, so it shouldn't be too difficult for you."

Jiang Hua asked back: "I can go, the problem is you, what will you do in the future?"

Several people looked at each other, and Cao Yang said: "We are doing well, and we can eat enough now. Although the food is not good, we are quite content."

Jiang Hua put down the pen in his hand and said: "There are two roads in front of you now, one is to stay in Shichuan Village in the future, start a family and start a business here, but the population of Shichuan Village will increase, and being able to eat now does not mean that there will be more people in the future You can still eat enough, don’t you think your sons and daughters will also suffer this punishment in the future.”

A few people were silent, they dare not imagine the future, if they could look forward to the future, they would not choose to let it go bad.

"The second way is to go back to the city, or go directly to the city in the northwest to work. Do you have connections and backgrounds to transfer you? No, if this thing is done well this time, I guess everyone will have to remember the merits and receive awards. , if there is something good at that time, relying on your performance, I have to give priority to you."

A few people think about it, it seems that this is really the case. It is difficult to make a choice at the moment. If you choose to be comfortable now, you will suffer in the future. If you choose the future, you will suffer now.

Jiang Hua said with a smile: "This canal kills two birds with one stone. With water, the agriculture of Podi Village can be greatly developed. In many places, it was impossible to cultivate because of insufficient water. Now it can be done, and the food will be rich. After it is completed, you have made great contributions. If you receive an award, you may have a good future, so how do you choose?"

Zheng Tong first said: "Or just fix it. It is better to suffer for a year or two now than to suffer for decades in the future, and even future generations will suffer."

Qian Zhiming nodded, Zhao Dayong followed suit, and finally Cao Yang clenched his fists and said, "Then let's do it."

Jiang Hua said: "This work will not be done in a short time, nor will it be done by just a few of us. It will definitely involve more than 200 strong laborers in the whole village, and I think this canal is not limited to our Shichuan The village family will benefit, as will the nearby Baidian Village and Tutai Village over there. At that time, the three villages will be mobilized to work together, which will require nearly a thousand strong laborers. Do you think this work is still a problem? "

Zhao Dayong said happily: "If you say that, it's really not a difficult thing?"

Cao Yang asked: "Since it's so easy, why didn't anyone do it before?"

Zheng Tong is familiar with history, so he naturally knows the reason, and immediately explained: "In the past, they were small scattered families. It was very difficult to unite, and the interests of all parties were not balanced, so don't even think about doing it. , Now it’s a big group, we can work together and concentrate our efforts to do big things, so naturally it’s not difficult.”

Qian Zhiming slapped the table and said excitedly, "So, the new society is better."

Zhao Dayong asked impatiently: "Brother Hua, just tell me, what can we do?"

Jiang Hua smiled and comforted: "Don't be impatient, just recharge your batteries now, don't relax when you are working, I have to report to the village, and the Secretary of the Chang Party Committee should come forward to communicate with Baidian Village and Tutai Village Just do it."

Qian Zhiming said: "Brother Hua, hurry up, my blood is boiling, and I don't know where to use my strength."

Jiang Hua said with a smile: "Be safe and don't be impatient, save your strength first."

When everything was ready, Jiang Hua found Chang Gui to report the situation.

Chang Gui now has a complicated mentality towards Jiang Hua. What this kid says and does is indeed reasonable and beneficial, but he is too troublesome. His ancestors have been stable for so many years. When this kid came, he changed his mind. So many rules made him a little at a loss.

Chang Gui squatted on the millstone at home, licked the pipe and looked at Jiang Hua who came in, spit out a puff of smoke, and then asked: "Jiang Hua, what do you want me to do?"

Jiang Hua took a notebook and sat opposite Chang Gui and said, "Secretary Chang, you know the situation in our village very well. It's not that our village lacks arable land, but it lacks water. As a result, there is no way to grow land. Even if we use people to fetch water, we can't manage it. So I have a new idea that should solve the water problem."

Chang Gui happily knocked on the cigarette pot, and asked with a smile: "What's the solution, tell me, um, listen, if it works, I'll bring it up at the organization meeting."

Jiang Hua pointed to the direction of the apple tree and said, "There is a ravine where the apples are planted, and it is only one mile away from the Wuding River. How about we divert the water from the Wuding River into the ravine?"

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(End of this chapter)

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