The years of red flags

Chapter 63 Heroes Save America

Chapter 63 Heroes Save America
Chang Gui, who was also onlookers, was not so pretentious, and he looked relieved. With so much fertilizer, at least two acres of land can be supplemented with fertility. If God rewards him again, it will be a good harvest.

It is also very expensive, and people get mud from the river not far away. These are all good things. The mother river brings a lot of mud~sand from the northwest every year, which is full of nutrients, and it is perfect for composting. something.

Jiang Hua had bought a few catties of candy before, and now it came in handy. He used it to bribe the children in the village and mobilized them to dig earthworms. There were two candies for one catty of earthworms. The children were very motivated.

The rest is careful experimentation. Fertilizers are generally easy to say, because Chang Gui and the others can tell the maturity of the fertilizer with the naked eye, and Jiang Hua remembers those notes, so it is easy to compare the hatchback.

The point is that the reproduction of this earthworm is a bit troublesome, and it touches the blind spot of everyone's knowledge. This is the most important thing in the experiment.

In the evening, Zhong Yuemin was lying on the kang, writing letters, while Zheng Tong leaned against the quilt and read with relish the Ming History.

Jiang Hua asked knowingly, "Write to Xiaobai."

Zhong Yuemin looked up at him, frowned and said: "I don't have the addiction to find pleasure, I wrote to Yuan Jun, I dare not tell Zhou Xiaobai my address."

"If you don't tell me, you'll think she doesn't know. This girl's energy is beyond your imagination. Believe it or not, letters from her lovesickness will come one after another soon."

Zheng Tong's eyes were still on the book, but he said: "How is it possible, she has three heads and six arms, in the vast northwest, he can find Yuemin's address? It's ridiculous!"

"Don't forget, the old man is still in place now, say hello, how difficult it is to check the address of your child who can be educated."

Zhong Yuemin couldn't even take care of writing letters, and said in surprise: "No, didn't you explain everything clearly, why are you still entangled?"

"You think that this matter is so simple, you will understand it when you think it is clear, what a beautiful thing to think about, Zhou Xiaobai, don't look weak, with that axis strength, tsk tsk tsk, you have been blackmailed in this life."

Zheng Tong stopped reading, turned to Zhong Yuemin and said, "Don't tell me, it's true, Zhou Xiaobai is a very good girl."

Zhong Yuemin lay down on the kang, thinking to himself, what else can he do now, he can only let it go.

Watching Zhong Yuemin write letters, Jiang Hua thought that he had to write a few letters. There are so many uncles and uncles in the capital, and he had to report to them that he was safe, and his father, Zhong Shanyue, said that his mother was worried when he traveled thousands of miles. I must be worried, and I have to report that I am safe.

And my good brother Kui Yong, I have to say something.

Letters to report safety are easy to write, and basically follow the same pattern, unlike the correspondence between Zhong Yuemin and Yuan Jun, where there is nothing but poverty, and it takes five pages for a few sentences.

Anyway, it was the slack season, so I asked other people to look after the manure pit. Zhong Yuemin, Jiang Hua and other people who wanted to send letters went to the county together.

As for why I went to the county, it wasn't because the town was too small, and I couldn't find all the things I wanted to buy. A few people walked together, and even if they walked for a day, they could make a round trip.

The two of them first went to the post office to send a letter, and then came to the supply and marketing cooperative. They finally came here, and they had to buy something anyway, not to mention that Zheng Tong was still waiting in Shichuan Village.

"Hey, brother, look at that girl over there, she looks really pretty."

Zhong Yuemin patted Jiang Hua's shoulder vigorously, and quietly pointed to a girl who was shopping outside a counter on the other side.

Jiang Hua said angrily: "Is it the old problem again? Zhou Xiaobai, you haven't figured it out yet, and you've started messing around again."

But after all, Jiang Hua still looked over, a girl in a red scarf was looking at the fabric on the shelf.

Zhong Yuemin's taste is okay, that's why this kid likes girls with red scarves so much.

Jiang Hua could tell that this was another bad relationship, and that girl was the most unforgettable girl in Zhong Yuemin's life-Qin Ling.

Zhong Yuemin said heartlessly: "If you have breath, you can't be idle."

This tone is too much like Qiye, the key is that people can have three wives and four concubines, but you can't.

"The Little Red Book has said that falling in love not for the purpose of marriage is all hooliganism."

Qin Ling looked at the fabric for a while, but didn't buy it. A girl came over and left the supply and marketing cooperative arm in arm with her. By the time Zhong Yuemin finished paying the bill, Qin Ling had long since disappeared.

Zhong Yuemin can also be regarded as a typical person who does not take pleasure in things and does not take sorrow in himself. He does not complain about others, and when it is over, it is over. Since there is no fate, then forget it.

The two of them thought that they had come to the county, so they had to get things done anyway, and actively went to Wuzang Temple in the afternoon, so they headed towards Xiangyanghong Hotel under the leadership of Jianghua, who was familiar with the road.

The reason why the protagonist is the protagonist is because of a misaligned luck, even if Jiang Hua has blocked it, Zhong Yuemin and Qin Ling still meet unexpectedly.

On TV, Zhong Yuemin met Qin Ling and was bullied by hooligans when he was begging for food, and now he is being bullied by hooligans when he is eating.

A young man held a wooden stick, blocked his body in front of Qin Ling and another young woman, and shouted loudly: "We are all educated youths in the capital, show me some respect, or the Educated Youth Office wants you to look good." .”

The leader on the opposite side was wearing an old padded jacket, without a hat on his bald head, squinting his wretched eyes, and said with a smile: "Why, I don't think so, I just want to make friends with this lesbian. What, why, the new society doesn’t allow people to play with friends?”

Qin Ling didn't know what it meant to be afraid, this girl was so angry that she cursed: "Who wants to play with your friends, rascal."

The bald man said shamelessly: "Hey, this broken woman is very hot, I like that."

The young man shouted loudly: "There are hooligans bullying the educated youths in the capital."

This voice can be heard all over the street. Zhong Yuemin and Jiang Hua are eating mutton noodles and fighting seafood. Hearing this, it’s okay. Bullying the intellectual youth in the capital is not boring, and he is still a hooligan , Damn it.

Zhong Yuemin casually picked up the bench under his buttocks and rushed out, Zheng Hai saw Qin Ling with a red scarf.

Zhong Yuemin yelled: "Who, who is tired of his job, dares to bully the educated youth in the capital, and his teeth will be knocked out."

The bald man pointed at Zhong Yuemin and said, "Here comes another coward, brothers, give me a good hammer. Big brother wants to play with this broken woman, and try to marry you a sister-in-law this year."

This guy is simply possessed by the second ox, and he was reborn in Guanxi.

(End of this chapter)

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