Konoha Ninja World, accept the gang fight of Uchiha justice

Chapter 91 89 If you dare to hit me, I will dare to scold you

Chapter 91 89 If you dare to hit me, I will dare to scold you
No one expected that Shibingwei, who started from the ejection, could fly in the air with the control of Chakra.

At this moment, if any foolish people see such a ten soldier guard, they will definitely exclaim a monster~
In fact, Shibingwei just got the affirmation of the demon stock "Hungry Sleeper".

Hungry sleeper, a kind of flying head barbarian, with a personality that loves each other for family members, but is fierce and vicious to outsiders.

This is very similar to Juhei's character.

Jubei, who is physically and mentally strong, is a proud person. He can possess the Uchiha Kai who has given him respect, and use his only body to open the way.

Everyone said that he was flattering and sycophant, but he admitted without shame, yes, yes, I am the slanderer by your side.

But when he set off on behalf of Uchiha Qi's glory, soaring in the sky is his style.

Juhei, who always claims to be a disabled person, is actually a ruthless character in the Koga Ninja.

Be ruthless, be ruthless to others, and be ruthless to yourself!
He is as unpopular as Tianshan.

At this time, the Ten Soldiers who were going to fight for the Lord, were flying in the air, recalling the bits and pieces with Uchiha Kai.

At that time, the adults were not so gloomy. When meeting for the first time, Qi adults asked openly while holding his arms with a smile.

"Hahaha, Shibingwei, why are you in such a miserable situation, how can someone cut you into a stick!"

And when meeting such a frank adult, the embarrassment is not myself, nor the adult, but the Iga ninja Tenzen, Gen and Jingoro who are behind the adult.

It was the three of them who cut themselves into human sticks, turned themselves into human sticks, and turned themselves into monsters for revenge.

A monster that crawls on its belly and attacks with its tongue.

It's a pity that he no longer has the chance to take revenge. Shi Bingwei is still a little upset to learn that his former enemies are now his own.

But Master Qi didn't mind, instead he asked in detail about the process of fighting the Iga clan.

Speaking of Jubei, I am still a little proud.

Except that Tianshan really won him, or when he lost all his limbs.

Others such as the aged Gen and the insidious Jingoro only hurt themselves by sneak attacking.

But failure is failure. The two ninjas never look at the process, but only at the result.I thought that such a record of mine would make Mr. Qi think that he was unworthy of reuse.

Who knew that adults would appreciate him very much and praised him.

"Our Shibingwei is strong, and we only fight at the peak. Not everyone knows that they can't fight, but they still have the courage to fight. Shibingwei is very strong."

From that day on, a disabled person became a warrior who only challenged the strong in Qi's mouth, and from then on, Shibingwei was willing to use his life to shape his identity as a warrior for adults.

Today, a courageous figure like Shibingwei is quite farewell at this moment.

He is good at asking the sky, has the ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and can always escape the inevitable end of death.But today, his divination does not know good or bad, only the word "Heaven's Punishment".

In the past, he would not touch such a vague secret.

Who knows what God's punishment is.

But as a man, for some things, you can't back down half a point.

That is the agreement between myself and the adults, it is the agreement between new students and achievements.

"At this point, even if it is the sky, I have to fight it."

In fact, it doesn't matter, Shi Bingwei also understands that it is dangerous to go at this moment.

I may have no backup, may have to face the entire Sarutobi clan alone, and may have to face Sarutobi Hiruzen, the No.1 in the ninja world today.

This kind of form, no matter who it is, will have lingering fears.

But even so, Juhei did not flinch.

People have gone wild to their own boundaries, and I can't help but react.

Even if the big direction of one's own side cannot be adjusted immediately, someone needs to give a strong counterattack immediately.

This is a matter of face, a matter of integrity, and the self-confidence that has been built up for the past few years.

From the moment he got the title of brave man, Shibing Weijue must never be a person who dares to hit me, and I will scold you.

Ha ha!

Uchiha Tenzan is good enough, so what, as long as I can't kill myself, I, Jubei, will fight him to death.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, let me weigh your weight!"

Spit out a demon thorn from his belly, and the demon thorn began to revolve around Shibingwei.

This weapon is Jubei's trump card.

"Ping will stand up!"

Legend has it that the bamboo pole that Pingjiangmen's head was once inserted in, attached all the grievances of Pingjiangmen.

When the weather is in place, it can be mobilized, plagues, earthquakes, lightning strikes and other natural disasters.

This is the confidence of Jubingwei.

Today is the day of natural punishment, and it is also the time to mobilize natural disasters.

And natural disasters are natural disasters, powerful, but also have great side effects.Indiscriminate attack, it is easy to put yourself in,

But Juhei was not afraid.

"set off!"

Shibingwei was alone in front, followed by the ninjas behind him, with the Koga ninja as the shadow assassin, followed by more than a hundred red-eyed ninjas.

A group of people, without concealing their whereabouts, went straight to Konoha, lest Konoha's people didn't know, and they were going to call the door.

What Konoha thinks is a small matter cannot be what he thinks.

Now is no longer the era that the Konoha family said in the first generation.

At this time, Yakushi Doya and his brother Yakushi Kanda Akira went to the ten soldier guards' station to ask for help.

The cunning Pharmacist Doudou spread the word that people from Muye Village came to Nanhe to bully everyone he met along the way.

"Come with me to see the feudal lord, the Konoha ninja is calling."

Nanhe Qunmin, who heard the news of Yaoshidou, had no fear, instead put down their hoe and picked up a sickle and a knife.

It seems that everyone has already prepared for this moment.

"Really, where is it, let's go directly, don't need to go to the feudal lord, bite me and kill them!"

For some reason, a group of farmers had the courage to fight against the ninjas.

This is something not even a samurai can do.

With the publicity of Yaoshidou all the way, more and more people followed Yaoshidou, and Uchihadou who went to ask for help became more and more excited.

With the support of so many people, Konoha must be taken down today, and Konoha must be taken back today.

Just like that, Shibingwei and Yaoshidou met halfway.

As many as 4000 people were coerced by Yao Shidou, and they were all a group of civilians without any force.

But at this moment, they were armed with swords and guns, and their fighting spirit was high, which made the Feng Xiaoxi ten soldiers very puzzled.

Looking at these angry farmers, Jubingwei asked in puzzlement.

"What are you going to do?"

Shibingwei's doubts come from the fact that these people are holding weapons and rushing to their garrison, maybe they are planning to rebel.

Sure enough, people from the Fire Nation cannot be trusted.

Facing Shibingwei's pocket, he was a little flustered suddenly, and he suddenly found that his behavior was a bit forced.

Originally, he only wanted to get more supporters, so that it would appear that what he did was correct, but it was only when things came to an end that he realized that being correct was never the key to the problem.

In the world, no one is right, and whoever says it counts.

It is the least accepted by the upper-level to promote the decision-making of the upper-level by coercing public opinion.

For a moment, the young Dou didn't know how to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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