Chapter 79 79 Inner Loop

The three members of the group of elders stood with their hands behind their backs, leaving their backs to each other, but they couldn't say a word.

After turning to sleep, Xiaochun couldn't see the way here, so he didn't dare to show his timidity.

Danzo hopes to speak to people who can understand.

The more Mitomonyan thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. He thought of many possibilities.

In the end, the Mito Gate opened first.

"Danzo, what is Sarutobi going to do!"

Danzo sat down cross-legged, indicating that this conversation will consume a little mind, it is better to find a comfortable position for himself.

"Mitomon-san, Sarutobi wants to sell anxiety?"

Dust off the dust on his legs, Danzo said it easily, but it took a lot of thinking to hear Mitomon and turn to bed.

"What do you mean?"

The two asked in unison.

Danzo was leisurely drawing something on the ground, talking while drawing.

""Panic and anxiety" has always been a business. Many people in the world are selling panic and anxiety to persuade people to consume all kinds of unnecessary things and obey all kinds of unreasonable orders in order to maintain a fragile sense of security ! This is nothing unexpected! Both of you!"

"But is Sarutobi useful?" Xiaochun still worships Sarutobi, and he has worshiped Sarutobi since he was a child.

Danzo doesn't have this kind of worship, he feels that he and Sarutobi are just a little bit out of luck.

"Hehe, you all think that the three generations are in full swing, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi knows that his prestige is no longer enough to support his rule!"

Seeing all the characters who jumped against Sarutobi Hiruzen, including Danzo himself, Danzo felt that prestige is the same thing, as long as there is one person who publicly expresses dissatisfaction with you, and you take him When there is no other way.

So much prestige is gone.

Xiaochun, who has an idol plot, does not accept this explanation.

"How come, Sarutobi has taught so many powerful combat powers, even the new watermelon head next to him can't be underestimated."

Yes, according to Sarutobi's attitude towards that watermelon head, it is indeed not to be underestimated, but Danzo saw that watermelon head was mixed with that eye-opening guy from the Uchiha family every day, and he had long been distrustful of the relationship between him and Sarutobi. hoped.

Uchiha Shisui's eyes can distort thoughts, who knows what the eyes of the unkillable guy are for.

But do we need to tell these two?Of course I need it!Isn't my Danzo also selling anxiety!
Danzo, who drew eight circles on the ground, erased one first, and the harmony channel.

"Are these powerful combat forces standing on the united front with Sarutobi?"

The elder consultant said that he had a high status, but he had no power at hand, no manpower to mobilize, and even his own combat power was not as strong as the elite ninja council.

When they are needed, they are the elders of Konoha, and when they are not needed, they are a pair of mascots.

"do not have it?"

The two really don't know what the current situation is like.

Danzo said while crossing out the drawn circle.

"Of course, first of all Orochimaru has been disobedient for a long time, and Tsunade also regards Sarutobi as a tutor and more as a teacher."

Speaking of these two, Sarutobi crossed out two circles.

"Minato is a fool, but he listens to his wife more, and Kushina's recent behavior is also intriguing."

Two more circles are crossed out.

"Jiraiya is obedient, but there is a prerequisite that there is no conflict with Orochimaru Tsunade."

Now there are only two circles on the ground, and Danzo also stopped.Then he looked up at the two people who were watching him and asked.

"So you still think Sarutobi is good at fighting?"

Mitomon Yan really wanted to know who the remaining two circles were. If one was Hiruzen Sarutobi himself, then who did the other represent? Could it be that Sarutobi's family had hidden a Kage-class combat power.

Such a powerful Sarutobi family is not impossible.

"So Sarutobi is not prepared to use force to solve the problem at all."

Danzo didn't expect that such an obvious figure as Shisui would not be classified as Sarutobi's faction, maybe even a ninja would not have thought of it.

If you can't even trust your relatives, then who should the ninja trust?

It's a pity that Danzo doesn't know what Mitomon thinks.

"Yes, Sarutobi doesn't want to use force, he is going to use money to solve the problem."

Mitomonyan is not optimistic about this. If the money can solve the ninja, the daimyo will not be wronged by the annual allocation of funds.

"Danzo, this is not easy!"

In the past, Danzo also thought it was impossible, but when people calm down and think about history and the past, they will find that force can only solve the people who have problems, but not the problems themselves.

Most of the time, the problem is still solved by the brain.

"Yan, we don't think it's easy because we don't have the brains, but seeing Sarutobi's methods, it doesn't seem impossible."

Danzo collected information very carefully. He couldn't see through the situation in advance, but Zhuge Liang could indeed do it after the fact.

"What means."

Mitomon doesn't even have his own intelligence system, so he can only rely on his old friend to help him out because of his past affection.

Danzang is also willing to tell the matter, so that they are afraid of the old man's methods, so that the few people can be more united.

"Sarutobi Hiruza, this old guy, first used the threat of war to make everyone panic. Those small families who are afraid of the coming of war will definitely seek shelter."

Speaking of Danzo drew a one, indicating that this is the first step.Then continue.

"These small families are afraid, and they will definitely seek shelter. If they find Sarutobi's family, Sarutobi will agree to give them asylum, and then lend them money to let them develop the family."

This Danzang painting is very heavy, and even pointed a few times.

"Both, do you understand? This is equivalent to accepting their request, using money to guarantee the asylum they seek, and at the same time transferring the risk of Konoha's finances!"

I said it was the two of you, but I was actually speaking to Mitomon Yan.

"Through the way of war loans, the money is spent and the price of Konoha is raised. It is those small families who spend the money. It is not eye-catching to disperse a large amount of property like this."

Speaking of Danzo, he drew a circle for the small family, and then drew an equal sign with Konoha's public funds, and continued.

"You know, most of Konoha's livelihood industries belong to Sarutobi's family, so as long as Konoha's money is spent in Konoha, most of them will return to Sarutobi's family, so the money will be magnified Not to mention a lot, the public property in the village will become private property.”

The picture on the ground at this time.Konoha, Sarutobi, and Ninja have formed a stable triangle, which is a perfectly closed conveyor chain.

Mitomon nodded to show he understood, and asked again.

"Since that's the case, why bother to make such a big sacrifice? How much will it cost? Sarutobi won't waste his own money."

Danzo sneered.

"Using those small ninjas who do business and do business to form an internal cycle of Konoha's economy, but the money from the outside must also be digested."

Speaking of Danzo, he wrote down his name and task quota outside the triangle, and continued.

"The money given by the daimyo has to do something. If it was money from the Sarutobi family, Hiruzaru Sarutobi would be very distressed, but this is the daimyo's money. As long as the money is spent, it will be considered an account. As for the daimyo's money , the focus is on how much money you can get, not how to spend it.”

Danzo wrote the words "Kawa no Kuni" on the ground.

"For example, in this country of Sichuan, if they want something from Sarutobi, they will naturally spend a lot of money. Such a situation can happen but cannot be sought. Naturally, Sarutobi will want to get a big one to maintain the prosperity of Konoha's economy for a period of time. "

Speaking of this Danzo, the name of the country of Kawa was crossed out.

"This amount of money is more meaningful for Sarutobi. It's just that for the daimyo, the reason can be made up at will. Even if it's a pre-war mobilization meeting, the daimyo will accept it."

Turning to Sleep Xiaochun with a sluggish face asked incredulously.

"You mean, Sarutobi spends money randomly, is turning daimyo's money into Sarutobi's money?"

(End of this chapter)

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