Chapter 62 Chapter 62
There is nothing wrong with this, Master Qi said, history is written by the victors, if we win, then we will be what we say.

Kasumi Xingbu continued to teach Xianzhisuke.

"Of course, but Xianzhisuke, you need to talk to Sanin!"

Xia Xingbu came here with the intention of Mr. Xiaodouzhai.

"Now, it's time for you to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. Use your newly aroused abilities to let Sha Ren cooperate with the performance. This is Mr. Xiaodou Zhai's request. If you do it, everyone will plead for you in front of adults, provided that Reported the situation truthfully, and you did make a contribution.”

"Yes, I understand. Please reassure Mr. Xiaodouzhai that I will live up to my trust."

Xianzhisuke put away his compassion, maybe he really should change his way of life, but he doesn't know who can give his life an answer.

Koshiro, who was crazily harvesting his eyes, heard the conversation between Kasumi Shobu and Gennosuke, and he stopped what he was doing. He was still worried about the bastard Asunosuke when getting along these days.

Master Kai is very tolerant of Xianzhisuke, jokingly calling him the Uchiha ninja who is the most unexpected, saying that he can always create miracles.

A good thing is screwed up, and then a screwed up thing is played out.He is a man with a protagonist aura.

It is said that if one day, this guy might have to rely on this guy to create a miracle to make a comeback.

But Koshiro didn't believe it, Master Kai was just making fun of Xiannosuke, how could Uchiha fail with Master Qi around.

So I'd better be optimistic about Xianzhisuke, an idiot. His appearance is indeed traded for his IQ.

Seeing Xianzhisuke who was fighting hard, with Lianqiao's love and obscurity, Koshiro gave Xianzhisuke a rare word of comfort.

"Xinosuke, don't be sentimental for outsiders. The reason why we think the flowers on the cliff are beautiful is because we will stop on the cliff instead of taking a step towards the sky like those fearless flowers. .”

"You are shocked by what Hongmalu has done, but you have forgotten that history has never been divided into failures because of morality."

Koshiro hoped that Xianzhisuke would understand.Although people who are educated in ideals and beliefs are never willing to believe that good people will fail, villains will have noble beliefs, because it is different from the stories they usually hear.

But after being educated by reality, you will understand that heroes usually end in a bleak end, and despicable people are the ones who can achieve success.

And the noble slogans are just a means for successful people to promote, and to inspire people to contribute to them. These words have become vested interests, and successful people themselves don’t believe it.

"It is a good quality to be humble and dare not forget your worries. Ordinary people under Uchiha need to recognize this quality. Uchiha needs their dedication."

Xia Xingbu interjected at the right time.

"Aren't you ruining those who sacrificed for the country of Kawa? Give them some respect." Xianzhisuke still has feelings.

Xia Xingbu laughed, he was already ugly, and he became even uglier when he smiled.

"Xianzhisuke, why don't you understand, Mr. Qi has taught you many times, don't look at what he says, but look at what he does."

"how to say!"

Koshiro accepted the words. "Xia Xingbu means that he is not that noble in terms of what Kenmaru did. He doesn't hate nobles, but hates why their red eyes are not nobles. He doesn't want to be a superior person under the Uchiha family, What he wants to do is the upper class of the country of Sichuan."

"Really?" Xianzhisuke already believed it.

But Xia Xingbu still wants to give a stone hammer.

"Mr. Xiaodouzhai, after collecting the soul of Kenmaru, a tailed beast called Hypocrisy was born. Only one person can activate a tailed beast. Kenmaru is really a guy who cannot be underestimated! I played with you with my own life! Genosuke"

After finishing speaking, Xia Xingbu opened the sealed scroll and closed the eyes of Kenmaru.

He laughed and left.

And the same move was also carried out in the hands of forty or fifty Uchiha around.

Seeing Koga's recognized fool give him such an education, Xianzhisuke was completely convinced.Nie Nie asked: "Xia Xingbu, am I really unbearable?"

Xia Xingbu, who turned to leave, did not stop, and finally said.

"You may have become too powerful, so you will be intoxicated with the abilities you have acquired, and gradually forget to think from the standpoint of the weak. This is normal. As long as you don't forget the mission entrusted to you by Master Qi, you will still It’s a good Uchiha! Shinosuke, move forward with today’s shame. When you wash away the shame on your body, you won’t worry about today anymore.”

Xia Xingbu was refreshed, sure enough, after mixing with the Qida people, he could speak at a level.

Little did they know, all of this was arranged by Xiaodouzhai.

This time when Uchiha came to the country of Sichuan, there were three things from light to heavy. One, to get the red-eyed family, no matter whether he lived or died, at least the eyes should belong to Uchiha.

Second, we must ensure that there is an army in the southwest of the Kingdom of Fire, no matter who the army is, as long as it can put pressure on Konoha.

Three, create as many tailed beasts as possible.The more the better, even if the country of Sichuan is turned into no man's land.

But Xiaodou Zhai, who had just entered the country of Chuan, found something was wrong.

The seasoned Xiaodouzhai understands that no one can guarantee what accident will happen in the next second, but any accident is not important, as long as it favors the favorable side.

The red-eyed clan is nostalgic for their own land, unwilling to join the Uchiha?
It doesn't matter, just kill it and goug out the eyes.It can also leave an inspiring story and educate the servants who follow Uchiha.This is no big surprise.

But the sand ninjas who entered the country were very strange. In this ninja village, which is famous for its puppet masters, there were too few puppet masters in the troops dispatched this time, basically there were no puppet masters.

Such a force simply made Konoha not pay attention to it.Konoha doesn't even need to mobilize large troops, the defense troops alone can destroy them.

What the hell is Shannon doing?
Xiaodouzhai wants to figure this out.

Fortunately, there is Xianzhisuke who is looking forward to committing crimes and meritorious deeds to deal with this slightly risky character. After all, he is facing four or five thousand ninjas. As far as my lord loves his subordinates, if he is injured in his hands If there are so few, adults will not be happy.

But Xianzhisuke doesn't care, he doesn't mind no matter how deadly he is, the adult hates Xianzhisuke who is more handsome than himself.

Then it would be good if you pull the strings at the right time.

Since Xianzhisuke is not dead, then do something more and let him go and see what happened to Sand Shinobi.

If it doesn't work, you can also let those ninjas in the Kawano Kingdom who were recruited by Xianzhisuke join Sand Shinobi, and a team of 8000 to [-] people can be considered a strong momentum.

If you can't beat it, you can also scare Konoha.

Of course, the most important thing is still to create Tailed Beasts for Master Qi.Adults still count on this recovery.

It's good for Arizonosuke to make such a fuss, but the creation of tailed beasts requires emotional activation.And the more saturated the emotion, the more powerful the tail beast can be created.

With the original sin emotion, Zero Tail can even rival One Tail among the Tailed Beasts.

Hypocrisy, arrogance, rage, jealousy, greed, lust, and laziness are the seven original sin emotions that are most easily activated.

Xianzhisuke's personality is exactly the kind of person who is full of emotions. When interacting with him, the evil in people's hearts will always be aroused.

Whether or not the most powerful seven zero-tails can be created depends on how capable Xianzhisuke is as a demon.

(End of this chapter)

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