Chapter 3 03 The sins of the ancestors

Kai Uchiha didn't care about the purposeful closeness of the Uchiha Shisui people.

The so-called big tree of life, when viewed from the bottom up, is all buttocks, but when viewed from the top, it is full of smiling faces.

Compared with the current Shisui lineage, the situation of Uchiha Kai's lineage is not too good.

Therefore, in Qi's view, no matter what they think, when facing Qi, they must put on a friendly smile.

As for Uchiha Kai's attitude towards them, it all depends on his mood.

Whether it is the warmth when they are in a good mood, or the reprimand when they are in a bad mood, they must accept it, but they don't even have the courage to refuse.

Because no one will stand up for them.

Who told people of their lineage that they could neither integrate into the village nor be liked by the clansmen~
There is no way, it is all the sins of the ancestors!

As a descendant of the branch of the Zhibo Realm, as a Uchiha, he hooks up with Hokage, trying to integrate the tribe into the village through love, which is simply absurd.

What the arrogant Uchiha clan wants is never that you love me, but that you are afraid of me and you are in awe of me.

What's more, what Uchiha Mirror pursues is not that the village loves Uchiha, but what Uchiha pursues is to make Uchiha love the village.

We Uchiha have all abandoned our patriarch, Uchiha Madara, and chose to stay in the village. Such behavior is not called love, what is it called?We're just being arrogant.

Now that we've all done this, it's the village's turn to love us.

The Uchihas feel that they have paid so much, but they don't get anything in return, and their psychology is unbalanced.The naive Uchiha mirror also delusional to make Uchiha pay more.

Anyone who has been in a relationship knows that the reason why you can't do without a scumbag or a scumbag may be because the sunk cost you paid is too high, and you will be very unwilling if there is no result.

Now Uchiha is very unwilling, you are on your own, and you still want Uchiha to pay more.

Proper PUA!
Although the Uchiha clan is not as transparent as Qixiang, the general meaning is this situation.

It's a pity that most of the time, the opinions of the masses and the leaders are at odds. What the masses want is reasonableness, fairness, and self-interest.If you can't do it, everyone will be angry, blood will be splashed for five steps, and the world will be ruined.

What the leaders have to consider is how Uchiha will survive after leaving the village, how to deal with the village's revenge, and how to properly resettle the tribe.

If you can't do it, then you can only stay in the village.

Since he wanted to stay in the village, he could only find a way to integrate into the village.

So Uchiha mirror's behavior was privately endorsed by the patriarch at the time, which means that considering the thoughts of the clan, I cannot support you publicly, but I will never interfere with your actions.

But this kind of private support is unknown and unacceptable to the clansmen.

So what was the final result?

The result is that during World War II, they always contributed to the things that required Konoha's life and death.

So untimely death has become a standard feature of their lineage.

No matter how good you are, on the battlefield, it depends on luck to survive.

In such a good line, now there are only Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Obito and two or three kittens.

Even those who take care of their daily life are not their clansmen, but those old and frail Uchiha women who lost their families in the war and need someone to take care of their funerals, the kind who married out.

The entire branch of the Uchiha of this line is a hurdle at the age of 25, and none of them can survive.

And Kai Uchiha, who is a time traveler, knows that the staff will have to be reduced in another year or two.

At that time, this line can continue, and we can only hope that they can reproduce asexually.

"I hope they can produce a character who is as open as myself. Otherwise, there will be no one going to the grave during the Chinese New Year. Is it possible to live by working part-time in the Pure Land? That's too pitiful."

Thinking of this, Kai was very happy.

Living in such a world with extraordinary force values, it is unreliable to see the prophets who travel through rebirth.

No matter how much you know, if you have no strength, if you live in a familiar plot, your life and death will depend on the preferences of those familiar characters.

You think that you know everyone's personality well, and when the time comes, you'll be smacking your mouth out and making sure you're right. This is purely taken for granted.

If you don’t believe me, think about it carefully, based on your ability to fool people, do you understand that your parents were fooled by you?
If you want to understand this, you must know the extraordinary world. Foresight is useless.

But if you leave this familiar plot environment, then the biggest advantage of your time travel is gone, so what's the point of time travel?

Therefore, it is more reliable to open and hang.

Qi's cheats are relatively cold, never communicate with Qi, and are not at all the same as those coquettish and cheap cheaters who can show off cuteness.

Although the plug-in is not cute at all, it is very useful, and Qi said that he likes it very much.

The plug-in function is very powerful, but also very simple, that is, drawing cards.The cards drawn are all ninjas with names and surnames in the anime world, and they are living ninjas.

The combat power of these ninjas in their original world may not be as good as that of the Naruto world, but a lifetime of ninja experience makes them naturally qualified ninjas. Coupled with the blessing of Sharingan, they can instantly become a qualified ninja in the Naruto world.

Not to mention that, Waiguai also gave Qi the ability to assign these ninjas to complete system tasks.

Although the task is not dangerous at all, but it is mandatory to assign at least one purple card, or several purple cards, one orange card and so on.

But this made Qi unable to accept many tasks for the time being, because he did not have an orange card.

The tasks are some patrolling, daily and other tasks.The task hall in Hidden Village will not accept the difficulty.But the rewards are extremely generous.

You can get a lot of points, and the points can be exchanged for various things.Such as silver, resources, materials, ninjutsu and so on.

Therefore, without the support of the clan, Qiyimai survived by exchanging points for resources.

The eating and drinking of more than 200 people is really not a small number.

But because of the task, these are not a problem for Qi, at least Qi has accumulated a lot of points now.

It's just that there are many high-quality things in point redemption.But those high-quality things require a lot of points, not to mention a lot of orange card ninjas to complete the orange task points.

Nai He Qi only had purple cards at most, not even an orange card.Therefore, only some low-level tasks can be completed.

It's a pity that this game does not have the function of krypton gold.

Otherwise, relying on drawing cards, then assigning ninjas to do tasks, making money, krypton gold, and then continuing to draw cards, a perfect closed loop can be formed.

This is a bit too rogue.

Therefore, Qizhi relied on daily check-in to obtain summoning scrolls. Basically, he could save one round of ten consecutive draws every month.

That is to add ten clansmen.

In this way, Kai Uchiha, an orphan of the war, was swept away to live in a remote corner of the Uchiha clan. In less than two years, this remote corner has developed into a vibrant place, and the persecuted Uchiha Fugaku had to admit them The existence of Yimai is all due to the cheat card drawing and point exchange.

Of course, Kai Uchiha would have to thank the second-generation Hokage Senshou Feima and the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruza, if it weren’t for the basic village policy of Uchiha’s exclusion established by the second-generation Hokage, and the perfect inheritance of the political considerations of the third-generation Hokage.As Uchiha's new patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku, will not be under so much pressure.

If Fu Yue didn't have such a great pressure, and he wouldn't be so eager to increase Uchiha's strength, he wouldn't be so easy to accept the dozens of Uchiha people who appeared inexplicably.

I still remember that during the first consecutive draw, Qi was still very worried, and even prepared to die if he could die, or go into exile if he couldn't die.

Qi felt that it would be a big deal if dozens of ninjas suddenly appeared in any village, and the whole village would definitely investigate.

But there was no way at that time, Kai at that time was still an ordinary Uchiha who hadn't opened his eyes, and his strength was just an ordinary ninja.

That is, the kind of cannon fodder who has mastered the three-body technique proficiently and a c-level ninjutsu.

Still an orphan after the war.

Survival is always an obstacle for orphans.

Human nature, even if it has thousands of shining moments, but as a human being, you must not pin your hopes on the brilliance of human nature.

Even in a society under the rule of law, it is not uncommon to find orphans who have no family and no one to rely on, let alone the chaotic world of Naruto.

What's more, most of the property of the Uchiha clan is owned by the public. Qi's parents died, so naturally he is not eligible to continue to occupy the big house.

So Qi, like Uzumaki Naruto in the future, lost his own real estate, took a few relics of his parents, and fell to a remote corner of the Uchiha clan, and joined those Uchihas who were also orphans.

At the same time, Uchiha Kei is considered a big brother compared to other orphans at a young age, but he is not old enough to support himself.

Forced to become a big brother, but he doesn't have the ability to be a big brother for everyone's welfare.

This is very uncomfortable. The eldest child Uchiha Kai has to take care of several children who are also war orphans who also live in a remote corner of Uchiha. Not to mention the children, he has to find a way to fill his body due to growth.

That is to fill the stomach.

Not just to feed myself, but also to feed a dozen orphans!
The so-called half-children eat me to death.This is not an easy task.

(End of this chapter)

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