Chapter 23 23 Are you good at fighting?
When stopping Uchiha Qi and his party, although Danzo was anxious, he had confidence in his heart.

A ninja battle of three to 400 people has already achieved the battle of destroying a small country in the ninja world.

If you don't believe me, go and see the Land of Waves, the Land of Birds, etc. Can you pull out [-] ninjas by gathering the power of the whole country?

If a battle of this scale broke out in front of Konoha's house, or between his own people, then Sarutobi, Hokage, would not do it. He had no other choice but to apologize with death.

So even if you know that the combat power in your hands is not as good as Uchiha Qi, when you see Uchiha Qi, Danzo still has the confidence.

It was the first time for the masked Nebu people to appear in the sun so righteously. Facing the siege of the Uchiha Qi clan, they were still not afraid.

Because Konoha was right behind them, they were naturally righteous.

All for Konoha!
In Danzo's heart, Uchiha Qi is a child who doesn't know the severity, and this child who has mastered powerful force doesn't understand what he is doing at all.

As long as you tell him clearly what he is doing now, I am afraid that this child will pee his pants in fright.

It's a lot of courage to attack the authority!

And the first step is to put the frightening big hat on his head.

Behind Danzo's hands, Yizheng said: "Uchiha Kai, are you going to rebel?"

Openly besieging Konoha's authority is no different from rebellion.

Danzo has been confirmed, Uchiha Kai should have known his plan to assassinate him, and this trip of all members is to start a war with himself.

As for how the news was leaked, it is not something to think about right now.

Now that my own strength is not as good as the opponent's, I just want to intimidate the opponent, let the opponent know the seriousness, and then retreat in spite of difficulties.

All that's left is to wait for him to pass this level, and then use this incident as an opportunity to unite with Sarutobi's power to strangle Uchiha in the name of Uchiha using his private army.

At that time, Sarutobi should have no excuse to avoid it!

But now Danzo believes that Uchiha Qi does not have the courage to take on the name of rebellion.

Uchiha, who owned Madara back then, didn't dare to assume the name of rebellion, and when Madara was about to rebel, he immediately distanced himself from the head of Uchiha.

Danzo really can't think of any point that Qi can be better than Madara. Even if Qi is out of harmony with the world and dares to risk the world's disgrace, Danzo doesn't believe that his subordinates dare to accompany him?

As long as Qi's people's hearts are unstable, Danzo's victory will be won.

When Danzo said these words, he was full of confidence, and he had already fantasized about Kai's panic.

The little hairy child has no idea what his actions represent.

But after the voice fell, Danzo was not as panicked seeing Kai as expected.

Danzo has no idea!
Are kids today so ignorant?
What kind of home education did this guy grow up in!

When this matter is over, I must blame the head of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Kai was also speechless for a while, I just moved, and made the move an established fact with lightning speed, so that there would be fewer beeps and persuasive voices in the Konoha and Uchiha clan.

Why did he bump into Danzo in the middle of the journey? This grandson's level of hating is not good!
I, Uchiha Kai, can't handle this big hat for the time being, I don't want to have a resume that was dismissed by Danzo after an attempted rebellion.

Now that your group has shouted such slogans, then you can't blame me for being cruel.

Looking at the righteous Danzo, Uchiha Kai smiled contemptuously.

"Shimura Danzo, are these your last words?"

Danzo was stunned, this is different from what you said, why don't you play your cards according to common sense.

What on earth did I do to make Kai Uchiha treat me so unrelentingly.

Although I plan to assassinate him, haven't I done it yet?

Is he going to put all his eggs in one basket and kill me in the name of rebellion?
What good does this do him? What else can I do except to let out a bad breath when I'm killed.

After that, Sarutobi will only be given excuses, so that Sarutobi has enough excuses to integrate all of Konoha's power to deal with Uchiha.

This is the use of force near Konoha's heart.

Did he really not consider the consequences?

Danzo was not convinced.

"Uchiha Kai, do you know what you are doing?"

Kai Uchiha is also speechless, you came over aggressively, you should be very clear about what I'm doing, stimulate me with such words, aren't you already prepared?

Having reached this point, is it still meaningful to ask these questions?

"Shimura Danzo, you dare to come up to me to seek death with a few people, are you good at fighting?"

In Qi's mind, Danzo should take the opportunity to make trouble, and use his own sacrifice in exchange for Konoha's moral advantage.

Otherwise, you can see that the strength of the people brought by Danzo is not so perfect.

It can not only allow Kai to fight a beautiful annihilation battle, but also have enough power to hold Kai for enough time, waiting for Konoha to enter the field.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise of the ninja's conventional warfare.

Seeing Danzo's unscrupulous actions, Kai felt that he was still hasty and gave Konoha a chance.

Qi believes that as long as the fight starts like this, resulting in the fact that a large number of Danzo and his subordinates die, then Anbu, the elite of the root will immediately enter the field and strangle the Kai clan.

I thought that Konoha's reaction would not be so timely for such a sudden action.

Who knew that Konoha was staring at him so closely, they acted as soon as he left Uchiha's sphere of influence.

It seems that killing himself is the consensus of Konoha.

Qi regretted a little, but at this moment, there was no room for Qi to regret.

You must be tough, and you can't really give Danzo an excuse.

Since Danzo wants to put a big hat on himself, then I will scare Danzo first and see what this guy is going to do.

Is he really ready to sacrifice his life for Konoha?
It is true that Uchiha Kai believes that Danzo is a person who can do anything and sacrifice anyone for Konoha.

But this does not include Danzo himself.

In this regard, Danzo and Kai are the same kind of people.

Even Kai did better.

Drag, drag until the Uchiha clan responds, drag until Konoha responds.

See what's going on today.

At worst, there will be a big battle, and I will also pull Uchiha into the water.

If Konoha is really going to die with him, then pulling Uchiha into the water is the only way to survive.

And looking at Kai's disdain, Danzo did not live up to the justice before.

Who can stop the young samurai from going to his death?They can't hear it, and when the fighter's sword is swung, they must hear the wailing of the defeated.

The young man can't stand being wronged at all. It seems that his assassination plan really angered Kai Uchiha. This young man really wants to fight me with his life.

I knew that this kind of young man who let his own enthusiasm guide him and seeks a master and official position should not be allowed to get a high position.

They don't understand the rules of the game for adults at all.

It’s not that Danzo is cowardly, I’m just avoiding more bloodshed and sacrifices for Konoha, I hope Sarutobi can understand my painstaking efforts, and send someone to rescue me sooner.

I want to drag, drag until Konoha knows, and then strangle this restless sprout in the wild.

All for Konoha!
(End of this chapter)

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