Chapter 11

The crowd fell silent, but did not disperse.

They were still thinking about the answer to Uchiha Kai's question.

And before they thought about the answer, they obviously weren't going to let Qi leave.

Not only that, the people in front of them not only did not disperse, but there were more and more people watching the excitement.

The center of a ceremony to celebrate the return of heroes has gradually shifted from the Hokage Building to the commercial street outside the Uchiha clan.

The people at the back whispered Uchiha Kai's question in a low voice, whether the Fire Nation loves Konoha, and what is the relationship between the Fire Nation and Konoha.

Those who knew the answer couldn't put it into their mouths, and those who didn't know the answer made the atmosphere even weirder in the whispered discussions and speculations among each other.

Nine out of ten times life is unsatisfactory, so unsatisfactory life is the normal state of life.

Greed and jealousy are human nature. Under the torture of this question, the unsatisfactory life will naturally have a direction.

Uchiha Fugaku, who was going to reprimand Uchiha Kai, was stunned. He couldn't figure out what Kai was going to do for a while.

Mature people have a purpose in everything they do. For a while, Fugaku Uchiha couldn't figure out whether he should continue to classify Kai as an immature child or an adult with deeper scheming.

You say he is a child, obviously the series of operations in front of him have a purpose.

But if you want to say that he is a qualified adult, Uchiha Fugaku can't understand his purpose.

And Qi also achieved his goal, and instantly shifted the attention of Konoha villagers from celebrating the victory of Konoha Village on the battlefield to the relationship between Konoha and the Kingdom of Fire.

In fact, Qi's purpose is very simple, that is, he is afraid of going to the battlefield.

For things like going to the battlefield, ghosts would go there, and for things like bloodshed and sacrifice, of course they were fooling others.And I, Uchiha Kai, was the one who yelled bloody slogans and fooled people into war.

I am a big man, Mr. Qi.

It is the job of a person like me to sit in Konoha and direct the direction of the war.

And "You have been strengthened by the will of fire, send it quickly." That's what you servants are going to do.

And people like Orochimaru who have experienced the baptism of war naturally understand the essence of war, and a man who has stepped all over the ninja world will naturally not be easily overturned by Uchiha Kei.

In other words, he already had the answer to the question asked by Kai Uchiha in his heart, and even said that his answer no longer bothered to be recognized by others, and he thought he turned a blind eye to Kai Uchiha's flickering.

He even had the heart to snatch a three-color meatball from his disciple's red bean, and gave it to the eager Uchiha Itachi to taste.

In his mind at the moment, discussions about war, about country, are not even as important as sweets in the hands of children.

Namikaze Minato, who is being baptized by the war, also has enough psychological construction, or he is very clear about his goal, which is to lead Konoha to win this war.

The rest of the things are out of his consideration.

It doesn't matter whether the country of fire loves it or not. The important thing is that Uchiha Fugaku, who has been fooled, has promised to send more ninjas to join the war, and obviously now because of the words of the child in front of him, it seems Things are going to be turbulent again.

"Master Fuyue, who is this?"

It seems that Namikaze Minato, who has been fighting abroad all the year round, doesn't know the character Uchiha Kai at all.

"Oh, this is the elder of Uchiha, Kai Uchiha!"

Fugaku, who was still stern, racking his brains to think about what Kai was going to do, heard Namikaze Minato's questioning, quickly restrained his thoughts, and replied.

"Qi, but the geniuses of our Uchiha clan are the hope of our Uchiha's future."

While Qi listened, his face was full of black lines.

At the age of 12, a ninja who is not on the list of Konoha Village has just opened his eyes, and his strength is barely a commoner ninja.Sure enough, the genius of the Uchiha clan is just talking casually.

The newcomer needs to be praised, and that newcomer is a genius.

It's just that in the past, with the inclination of family resources, those geniuses lived up to the name of geniuses.

But Qi knew that he was not even a genius, let alone a genius, he was just an ordinary person.

"Oh, so it's Mr. Qi, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me!"

Minato's attitude is very friendly, and even the people around him can feel this kind of enthusiasm.

However, Kai was not so polite.

"Oh, Minato-kun doesn't need to be so polite, Uchiha still has to give the face of the Uzumaki clan!"

From the moment he saw Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Kai was ready.

Some people, listening to their stories, are full of songs and tears, pitiful and lamentable.But these people can only watch from a distance, not play with it.

Just like Lin Daiyu, like Namikaze Minato in front of her eyes, it’s good to sigh at their lives and at the same time be filled with pity in her heart, and it’s fine to be with them.

Because of their stories, there is always sacrifice.Either sacrifice yourself or sacrifice those around you.And to be the savior of their life story takes too much.

If you don't become the Supreme One, you simply can't afford such a heavy price.

So Kai, in front of Namikaze Minato very bluntly, named his other identity.

That is, although others treat you as the heir of Hokage, in front of me, Kai Uchiha, you are just the son-in-law of the Uzumaki clan.

The so-called beating does not slap people in the face, and swearing does not reveal faults.

Namikaze Minato married Uzumaki Kushina naturally because of love.

Being willing to marry for love is a kind of respect for the Uzumaki clan, a well-known race in the ninja world.

Although this ninja is almost extinct, Konoha's logo is still marked by the ninja's Zuhui, and the minimum respect should be given to them.

Everyone in Konoha recognized this kind of respectful love for the other family, and no one took Namikaze Minato's marriage as a real marriage.

Death is the most important thing, and the whole family should be given enough respect.

Anyway, as long as there is enough respect, more benefits can be obtained, so why not do it.

But recognition is recognition, but being a son-in-law is being a son-in-law, and the term son-in-law clearly separates the wealthy from the common people.

From the moment he realized that he could not become friends with Minato Namikaze, Kai made this decision, that is, to cut off Minato Namikaze completely.

Qi couldn't believe it, Namikaze Minato was a completely temperless person, wouldn't Namikaze Minato really not be angry at such a face-to-face slap in the face?

If it were Qi himself, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

When villains encounter things that harm others and benefit themselves, they always like to judge others by themselves, thinking that in this case, everyone will be like me.

When encountering self-defeating and benefiting others, I always hope that others can think about it from their own standpoint, and then hope for myself. ,

Qi is such a villain.

But Namikaze Minato is obviously not this kind of villain.

He just scratched his head with a little embarrassment, and said with a hearty smile: "It turns out that Qi Jun knows the family!"

This kind of embarrassment seems to be just shyness about his newlyweds, and he is not at all annoyed by the title of son-in-law.

However, this name in the family also clarifies the meaning of Minato. Since Mr. Qi does not want to get close, then Minato is not a forceful person.

At home, it is an honorific title for a wife with people who are not close to her.

The conversation between the two seemed to end like this.

Konoha Village continued to discuss Kai's issue secretly. Minato was thinking of another way to achieve the goal of gaining ninja support for the front line, and Kai was going home for dinner.

But today it seems that I just don’t want to let Qi go. The broken barrel of the Uchiha family always finds trouble for you when you have worked hard to solve the external problems.

Uchiha Itachi, who accepted the bribe of Orochimaru, a three-color ball from Hokage, seemed to feel the warmth of the will of fire again.

"Brother Qi, our Uchiha clan lives in Konoha, so naturally we have to bleed for our country. If Brother Qi is worried about the danger on the battlefield, I can replace you."

Children's sensitivity is always inappropriate. Compared with Uchiha Fugaku who thinks too much, he is still guessing Kai's purpose. He intuitively tells Itachi that the sanctimonious brother Kai is really afraid of going to the battlefield.

And he really hoped to replace Brother Qi on the battlefield, so that he could not only share his father's worries, but also avoid Brother Qi's worries.

It's the best of both worlds.

And Qi, who had been exposed by Itachi, wished he could slap him to death.

Sure enough, he is a cub with Hokage's thinking, and he can always share Hokage's worries.

Do you know how many troubles you have helped Hokage solve.

He didn't know, but Kai wasn't going to let him know.

Qi didn't pay attention to Itachi at all, but said to Fuyue: "Master Fuyue, Itachi should seriously study family history."

Fu Yue is completely afraid of the children's childish words. Today is an education, and the generation gap is indeed a problem. He can't keep up with Uchiha Kai's thinking at all.

Don't care if you understand it or not, let's talk about it when we get home.

Fu Yue hurriedly agreed.

But the villagers of Konoha seem to have found a way to deal with Kai.

Although they didn't want to understand the answer.

But definitely can't lose to Kai this kid.

"That's right, the Nation of Fire raised us. You, a family that lives on the land of the Nation of Fire, don't want to contribute to the Nation of Fire!"

"Nei Duan, get out of the Land of Fire!"

"Uchiha get out of Konoha."

The people have found an outlet to vent.

And this exit was given to them by another Uchiha.Once again they occupy the moral high and low.

And Qi, who was completely enraged from embarrassment, also decided not to let them go.

"Birth really limits your thinking, you don't know anything about the history of the Uchiha clan! Lowly people!"

(End of this chapter)

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