Gintama's Naruto Story

Chapter 79: The Old History Is Used to Turn It Up!

Chapter 79: The Old History Is Used to Turn It Up!
two months later.

On the border of the Snow Country, an old passenger ship that looks like it has passed the time just docked.

On the deck were three youths from the Land of Rain.

The three youths were dressed in the same uniform, with stuffed backpacks on their backs, cotton gloves on their hands, cotton coats over Urenin uniforms, and scarves tightly wrapped around their necks.

The never-before-seen scenery - the endless icebergs and the snow all over the ground, did not make the Yuyin trio feel cold or anything, but excited and excited.

Because this is a view that is absolutely impossible to see in the Land of Rain!


Because of the snowy country landscape he saw for the first time in front of him, Nagato's mouth became O-shaped, unable to calm down the excitement in his heart for a long time.

"This is the Land of Snow..."

Xiao Nan also had her eyes wide open in disbelief, and she muttered uncontrollably.

"Cough cough!"

Yahiko, who had just vomited due to seasickness, cleared his throat at this moment, forcibly concealed the excitement under his face, and said, "You two should be more serious, this time we are representing the Land of Rain to talk to the Land of Snow. China has established friendly diplomatic relations! When we are away from home, we represent the country of rain! Never forget! We must never be rude..."

Before Yahiko finished speaking, Nagato, who couldn't suppress his excitement in the middle of speaking and jumped down, had his face covered in a big snowball.


Looking at Nagato who was pointing at him and laughing, Yahiko, as the chief executive of the Land of Rain, continued without changing his face: "We must not lose our etiquette, let others think that we are the Land of Rain..."

It was another snowball.

Calmly wiping the snow off his face, Yahiko continued: "We must not let others think that we do not understand the rules in the Land of Rain, and we must not let others underestimate us..."

Another snowball hit his face, Yahiko lowered his head and fell silent.

After three seconds...

"Nagato, you bastard!!"

Looking at the selfless two young men who were having a snowball fight and laughing from time to time, Xiao Nan shook his head helplessly.

Even though they have become high-level officials in a country, these two people are still so childish. What Teacher Gui said is true, women are much more mature at the same age.

A man is still a teenager until he dies, and it is absolutely impossible without a shrewd and capable woman to guide him.

"Did you say so? Snow sauce?"

Seeing Konan stroking the snowman's small head and asking such a sentence, Yahiko, who sensed the other's mental activity, immediately complained.

"You too! What's the matter with that snowman?!"

"It's not a snowman, it's Snow Sauce!" Xiao Nan defended solemnly holding the snowman he had just built, and then his expression gradually softened, "He is not an ordinary snowman, but a friend I made when I came to the Snow Country! Symbolic It is the first step of the friendship between the two countries!"

"No! That's just an ordinary snowman!"

Just as Yahiko finished complaining, a snowball the size of a human head smashed Xiaonan's first friend in the Snow Country to... smash!

"Hey! You two, stop dawdling. The special products you brought have to be unloaded. You two, hurry up!"

Looking at Nagato waving his hand and Konan who was hiding in the shadow with his head down, Yahiko, who felt very bad, took two steps back silently without even thinking about it.

Nagato will suffer!

"Chang, door!!"

Sure enough, after Xiaonan gritted his teeth, Nagato was given a hard lesson by Xiaonan who tried his best.

In the end, Nagato was forced to undertake the work of transporting all the special products to offset his manslaughter just now, dragging about two cubic meters of special products behind Konan and Yahiko by himself.

And the snowman who was named Xuejiang by Xiao Nan, who died just after he was born, was also buried in the snow by Xiao Nan and set up a tombstone.

When Xiao Nan stood in front of the tomb and mourned silently with tears in his eyes, Yahiko and Nagato were also silent, not even knowing whether to complain about it.

In the end, the two chose not to vomit.

After all, Xiaonan's endless and unscrupulous revenge methods are hard to guard against!

After walking for about two hours, the three of them encountered an extreme snowstorm. In desperation, the three of them could only temporarily stop and look for shelter.

The luck of the three of them was not bad, and they found a cave nearby. Although it was a bit cold, it was enough to avoid the wind and snow.

They found some firewood, built a bonfire, found an iron kettle from the accompanying luggage, filled it with snow and put it on top of the bonfire, and the three of them started simple repairs.

After drinking some boiling water, Yahiko opened the map that was attached to him when he communicated with the lord of Snow Country, and looked at it by the light of the bonfire.

"Well, there are still about two hours to go to the train station that the Lord of Snow Country said can lead directly to Fenghua City."

"Train? What's that?" Xiao Nan asked while cooking noodles.

"I don't know either, but Your Excellency Zaoxue said that it can lead directly to Fenghua City, so it might be a shortcut."

At this time, Nagato, who was standing at the entrance of the cave with his hands folded, looked at the snowstorm outside and said with emotion: "But I didn't expect that there would be such a country in the ninja world. In a certain sense, it is really similar to the country of rain..."

Yahiko also looked at the entrance of the cave, and said with emotion: "A country with only rain and a country with only snow are really similar from this point of view. It's just that this small country has never experienced war because of its location. This is really impressive. I'm jealous."

Xiaonan thought of something at this moment, and asked: "Again, Yahiko, why would the Land of Snow, which has never experienced war and is indisputable in the world, agree to communicate with the Land of Rain that has been tormented by war?"

"I just found out about this. In the exchange of letters with the Lord of the Snow Country, I got the news that Teacher Gui had been to the Snow Country not long ago and stayed for several months. After knowing that I am Teacher Gui, Disciple, the other party readily agreed to communicate with us."

"Teacher Gui?!" Nagato and Xiaonan exclaimed.

"Well, that's right. From the lines in the letter, it can be seen that His Excellency Fenghuazaoyuki of the Snow Country respects Teacher Gui. Presumably, he agrees to communicate with our Rain Country because of his respect and trust in Teacher Gui."

"Really are!"

At this moment, Xiaonan twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a bit of displeasure, and complained: "Leave the country to us, and Mr. Gui can run around freely in the ninja world by himself."

Yahiko, who was already used to hearing Xiaonan's similar complaints, didn't care, and continued while putting away the map.

"Perhaps Mr. Gui has been thinking about the peace of the country and the ninja world. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't be able to find the answer."

"That's right..."

Nagato slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and his thoughts were gradually drawn back to the three years full of joy that he had spent with Gui.

"Again, listen to Hanzo... no, did the master's old department say that? Teacher Gui was actually about the same age as us at that time!"

Yahiko and Nagato, whose memories were interrupted by Konan's words, couldn't stop tugging at the corners of their mouths. In fact, this matter has been proved by Urenin a long time ago.

Unexpectedly, the teacher who taught me was only a few years old at the time!

Yahiko broke through the embarrassment and said: "Maybe this is a genius. At a young age, we can do things that we can't do, and we understand that we can't understand the truth."

"That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is that at that time, Mr. Gui would go to some wives' homes as guests or chat with other hostesses all night. How old was he at that time? How old was he?"

"Uh..." Yahiko choked for a moment, and then hurriedly changed the subject: "Maybe it's... precocious. In short! Stop dawdling, take a break and continue on your way! Today you must go to the capital of the Snow Country!"

At this time, Nagato suddenly said with emotion: "Compared to Teacher Gui, we are still far from enough..."

Hearing the sound, the expressions of Xiaonan and Yahiko became a little weird again.

This Nagato... is hopeless!

(End of this chapter)

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