Gintama's Naruto Story

Chapter 40 A man is a creature that hides his clumsiness!

Chapter 40 A man is a creature that hides his clumsiness!
As the No. [-] silly elder sister of Konoha personally certified by the fourth generation of Hokage, Kushina's ability to make friends is one of the best in Konoha's circle of married women.

Therefore, during the half hour of waiting in line for the prenatal checkup on the bench in the corridor, the hearty, smiling, and carefree Kushina used her sincere "charisma" to win Fuko's favorability and trust value.

From the red-haired woman in front of her, whom she only knew was Mrs. Hokage, Fuko also felt a sense of peace of mind that she rarely felt since she was brought home by Orochimaru.

"What?! Five months?! The same as me!"

Kushina covered her mouth in surprise, so surprised that she subconsciously exposed her oral habit.

But then Kushina himself noticed this, waving his left hand, and the four fingers of his right hand pressed against his lips, showing a bit of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sometimes when I get too excited, I will subconsciously bring out such a mouth habit. Now I just hope that my child will not inherit such a bad habit in the future."

Looking at Kushina who was looking down at her belly, Fuko who didn't know what expression to make just smiled.

Although I want to comfort the other party, in fact, this kind of mouth addiction is quite generous, but I feel that I am inferior compared to the other party, so it is better not to talk too much.

"I really hope that the two children can become good friends in the future. I feel that the due date must be very close. By the way, did Mr. Orochimaru name the child? Minato, he hasn't decided on the name of the child yet..."

Although Kushina was basically talking alone and Fuko just smiled and listened quietly, but the atmosphere between the two was really good.

Two young guards of about the same age——Lin and Hongdou were also chatting about some topics between girls.

"Having said that, this is the first time I know Mr. Oshemaru has such a side. When Minato told me yesterday, I really couldn't believe it."

"Huh?" Fuko was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't quite understand what Kushina was talking about.

"Even that Orochimaru would be as nervous as a man because of this kind of thing..."

"Nervous...?" Fuko still didn't quite understand what the other party meant.

Kushina looked at the people around her, and then leaned close to Fuko's ear and told in a low voice about Orochimaru's search for Minato to ask Tsunade's whereabouts, and yesterday's indirect question about Minato's wife who cooked during her pregnancy. Fuzi.

Fuko's first reaction after learning about it was that he didn't believe it, but after thinking of what Oshemaru usually does, such as not letting himself cook or do housework, he suddenly developed a very Weird idea.

Mr. Orochimaru's actions, could it be because he cares about this child so much...

"Listen to me, when Minato described it to me, he said that Mr. Orochimaru seemed to be trying to hide his nervousness! But think about it, Minato was also very nervous when I was just pregnant. Although Mr. Orochimaru usually gives People feel cold and emotionless, but he is a man after all, so it is impossible not to be nervous at a time like this."

After finishing speaking, Kushina suddenly noticed that Fuko seemed to be in a daze at this moment, and also stretched out his hand to shake in front of the other party.

"Miss Fuko? Miss Fuko?"

"Oh, sorry..." Fuko who came back to his senses hurriedly apologized weakly, and at the same time threw out the weird thoughts that had just popped up in his mind.

Impossible, impossible, how could Oshemaru-sama be nervous about this kind of thing?That is absolutely impossible!
"Men are really the same. When they just found out that they were going to be fathers, they were all so clumsy and cute."

Hearing what Kushina whispered with a smile, for some reason, Fuko suddenly felt that the recent behavior of Orochimaru could be described as clumsy...



Shouldn't it be...?
"By the way, never tell Mr. Oshemaru about this kind of thing. I told you."


Fuzi responded in a low voice, and at the same time warned himself in his heart that what he was thinking about was absolutely impossible, and Master Orochimaru definitely had his reasons for doing that!

At noon, after finishing the inspection, Fuko who was sent home by Hongdou saw Orochimaru in the kitchen wearing a headscarf and an apron, frowning and studying the recipe carefully.

Seeing Orochimaru like this, for some reason, Kushina's words in the morning began to echo in Fuko's mind again.

It should be... not like that, right?
"Teacher Orochimaru, the result is out! Mother and child are healthy!"

Holding the prenatal inspection report, Hongdou reported to Dashewan carelessly.


Dashemaru nodded with a cold face, took the report from Hongdou's hand, and began to look it up word by word carefully, for fear of missing any problems that he hadn't noticed.

After realizing that there was indeed no problem, Dashewan put the obstetric inspection report neatly into his arms, and at the same time reminded Hongdou lightly.

"Hongdou, please remember to keep your voice down when I'm here in the future, and don't make any big noises."

"Hey?" Hong Dou was taken aback, what's wrong with this master?Just when I was about to ask a question, I heard Orochimaru continue.

"Okay, get out now!"

red beans:……


Because after waiting for three hours for lunch, there was still no good food, and there were frequent noises from the kitchen, so Fuko made up his mind and walked cautiously into the kitchen after various considerations.

"There is nothing wrong with the oil temperature being ninety degrees, but why is it not forming? The recipe is indeed right..."

Looking at Orochimaru who made the kitchen into a mess, Fuko didn't know what to say for a while, but finally gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Master Orochimaru, the oil temperature is [-] degrees. It is divided into direct heating to [-] degrees, and heating to [-] degrees after cooling. The frying effects of the two kinds of [-] degrees are completely different..."


After hearing Fuko's voice, Orochimaru's face also showed a bit of displeasure.

After all, I heard that pregnant women should not be exposed to lampblack during pregnancy, so what happened to this woman?How dare you come into the kitchen?
Unqualified!Totally substandard!

According to the method of heating the oil first, then cooling down and fixing it to a temperature of about [-] degrees, and then frying the ingredients, it really succeeded!

This woman is not so useless.

Orochimaru was in a better mood, and then handed the recipe to Fuko.

"How many grams is the right amount, a little, according to personal taste? And how big is the spoon for one or two spoons?"

"Then what... why don't you let me come..."


Seeing Orochimaru whose attitude suddenly changed and his murderous intent soared, Fuko didn't dare to say another word, so he could only silently exit the kitchen, and stood at the door of the kitchen and commanded tremblingly.

"Don't stand, sit for me!"


(End of this chapter)

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