Gintama's Naruto Story

Chapter 34 An accident is when something unexpected happens at an unexpected time!

Chapter 34 An accident is when something unexpected happens at an unexpected time!
After letting the "futures" of Konoha, including the two "future seeders" and "future incubators" Asma and Hong, go back to reflect, Minato also left Silver Toki in the name of the mission.

During the third Ninja World War, Yun Yin, who retreated to the village after the death of the third generation of thunder, did not dare to be aggressive again, after the end of the three Ninja World Wars, he also felt that he was suddenly able to do it again!

After all, apart from the death of a father in this war, all Ninja Villages suffered the least loss from their own village!
Therefore, the fourth generation Ai, who just came to power, has been staring at the Ninja World map recently, and often feels that there are so many good places in the Ninja World, why is it not Yunyin?

Especially the land of fire, a place with outstanding people, I think it will belong to the land of thunder thousands of years ago!
And as a citizen of the Kingdom of Thunder, it is reasonable and righteous for the Kingdom of Thunder to recover the land lost thousands of years ago!

So with a wave of his hand, brothers, go!

"Really, is it war again?"

Yin Shi scratched his hair like a bird's nest a little irritably, and let out an unpleasant tsk sound from his mouth.

Minato's mission to Yinshi is to lead a few teams to the front line. Of course, this is not when Minato wants to cheat Yinshi, but to brush up his qualifications for Yinshi.

As long as the qualifications are brushed up, I can also operate and promote him to be my right-hand man.

Although Shiroyasha's reputation has become a household name after the three battles, he is still too young in terms of age. If he is promoted to an important position at such a young age, there is no guarantee that someone will gossip.

In short, one sentence.

Age is not enough, qualifications come together!
Moreover, based on Minato's understanding of Yinshi, the probability of Yinshi's accident on the front line is very small. He knows his skills in his heart, and the main thing is to let him improve his qualifications.

"Please, Silver Toki."

Minato said solemnly, his eyes were full of expectation and some kind of faint pleading, and when Gintoki saw the other party's appearance like this, he finally complied.

Also since this day, the number of ninjas with hemorrhoids in Yun hidden danger has also been climbing at a rate of at least five per day.

Therefore, in Yunyin's hospital, there will be a magnificent scene of chrysanthemums in full bloom every day at the gate of the anorectal department!
Named, the number one wonder flower in the ninja world.

——Blood Chrysanthemum!

It has been more than a month since Yinshi went to the front line and the new species of blood chrysanthemum became known to the ninja world.

Sarutobi Hiruzen waited and waited but did not wait for a chance for Orochimaru to lose his memory, and the beard that had been worrying all day was about to snap off.

Even Hiruza Sarutobi heard that since Orochimaru returned from Hokage's office that day, he had pasted a very conspicuous big-character poster on the gate of his house.


Orochimaru issued a statement,
Don't marry for the rest of your life and ask about rebelling against the village!

The short three-line haiku also expressed Oshemaru's inner indignation, and Oshemaru's neighbors hurriedly replaced their festive red lanterns after seeing such a big-character poster.

The enthusiasm for this rumor in the village has also slowly subsided recently. After all, this kind of hot search that seems to be bought is understood by everyone, and it won't last long.

"Why doesn't it work?"

Just when Hiruzaru Sarutobi was so distressed by this kind of thing, and even once thought that there might be no chance, a piece of secret information was sent to Minato and Hiruzaru Sarutobi by Anbu.


After carefully reading the white-haired Anbu wearing a mask, I accidentally noticed a secret that no one knew about until now after a little investigation, and neither the Third Generation nor Minato knew what to put out. What kind of expression.

The tea I drank during Orochimaru's amnesia...

He actually drank tea seeds!
The sudden news really made the two of them at a loss as to what to do. This snake it so accurate?

Looking at the profile of that wandering girl, Hiruzaru Sarutobi accidentally tore off a few more beards, mainly because the news was too explosive!

According to Anbu's investigation, this 19-year-old civilian woman named Nadeko, because her parents died when she was young and her family was poor, she had no choice but to become a prostitute.

However, that was the time when Orochimaru was dragged by Jiraiya a few months ago, the amnesiac Orochimaru mustered up his courage because of the instigation of Jiraiya who was also drunk...

Because I knew that Orochimaru was one of the Konoha Sannin, Miss Fuko, I didn't dare to resist that day because I was afraid...

And then... a fresh human life!

Good apprentice, my side is frowning and I don’t know what to do, good guy, you just got a fresh life out of it!

What should you do as a teacher?And even though this woman is pure and self-sufficient, she does not sell herself as a performer, but the identity of this wandering girl is really...

Hiruzaru Sarutobi really didn't know what to do, and according to Anbu's investigation, this girl was very strong, and she didn't tell anyone after knowing that she was taking a life!

I still work normally (beautiful) to save money, and I will take advantage of the rest time to secretly go to the hospital for a check-up.

Judging from her performance, she wanted to give birth to the child by herself and raise the child alone!
What a strong girl.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed in his heart, this is clearly a concrete manifestation of being a mother, there is no resentment, he just wants to protect his own child!

"Hokage-sama, it will be three months soon, if you want to have an abortion, it's not too late..."

The Anbu said, but it was obvious from the voice that this Anbu was a little bit unbearable.


Minato subconsciously drank seriously, and her own Kushina had just found out she was pregnant, so what kind of Kushina who is about to become a mother is like, so this woman probably looks like too!

Although the situation is different, some of the essence of their mothers is the same!Deprive her of her child, and she will completely collapse!

"I also think it's inappropriate..." Sandai sighed, and put his hands behind his back, saying: "This matter is temporarily kept as a top secret and cannot be known by anyone else! It is still unknown what Orochimaru will be when facing this child." Such an attitude, so I want to wait for a while."

"However, I don't think even a person like Mr. Oshemaru would do anything out of the ordinary when he finds out that he has a child, right?"

"It's really hard to say..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, maybe Orochimaru might have a good result when he heard such news before the rumors of marriage, but now...

In the case of being irritated by the marriage rumors, knowing this kind of thing, Orochimaru may really do some outrageous and uncalmly behaviors.

We must press down and wait for Orochimaru to calm down because of the marriage rumors, and the identity of this woman is also a huge problem!

Dai Snake Wan, Dai Snake Wan, you will really give the teacher a hard time!

"Bai Ling, go and arrange a new job for this woman with a higher salary. Remember, you must be invisible!"

"Hi!" After answering, this Anbu also disappeared into the room in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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