Chapter 140

Just as Teta, Kagura and the others entered the Beidou Xinxuan Noodle Restaurant, in the Hokage Building, the Hokage Office on the highest floor, Minato, who had stayed up all night at his desk, rubbed his swollen temples.

On the desk in front of him were photos of twelve freshmen. After a night of special testing and observation, the only ones that could be confirmed with certainty were the Zhuludie group.

Everything else is pending, just because there are various problems.

Hinata Hinata, Shino Ayume, and Kiba Inuzuka originally wanted to form a reconnaissance team, but Hinata Hinata's combat effectiveness shown yesterday was too strong, so Minato was a little bit in trouble for a while.

I feel that putting Hinata in such a team may not be able to exert its original strength.

And its sudden one-on-three strength yesterday made Minato sympathize with Naruto's future married life.

Isn't this fiercer than Kushina?
Naruto and Sasuke, because of some village-level political factors, Minato bound the two together early on, and led the Jonin to choose Obito who was also the Uchiha clan and his own disciple.

As for the rest, they are still undecided, namely Kagura, Shimura Shinpachi, Haruno Sakura, Orochimaru's child Mizuki, and the uncertain Hinata.

First of all, there is no doubt that the three girls will be separated. If Kagura distributes it to Gintoki who will be back in the next two days, it can be regarded as a big surprise for Gintoki.

Shimura Shinpachi, Danzo's nephew, was right to assign Gintoki in terms of the tasks given to Gintoki before, so there are two under Gintoki, and the rest are Haruno Sakura, Mitsuki and Hinata.

Haruno Sakura has always been No.1 in theoretical knowledge at school, her chakra control is relatively fine, and I heard that she likes Sasuke now.

Miyue, is humble and polite, has a good tutor, is strong enough, and has good grades, and is also the child of Orochimaru, one of Konoha Sannin.

Hinata, I said it before.

How should these three people be arranged?
Minato had a headache all night and couldn't figure out what to do. The main reason was that the students in this class were a bit strong and difficult to assign.

Naruto and Sasuke are not inferior to ordinary Chunin and Hinata in terms of ninja qualifications alone. At certain moments, their abilities rivaled Jōnin.

And Kagura... Didn't you see that Kakashi ran away halfway?According to Kakashi, she can lift a heavy boulder without Chakra Boost, what if Chakra Boost is used?

Probably stronger than Tsunade-sama.

After much deliberation, Minato finally moved Hinata back to the reconnaissance team, so the combat power was balanced.

The rest are Sakura and Mitsuki. In terms of male-female balance, there is no doubt that Sakura will be in Sasuke's group, but what about Mitsuki?
Give Miyue to Yinshi's name?Orochimaru, will he fight for his life?

"That's fine."

Orochimaru's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Mr. Orochimaru..."

Minato raised his head with a forced smile.

"Mizuki also said that Kagura has a special feeling that is different from others."

"Really? But Yinshi..."

Minato didn't continue to speak, and it was really difficult to utter a few words in an incoherent manner.

As far as Minato thinks, although Gintoki is very reliable in certain situations, if you take Shinobu with you, you will probably mislead your children in most cases.

Even Minato wanted to hand over Mizuki to Kakashi's special study abroad class, and Kakashi was much more reliable than Gintoki in this respect.

"It's okay, it's fine like this." Orochimaru repeated, and took the initiative to place Mitsuki's photo behind Kagura's photo.

"If Mr. Orochimaru agrees, then let's arrange it like this."

A stone in Shuimen's heart finally fell to the ground, and his parents agreed, so what is he still struggling with?
Of course, at this time Minato had overlooked a problem, and that was Gintoki's opinion.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Orochimaru, you are here..."

When asked this sentence, Minato felt very uneasy, after all, Orochimaru came to Hokage's office for two things basically these years.

In addition to money is funding.

Although Konoha and Fire Country did have some money because of the high-tech products that Orochimaru casually fiddled with over the years, they couldn't afford his extravagance.

Every time the research funding is [-] million taels, and in the past few years, it has also caught up with inflation and currency depreciation. The latest major funding is [-] billion taels!
"It's nothing, it's just because of this."

Hearing this, another big stone in Minato's heart fell to the ground, and the warm smile on his face became stronger and more sincere at the same time.

"Have a cup of tea."

"No, I'm going back. The adjustment work of the third satellite has come to an end."

"You walk slowly, you get tired, you work hard."

"Also, the plan for building a space station has been handed in, it's very important, remember to approve it."


Why don't you tell me how much it costs?
 1500 words in half an hour is the limit.

  Happy Tanabata Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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