Chapter 78 Bad
After returning home from the high-speed rail station, it was past one o'clock, the food was already on the table, and some meat dishes were reheated by Yuan Qinghua.

"The vial is here!"

Seeing Wang Jinping and Li Mu coming hand in hand, Yuan Qinghua was both surprised and happy: "Oh, good, good, come in! Come in!"

Taking advantage of Wang Jinping's inattention, she gave Li Mu a thumbs up, and said silently, "As expected of my son, this speed has caught up with the speed of the country's development!"

Li Mu nodded contentedly, coughed a few times, and dragged Wang Jinping into the living room.

After entering the door, Wang Jinping shook off Li Mu's hand, greeted Li Haichuan and Li Chengzu politely, and then sat down quietly.

Yuan Qinghua beamed, and the more she looked at Wang Jinping, the more she felt satisfied: "Xiao Ping, are your parents okay?"

Wang Jinping said in a soft voice: "Well, they are all very well, and let me say hello to you and uncle on their behalf."

When she said this, she took out a picture album from the backpack she brought: "Auntie, these are some of my dad's recent works. They are all sketches of calligraphy and painting. If the paintings are not good, please correct me by auntie and uncle."

Yuan Qinghua said happily: "Oh, this is too precious, isn't it?"

She took the album happily: "Your father is now a great painter. It is said that the price for a square foot of work is at least 20 yuan. There are at least ten paintings in this album. I am a little afraid to accept it!"

Wang Jinping smiled and said: "It's okay, auntie, my dad said, it's just random graffiti, it's all speculated on the market, his painting skills are average, so it's worth so much money, it's all a boast, can't really."

Li Mu approached Wang Jinping and whispered, "What's the name of father-in-law?"

Wang Jinping: "..."

She kicked Li Mu vigorously under the table: "Why are you so thick-skinned!"

Although the two met for the first time today, after experiencing catching a thief and being assassinated, their relationship heated up sharply. They really hit it off and fell in love at first sight.

At this time, it seems like a pair of male and female friends who have been dating for many years.

Li Mu's skin is rough and fleshy, he was kicked by Wang Jinping, and he didn't take it seriously at all. He was still very curious about the identity of Wang Jinping's father: "Tell me, tell me, in fact, I also have a little calligraphy and painting skills, and I may have a lot of connections with my father-in-law." Common topics."

Wang Jinping gave Li Mu a blank look: "My father's name is Wang Shengqun, and he is the vice president of Wencheng Painting and Calligraphy Academy."

"So it's Professor Wang Shengqun, good guy, so you are his tomboy daughter? Kong Wu is powerful and Lin Daiyu?"

Wang Jinping blushed, snorted a few times, and didn't bother to pay attention to Li Mu.

Li Mu loves calligraphy very much, and he is a bit talented in calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting. He entertains himself on weekdays, and has also written some banners and painted a few flowers, birds, fish and insects, but he is only at the level of an amateur.

But since he likes calligraphy and painting, he will naturally pay attention to some dynamics in the real painting and calligraphy circle, and he also has some understanding of some real calligraphers and painters.

Wang Shengqun is a leading figure in the field of calligraphy and painting today. He is very proficient in both Chinese and Western techniques. He is especially good at freehand brushwork in Chinese painting. Among the current masters of Chinese painting, he should be among the top five.

Li Mu once copied his Songjiang Xueqi painting, and admired his exquisite brushwork. He never thought that Wang Jinping was his daughter.

In addition to painting and calligraphy, Wang Shengqun likes to write. He has written many sketches, including several essays about his own daughter. He called his daughter a tomboy more than once in the book.

He said that his daughter "doesn't like writing and ink, but loves fists and kicks", which can be called "Lin Daiyu is powerful in Kong Wu, and Xue Baochai is strong in fists and feet".

His style of writing is extremely interesting, and people can't help laughing. After reading a few articles, the image of his precious daughter King Kong Barbie naturally came to mind.

Li Mu never imagined that Wang Jinping was actually the daughter of King Kong Barbie in Wang Shengqun's book.

He glanced at Wang Jinping amusedly, smiled, and said no more.

Wang Jinping couldn't sit still anymore, and lightly kicked Li Mu a few times: "Why are you laughing? My father's articles are often exaggerated, and the facts are not what he wrote!"

Li Mu smiled and said: "I understand, I understand, literati, their works must come from life, and they are higher than life."

Wang Jinping snorted a few times and said no more.

At this time, Yuan Qinghua had already opened the album, and said in surprise: "Oh, this cicada is painted like a real one, Xiaomu, don't you like calligraphy and painting, and you will have the opportunity to ask your Uncle Wang for advice in the future!"

Li Mu smiled and said, "Really, let me take a look!"

He reached out to take the picture album and flipped through it, and found that the first picture was Guofeng Meticulous Brushwork, which depicted a cicada on a willow branch. The cicada's wings were transparent, and the outline was extremely delicate and realistic, with the charm of willow branches dancing with the wind. It can be seen from the screen, this painting skill is really remarkable.

The second painting is a picture of chrysanthemums, the third is a picture of melons and fruits, and the last two are oil paintings of landscapes. The treatment of color and light is quite particular.

It's a pity that Li Mu has only learned sketching, but not oil painting, so he can't see the advantages of it.

This picture album is one foot square, and there are twelve pictures in total. If it is put on the market, it will fetch at least three to five million yuan. Wang Shengqun is really generous to give such an expensive gift as soon as we meet.

It can also be seen from this that Wang Jinping's mother has a good relationship with his own mother, and the three to five million things were given away as soon as they were said to be given away.

During the meal, Yuan Qinghua couldn't stop adding vegetables to Wang Jinping's bowl: "Little Ping, try this, this fish tastes good, Xiaomu specially brought it from other places."

"Xiao Ping, try this chicken. It's also brought by Xiaomu from other places. It's very delicious. I've never eaten such a delicious chicken!"

When Li Mu returned to the modern society from the Great Yin Dynasty, he brought a lot of prey and food. Pheasants, wild ducks, river fish, eggs, duck eggs and other common foods in the Great Yin Dynasty were extremely rare in modern society.

Especially the emerald corn produced in Anzhi County near Qinghe County is emerald green in color and has an excellent taste. It is a specialty of Qinghe County. Surplus, but only rich families can afford it.

Zhang Shihong once gave Li Mu six stones of emerald corn. When Li Mu came back this time, he brought three stones, which is more than 360 catties.

Li Chengzu and his son knew it was precious, and after keeping one bag, the rest were deliberately put into the medical cold storage of the clinic.

Wang Jinping came here today, he can be regarded as a distinguished guest, Yuan Qinghua just cooked in person, stewed a pot of emerald corn rice, made some wild game, chicken, duck and fish, very rich.

Originally, when Wang Jinping met Li Mu's parents and family for the first time, he wanted to be reserved and didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of the old man, but the food on this table was so delicious that he couldn't stop from the first chopsticks.

Not to mention her, even Li Chengzu's father and son and Yuan Qinghua felt that today's meal was the best meal they had ever eaten in their life, a large table of dishes was completely wiped out.


Yuan Qinghua hiccupped and leaned on the chair: "No, no, I'm going to die!"

Wang Jinping also ate so much that he could hardly stand up, and he kept blaming himself in his heart: "Wang Jinping, Wang Jinping, you are worthless! It's like a starving ghost trying to save you for a bite. , You don’t even want your image! You have to remember, you are a 24-year-old girl, and you still want to get married!”

“It was a good meal today!”

At this time, Li Chengzu's skill has improved greatly, and his digestion ability is extremely strong. The food can be digested very quickly. The old man said to Li Mu: "From now on, the family's rations will be handed over to you!"

Li Mu didn't refuse: "Okay, I'll get some more tomorrow!"

The host and guest had a great meal, and in the afternoon, Li Mu drove Wang Jinping around Tao City a few times and went to some tourist attractions. By the evening, the two of them had already become acquainted.

In the evening, Wang Jinping's cell phone rang. After she connected the phone, she said to Li Mu: "My classmate called and said that he wants to treat me to dinner. By the way, introduce some friends."

She looked at Li Mu with a grin: "They even said they would introduce someone to me!"

Li Mu shook his head and said, "You came to Taocheng today to find your classmates to play. But you are new to Taocheng, and you are not familiar with the place, and you didn't tell her that I would pick you up. She didn't even come to the station to pick you up. You, it can be seen that she doesn't attach much importance to you. Since you left the station, I haven't contacted you all afternoon, and now it's dark, so I invite you to dinner, hehe, are you going to this kind of dinner too?"

Wang Jinping tilted his head and said with a smile, "That makes sense! Then we won't go!"

In front of Li Mu, she opened the communication software and sent a voice: "Xiaoqing, I'm playing at a friend's house here, I can't leave, I won't go today!"

She put down her phone and looked at Li Mu: "I listened to you, I ordered a delicious meal, and you owe me a meal."

Li Mu smiled and said, "Okay, let's go eat barbecue now. This season, barbecue stalls have already sprung up."

Wang Jinping suddenly became nervous: "Don't! If you get beaten after eating barbecue, I have no place to reason!"

Li Mu laughed loudly: "How can there be such a coincidence? If someone dares to be rude to you, you can beat them to the ground without me."

While he was speaking, the car accelerated and drove towards the most famous barbecue restaurant in Taocheng City, Liu Laoliu BBQ.

The car stopped nearby, and he took Wang Jinping to the barbecue booth. Before he could sit down, he heard a surprised voice from a woman on the side: "Jin Ping? Are you not coming? Who is this handsome guy?" ?”

Li Mu followed the sound and saw several men and women stood up at a simple table next to them, all looking at Li Mu and Wang Jinping.

A woman wearing a green shirt and slacks looked pleasantly surprised: "Stinky girl, you still said you won't come! I didn't expect a sudden attack."

She came to Wang Jinping and took Wang Jinping's hand: "Come on, let me introduce you. This is Young Master Feng, this is Young Master Jin, and this is Mr. He. He was a student union cadre of Wencheng University before." Woolen cloth!"

(End of this chapter)

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