I have a two world clock

Chapter 72 Beckoning

Chapter 72 Beckoning
Just when the middle-aged man was about to leave the room, a female subordinate behind him who was watching the scene with a telescope exclaimed: "Captain Jin, Li Haichuan seems to have spotted us! He seems to be waving to us!"


The middle-aged man was taken aback: "How is this possible?"

He came to the window: "Give me the telescope!"

The female subordinate hurriedly handed the binoculars to the middle-aged man. After the middle-aged man took it, he pointed the camera at the gate of Li's clinic. He saw Li Haichuan standing at the gate of the clinic with his chin raised slightly, like a bronze statue in the morning light. The cast iron statue, the eyes are as bright as cold stars in the sun.

When the middle-aged man looked at Li Haichuan, Li Haichuan standing there seemed to have a feeling, waved his hand at the camera, smiled with a split mouth, and then stretched out his hand to make a gesture of inviting him in.


The middle-aged man's face changed drastically, he couldn't hold the telescope steadily in his hand, and almost fell to the ground.

He looked at the girl who screamed just now: "Xiaowen, how far is our current location from Li Haichuan?"

Xiaowen was silent for a moment, and said: "The floor we are on now is the sixteenth floor of Jinyuan Building in Taocheng, and the straight-line distance between Jinyuan Building and Li's Clinic is about 430 meters...then we should be 440 meters away from Li Haichuan. about meters."

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment, and sighed: "It's amazing! It's amazing! This time we really met a capable person!"

When Li Haichuan was provoked by Mao Shengliang, he should have sensed that something was wrong, so he deduced that Mao Shengliang's behavior was deliberately promoted, and then deduced that the person behind him should be secretly observing not far away.

Then he immediately found out where everyone was, and confirmed that they were the ones behind the scenes.

To be able to find them and determine their identities at such a distance is beyond their inherent thinking.

The middle-aged man was surprised and delighted, and felt a little uneasy. Information about Li Haichuan and his son resurfaced in his mind:

Li Haichuan, male, Han nationality, 53 years old, has practiced martial arts since childhood and is a strong man.

At the age of 16, he was admitted to Southeast University. Later, he was expelled from Southeast University for beating the dean.

At the age of 19, he took the college entrance examination again and was admitted to the Biology Department of Northwest University.

He was dismissed by the school for publicly exposing the illegal case of the principal's mistress. Li Haichuan refused to accept it, injured several directors who persuaded him to dismiss, and was expelled again.

36 years ago, he was the heavyweight champion of the first National Martial Arts Competition. Since then, he has challenged famous masters of various schools without losing a single one.

25 years ago, when competing with everyone, he accidentally killed the other party and compensated the other party for more than 60 yuan.

Later, when he went out to work, he injured the factory manager and management personnel many times, exposing the shady situation of the factory at that time, and made many enemies.

Later, with the help of his father, Li Chengzu, he opened the Li's bone-setting clinic. The bone-setting technique handed down in his family is a must, and the plaster is even more effective. Now he has become the heir of the intangible cultural heritage of Taocheng City.

Li's Shujinhuomai ointment is known as the most representative medicine in Taocheng. It is as famous as Baiyao and has many buyers.

Hobbies: Practice martial arts into addiction.

There are also family medicine and bone setting, and recently I have more hobbies of fishing and walnut pan.

Character analysis: This person is hot-tempered, extremely intelligent, likes compliments, and occasionally acts impulsively.

He doesn't like the shackles within the system, and would like to be a folk warrior like a wild crane. When interacting with him, he can't hide it. It's better to show his attitude directly. He hates villains who hide and hide.

With high strength in military force and superb medical skills, he and his father Li Chengzu are both national treasures, so they need to be closely watched.

Li Mu, male, 28 years old, Han nationality.

The son of Li Haichuan, a student of the Department of Architecture of Wencheng University, a national first-class architect and first-class construction engineer, has practiced martial arts since childhood and has a hot temper.

When he was young, he won the first and second prizes in the juvenile calligraphy competition many times. He has excellent academic performance and is among the best in the school.

Established the Martial Arts Association during college, and was the first president of the Martial Arts Association of Wencheng University. He participated in the National College Youth Martial Arts Competition many times and won the championship many times.

In her sophomore year, she became lovers with Jiang Mingyue, the daughter of Mingyue Group, but was obstructed by Jiang Mingyue's mother, Shi Qingdai, who broke their relationship many times and caused a series of conflicts.

During this period, Li Mu injured seven armed gangsters outside the school by himself. After calling the police, he went to the school and was demerited by the dean.

Li Mu refused to accept it, and specially hired a famous lawyer from Wencheng to confront the dean in court. In the end, the school apologized and the punishment was withdrawn, and the matter was left alone.

In the second semester of junior year, Li Mu and Jiang Mingyue broke up. Li Mu was admitted to Northwestern Polytechnical University as a graduate student, and returned to Wencheng to work after graduation.

He once sold a batch of rough jadeite stones in Mingyue Silver Building, making a profit of more than 1 million yuan. It is said that the batch of rough jadeite stones were left by the old house of the Li family.

On the way home, he met the murderer Tie Guangcheng halfway. The two vehicles collided and a beam was formed.

Later, Li Mu was hired at a high price and became Luo Zhendong's bodyguard, assisting Luo Zhendong in wounding Tie Guangcheng, showing amazing force.

Character analysis: He has a bold personality and doesn't stick to trivial matters. He seems to have a sense of distrust towards the court. He once spoke frivolously to Zhao Hainuo, a policewoman at the time, and deliberately took advantage of it.

This person is extremely skilled in military force, and his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people. He is a special concern of the state and must not be provoked indiscriminately!
It took a week for the relevant state departments to verify these materials, so there is no doubt about their authenticity.

The middle-aged man recalled the information of Li Haichuan and his son, and walked downstairs with his subordinates: "When I see Li Haichuan and his son, please be more polite. Anyone who dares to show any disrespect to others will give it to me." Get out!"

The men and women behind him felt awe-inspiring, and they all agreed.

Just when they went downstairs to meet Li Haichuan, Li Haichuan and his son had already left the gate and returned to the complex.

"Dashan, well done!"

In the office, Li Haichuan praised the black-faced security guard who threw Mao Shengliang just now: "In the future, if you encounter such a person, you have to teach them a lesson! Finance! Finance! Bring 5000 yuan in cash!"

The treasurer hurriedly took out a wad of cash and handed it to Li Haichuan.

Li Haichuan pushed the 5000 yuan in front of Dashan: "This is a bonus for you. I will continue to work hard in the future and protect our clinic. I will never treat you badly in the future!"

This black-faced security guard is called Jiang Dashan, who was specially recruited by Li Haichuan from near his hometown. Usually, Li Haichuan often teaches them fighting skills, and at the same time teaches them wrestling techniques.

Those who really practice martial arts know that if you want to fight in the street, with bare hands, the most practical fighting technique is not martial arts at all, but wrestling.

The so-called ten years of work is not as good as wrestling back then.

Li Haichuan suffered a big loss in front of wrestling masters, so he practiced wrestling hard for several years, and only announced his departure after defeating the guy who threw him.

When he was training these security personnel, the first thing he taught was wrestling. After practicing for a year, he felt that it was almost the same, and then he began to teach them other fighting skills.

Jiang Dashan was one of the less dexterous guys among these security personnel, he couldn't learn other fighting skills well, so he just practiced wrestling.

With his body shape and strength, after several years of practice, he is comparable to national athletes.

And Mao Shengliang, who engages in live broadcasting, counterfeiting and spreading martial arts, is at best a third-rate retired athlete. Against Jiang Dashan, who is more than 1.9 meters tall, his weight, reaction ability and actual combat ability are too far behind, and he was instantly killed.

This is also the reason why Li Haichuan looked down on this group of people who crack down on counterfeit martial arts. They are a bunch of useless people. They can't do it themselves, but they still show off their power and bully old men and women. It's really not a thing!
You must know that Li Haichuan is also in his 50s now, and he can also be classified as an old man. That's why Mao Shengliang, who bullies the weak and fears the hard, dares to come and challenge him.

After all, old people don't use their muscles and bones as energy.

If a professional athlete in his thirties bullies a folk boxer in his 50s, he will know who wins and who loses without fighting.

"Thank you Mr. Li! I will do my best to protect all the property of our clinic!"

Jiang Dashan grinned wide-mouthed and kept smiling: "Oh, oh, I'm so embarrassing. If you beat someone and pay back the money, where can I find this job? If there were more troublemakers, I would have made a fortune long ago!"

He took 5000 yuan, walked out of the office with a smile, and continued to maintain order beamingly.

And on the Internet, the video of Jiang Dashan dropping Mao Shengliang in seconds has gone viral.

When Mao Shengliang rushed to Jiang Dashan, a group of live broadcasters were always on the scene, afraid of missing the wonderful shots.

Even if Mao Shengliang had a conflict with others, as long as it can be stopped in time without hurting others, then there is no major problem.

But no one thought that Li's bone-setting security guards were so fierce, and any one who stood up at random would kill Mao Shengliang in seconds.

Not only the live broadcast team was taken aback, but even the audience who watched the live broadcast were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses.

As a result, the barrage stopped for several seconds, and then it refreshed violently.

"Blind my kryptonite dog eyes! What the hell did I see?"

"This security guard made Brother Mao dizzy with a sliding shovel?"

"God damn sliding shovel, this is kneeling and hugging in wrestling!"

"I don't care, I just think it's a sliding shovel!"

"Sliding shovel +1"

"Sliding shovel +1"

"Sliding shovel +1"

"Sliding shovel +10086"

"Get out of mobile, this is China Unicom's territory!"

A little-known hospital security guard unexpectedly killed brother Mao, an internet celebrity in an instant, with one move. This news caused an uproar on the Internet.

The video of the two fighting each other, after being uploaded by interested people, within a short period of time, it attracted the attention of millions of netizens and forwarded it one after another.

"Oh, I'll go, this security guard is so fierce!"

"It's not me bragging, he punches me, and I can make him kneel down and cry bitterly, and let me pinch him!"

"Brother Mao is bragging, this is going to challenge Li Haichuan, he can't even beat his security guard!"

"You are being unreasonable. Who stipulated that Li Haichuan must be better than the security guard? He is so powerful, why do you need the security guard?"

"Fuck, the boxing champion still has bodyguards. Could it be that the boxing champion's bodyguard is better than the boxing champion?"

"Sure enough, the masters are among the people, and the clowns are in the temple!"

"This is the real traditional martial arts!"

"Nimma, is this a martial art? This is wrestling! The less cultured, the more coquettish!"

Netizens are arguing endlessly that Jiang Dashan, Li's bone-setting security guard, has become a grassroots Internet celebrity without his knowledge.

And the name of Li's bone setting was also known to everyone, and even Li's plaster was popularized by netizens by the way.

"Why is this security guard so powerful? It's just plasters!"

"...This advertisement is too shameless!"


Just when this kind of netizens were excited and discussing Jiang Dashan's strength, the middle-aged man had already brought people to the front of the hospital.

The old grandson of Mengang saw that he was leading several men and women with a menacing aura, not like a good quarrel, he was taken aback immediately, and hurriedly pressed the intercom: "Hurry up and come a few more people, someone is looking for trouble again!"

ps: Xiaomeng's new Sapo is asking for tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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