I have a two world clock

Chapter 33 Apologize

Chapter 33 Apologize
The next day is dawn.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Li Mu slowly opened his eyes.


He sat on the spot and stretched for a long time. He just felt full of energy, his whole body was full of energy, and he seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and he was in surprisingly good condition.

On the small bed next to the big bed, Hu Yunniang also woke up from her trance, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Master, are you awake? I'll wash your face with water!"

When she was speaking, a phantom of a furry fox tail swayed behind her, and disappeared after a while.

This is the vision of her fox clan practice. Now she has a shallow cultivation base and only has one phantom of a fox tail. If her skill is deep and the ancient blood is stimulated, there will be more and more phantom tails behind her until she forms nine tails. Only now can it be regarded as reaching the state of perfection, the achievement of the nine-tailed sky fox.

However, the vast majority of fox demons will not be able to cultivate two tails in their lifetime. From ancient times to the present, there is only one nine-tailed sky fox in the world, and it has never been heard that there is a second sky fox.

That night Li Mu meditated and practiced Qi, and Hu Yunniang, as a personal maid, gained great benefits from the strong wave of spiritual energy that seemed to be substantial.

One night's aura flushing was enough to Hu Yunniang's ten-year practice of Qi practice, and removed many impurities in the demon core, making the fox demon's inner core more pure, and the blood was further purified.

She took the opportunity to sacrifice the flying sword she had just refined, and repeatedly washed and refined it in the spiritual energy. After being refined by the essence of the world, the flying sword breathed out the spiritual energy, and its quality improved a lot in one night.

It is common for Qi practitioners to breathe out their spiritual energy and condense their soul and body, but it is the only thing that Hu Yunniang has ever seen in Li Mu's life.

But when she thought about the situation when she begged her master to seal her mouth, her master could transform her body with a single word and shake the rules of the avenue, Hu Yunniang felt that it was really reasonable for her master to cause such a commotion.

"My master is indeed the reincarnation of a sage, otherwise, how could such a commotion be caused by the idle monks?"

She went out happily, brought a copper basin of warm water, helped Li Mu get up, and dressed his clean face, which made Li Mu enjoy the treatment that can only be enjoyed in ancient luxury homes.

"If I get used to this in the Great Yin Dynasty and return to the modern society, I'm afraid I'm really not used to it."

Under Hu Yuniang's service, Li Mu put on his clothes, shoes and socks, and then brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth.

In fact, once a qi refiner gets started with qi training, his whole body will be purified a lot. Unless he is poisoned or there is a problem with his practice, his body will be pure and he will never have bad breath or yellow teeth.

But also because of this, if a qi refiner finds a Taoist partner, they can only find a qi refiner. In their eyes, ordinary people are too filthy, and it is difficult to tolerate the other party sharing the same bed with them.

Especially for those masters of qi training who have turned back from the day after tomorrow, their bodies are as pure as glass, and they have almost reached the stage of bigu, so it is difficult to become a couple with ordinary people.

In the eyes of some advanced monks, the human world is like a huge septic tank. Ordinary people speak, breathe and breathe, with all kinds of stench, which makes it difficult for these monks to tolerate. This is why many monks live in seclusion in the mountains. One of the reasons for seldom setting foot in the world of mortals.

But Li Mu didn't have this problem.

He still regards himself as a normal person, even though the five senses and six senses are extremely sharp, but as long as he has been in the world of mortals for a long time, he doesn't feel that it is difficult to live in the abalone for a long time without feeling the smell.

Maybe after a long time, his mentality will change, but before that, he is still just a mortal mentality.

Even though he feels that his mouth has no bad smell and his body is not dirty, he still washes his face, brushes his teeth, washes his feet and face.

After washing up, I came to the dining room, and a maid had already prepared breakfast, gruel, steamed buns, steamed buns, pickles, boiled eggs, etc., simple but delicious, all Li Mu liked to eat.

Last night, Hu Yunniang spat out a flying sword and repelled the powerful enemy. Just when Li Mu returned, he shot the demon with arrows, and the six monks were all left behind.

These servants in the family are also from bandits, they all have extraordinary abilities, and their vision is far beyond ordinary people, so they naturally know how powerful their master is.

Therefore, when Li Mu had breakfast, all of them came to pay homage to the master.

Sun Honglie, the servant who was appointed by Li Mu as the shopkeeper of the jewelry store, came to report: "Master, the jewelry shop in Qianjie has been tidied up, and the furniture has also been built according to the master's instructions. We just wait for the master's goods to arrive. Let's choose a good day and auspicious date." open."

This Sun Honglie was a scholar, he became a bandit only because he killed the adulterer and his family, and struggled to survive on the Moyan Mountain with a full meal.

Now being accepted by Hu Yunniang as a subordinate, and appointed by Li Mu as the treasurer of the jewelry shop, Sun Honglie was extremely grateful for his escape from the extremely dangerous living environment, so he did his best and did not dare to slack off.

"Choose a date for the opening—"

Li Mu smiled and said, "Zichou Yinmao, today is just right!"

He said to Sun Honglie: "Get ready, after I finish my breakfast, let's go to the shop, so that I can count the batch of goods that have come in for you."

Sun Honglie bowed and said, "Yes!"

After breakfast, Li Mu led seven or eight healthy servants and went straight to the front street.

After leaving the gate of my house, I saw two white bodies hanging from the big tree beside the intersection, with bloodstained crotches, attracting countless people to watch and point, it was very lively.

"Oh, what a vicious method. These two people have offended someone. They were stripped of their clothes, and even the chicks were taken away!"

"It's probably because he offended the Greedy Wolf Gang that he was dealt with like this."

"It's so white, I really want to touch it."

It seems that something strange has been mixed in.

At this time, a few officials came, each holding an iron ruler, shouting and cursing along the street: "Get out of the way, don't delay the county lord's handling of the case!"

With the sound of the gong, the guard of honor lined up, and an official sedan chair came slowly from a distance. After a while, they came to the crossroads. An official in black, supported by two yamen servants, came to the crossroads. Hanging two naked men.

"No reason!"

This black-clothed official is the parental official of Qinghe County, Gui Youde, the magistrate of Qinghe County. He pointed to the two people who were hanging in mid-air: "Who dares to be so rampant and dare to do such a lawless thing! Come, investigate this matter thoroughly! "

A teacher next to him approached Gui Youde and whispered, "My lord, Zhang Butou said that these two are monks, not ordinary people."

Gui Youde shuddered: "What?"

As an official of the imperial court, he naturally knows how powerful monks are. Now the two people who are hanging in the air are actually monks, and the one who can hang and beat monks can only be monks. From this point of view, this must be a contradiction between qi refiners Well, he, a mortal official, wouldn't dare to get involved even if he had ten guts.

"Oh, my head hurts!"

Gui Youde's complexion changed, he covered his head with his hand, and said to the people around him: "This matter is temporarily under the control of Chief Zhang, and you must give me an explanation! Hurry up, take me home, and ask the doctor to see a doctor for me."

He staggered back into the sedan chair, and regretfully said: "It's a pity that I have a sudden headache, and I'm afraid I won't be able to preside over this matter. Zhang Shijie, I will leave this matter to you!"

A tall black-faced policeman cupped his hands and said: "Yes! The humble officer will do his best to catch the real culprit!"

After Gui Youdao left in the sedan chair, Zhang Shijie stood there in silence for a moment, and called a confidant: "Go and tell my cousin, let him go to Li's house as a guest."

The confidant nodded and left, went straight to Zhang Shihong's house in the east of the city, and said Zhang Shijie's words.

Zhang Shihong's face changed slightly, and he came to his father Zhang Yuanzheng's room: "Father, the big thing is not good. There are indeed strong people in Li Mu's family. Those who snatched chess pieces were beaten to death, castrated, and hung naked. I'm going to visit Li's house."

Zhang Yuanzheng was also a little flustered: "This step is wrong!"

Ever since Li Mu and An Yangzi killed the corpse demon in his house, the father and son were grateful, but at the same time worried because the news of their own bad chess piece leaked.

When Zhang Shihong wanted to give the chess pieces to Li Mu and An Yangzi, he already had the idea of ​​bringing disaster to the east, but Li Mu was not greedy or took possession, and he was not tempted by the bad Ke chess pieces, which made Zhang Shihong's plan come to nothing.

On the contrary, Anyangzi was very interested in the chess pieces, so he took a chess piece and flew away.

Li Mu didn't want chess pieces, Zhang's father and son couldn't sleep and eat, and after thinking for a long time, they still felt that these chess pieces were a disaster rather than a blessing, so they took the initiative to send two chess pieces, one black and one white, to Li's house.

Li Mu wasn't at home at the time, and Hu Yunniang didn't know the seriousness, so she took it on her behalf, which made Zhang's father and son feel a little strange, but since it was sent out, there was absolutely no reason to want it back.

Later, some monks came to the Zhang family to make trouble, and interrogated Zhang's father and son about the whereabouts of Lan Ke's chess piece. The father and son directly reported the names of Li Mu and An Yangzi, and the family was spared.

This disaster was brought to Li Mu, causing many monks to attack Li's house in the past few days, demanding chess pieces. If Hu Yunniang hadn't forged a flying sword, the dozen or so people in Li's house would have ended badly.

Now that the Li family actually stripped offender monks naked, hanged, beat and castrated them, it can be seen that the Li family's methods are cruel and their actions are lawless.

The father and son of the Zhang family looked at each other in shock.

"Shihong, you should go to Li's mansion to give gifts and apologize now, and take...all the dozen or so chess pieces passed down from our ancestors."

Zhang Yuanzheng sighed, and said: "This thing is not something that our mortal family can have. If we force it to stay, it is a disaster rather than a blessing."

Zhang Shihong also sighed: "It's a pity that one thought was wrong, and greed caused troubles. It not only offended the benefactor, but also left disaster."

He didn't hesitate any longer, and hastily called servants and maids, prepared various gifts, sealed silver and gold, and at the same time packed all the dozen or so chess pieces passed down in his family in brocade boxes, and rushed to Li's house.

front street.

Let’s say that when Li Mu arrived at his shop, he saw that everything in the shop was built according to his requirements, the furniture was built, varnished, and the antique shelf was full of jewelry boxes, but now these boxes are all empty.


Li Mu glanced around and nodded, "Has this shop a name?"

Hu Yunniang said: "The master hasn't come back, how dare we wait for it? I also ask the master to name this shop so that I can find someone to make a plaque."

Li Mu said: "It's just a jewelry shop, why should it be so solemn, it should be called Liji Jewelry."

Hu Yunniang said: "This name is back to basics, simple and simple, but it also has a sense of vulgarity. The master's state of mind, if the servants practice for a thousand years, I am afraid they will not be able to catch up."

Li Mu laughed loudly: "There is no deep meaning in this, don't think too much about it."

Hu Yunniang pursed her lips and said with a smile, "What the master says is what he says."

Immediately, two servants were called, and they took out a finished plaque, which was the color of a log, painted with varnish, and had no words on it.

Hu Yunniang took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, saluted Li Mu and said, "Please also inscribe on it, master, and I will hang it up."

Li Mu happens to like to study calligraphy in modern society, and he won No.2 in the College Student Calligraphy Grand Prix when he was in college.

As we all know, in most of Xia Guo's competitions, No. 1 is basically obtained by virtue of relationships and connections, only No. 2 and No. 3 are really capable people.

In modern society, Li Mu's calligraphy is enough to beat many so-called calligraphers, but because he didn't join the Calligraphy Association, he didn't become a member of the association, so his reputation has not been obvious so far.

The characters of the Great Yin Dynasty are very similar to the development trajectory of modern society, and there is almost no difference.

Simplified characters were popular in modern society for a period of time. Later, the general public felt that the simplification of simplified characters completely lost the rationality of the font itself, so some people began to call for the restoration of traditional characters.

Whether the people of the Xia Kingdom use traditional or simplified characters has been debated until now, but in this case, traditional and simplified characters have become a common sense issue for the general public, and students who have gone to school basically know both traditional and simplified characters.

As a calligraphy lover, Li Mu naturally used traditional characters to practice fonts on weekdays. Now that Hu Yunniang asked him to write inscriptions in public, he was not afraid.

Immediately laughed: "Bring a pen!"

Hu Yunniang hurriedly handed the brush to Li Mu: "My lord, please inscribe the calligraphy."

Li Mu held the writing brush in his hand, licked the ink, picked up the pen to write, poured his true energy into it, condensed the tip of the brush into one body, and the whole writing brush made a sound of "chicking" and wrote on the wooden plaque, It's really a silver hook and iron painting, penetrating three points into the wood.

"it is good!"

Seeing how beautiful Li Mu's handwriting was, everyone burst into applause.

Hu Yunniang clapped her hands excitedly: "Come here, hang this plaque outside!"

Several servants happily came outside the shop, only to see Hu Yunniang giving an order, and the two servants threw the plaque into the air. With a "click", the plaque was hung upright on the top of the door, which had been nailed long ago. on the nail.

When they were hanging the plaques, Li Mu was thinking in the shop, and there were a few more packages in the shop: "Old Sun, you sort these jewelry into different boxes. As for the price, you can decide it yourself. Expensive, but not too cheap, just a little cheaper than the jewelry on the market.”

Sun Honglie said: "Follow the master's order!"

Together with several servants, he sorted and lifted the ornaments on the floor, put them on the counter and counted them, and saw pearls and crystal ornaments, all of which were exquisitely crafted, and each piece seemed to be of great value.

But these things were all packed in ordinary packages by my master, and he didn't even bother to classify them, so he just threw them over.

"My master opened this jewelry shop, I'm afraid it was just for fun, and he never thought of making money."

Sun Honglie saw that Li Mu spent a lot of money on weekdays, but he didn't take these pearls seriously, so he knew that his master was a person who didn't care about money.

"Hands are so loose, how will I live in the future? I have to have a good talk with Butler Hu when I look back. You must know that success depends on diligence and thrift and failure depends on extravagance!"

Seven or eight people worked together to sort these things into different boxes, and Hu Yunniang quoted the price and put a label on them, and the work was done.

After finishing all the decorations in the house, Li Mu said with a smile: "Okay, we can open for business!"

Then he took out a golden hairpin and handed it to Hu Yunniang: "Yunniang, you have worked so hard, I will reward you with a hairpin."

Hu Yunniang was both surprised and delighted: "Ah, the master is still thinking about slaves!"

She took the hairpin, and couldn't help but put it on the bun: "Thank you, Master, for the reward!"

Li Mu smiled and said, "Golden hairpins and beauties really complement each other!"

Hu Yunniang was ashamed and happy, she lowered her head and played with the corner of her clothes, saying: "My lord, I'm so happy."

Li Mu smiled, stood up and said, "Hong Lie, you guys should stay here and guard."

He took Hu Yunniang back to his house.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the courtyard, I saw several people parked at the gate, carrying loads and pulling carts full of things.

The legs of Zhang Shihong standing at the door were numb. When he saw Li Mu returning, he hurried forward to greet him and bowed deeply: "Brother Li, I'm here to make amends!"

(End of this chapter)

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