I have a two world clock

Chapter 306 The old man’s anxious heart

"I go!"

  Han Zuo looked shocked and disbelieving: "I'm only a few months younger than you, and you're already at this level, but I'm still just a high school teacher."

  He said to Li Mu: "Is it true that my life has been in vain?"

  Li Mu is their eldest brother. He usually has good academic performance and better fighting skills. Han Zuo and others have always been convinced by him.

  But that's all.

  In other aspects, Li Mu is not too outstanding. Although he is handsome, he is not outstanding. He studies well, but he has not become the top scorer in the college entrance examination. Although his family background is not bad, he is not the richest man in Taocheng. Although he has high martial arts skills, he has never won any professional fighting gold belt.

  In a word, although Li Mu is very good, there are still many people as good as him in the whole country, and they are not considered to be extraordinary talents with amazing talents.

  Han Zuo never expected that Li Mu would be called such a person one day.

  "Boy, you think too much."

  Seeing Han Zuo's surprised look, Li Mu couldn't help but smile and said, "I'm not from the imperial court at all."

  When he said this, he nodded to a few soldiers standing guard and walked into the courtyard: "It should be because of my dad. His level is not low now. It seems that he was awarded a high level as soon as he joined the Special Affairs Bureau. "

  Because of Li Mu, Li Haichuan's worth has also increased. In order to win over Li Haichuan, Shao Hechuan, with the authorization of the leaders, directly gave Li Haichuan the treatment of the head coach and deputy director.

  In fact, it was not Li Haichuan who was being commended, but this was a way to thank Li Mu for saving the entire Yanjing City, and even the entire earth.

  If Li Mu hadn't taken action, that terrifying giant might have smashed the earth into powder with one blow, and no living thing on the earth would have survived.

  With this incredible contribution, no matter how you express your gratitude to Li Mu, it is never an exaggeration.

  Giving Li Haichuan a high salary is nothing.

  It's just that except for a limited group of people, outsiders don't know about this kind of thing.

  Although Li Mu was not an official in the imperial court, in order to facilitate Li Mu's work in Daxia, the imperial court still awarded him a position in the Special Affairs Bureau, where he enjoyed high-level national treatment and was equipped with an elite team dedicated to serving him. Handle some of the chores in daily life for him.

  After all, as long as he does not live in a vacuum, he has to come into contact with society, and in the process of contact with society, he will meet all kinds of people. It is okay to meet normal people, but if he meets some blind people, If you offend Li Mu, you will be in trouble.

  If Li Mu gets angry, no one can bear his anger.

  In view of this, the imperial court dispatched such a group of people to deal with such mundane matters for Li Mu, so as to prevent anyone from provoking Li Mu and causing a disaster.

  From this point of view, it is not wrong for the soldiers at the door to call him this.

  The two of them crossed the threshold, walked through the gatehouse, and entered the courtyard.

  Then he saw Yuan Qinghua wearing an apron and feeding chickens in the courtyard.

  The yard of Li Mu's family covers an area of ​​about three acres, which is quite large and has three entrances. A small piece of land was opened in the front yard to grow vegetables and a chicken shed was built to raise chickens.

  When Yuan Qinghua has nothing to do, she is either tending vegetables and flowers at home, or raising chickens and fish, but she still spends most of her time managing her own clinic.

  After all, the clinic is the foundation for the survival of Lao Li's family. The connections and money are all developed from the clinic. Now the annual income has exceeded [-] million. The main reason is that the ancestral plasters of Lao Li's family sell well and are sold all over the country and even around the world. In many places where there are Chinese people, there are people who use Lao Li's plasters.

  All kinds of plasters from the Li family can cure headaches, brain fever, bruises, and injuries, as long as they are not serious illnesses, and are non-toxic and have no side effects.

  In the past, Li's plasters were only sold to locals, but now that logistics has developed, online sales have overwhelmed physical store sales. Lao Li's plasters also have their own online store, and sales are very gratifying.

  "Xiao Mu? Han Zuo?"

  When Yuan Qinghua heard the noise, she turned to look at Li Mu and Han Zuo, scattered all the millet in her hands, wiped her hands on her apron, and said with a smile: "Han Zuo, you haven't been here for a while? Family members Is everything okay?"

  In the chicken shed behind her, more than a dozen chickens were flapping about for millet.

  "Everyone in the family is very nice, Auntie."

  Han Zuo looked embarrassed: "I have been busy in the past few years and have not come to visit you and my uncle and grandpa. It is really shameful."

  Yuan Qinghua waved her hand and said with a smile: "Hey, what a big deal. Your uncle and I have always been very good, and we are not old and middle-aged, so we still need to visit. Your grandpa is in better health than us, and now we are so noisy. I need to renew my string."

  Before she finished speaking, she heard footsteps in the backyard. Li Chengzu strode over with a mobile phone in hand. As he walked, he shouted into the mobile phone: "Hey, baby, where are you? Don't cry. Tell me the place. I will Let’s go find you. Summer Restaurant? Where is that place? In a small town more than [-] miles west of Taocheng? Okay, I’ll go find you right now, Muah! Mmmah!”

  He hung up the phone and glanced at Li Mu and Han Zuo: "Han Zuo is here? Qinghua, please greet Han Zuo for me. I have something important to do."

  The old man said this and strode out. After a while, the roar of the car sounded and quickly drove away.

  Li Mu opened his mouth wide and pointed in the direction where Li Chengzu was going: "What's going on? My grandfather has a second youth?"

  Yuan Qinghua said with a smile: "Your grandfather has been successful in cultivation recently and is full of energy. He dislikes me and your father for giving birth to you. He feels that we are not living up to expectations, so he has to fend for himself and prepares to renew his relationship and give birth to ten or eight children of him." child. He is now keen on making friends online and has started dating the opposite sex frequently."

  Li Mu: "..."

  Han Zuo: "..."

  The old man has such a good body!

  Although Li Chengzu is ninety years old, he does not lag behind society. He can chat online and play games well, but he does not bother to play with his peers because he thinks they are too old and boring.

  The old man has always liked girls who are eighteen years old. He is almost a hundred years old. When he sees a woman over forty years old, he feels a bit old, and he is not even interested in lust...


  Li Mu rubbed his nose and felt a little headache: "Nowadays, wine trays and rice trays are everywhere. My grandfather, don't be fooled."

  Yuan Qinghua said: "Hey, what if I'm cheated? Who can really cheat him out of his money? Who can beat him?"

  When she said this, she said amusedly: "During this period, your grandfather assisted the police in arresting several people who were serving food and drinking wine, and he even won a commendation from the court!"

  (End of this chapter)

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