I have a two world clock

Chapter 294 Killing Power

Chapter 294 Killing Power

"Did you destroy the Hell Gate?"

After hearing Li Mu's words, Han Dian's heart trembled, his body went limp, and he collapsed to the ground.

Some time ago, the Hell Gate of the Amakan Kingdom was destroyed on the spot by a mysterious strong man with thunderous power and speed. Tens of thousands of Hell Gate members were killed almost at the same time.

This incident caused an uproar around the world.

Both the forces of various countries and many organizations in the dark world were greatly shocked.

Hell Gate has been entrenched in Europe and the United States for hundreds of years, and its forces are intertwined. Many big figures have appeared in it. It is said that even the last vice president has a deep connection with Hell Gate.

This kind of big force requires people and guns. Before the spiritual energy was revived, it was already a strong contender for the position of king of the underground world. Now that the spiritual energy has revived, personal force values ​​have soared, causing the individual strength of Hell Gate to also soar. The skyrocketing price seems to dominate the Americas and dominate the world.

As a result, he was killed by a mysterious strong man with his own strength, and the blood flowed like a river. That night, every member of the Hell Gate in the capital was killed by a strange magical weapon.

The building of the Hell Gate headquarters was directly destroyed by the former's tyrannical power, and the death toll exceeded [-].

The scene was so tragic and the casualties were so great that it was no less than or even worse than the plane crash into a building 30 years ago.

The impact of this incident was so great that members of countless organizations evacuated from Muxen City overnight for fear of upsetting this powerful man.

As a member of the Red Blood Mercenary Group, Han Dian is naturally very aware of this matter, and because he is from the Xia Kingdom, in the subsequent video analysis, with the advantage of being familiar with the Xia Kingdom's fairy culture, he could tell it at a glance Recognize the weapon used by the former to kill the Disciple of Hell in the video.

It was a flying sword!
Just like the flying sword of the legendary Sword Immortal!
That red flying sword is really like what is described in a fairy tale. It is controlled by a majestic and mysterious force, drawing a trajectory full of infinite mysteries in the air, shuttling through buildings and villas and courtyards, and suddenly Back and forth, killing only in an instant.

The legendary Sword Immortal is nothing more than that!
From this flying sword alone, it can almost be concluded that this peerless strongman who killed the members of the Hell Gate should be a master from the Eastern Xia Kingdom.

After KEPCO presented this conclusion to the Intelligence Analysis Department of the Red Blood Corps, he received a commendation from the department, and also rewarded him with three pounds of gold and a high-tech bulletproof and stab-proof suit.

This bullet-proof and stab-proof suit is a new product developed by Atlanta Company, the number one technology company in America. The fabric is extremely special.

The moment this fabric senses an external attack, it can shake violently thousands of times in a very small area, thereby neutralizing all the force of the attack. Ordinary muskets cannot penetrate the protection of this fabric at all.

However, the cost is extremely high. A bullet-proof suit starts at a minimum of one million. Nano-level bullet-proof suits are even more expensive. It is not surprising that a suit costs tens of millions.

KEPCO's bullet-proof suit saved him more than once. He was once blocked in a warehouse and fired several rounds of bullets with a gun. Fortunately, the bullet-proof suit was so powerful that he was allowed to fight back and kill the opponent.

But when faced with the giant claws of the red bird, this bulletproof suit had no resistance. It was easily scratched by the giant claws, and both shoulders were almost broken.

Now Han Dian was shocked, stunned and confused. He collapsed on the ground and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Li Mu can destroy the Hell Gate, and naturally he can also destroy the Red Blood Legion.

He doesn't even need to take action. As long as he makes a statement in the world, many organizations will take the initiative to deal with the Red Blood Legion to please Li Mu.

This kind of powerful person who is so powerful that it defies the heaven level is more despairing than facing a natural disaster. It is not that there are almost none on the earth, but there is no power to resist such a strong person at all. Naturally, no one dares to provoke such a strong person. Strong.

The Hell Gate was provoked, and then it was destroyed.

Now the Red Blood Legion has also done this.

After learning Li Mu's identity, Han Dian's heart instantly turned cold. He could already predict the fate of the Red Blood Legion.

"Mr. Li...Mr. Li!"

Han Dian staggered up and knelt down to Li Mu: "I was forced too! Even joining the Red Blood Legion was forced! They imprisoned my girlfriend and forced me to join them. Until now, my My girlfriend can’t even return to the country and can only stay on a farm in the Amaken country!”

He kowtowed to Li Mu and said, "I can't help it!"

After learning Li Mu's identity, he no longer had the thought of resisting.

"Whether you can do anything or not is none of my business!"

Li Mu had no sympathy for Han Dian: "Did someone force you to stab me? I was seriously injured and was about to die, so you still have to be considerate of your involuntary actions?"

He kicked out, sending Han Dian flying into the air. In an instant, he flew away like a cannonball and disappeared.

Jiang Mingyue opened her eyes wide and lost her voice: "Where did you kick him?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "Of course it is given to professionals who specialize in handling this kind of thing."

Let's talk about Li Haichuan.

He left Li Mu's villa and arrived in front of the Pearl Hotel a moment later.

After a phone call, Shao Hechuan hurriedly led the crowd downstairs to greet him.

Most of the people who greeted Li Haichuan were young people in their 20s, mostly men and few women, but there were also middle-aged people in their thirties and forties, totaling more than 500 people.

So many people came to the hotel entrance to greet Li Haichuan, just like welcoming a big shot for inspection, which created a great sense of oppression for the surrounding guests.

"Oh, Lao Shao, you are too solemn."

Li Haichuan and Shao Hechuan held hands: "It made me think I was some big shot."

Shao Hechuan laughed loudly: "Haichuan, you are a big shot! The chief instructor of our Special Affairs Bureau, and you are also the coach of our Xia Kingdom to solve the current situation. We cannot be too solemn."

Li Haichuan smiled: "You think highly of me."

He stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, let's go in and talk."

Shao Hechuan nodded and turned to look at the more than 500 men and women behind him: "This is your instructor Li Haichuan! Haichuan, do you have anything to teach them?"

At this time, people were already crowding around the entrance of the hotel. They all looked at Li Haichuan, Shao Hechuan and others curiously. They didn't know what these people were doing with such a big battle.

Li Haichuan glanced at the crowd and saw that nearly half of the more than 500 members had unconvinced expressions in their eyes. He couldn't help but laugh: "Old Shao, the strength of your employees is not very good."

Shao Hechuan smiled bitterly and said: "There is no way. The world's spiritual energy has recovered, but we in the East have been the last to recover, and the people who have awakened are also the slowest. Others have awakened people with superpowers more than ten years ago. Fortunately for us, strange people have appeared one after another this year. .”

He sighed: "Now that we can gather these five hundred people, we are taking advantage of our large population base." The more than 500 people behind Shao Hechuan all felt dissatisfied after hearing the conversation between the two. He looked at Li Haichuan fiercely, with a look of eagerness on his face.

In the context of today's global recovery, the degree of recovery in Western Europe, America, and even the African continent is far greater than that of Xia Kingdom. These places had organizations with superpowers more than ten years ago, while Xia Kingdom has no special powers until today. Capable people appear one after another.

The development and formation of superpowers in the Xia Kingdom lagged behind the West for at least fifteen or sixteen years. During these fifteen or six years, the Xia Kingdom suffered great losses in some independent international actions.

Fortunately, although the strength of these superpowers is constantly improving, they are still carbon-based life forms. They are still difficult to resist when faced with thermal weapons such as aircraft and cannons. Otherwise, Xia Country will face an extremely bad situation. .

Before the spiritual energy was revived, there had always been a ranking list of experts in the underground world. Without exception, those at the top were guys with extremely powerful marksmanship and fighting abilities.

Because of their innate physiques, the top ten in this ranking are basically people of European and American size, but Xia people occasionally compete for the top ten.

After all, in modern underground fighting, personal physique is important, but so are marksmanship and combat awareness, especially the degree of control over hot weapons, which basically determines the upper limit of one's combat.

The Xia Kingdom has a large population, and occasionally there will be a few masters with explosive fighting talents, but they are not afraid of these top-ranked underground masters.

But after the spiritual energy was revived, this situation changed.

People with super powers began to appear in foreign countries one after another, and their strength continued to grow.

But in China, as before, there is not even a single superpower. In this case, if you don't make progress, you will retreat.

More than ten years have passed. Now, in the ranking of masters in the underground world, no master from Xia Kingdom even ranks among the top [-]. The situation is extremely embarrassing and is despised by many underground forces.

In today's underground world, there is an invisible dark throne by default.

A few days ago, the person sitting on the throne was a guy named Lucifer. This man was the president of the Satanic Society. He did many evil things, but no one could cure him.

It has always been a huge shadow hanging over the hearts of the powerful people in the underground world.

Until Li Mu was born, he destroyed the Hell Gate as soon as he took action.

Lucifer, known as the King of Darkness, suddenly disappeared, and the entire Satan Society entered a latent state.

Although Li Mu had no intention of competing for the Dark Throne, the throne had already been automatically placed under him.

It was Li Mu's sword pointing at the world that made the Xia Kingdom's Special Affairs Bureau grow in prestige. They took the opportunity to gather awakened people from all over the country and selected the best from the best. After screening several times, they finally screened out these five hundred people.

On average, these 500 people are less than 20 in a province. They are truly elites selected from a million. Each one has his own arrogance.

This kind of people will not be easily convinced, especially young people of eighteen or nineteen years old, who are the most arrogant age in life. They feel that the world is not as big as themselves, and that they are the protagonist in the world.

Even after I joined the Special Affairs Bureau, I still had the thought in my mind that "when I succeed in my cultivation, even the Special Affairs Bureau will have to kneel down and sing the song of conquest for me."

What they fear now is only the hot weapons of the imperial court and the power of officials, just like a Sanda champion who still feels fear when meeting superior officials. The reason why they listen to Shao Hechuan is because of Shao Hechuan's status.

What they feared was Shao Hechuan's official status, not Shao Hechuan's professional level.

When it comes to their professional aspects, each of these people is more arrogant than the last.

Before entering the Pearl Hotel, these five hundred people had already dueled in private and simply ranked them.

But this kind of sloppy duel is not convincing. The winner will be happy, but the loser is not convinced. He feels that if he works harder in the future, he can turn defeat into victory and teach the other party how to behave.

Everyone feels that they have unlimited potential and are destined to be the protagonists of the era.

Now seeing Li Haichuan belittle them and say that they are not good enough, naturally everyone is angry and unconvinced with Li Haichuan as an instructor.

"Hey, you are not convinced, aren't you?"

Li Haichuan glanced at the crowd and saw their unhappy faces. His expression darkened: "Kneel down, everyone!"

The more than 500 people felt a fit in their bodies at the same time and knelt down involuntarily.

The scene of more than 500 people kneeling at the entrance of the hotel made the onlookers feel weird and shocked.

"Good guy, is this for a movie?"

"It may also be a TV series."

"Good guy, this battle is quite big."

"Hey, what is this? I was at the airport a few days ago and saw hundreds of people surrounding a celebrity girl asking for her autograph! A group of little girls shouted at the top of their lungs that they wanted to marry her! You said in this world, women are so noisy Marrying a woman while you are married is simply eye-catching!"

"No, is it possible that the little girl you are talking about is a young man?"

"That's impossible! Whose young man would look so girly?"

"Nowadays, all the little fresh meats are there!"

"What is Xiaoxianrou? Pork?"

"Little fresh meat is a star, boss. Your news is too outdated. You have to keep up with the trend of the times."

"Damn it! This wave is too rough!"



"Haichuan, what are you..."

Shao Hechuan glanced at his subordinates who were kneeling on the ground. His eyelids twitched suddenly a few times. He quickly collected himself and said with a smile: "This is a killing blow, tsk tsk, it really has the prestige of a chief instructor!"

Li Haichuan's expression remained as usual: "Let's go drink first!"

The two entered the hotel hand in hand, leaving the more than 500 members of the Special Affairs Bureau kneeling at the door of the hotel, like clay sculptures.

(End of this chapter)

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