I have a two world clock

Chapter 255 Fierce Man

When Li Mu looked up at the top of the hill, he saw a ray of white light break through the main hall on the top of the hill, soaring straight into the sky, cutting off the white clouds in the sky instantly, and even the void was cut by this white light. Difficult to close.

"What a powerful sword light!"

Li Mu was overjoyed, and disappeared from the mountainside with a flash of his body. The next moment, he came to the hall on the top of the mountain.

I saw that the hall was extremely large, three feet high, nine feet long, and five feet wide. There were nine extremely thick and long pillars supporting the roof of the hall.

The top of the hall is covered with runes, and there are auspicious figures of beasts in various shapes.

On the wall in the middle of the hall, an ancient painting was hung, occupying most of the wall.

In this picture, there are more than ten figures, the most striking of which is a big man named Angzang.

This big man was tall and strong, with a lion's nose and wide mouth, big eyes and thick eyebrows, his upper body was bare and fleshy, and a blood-stained apron was tied around his waist.

At this time, the big man on the screen pressed a huge turtle-shaped beast on a large red chopping board with his right hand. The shell of the pressed turtle was sunken, and his limbs stretched out straight from the shell.

The big man held a butcher's knife in his left hand, aiming to stab the turtle's throat.

The eyes of the tortoise pressed on the chopping board showed extreme fear, and the tail was straight, stirring the void into chaos.

Surrounding the big man were more than 30 men and women, among them the one closest to the big man was a man with a tall horn, this man had a strange appearance, holding a square sky painted halberd, standing respectfully at the side of the man who killed the turtle.

On the other side of the big man who killed the turtle, stood a woman in red. This woman in red was beautiful in appearance, with a long sword on her back and a pair of golden maces in both hands. loved ones.

Except for this man and a woman who are very close to the big man, several men and women nearby, although they got close to watch the big man chopping the turtle, they didn't dare to get too close.

Among them, the one farthest from the big man and standing at the farthest corner is a Taoist, with five long strands of beard fluttering on his chest, the Taoist looks like a fairy, and his appearance is excellent.

Behind this group of people is a mountain in the shape of five fingers. It seems to be transformed by a certain big hand. There are countless runes flashing on the mountain, exuding auspicious light and aura, illuminating half of the sky.

"It's a good hall, why is there such a weird picture of killing a turtle?"

Li Mu took a few glances at this picture, and felt that this picture did not match this solemn and solemn hall. I don't know why the owner of this hall hangs such a picture, it is simply inexplicable.

However, in this picture, the apron worn by the turtle-killing man seemed familiar to Li Mu.

He looked carefully for a few times, and suddenly his heart moved. He reached into his handbag, took out a blood-colored cassock, and shook it vigorously in his hand: "Wake up, I have something to ask you!"

The blood-colored cassock in his hand tensed up like a living thing, then he stretched his waist and let out a contented moan: "Oh, who called me?"

A pair of big eyes appeared on the cassock, the eyeballs rolled a few times, and finally settled on Li Mu, and suddenly there was a flattering look: "Strong man, you keep calling me? What do you want?"

It suddenly opened its eyes, looked at the painting hanging in front of it, and suddenly stood up from Li Mu's palm: "This..."

The cassock shook violently as if blown by a strong wind, and the voice trembled: "Fenyuantu!"

It was shaking violently, the color of its body began to change, and it yelled loudly: "It turned out to be a sub-element map!"

"Fenome diagram? What fraction diagram?"

Li Mu saw how excited the cassock monster was, and immediately became curious: "Have you seen this picture before? Huh?"

The blood-colored cassock in front of him was changing shape rapidly, the color faded visibly to the naked eye, from a luxurious blood-colored cassock to a blood-stained, greasy apron.

Such a change surprised Li Mu: "Damn!"

He suddenly remembered what the cassock monster said to him before: "Strong man, I am actually an apron, not a cassock!"

At that time, Li Mu and Gu Qingcheng were amused to hear it, and they both felt that there was something wrong with the cassock's brain. It was obviously a cassock monster, but it was simply inexplicable that he insisted on calling himself an apron.

But now it seems that maybe it wasn't lying.

It might actually be an apron...

At this time, the apron was shouting excitedly: "Master! That penny is my master! He is... Huh? Who is he?"

The apron suddenly froze on the spot, standing still.

Li Mu looked at the apron curiously, and saw that the apron was covered with blood, which was no different from the apron worn by ordinary butchers, but ordinary aprons could not speak.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the apron standing in his palm, motionless, he shook it slightly: "Why don't you talk?"

With such a shake, Li Mu seemed to wake up the apron, and then he heard the apron shout loudly: "Fenyuantu! It turned out to be a Fenyuantu! There is still a picture of my master... Huh? Who is my master? Who am I?"

The apron muttered to himself like a mentally ill monster. After a long time, he straightened up again and looked at the picture hanging in front of him: "Fenyuantu! It turned out to be a Fenyuantu! My master..."

Its memory seems to be stuck, and it keeps repeating the same actions and tone of voice. Every time it mentions its master, its memory will restart.

Li Mu was taken aback: "Good guy! The owner of this apron demon is amazing! He even prevented the apron demon from calling him by his name!"

According to legend, there are peerless masters in the world, no one dares to call them by their names, and there is even an even more domineering existence, not to mention their real names, even their titles are not allowed to be spoken out.

Once it is said, it will be known by it, and catastrophe will immediately fall, so that the person who speaks his name will respond to the catastrophe on the spot.

It is said that there is an even more powerful existence, whose aura has long invaded the Dao, and blended with the rules of the Dao between heaven and earth. Once someone wants to say his name, he will be sensed by the Dao immediately, and he will be able to speak in an instant. People's thoughts are disturbed, making it difficult to speak, and they have no thoughts.

This kind of existence is just a legend, it is too mysterious, even the cultivating monks do not think that there is such a creature.

You know, even the founders of the four major sects of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Demonism have never reached this level.

When Gu Qingcheng told Li Mu about this kind of thing, even Gu Qingcheng himself did not believe that such a thing really existed.

Li Mu didn't believe it either.

Until now, seeing that the blood-colored cassock in the palm turned into an old apron, and the old apron turned into a mentally ill monster, I didn't believe it.

It turns out that in this world, there really is that kind of fierce person who can even control the avenue between heaven and earth.

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