I have a two world clock

Chapter 13 The Taoist

Chapter 13 The Taoist
"Brothers, call me!"

In front of the vermilion lacquer gate, a few strong servants rolled up their arms and sleeves, and began to beat up a Taoist Huang Guan, who was beaten up until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he yelled, "Don't hit me! Don't hit me! I know I was wrong!" Already!"

The Taoist shouted and ran, trying his best to break out of the encirclement, and came to Li Mu, shouting loudly: "My lord, help me! My lord, help me!"

Before Li Mu could speak, the Taoist turned around and hid behind Li Mu, and said in a low voice, "Young Master, please do a good deed and save me!"

Li Mu frowned slightly: "This Taoist priest, what's going on?"

The Taoist looked sullen: "The old Taoist wanted to have a wedding wine at Zhang Yuanwai's house today, but he didn't expect that as soon as he entered Zhang's mansion, he found that there was a monster in Zhang's mansion, so he reminded Zhang Yuanwai, and the member's expression suddenly changed. It's not good to look at, it must be said that the old man deliberately added trouble, and people drove me out..."

Several servants on the opposite side have already chased after them, and one of them shouted and cursed: "Smelly Taoist priest, my young master Zhongju is the reincarnation of Wenqu Xing. He has his own gods to protect him, and all evils are evaded. How can any monster dare to enter the house? How dare you talk nonsense? Break your dog legs!"

Several people cursed and surrounded Li Mu and Taoist.

Li Mu raised his eyebrows, gently pulled out the long sword from his waist, and said with a smile, "What? You want to fight me too?"

Seeing Li Mu draw out his long sword, several servants were startled and retreated one after another.

The leader bravely scolded: "Boy, our young master has just been awarded Juren, and he is a brother and brother of the county's elders. Don't meddle in your own business!"

Li Mu smiled and said, "It's none of my business to raise people or not!"

Several servants looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

After all, Li Mu was also wearing a long robe and a kerchief on his head. He had a stalwart figure and had a certain bearing. Just now, they dared to be so arrogant to others because of their young master's success.

But once others didn't follow their tricks, the servants suddenly became suspicious.

In particular, Li Mu drew his sword in his hand when he disagreed with each other. Although there was no murderous look on his face, his smiling face was indifferent, which was even more puzzling.

The Taoist who was hiding behind Li Mu praised softly: "Young master is so heroic, these bastards are fighting for power, if you ask me, you should beat them hard, so that you can only eliminate harm for the people!"

Li Mu chuckled, put his sword back into its sheath, turned aside, let the Taoist out, and said to the servants in front of him: "Okay, okay, you guys continue!"

Several servants looked at each other, then rushed forward, surrounded the Taoist again, punched and kicked again.

The Taoist was beaten and squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, and couldn't help screaming: "Don't slap your face! Don't slap your face! Young master, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have urged you to beat them! Help!"

The Taoist howled like killing a pig, and the sound shook the long street, causing many passersby nearby to look sideways.

The sound also alarmed the people in the courtyard. After a while, a young man walked out of the gate and shouted: "Stop it!"

This young man was none other than Zhang Shihong, the son of Zhang Yuanzheng, the newly promoted Juren who rode a horse and wore red.

He was drinking with the guests in the courtyard, and when he heard the screams of the Taoist, he was afraid that the matter would become a big mess and affect his family's reputation, so he came out and stopped a few servants: "It's not light or heavy, go back and serve the guests !"

He walked up to Li Mu, clasped his hands and said with a smile: "The house servant is shameless, I made this brother laugh, my little brother Zhang Shihong, I have met my brother."

Li Mu smiled and said, "Little brother Li Mu, I met Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Shihong stretched out his hand to make false quotations: "Today, my younger brother is entertaining guests. If Brother Zhang does not give up, you might as well go in and have a glass of water and wine."

This person is tall and slender, with a dignified appearance, and his manners are quite polite, with a hint of pride. Seeing Li Mu wearing a long robe, with a long sword hanging from his waist, and his extraordinary bearing, he immediately gave Li Mu a high look.

Li Mu said: "Little brother passed by here, came here in a hurry, never brought a gift for Brother Zhang, it's really not good to come empty-handed."

Zhang Shihong laughed loudly: "Everyone who comes here is a guest, what is a gift or not? Please come in quickly!"

When he said this, he glanced at the Taoist who was lying on the ground like a dead dog: "This Taoist priest, if you don't give up, you might as well come to the humble house and have a glass of water and wine..."

"Don't dislike it! Don't dislike it!"

The Taoist who was lying on the ground turned over and got up, wiped the blood from the nose, a flattering smile appeared on his swollen face, he bowed his head and said: "Trouble, trouble, really trouble!"

Li Mu saw that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he was beaten like this, and he wanted to go inside to drink, so he couldn't help laughing: "It's really you!"

Zhang Shihong also laughed loudly: "You two, please!"

Li Mu and the limping Taoist walked through the vermilion lacquer gate together and came to Zhang's mansion.

The inside of this mansion is extremely large, with three entrances to the courtyard. At this time, the courtyard is full of people who came to congratulate, cups and cups intertwined, and it is extremely lively.

Zhang Shihong ordered people to add table and chopsticks seats, sat down with Li Mu, and said with a smile, "Brother Li has a very rough face, is he also from Qinghe County?"

Li Mu said: "Brother is from Baoming County nearby, but because of the plague, the family members died unfortunately, brother had no choice but to come to Qinghe County to stay temporarily."

Zhang Shihong sighed: "It turns out that Brother Li is from Baoming County. I don't know who the old teacher is? Have you ever participated in the township examination? If necessary, brother can send a post to the county lord to be a guarantor for brother Taiwan's township examination." .”

In the Great Yin Dynasty, if a scholar wanted to take the provincial examination, he had to be guaranteed by a local recruiter or county magistrate or a famous Confucian scholar before he could take the examination.

Li Mu said: "The death of a family member, let's talk about it in three years."

Zhang Shihong said: "Yes, this is what should be done."

He chatted with Li Mu for a while before getting up to leave.

This person is exquisite in all aspects, he is very sophisticated in dealing with people, and what is even more rare is that he is very kind to everyone, making him feel like a spring breeze, and he really feels at home.

While Li Mu was chatting with Zhang Shihong, the Taoist next to him with a bruised nose and a swollen face leaned over his desk and chewed furiously, shaking off his cheeks, lifting his back molars, eating and drinking like a hungry tiger.

The few people around were horrified, and one of them smiled and said, "What is the name of this Taoist priest? What do you belong to?"

With his mouth full of food, the Taoist whimpered and said, "Poverty Taoist Anyangzi, who belongs to the dog."

The person who asked the question laughed: "This is not a dog, it should be a tiger, and it is still a hungry tiger."

An Yangzi rolled his eyes in choking, picked up a jug of wine, gulped a few sips directly at the spout, then washed down the food, took a sip of alcohol, and said to the man: "It's fine if others laugh at me, You are lucky to be in Huagai, black air is on the center of your brow, and disaster will be imminent in an instant, do you still have the heart to laugh at me?"

The person who laughed at An Yangzi was a white and fat old man in brocade clothes. After hearing An Yangzi's words, the old man's face changed: "Nonsense! Why am I in trouble?"

An Yangzi sneered a few times, lowered his head to eat, and ignored the old man.

The old man was furious, and was about to get up to argue with An Yangzi, when suddenly the two dogs under the table started biting for a piece of meat and bone, and a dog suddenly jumped out from under the table, knocking the fat white old man to the ground , another dog chased out from behind, whined, and bit the forward dog.

Coincidentally, the white and fat old man fell down and rode on the head of the rear dog, and was bitten by the rear dog in the crotch, and a lump in the middle of his legs, including hair and flesh, was bitten off.

The white and fat old man fell to the ground, knocked over a banquet table, let out a horrific howl, covered his wound with his hands, and rolled all over the floor.

All the guests were shocked.

Some people went to beat the dog with a stool, some went to check on the old man's injuries, and some went to Zhang Yuanwai and Zhang Shihong.

Only the old god Anyangzi was there, and continued to drink and eat meat.

Li Mu looked at An Yangzi, and said with a smile, "You have some skills, come on, show me, and see what troubles I have had recently?"

An Yangzi looked up at Li Mu, shook his head and said, "Mr. Li, you are the sun that belongs to Yu Yuan, and you are just lurking for now. One day, the sun will sweep across the sky, and the moon, stars, and fireflies will all be eclipsed. There is only your light."

He said to Li Mu: "Your fate cannot be calculated by me, a little Taoist. If I talk nonsense, I must be punished by God... Hey!"

He coughed suddenly, stretched out his hand and pulled it down his throat, his face flushed red: "It's bad, I got a fishbone in my throat! I...cough cough cough..."

The Taoist bowed his head and couldn't stop coughing, feeling extremely uncomfortable being stuck by a fishbone. In the end, Li Mu patted him on the back lightly, and he stopped coughing and pulled out the fishbone.

"It's dangerous! It's dangerous!"

An Yangzi drank several cups of tea one after another, and glanced at Li Mu with lingering fear: "Mr. Li, you also saw that I almost choked to death on a fishbone because of my talkativeness just now. Your fate is too great, like a scorching sun Yang, the light pierces the eyes, and the poor dare not calculate."

Li Mu smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, Zhang Shihong brought a few servants to Li Mu and An Yangzi, he looked at An Yangzi with a very serious face, and asked softly: "Master Dao, you said that my house has a demonic aura, is it true or not? "

(End of this chapter)

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