I, Uchiha Yiyong, have not been hated!

Chapter 98 Teacher, it's on me!

Chapter 98 Teacher, it's on me!
"Xing Shoulang is much stronger than me."

Tang Ninja Village, in an inn that was not destroyed.

With deep dark circles under his eyes, Giyuu finished reading the letter that Raven was about to bring.

The content above was written by Xing Shoulang himself. It mainly explained the situation in Yuyin Village, and of course it also included the fact that he had a tie with the owner of the Immortal Eye.

Unlike him, it took half a night to fight with three Jonin before the matter was resolved.

Especially Shisui seems to have said (and didn't) that Kirigakure's ninjas are the weakest.

"However, is Xing Julang really all right?"

Yiyong is rather pessimistic. After being together for three years, he knows that Xing Shoulang always reports good news but not bad ones, so he directly asked, "Are you injured?"

You want to stop pecking at the snacks, without any intention of hiding, and said with a little worry: "Master Yanzhu recovered most of his injuries during the battle, but his ribs and sternum were broken , can’t be treated with medical ninjutsu. He himself didn’t intend to seek a doctor, so he went out to save people after a night’s rest.”

After finishing speaking, it looked at Giyuu with some expectation, as if hoping to see "bad" and "not good" worries on Giyuu's face.

After all, it is already obvious that the implication is obvious, and I just hope that Shui Zhu can persuade Yan Zhu's reckless behavior regardless of his own injury.

In the past, with Butterfly House, Zongzhu Butterfly Ninja took good care of the injured team members. Regardless of whether Xing Julang was willing or not, every time he was injured, he could receive comprehensive treatment immediately, so as to minimize the risk of complications or sequelae.

But here, obviously no one can control him.

The only thing he can count on is His Excellency Shuizhu, who looks calmer. I hope he can play some role.

It's a pity that Yiyong can't distinguish the expression of the bird. He just thought about it for a while as a substitute for the injury, and immediately said: "Oh, that's really not a problem."

Xingjurou's "inherited" blood from Uzumaki Naruto, as well as a little bit of Nine-Tails Chakra in the upper body, can stimulate the body's self-healing potential.Although medical ninjutsu can't heal the bones, with the help of penetrating the world + breathing method + nine tails, Yoshiyuki speculates that it only takes less than ten days for Xing Julang to fully recover.

Besides, as long as it is not the limbs and head, most of the fractures will not affect Zhu's combat effectiveness.He has no need to worry.

【What's more, Xing Shoulang is so much stronger than me...】

This is the most important reason.

Thinking of this, Yi Yong took a sip of hot water with peace of mind.


Seeing Yiyong's relaxed expression, Su Ya was speechless for a while, sighed and complained: "I really miss the time when Master Chong Zhu was still here..."

Even if the most irritable Fengzhu enters the Butterfly House, he must obediently obey the doctor's orders, and only dare to sneak out of the window unless Mr. Chongzhu is not around.

Fortunately, this time, Yiyong and Yao Yao finally connected with each other, and nodded quite formally: "It won't be too long."

Last night, Yoshio who was lacking in chakra fought three elite Jnin at the same time. He had honed the Moon Breath sword form, which was still a bit unfamiliar before, to a whole new level. As long as he mastered the last four sword forms, he would be able to Can revive Butterfly Ninja!
This was much faster than he had originally planned.

Sure enough, there is no faster way to practice than actual combat.

He opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but a knock on the door interrupted it, followed by a very lively voice.

"Teacher! That annoying guy is looking for you again! Can you see me?"

Sounds like a small kid.

"Teacher? Did you accept your stepson, Your Excellency Shuizhu?"

Faced with such doubts, Yiyong waved his hands wearily, as if he didn't know where to start.

"Tell Xing Shoulang, I will rush back as soon as possible."

After speaking, Giyuu blinked to release the psychic spell, and the crow immediately disappeared into a puff of smoke.

The communication between him and Xingshourou through the crow is carried out behind Kyuubi's back, so no one else can see it.

At this time, the people outside seemed to be unable to wait any longer. They unscrewed the handle and opened the crack of the door, forcing a jelly-like bouncy white-haired head into the space where it was difficult for others to reach out.

Guideng Shuiyue grinned with fangs and said with a playful smile: "Teacher, are you still awake?"

"I didn't promise to be your teacher."

Yiyong's eyes were gloomy, and he corrected Guideng Shuiyue's statement quite formally: "Why are you still here?"

After knowing each other for less than a day, this guy stuck to him like a plaster, saying that he wanted to learn his swordsmanship.

It's a pity that Guideng Shuiyue tried to snatch Yiyong's saber when he first met him, which made Yiyong have a very bad impression of him.

What's more, this guy opened his mouth and closed his mouth just to chop this up and behead that person, and he also has fangs that are very suitable for eating people.Giyuu really can't help but care about these...

"I don't like you." Yi Yong said truthfully, "Let's go!"

"I understand, I understand! Teacher, if you say that, you must be testing me! Just like in the movie, right!"

Guideng Guiyue had a clear expression, "I've been mentally prepared for a long time! Even if I stay by your side as a servant for ten winters and summers, I won't give up! Besides, Brother Fox has already promised to You have accepted my little brother! It is useless for you to drive me away!"

Nine Tails' voice came from outside the door at the right time: "I promised! This kid is much more likable than you!"

Kyuubi will definitely try to make Giyuu feel distressed without breaking their agreement.

This white-haired kid is terrifyingly difficult to deal with, and his personality is completely opposite to that facial paralyzed one. It's hard to imagine how they get along in harmony.

After the journey, there must be a lot of fun to watch.

Hearing Kyuubi's testimony, Giyuu, who hadn't rested for nearly forty hours, didn't know what expression to show.

Fortunately, someone turned the topic to the other side in time.

"Mr. Tomioka, I am Shinnai, the deacon of Tonin Village. I need to have an interview with you. Could you please open the door?"

Yiyong knew that this was the "annoying guy" that Guideng Shuiyue mentioned.

Facing Guideng Shuiyue's expression of "If you say you can't see me, I will hack him to death immediately", Yiyong nodded weakly.

"Let him in."

Guideng Shuiyue retracted his head in disappointment, and pushed the door open.

Kyuubi, who was originally on his shoulders, immediately jumped into the room, skillfully jumped on top of Giyuu's head and lay down cross-legged——

Although the boy with facial paralysis is not very flattering when he speaks, his hair can stand on end, giving him a "nest" feeling.

On the other hand, Ghost Lantern Shuiyue's hair is too soft, without Chakra standing on it, it will even slip.Still more comfortable here.

Then, Guideng Shuiyue also slipped in with a smile, sitting like a dog's leg behind Yiyong, which is where the general dojo disciples are.

In the end was the man who claimed to have something important to discuss—he was in his thirties, with a crew cut, and looked more capable than most Yuu Shinobi, without the philistine taste that is common here.

Yiyong frowned slightly, he remembered this person.

He is the guy who tried everything possible to take Hidan's head, named Kannai.

"I have already said, I will not hand over the head of Fei Duan to you.

"Although he used to be a ninja in your village, you obviously don't have the ability to deal with him."

As he said that, Yi Yong opened the transparent world and glanced at the body of the deacon inside, and sincerely stated the reason why he must take Hiduan away.

"Once Fei Duan is revived, ten ninjas like you can't be his opponent. They have to wait to die."

As if in response to Yoshiyuki's words, a pitch-black wooden box in the corner of the room shook desperately without warning, and made a "woo-woo-woo" sound.

Although the voice was not clear, anyone could tell that the guy was agreeing.

Ghost Lamp Shuiyue looked curiously at the wooden box.

It was the first time he had seen a guy whose head was cut off and was still alive.

[If this head is also split in half, can he still live? 】

He touched his chin curiously, planning to find a chance to try it later.

On the other side, although Deacon Shinnai still maintained a polite smile on his face, he already greeted Yiyong's parents and family countless times in his heart.

What is "a ninja like you"?
how much do you know about me
How did you know that even at the root of Konoha, I am one of Danzo-sama's most trusted subordinates!

It stands to reason that an old Anbu + intelligence officer like Shennei shouldn't be irritated so easily.

But in just a few hours, he and the ninjas in Tangren Village were verbally attacked by Yiyong a lot.

"You are so weak."

"You are completely useless."

"Don't get in my way."

However, Shennei quickly adjusted his mood, and looked at Yiyong with a hint of sarcasm.

A mere brat who picked up a few heads by luck...

But once he is targeted by Lord Danzo, no matter what kind of genius, his life is over!

What do I care about with a dead person!
As a result, the smile that is formulaic but can't fool anyone blooms again.

"Mr. Tomioka, you have misunderstood. Since the leader has agreed that you will keep the murderer's head, you will naturally not regret it. I came here this time for another purpose."

Kannai took two steps forward, and suddenly noticed that the paper in front of Yoshiyuki was full of words.

He lingered on it for a moment, then knelt down immediately, wanting to take a closer look.

However, his extremely subtle little movements still did not escape the eyes of the master of expression observation.

Yiyong immediately turned over Xing Shoulang's letter, and became more wary of Deacon Shinnai.

Something is wrong with this guy—

Since last night, when other Tang Ninjas showed their sincere gratitude to Giyuu, there was only the hostility hidden under this guy's smile.

Giyong suspected at the time that this person was Hiduan's accomplice, but considering that the other party was Tang Ren's high-level executives, and whether Giyong had any evidence, he gave up.

And the other party's behavior of wanting to probe the content of the letter just now intensified Giyuu's suspicion.

【What exactly does this person want to do? 】


Noticing that Yiyong turned over the paper, Shen was startled in his heart, and immediately sat upright, as if he hadn't seen anything.

"The leader sent me here to discuss your reward."

Yiyong raised his eyebrows slightly, and was about to say "I didn't do these things for pay", but stopped immediately.

He immediately remembered one thing——

Xing Shoulang said in the letter that he has reached an agreement with Yuyin Village. Before some hidden dangers are resolved, the village established by Xing Shoulang will not be moved into Yuyin Village for the time being, but will try to develop independently into a similar "Fire City" The possibility of this city for ordinary people.

And this undoubtedly requires a lot of wealth.

In order to repay Tsunade's medical expenses before, Kyojuro had to do three years of tasks to save enough. If he can play some role this time, he will definitely save Kyojuro a lot of time.

Thinking of this, Yi Yong did not hesitate, and nodded flatly: "How much?"

This "superior" tone made Shen Nei's forehead twitch.

"This time, the Kirigakure ninjas who invaded our village were all solved by you, especially the three of them, Feiduan, Blackhoe Leiya, and Ganshibojing, who caused huge losses to our village. You can solve them , Every member of Tangren Village is very grateful."

After flattering, Shennei gave the number, "So we decided to pay you 5 million taels based on 1500 S-level missions."

【so much? 】

There was no fluctuation on Yiyong's face, but his heart jumped suddenly.

1500 million, this is the total amount of money Xing Shoulang earned in three years.

Considering that there are only 600 people in that village, and 1500 million taels will last for a long time, Yi Yong wanted to nod happily.

"Then this-"

"What are you doing? With such a little money, you are bullying my teacher who doesn't understand the market, right? Just like that, is it worthy of the so-called thank you? Then you really have no sincerity at all."

The ghost lantern and water moon suddenly interrupted, which surprised Yiyong and Shennai.

Yiyong turned his head away, only to see Guideng Shuiyue staring at Kannai with eyes full of sarcasm, with an expression of extreme contempt for the latter.

"Dried persimmon wave whale is not very well-known outside, so I won't talk about it. But the black hoe Leiya is one of the seven ghost knives in Wuyin village. He alone is at the cloud ninja side, at least three S The reward for the high-level task. Uncle, you want to send us with such a small amount of money, but you don’t take the teacher seriously!"

Speaking of this, Guideng Shuiyue and Yiyong's eyes met, and then they patted their chests heavily: "Teacher, you are not a ninja, and it is normal not to know the inside story. But don't worry, I will never let you What a loss!"


[I really feel a lot already. 】

Originally, he just collected money, and Yiyong already felt very sorry, but he didn't expect this "disciple" to bargain.

He just wanted to say "This has nothing to do with you", but the nine tails on the top of his head pulled his hair violently.

"If you don't understand, don't participate. I still have my share in this!"

Yiyong silently closed his mouth, silently watching the ghost lamp Shuiyue bargain.

"This... we are different from other ninja villages after all."

Facing the difficulties made by the ghost light water moon, although Kannai was a little surprised, he still replied with reason: "Other ninja villages need information on ninja corpses, so they pay such a high price, but our Tangnin village does not have this information." I need it, so..."


Guideng Shuiyue grinned grimly at Shennei and bared her teeth, "Since you don't need the corpse, return the corpse to us. If you go to the gold exchange to sell money, the corpse of Heihe Leiya alone can be exchanged for 1800 yuan. Wan! Hehe, even the savior has to be deceived, it is indeed the village that is the most capable of doing business, I really have seen it."

Although the seven members of Wuyin are all idols of ghost lights and water moons.

But now that he got to know Yiyong, Guideng Shuiyue suddenly felt that the seven people seemed to be the same, and there was no obstacle at all if they wanted to sell the corpse of the senior.

"!" Shennei was speechless for a moment.

Tang Ninja Village doesn't care about corpses...

But he cares!

There are ninjas of the Yamanaka clan at the root, even from the corpses, they can extract information, how could he let it go.

As soon as the limelight of this incident passes, he will find a way to "steal" these corpses and transfer them to Konoha.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth: "Then, little brother, how much money do you think is suitable?"

"We don't want too many. The twelve Kirigakure ninjas are twelve S-level missions."

Guideng Shuiyue stretched out his hand and gestured, "One price, thirty-six million."

It is also impossible for him to exchange the gold with his righteous courage, after all, he himself has a bounty.

After thinking about it, Ghost Lantern Shuiyue rationally asked for a less exaggerated price.

"...Okay." Kannai felt that this was still acceptable.

Tang Ren Village is very rich, and this figure will not affect his status in the village.

"That's the price. I'll go back and tell the two chiefs that the check should be delivered later."

As he said that, Shennei put his right hand on the ground, as if he was about to get up and leave.

"Wait a minute, I'm not finished yet!"

Guideng Shuiyue made him sit down again with a loud voice.

【It's not over yet? 】

Giyuu is amazed at the bargaining ability of Guideng Suiyue, and Kyuubi is also satisfied with the performance of his new little brother.

"Thirty-six million, it's just the teacher's reward for helping you solve the Kirigakure ninja, and Hidan."

Guideng Shuiyue took out a piece of yellowed paper from her arms and unfolded it, and there was a photo of Fei Duan hanging on it.

"This is your arrest warrant for Fei Duan more than two years ago. It is clearly written in black and white that it does not matter whether you live or die, and the bounty is 1000 million!"

He glanced at the box containing Fei Duan's head: "Since the teacher is interested in his head and wants to keep it for himself, I will give you a 300% discount. But considering the psychopaths outside who kill anyone on sight are also The teacher handles it, so it’s no problem to add another 800 million. "" A total of [-] million. This is the reward for dealing with the cultists!"

Shennei did some calculations, adding another 800 million would not be unacceptable. After a while of silence, he still nodded his head with difficulty.

"Don't rush to relax, I haven't finished talking yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

"What else?!" Shennei's expression collapsed.

No matter how many, it might affect his status in this village!
If he had known earlier, he would not have taken the initiative to take the job.

Guideng Shuiyue smiled treacherously, and gave him a calm expression.

"Isn't the life of your leader worthless? Aren't so many rescued passengers and the residents of Tangnin Village worthless?"

Guideng Shuiyue pretended to open his eyes wide, and wriggled his fingers in a strange way, "Didn't you count it? If it weren't for the teacher helping to treat after the fight, more than 100 people would have died at least, let alone Speaking of injured people? Don’t you consider the cost?”

The deacon of God has nothing to say.

Although he is a root spy, he doesn't care if there are many dead in this village.

But on the surface, he is still Tang Ren's senior management, so of course he can't say that kind of thing.

Once it gets out, his hard work in the past few years will be in vain.

Seeing that Shennei did not respond, Guideng Shuiyue immediately took advantage of the victory and chased after him: "According to the medical ninja market, another 1000 million will come, without asking..."


It was not Shinnai who said this, but Yoshiyuki.

No matter how much Kyuubi pulled his hair this time, Giyuu didn't change his mind.

Before, Giyong reluctantly agreed to take Tang Ren's reward because he considered that Xing Shoulang might need money urgently.

But if he had to charge money even for saving the lives of the injured, he really couldn't accept it.

On the contrary, Yi Yong felt very guilty in his heart.

[If I can be as strong as Purgatory and be more vigilant, maybe no one will die today...]

Reluctantly suppressing the guilt in his heart, he raised his eyes to look at the astonished Shennei, and slowly said: "Forget about the cost of treatment, that's not the reason for me to save people. As for the 800 million yuan to deal with the cultists, there is no need."

"Ah?" Guideng Shuiyue showed an aggrieved expression, this is the apprenticeship ceremony he won.

"But in exchange, I need a ship."

Yoshiyuki said to Shinnai: "Ganshibowhale used ninjutsu to cause a tsunami and destroyed all the ships on the dock. But as far as I know, Guicun has six shipyards and should have ships that are about to be completed. I need one of them." The sooner you launch the boat, the better, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have sailors.”

He can double himself.

"Okay, I can promise you this for the leader."

Shen Nei rolled his eyes, making sure that this kid's intention to rush to the Land of Water is really urgent.

Then, he glanced at the Ghost Lantern Shuiyue with a look of pity on his face in horror, and asked Yiyong: "That's it? A boat, and there are 600 million taels."

Yiyong nodded, he didn't have time to spend any more time here.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Shennei left immediately, and Yiyong looked at the ghost lantern Shuiyue with a puzzled expression on his face.

He didn't explain his reason for doing so, he just said sincerely: "Thank you very much."

Guideng Shuiyue helped win so much money, which saved him and Xing Shoulang a lot of time, so I should be grateful.

However, Guideng Shuiyue seemed to have softened his brave attitude when he saw righteousness, and immediately smiled: "So, are you willing to teach me swordsmanship?"

"Don't teach."

Giyuu didn't hesitate.

Ghost Lantern Water Moon's jelly face squeezed hard, and she pursed her lips in displeasure, but it didn't last long.

Because Yiyong picked up two double knives wrapped in white cloth and threw them directly into Guideng Shuiyue's arms.

"This is a thank you gift."


Glancing at the shape of the pair in her arms, Guideng Shuiyue only felt a tremor from the soul rushing straight to the sky.

"This is Lei Dao - Lei Ya?"

Yiyong hummed and turned his back.

After getting an affirmative answer, Guideng Shuiyue didn't hold back anymore, and tore open the white cloth outside one of them, and found that there was indeed a forked Senhan sword blade inside, and even his breathing became thicker.

However, when he excitedly unwrapped the cloth wrapping the other sword——

Hearing a "dang clang", Guideng Shuiyue's face, which was so red that it was about to melt, immediately froze.

"Broken, broken?!"

"En." Yiyong's voice came back, "One can last for a long time. I tried it, and it's very strong."

(End of this chapter)

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