I, Uchiha Yiyong, have not been hated!

Chapter 78 Unexpected Travel Companion (5000)

Chapter 78 Unexpected Travel Companion (5000)

"Mr. Fox, does he really exist?!"

Xing Julang asked Jiuwei with a startled voice, "In that myth, is there a real person who taught humans how to use chakra?!"

No wonder he was surprised, this is the same as the first time humans on earth heard about ghosts in the world.If they don't see it with their own eyes, it is always hard for people to believe that those legendary names are actually real and true things.

In the myths and stories of the ninja world, the Sage of the Six Paths is almost the existence of a "god", but there are too many stories about him. Some say that he created ninjutsu, while others say that he created the ninja world. In short, anything can be applied to this name.

"Of course."

Kyuubi raised his chin and folded his arms a little arrogantly, very satisfied with the different degrees of surprise of the two.

"I'm a fox over 1000 years old, would I still deceive you with characters from fairy tales?
"Besides, besides Sage of the Six Paths, who else can create a life like ours that is purely composed of chakra? The ninjutsu that you have worked so hard to master is just something the old man is born with."

Yi Yong and Xing Shou Lang exchanged glances silently, and different thoughts flashed in their hearts at the same time.

Xing Shoulang's eyes were bright, and he subconsciously thought of the "mysterious voice" that used the resurrection of them as a bait to force Yiyong to make friends.

If there is anyone in this world who is most likely to do such a thing, it is probably the "god" who taught Chakra to humans.

However, on the contrary, Giyuu, who was more likely to think of the pessimistic side of things, scanned Kyuubi's proud face with deep eyes, thinking that he had finally found the "king of tailed beasts".

How similar—

Oni Mai Tsuji Muchan created oni that cannot be killed by common sense.

This "Sage of the Six Paths" created nine tailed beasts that would regenerate quickly even if they were killed.

Yoshiyuki and his two elder brothers almost died that night nine years ago, and he couldn't understand and accept Kyuubi's hatred of humans like Xingjurou, so he was always on the side of humans, and he really didn't understand the human beings. Why did the "gods" who have sung praises for 1000 years create these nine monsters full of great threats, especially these tailed beasts, which have now become the ultimate weapon for human cannibalism.

Coupled with the fact that Sanshoyu Hanzo, the demigod of the ninja world, "before the jewels and jade", Giyuu always has a deep wariness against these people or things that are related to "gods".

"So you mean that the ninja Xing Shoulang met was actually the Sage of the Six Paths?"

"What are you talking about?!"

Kyuubi responded with disdain: "The old man died after placing us in various places in the world. How could he appear in the Land of Rain?"

"Is he going to die?"

For some reason, Yi Yong breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this sentence.

"He's not a tailed beast, he's a man of flesh and blood, he will age and get sick!"

Nine-tails retorted angrily, but his tone gradually became lower with the memories flooding his mind, and the end of his eyes drooped sadly.

"...Of course I will die."

Giyuu recognized this sad expression.

This was the first time he saw Kyuubi showing an expression other than "willfulness", so he felt a little guilty about his too direct question just now.

However, the key question still needs to be asked clearly.

"Then why did his eyes appear on a human being who was normal three years ago?"

Yi Yong continued to ask: "Besides, according to Xing Shoulang's experience, not only that ninja, but also several of his psychic beasts also have the same eyes. Could it be that the eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths grow on animals?"

"This, this, this..."

Kyuubi was stunned by the continuous questioning, and he retorted angrily and loudly: "The old man said that after we were released, the old man died! I only know that he has those eyes, but he can use those eyes." How do I know what the eyes do! Anyway, what you Uchiha knows, he must know! Maybe the other party used the pupil technique to control those psychic beasts, is this very strange?!"

Speaking of this, Kyuubi remembered that he was summoned by Uchiha Madara as a psychic beast, and his teeth clucked.

"That's it!"

Seeing that one person and one fox were about to quarrel again, Xing Shoulang quickly smoothed things over and said: "Mr. Fox has told us a lot of useful information! I am really grateful! At least we can now know why the other party is able to display such a large-scale attack. Perceptual Ninjutsu!

"Since he has the eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths, it's not uncommon for him to do such a thing. The other party's saying 'Only they can bring real peace to the ninja world' should not be aimless, and it is worth paying attention to!"

As he spoke, he gave Giyuu a look, and slightly tilted his chin towards Kyuubi.

The latter struggled for a while, imitating Xingjurou's usual posture, and patted Kyuubi on the shoulder, then hesitated for two or three seconds, and finally said: "Thank you."


Kyuubi slapped Giyuu's hand down, but his body was obviously not as tense as before.

In Xing Julang's perception, the restless Chakra of Nine Tails stopped for most of the moment, so he also showed a gratified smile to Giyuu.

"Let's get back to business. Since the Immortal of the Six Paths will die, we can speculate that there is a high probability that he will marry and have children, and leave behind descendants to inherit his blood!"

Xing Shoulang made a conclusion.

"No matter how the other party obtained those eyes, or he is a descendant of the Sage of the Six Paths, he inherited some kind of blood inheritance limit, or he was controlled by the person who has those eyes, but Yuren is in this person's eyes. It is a fact that under his rule, he will no longer harm the civilians of the Land of Rain. He intends to recruit me and use the excuse of bringing peace to the world, which can also explain his behavior to a certain extent!

"Although he shot at me after I refused, he didn't intend to kill me. The shadow clone was destroyed because he was too weak to withstand the attack of the psychic beast!"

Hearing this, Yi Yong already understood his thoughts, "Do you want to go to Yuyin Village in person?"

There was worry in his tone.

"That's right!"

Xing Shoulang smiled heartily, got up and walked to the edge of the map, pointing to the "village" he opened up before.

"If I meet him and confirm that ordinary people in the Land of Rain can really live there, I will persuade everyone to move to Yuyin Village! Although the berries and mushrooms in the rainforest can barely fill our stomachs, we only eat those things How can it work? If there is a place where they can truly live and grow up, I can leave the Kingdom of Rain with peace of mind."

Yi Yong remained silent.

Now they only know that the other party is very strong, and most of them have killed the Sanshoyu Hanzo, who has the title of "Demigod", and occupied Yuyin Village, but it is still unclear whether it is an enemy or a friend.Just judging from the behavior of the other party who will directly take action to force him when he is rejected, he is definitely not a soft-hearted person.

If Xing Shoulang goes there, it is still hard to say what the outcome will be.

But he knew that Xing Shoulang would definitely go for the livelihood of those hundreds of people.

If it were him, he would have made the same choice, so Yi Yong didn't speak to dissuade him.

But Nine-Tails didn't have to think so much, it hurriedly stopped it: "Hey! Although he has the old man's eyes, he doesn't necessarily have the old man's heart! If he forces you to stay, or simply kills you to keep it secret , what are you going to do?"

Just kidding, whether it can swim in the ninja world in the form of a clone in the future depends entirely on Xing Jurou.

This brat is also one of the few human beings that it looks pleasing to the eye. If Xingjurou dies in the Land of Rain for no reason, it doesn't know how long it will stay in Uzumaki Naruto's body.

"If he is really like the person Mr. Fox said, I will go even more!"

Xing Shoulang looked slightly solemn, "I have discovered some of the secrets of Yuyin Village. He must have been looking for me everywhere in the Kingdom of Rain. The country is not big, and the ninjas can go all out in one day. He has The eyes of the Immortal of the Six Paths, those people I gathered up before, will be discovered sooner or later, maybe they have already been discovered! If he is the kind of evil person you mentioned and can't find me, he will definitely come from those people. They are pressing for my whereabouts!"

"What's so important about those people!"

Kyuubi frowned, and said what was in his heart.

"If you hadn't saved them, they would have died long ago! Why would you risk your life for a group of ants who can't even protect themselves?! They are not related to you, five hundred ants died, What is the difference between fifty ants and five ants?"

[Anyway, these people are multiplied by ten times, and they are not one-tenth as important as this kid! 】

As soon as these words came out, Xingjurou's gaze towards Kyuubi gradually became severe.

"Mr. Fox! I respect the lives of these people, just like I respect your right to live freely in the wild, there is no difference!
"I am willing to take the risk of being discovered by Hokage and put in prison to let you act outside in such a posture; I am also willing to take an even greater risk to help these people not be harmed, simply because doing so is right That's all! You are supposed to live freely where no one disturbs you, and they deserve a safe life in the world!
"You can treat them as ants, but in the eyes of stronger beings, what is the essential difference between you and them? You are all forced to accept the reality of life!"


Kyuubi was stunned.

It has always thought that Xing Julang was willing to let it come out so that it would not affect Naruto's control of Chakra. It was essentially a transaction, and it was also a kind of use.

But Kyuubi never imagined that Xingshourou's true thoughts in his heart were to stand on the standpoint of their tailed beasts, agreeing that they should be free, not their power as a weapon of Ninja Village.

Although Xing Shoulang couldn't release him, at least he felt a little freedom.

"Damn it! Let me say something wrong!"

Kyuubi felt a little uncomfortable, and didn't want to continue talking, and seemed to be angry and fell down on the coffee table, with half of his face buried inside his arms.It is somewhat uncomfortable to be compared to being no different from human beings.

Especially when this statement is still true to some extent.

Xing Shoulang didn't embarrass it, but looked back at Yiyong: "Yiyong, this time the Land of Rain, do you want to go with me?"

Giyuu lowered his head and thought for a long time, finally shook his head, and told the things about the country of water.

"Is there such a thing?"

After listening to this, Xing Shoulang immediately understood Giyuu's entanglement.

"Since this is the case, we can only divide our troops into two groups. This policy was initiated by the fourth generation of Mizukage, so he is probably your target this time. The action on your side, Giyuu, is equivalent to one person's strength. It is very dangerous for the entire Wuyin Village to declare war! So this time, we must be extremely careful!"

Yi Yong nodded, "You too!"

This is the rule of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

If swordsmen act together, the success rate of killing ghosts is of course higher.

But if ghosts appeared in two places at the same time, and only two swordsmen happened to be free, even if they knew that they alone were no match for the ghosts, they would still have to split up.Because for every minute of delay, there may be one more victim.

Even if it is not the opponent of the ghost, as long as it has the sun wheel knife in its hand, the ghost will have scruples.Ravens have more time to call for help.

So Yiyong and Xing Shoulang knew that each other's lives were in danger, but neither said they wanted to act together.

Kyuubi was speechless when he heard this.

One and two, obviously so young, insisted on dying for some irrelevant people.

One is going to negotiate with an unknown ninja with Don's eyes.

The other one seemed to be heading straight for the water shadow in Wuyin Village.

Take another look at Naruto Uzumaki where the main body is, they are obviously the same age, they have just woken up now, and they are thinking about how much to cook at noon to satisfy that white-eyed girl!
That's what you should think about at your age, okay?

Live honestly, let my fox live in peace, wouldn't it be good?
Its eyes glanced at the faces of the two people. No matter how they looked at the dead faces, an indescribable sense of anxiety rose in their hearts, so it interjected and asked, "Speaking lightly, this village will let you go!" Are you leaving?"

"I have no problem here. Hokage-sama's promise is trustworthy! When I usually help those ninjas with D-level and C-level tasks, I will occasionally go there in person. No one has ever tried to stop me."

On the contrary, Xingjurou can trust Sarutobi Hiruzen more than when he first came here.

"It's just righteousness, you need a reason to leave Konoha, have you thought about it?"

Yiyong has a family, so he can't just walk away like him.


Yi Yong thought for a while, "I'll just say go for a walk."

It's not a lie.

"Can it be so simple?"

"In the next few days, most of the family's attention will be on Itachi."

What Yoshiyuki said is that Itachi doesn't intend to be a ninja anymore, even if the family agrees, the clan will not let it go.

"As long as I perform better than Itachi was when he was nine years old, my father should agree with me to go out to practice by myself."

"That's it!"

Xing Shoulang said loudly: "I'm making some preparations, and I'll set off tomorrow afternoon at the latest. If it's a psychic beast now, if you need to send a message, you can just summon him."


Yi Yong got up, "The training thing, we can only talk about it later."

After speaking, he was about to turn around and leave to make final preparations.

"Wait a minute."

It was Kyuubi who stopped the two of them.

Yiyong and Xingshoulang looked at him at the same time, but Kyuubi twitched all of a sudden, and after a while he poked his neck and said: "It's so lively, I want to go and see it too."

He looked at Xingjurou, "You go to Uzumaki Naruto today, get in touch with him a few more times, and I will try to leak as much chakra as possible for you as a reserve! If that guy from the Land of Rain has any malicious intentions, I will immediately Remind you!"

"Mr. Fox, are you really willing to do us this favor?!"

Xing Shoulang was overjoyed.

"I'm not trying to do you a favor!"

Nine-tails emphasized sharply: "Someone has the eyes of an old man, I have to know whether he is worthy of company!"

"If this is really the case, then it would be great!"

Kyojuro folded his palms sincerely to Kyuubi.

"However, can I ask Mr. Fox to help me to the end? Although I don't know much about the country of water, the ninja villages of the five major countries should have your companions. If Yiyong confronts them and you are there, they will It will save a lot of trouble! I will create a clone under your control, and you can turn into a small animal and stay on Yiyong's body to save Chakra, which should be enough to persist until the Land of Water."

[I knew you would say that. 】

[If you refuse, Xing Shoulang will be very sad. It may not be so easy for him to take my chakra out in the future. 】

Kyuubi glanced unhappily at Giyuu who was motionless.

"Okay! I've been sealed all the time, and I can't get in touch with them. I also want to see how those two guys are doing now. But in return, you have to teach me how to block them with King Kong!"

[If you meet that lazy big turtle and caterpillar, I won't scare them to death!The fat tanuki is not the only tailed beast that can seal in the future! 】

Since it uses Xing Shoulang's avatar, it can theoretically use the techniques that Xing Shoulang can use.

Of course, if its chakra does not have Xing Julang's shadow clone as a carrier, it will not be used, so the opportunity is rare.

"no problem!"

As soon as Xing Julang agreed, he gave Kyuubi a big warm hug who hadn't reacted yet.

"Thank you so much for the facts this time, Mr. Fox!
"Although you are embarrassed to say it, please rest assured! Even if I leave this village, I will come back to visit you and Naruto from time to time, and I will take a part of you outside to have a look!"

"Shut up! This old man doesn't have such childish and boring thoughts!"

Kyuubi quickly pushed Xingjurou away, but the expression on his red face almost melted.

"Also, don't bite Mr. Fox one at a time! My name is Jiu Lama, remember it for me!"


Yoshiyuki next to him interrupted, "Is it the name of a musical instrument?"

"You are not allowed to call me by that name! Only people who are pleasing to me can call me that!"

"But isn't the name just for people to call?"

"Little Uchiha, you can hear me clearly, you are not allowed to call this name, and you can't tell others!"


【He called me Uchiha's kid.Is it because of our relationship that we can only call each other ugly nicknames? 】

Yiyong paused, and slowly spit out two syllables, "Donkey ears..."

In the next second, King Kong's blockade stretched out from behind Xing Shoulang.

The shadow clone controlled by Kyuubi exploded again.

 It's late tomorrow, it's afternoon
  I just feel that my mind has not turned around recently, and the writing is not very good. I will add another chapter as compensation...

  By the way, you said, although the Nine Tails were separated from the Ten Tails, does it know about it?I didn't find the basis in the manga, if it is possible, Giyuu and the others should be able to know the information about the ten tails from the nine tails
(End of this chapter)

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