I, Uchiha Yiyong, have not been hated!

Chapter 47 Chapter Family (5000)

Chapter 47 Going Home (5000)

the next morning.

By the small river not far from the meeting place.

"Will you come back to see me?"

Before parting, Hydrangea grabbed Yiyong's sleeve.She was very grateful for the life-saving grace, plus the incident in the carriage and the death of Sanjiao Yujiahe.

Xiao Nan also stared into Yi Yong's eyes, wanting to see if the child's thoughts had changed after the conversation last night.

The reason why she wanted to make Yiyong aware of the difference in their positions in advance was to draw a clear line between the future ninja of the big country and the hydrangea, the seedling of the country of rain, in advance.Otherwise, the better the relationship with each other, the more painful it will be when they meet and confront each other in the future.

She once imagined in her mind, after the establishment of the future organization, the scene when she and Nagato and Jiraiya will meet again—things are different, enemies are not friends.But just by imagining it, Xiao Nan felt confused and heartbroken for a while, and it was difficult to maintain the new goal he had just established.

She didn't want this to happen to the two children in front of her.

"will not."

Yiyong's words stunned Ziyanghua's face, and her eyes quickly dimmed. Xiaonan also nodded in understanding, thinking that what she said yesterday had an effect.

Until Yiyong said the next sentence.

"The family is under strict control. I guess there is no chance to be so far away from home again."

Such a good-looking baby, a sentence completely unworthy of the strength he showed almost made Ziyanghua and Xiaonan laugh at the same time.

"Okay, it's getting late, what else do you want to say?"

Xiaonan's paper avatar has a time limit, and the chakra will be exhausted soon.


Hydrangea pondered for a while, and wished: "Yiyong, I hope you can find your missing friend."

"I will." Yi Yong nodded and said at the same time: "I also hope that you can find a new family."

Hydrangea's eye circles were a little red.

Xiaonan spread her wings, raised her right hand slightly, and hundreds of sheets of paper flew up with hydrangeas, "If that's the case, let's leave now..."


Yiyong called out to stop Xiaonan.

"What else?"

"I need a hair of yours."

Tanjirou mentioned to Giyuu that Kasumizu Tokitomuichiro's favorite thing to do is origami.

He must like this kind of ability that can not only deform the paper at will, but also dye it and turn it into a detonating symbol.

In the past, the two saps had little intersection with each other, but Origami is undoubtedly a very good breakthrough to enhance their relationship.

"What do you want your hair for?"

Xiao Nan's face became strange.

She had heard stories about witches in the country of ghosts who could cast love spells on others through a strand of hair.The one who told this story to her was also Zi Lai Ye.

Giyuu said bluntly, "Let another person like me."

Xiao Nan's face was calm, his heart was shocked, and then it turned into the joke that an adult would treat a child with nonsense.

She waved her hand, and a hair fell, but it turned into a thin paper thread on the way to the ground.

"This is just my avatar, even if it is taken away, it will be of no use."

There was a trace of bewilderment on Yiyong's face, because Xiao Nan was not an enemy and was not injured, so he did not use the penetrating world to investigate.Didn't realize she wasn't real.

"But we can make a deal."

Xiaonan grew wings and slowly floated into the air, "If you are not a ninja from a big country when we meet next time, I will give you a hair."

[I'm afraid that even if he has this chance, he won't ask me for it again. 】

Giyuu half-opened his eyes and thought for a while.

The condition for reviving Xiazhu·Tokito no Ichiro is to reach the normal level at the same time in the two breathing methods of water and wind.

At present, itachi is the only one who can stably brush the resolution of Breath of the Wind. Although Naruto Uzumaki can brush it, the chances are not high. It will take at least several years to brush it to 100%.It seems that there is nothing wrong with waiting a little longer to obtain the gene carrier.

Thinking of this, he raised his head again, and nodded solemnly to Xiao Nan: "Then we'll talk about it."

Seeing his extremely formal appearance, Xiao Nan couldn't help crying and laughing, but his face was still calm, and he didn't even say a word of farewell, so he took the hydrangeas and flew into the distance. Only the latter kept waving to Yiyong, and Yiyong responded with his eyes .

It's a pity that Xiao Nan couldn't put a smile on his face, and couldn't tell others about it as if it was a funny story.

Whether it's Nagato's dream, the suspicious Madara, or this country, everything weighs her down.

But there is such a fun thing in my heart, and it's not bad to make her laugh when she is alone by chance.

After Xiaonan waved his wings and disappeared into the layered sky with Hydrangea completely, Yiyong turned his head and walked to the place where he had an appointment with Zhishui.

When they parted, Zhishui sent a crow to follow him.

But then Yiyong planned to take an adventure to the NO.14 fortress, so he used the shadow clone to lure the crow away.

Now if Zhishui returns to the agreed place first and doesn't see him, and can't find him through the crow, he should be very anxious.

With this in mind, Yi Yong rode the waves all the way, and finally, after 15 minutes, he came to a place full of crows on the treetops.

He walked up to a boulder, opened the Sharingan and turned around, and unlocked the illusion attached to the stone. The art of non-here (can change the appearance of an object in the eyes of others), and replaced it with a A small wooden house.

"You're back, Yiyong."

Before Yiyong could knock on the door, Zhishui had already opened the door first.Uchiha Itachi followed behind, but his face was a little haggard, as if he had suffered some mental blow.

But when he saw the bandages wrapped around Yiyong's body, he cheered up all of a sudden, and his gaze became dangerous: "Are you injured?"

"It does not matter."

Yiyong interrupted the topic, leaving the two speechless.This is not important, what else can be important!
Especially Shisui, who was in charge of taking care of him, could think of the situation where he pleaded guilty to Fuyake and his wife Doshiza after returning to Konoha.

He originally wanted to find an excuse to prevent Yiyong from entering Yuyin Village, but he didn't expect this guy to get rid of the crow and come back with injuries all over his body.

"I found that angel."

After entering the house, Giyuu directly stated his "investigation results", "It should have nothing to do with her. It's just a female ninja who takes care of children in the land of rain.

As he spoke, he cast an inquiring gaze at Shisui, while Itachi stared at his bandages and examined them carefully, "Where are you?"

"I found Uchiha Yanhuo's body in Yuyin Village."

Shisui said while using the three-god jade to cast an illusion on Yiyong, and a line of subtitles appeared in the field of vision of Yiyong and Itachi.

[Don't resist. 】

The two of them startled slightly, and their mental bodies were pulled into the illusion space, but the physical bodies outside were still chatting randomly, completely manipulated by Shishui's illusion.

"what happened?"

In the illusion space that is exactly the same as reality, Yi Yong frowned slightly, "Why are you here?"

"Since I stepped into Yuyin Village, I have been monitored by the enemy. Some of the things I know are let me know by the other party, and some are not known to me by the other party. I can only say it here."

He lined up his hands, and the three of them came to a laboratory with gray walls, where four naked corpses lay neatly on a cold tray.This scene was formed based on Uchiha Shisui's memory, and it was restored [-]:[-].

Giyuu's breathing stopped for a moment, because one of them was Uchiha Yanhuo.

The other three people also mostly looked like teenagers.

"My process of finding Uchiha Yanhuo's body was so smooth, it was as if someone had drawn a directional arrow for me along the way."

Shisui walked to the safe in the laboratory, "This is the laboratory of Sansho Hanzo's youngest son - Sansho Yukaga's family. In addition to Yanhuo, there are three other teenagers with different blood succession boundaries." According to the documents here, it is said that Sansho Yukaga intends to test the compatibility between Xueji Ninja and Sansho fish poison sac, so they made an opening in their abdomen and implanted the sansho fish poison sac.”

"According to the records, Uchiha Fumi was the first one who couldn't bear the toxin and died, and the body has been destroyed."

He paid attention to Giyuu's expression, but the latter's face was as heavy as water, and he was not affected. Instead, he retorted: "But the ninja dog named Kuromaru has already given a judgment, saying that judging from Wen's bleeding, it should be on the spot. die……"

"That's right, this is the first point where I have doubts about the document."

Zhishui nodded and replied, "It seems that Wen's body has been severely damaged, and may even leak more information, so he is not displayed here."

"Since it's an experiment."

Giyuu walked up to Uchiha Yanhuo's right hand, pointing to the injury that penetrated to the back of his head, "How can this be explained?"

"The report said that it was Uchiha Yanhuo who woke up before the poison sac was implanted. He tried to resist when he was still weak and used illusion on the researchers. One of them overreacted and directly pierced his skull. , leading to its death."

Shisui paused, and pointed to the remaining three blood-following ninjas, "Yanhuo's body surface has only incisions, but the remaining three people still have inactive sansho venom sacs, which is the result of their transplantation experiments before they died. It seems that no matter who arranged all this, they wanted me to believe that this incident was done by Sansho Yujiahe. And Yanhuo's body should have been moved here after his death..."

He glanced at Itachi, "In order to further verify this matter, I wanted to go to Fort No.14 to see what happened. But unfortunately, although I found Itachi, I did not find Sansho Uokaga himself, so this is the end of the matter." If it is interrupted, we can only find another opportunity later.”

"Sansho Ukoga is dead."

Yiyong's expression was a bit complicated. He didn't expect that he would move the killer, but this made the investigation of this matter into a dead end.

"I killed it."

"What?!" Shishui and Itachi exclaimed at the same time.

Zhishui looked at the bandages on Yiyong's body, and asked solemnly, "What happened after we separated?"

So Yiyong narrated, explaining that during his journey to find the angel, he became suspicious when he encountered Yu Ren, and deliberately "snapped into the tiger's mouth" and sneaked into the NO.14 fortress.When it came to the ceiling collapse, Itachi's face suddenly turned pale, and Shisui immediately stopped.

"What's wrong……"

Yiyong didn't understand, this is an illusion space, how did Itachi become like this.

Shisui looked back and forth between the two of them, but he still didn't speak. Finally, Itachi adjusted his breath and said to Giyuu, "Sorry, Giyuu... You said that the intruder who caused the explosion and the collapse of the ceiling should be us. .”


In the illusion space, it suddenly fell into a deathly freeze.

"What are you doing up there?"

After a long time, Yi Yong asked in a cold voice, "The people in the laboratory told me that the office above is the office of Sanjiao Yujiahe, and all the materials for the poison sac transplantation experiment are there."

"Yiyuu, this confidential mission involving Itachi—"


With a clear cold drink, Yiyong's rare high-pitched voice interrupted Zhishui.

A layer of cold, damp vapor gushed out around his body, pushing the car carrying the corpse away, and the atmosphere in the room was chilling.

Not to mention Shisui, even Itachi had never seen his younger brother angry.But he can understand, after all, Yiyong almost died there, and anyone has the right to be angry.

However, Itachi completely misunderstood the reason for Giyuu's anger.

"Yiyong, I want to answer you too, but a mission is a mission..."

"You were going to destroy the experimental materials, so that caused the explosion?"

Yiyong's expression looked the same as before, but after going through the past few days, his emotions had already accumulated to a critical point.He remembered Xiaonan's method of testing whether he was lying or not, and looked through Itachi's chest, staring at his heart, feeling the change of heartbeat frequency.

"Or, your task is to take away all the experimental materials so that the village can continue their research?"

Itachi's heartbeat paused briefly, revealing the answer and letting Giyuu understand that in Konoha Village, there are people exactly like Sansho Uokaga.

"Who gave you your mission?"

"Yiyong!" Zhishui quickly pulled Yiyong's clothes.

"He doesn't need to answer, just listen to me."

Yiyong didn't expect Itachi to give an answer, he was just observing Itachi's heartbeat reaction after each word was given.

"Hokage? Jonin? Anbu? Clan? Advisor Elder—"

Once again, Itachi's heartbeat changed.

Giyuu said what he knew, the name of the only Konoha Advisor Elder, the guy Uchiha Yanhuo said repeatedly to prevent him from becoming a Jonin.

"Mitomon inflammation?"

After a short pause, he said softly: "It seems to be another elder."

At this point, Itachi and Shisui both understood that although they didn't know how Giyuu did it, as long as he wanted to track it down, he would definitely fall for that name.

"Itachi, at this point, I can only tell him."

Zhishui sighed, and advised: "Besides, most of the incidents of Yanhuo and Wen's attacks were supported by an inner ghost, and that person was already very suspicious. In addition to the incident of the two root ninjas before, his The suspicion is even greater."

"What root ninja?"

Giyuu heard this word for the first time.

"Konoha Anbe's unit, Gen."

Seeing Uchiha Itachi's ashen face, Shisui explained directly to Giyuu.

"This time Itachi performed the task of root. It seems that on the surface, it is to steal the materials for the transplantation experiment of salamander fish. But after I used illusion to detect, the real task they received was the task regardless of the surface. Whether it succeeds, you have to sacrifice yourself in front of Itachi, the best thing is to let Itachi kill them himself."

Yiyong frowned, not understanding the brain circuits of these people.

"The comrades sacrificed, and those who survived were responsible for the death of their comrades. They felt the need to inherit their will and do it themselves, and they would have more emotional commitment and guilt."

Zhishui explained the logic of Root Ninja.

"This is the second time Itachi has experienced this kind of thing, and there is a high probability that it will be deeply affected, and it will be more inclined to the roots in the future. This is their old method. Changing Itachi's own intention is the reason for them to release the mission this time. The real purpose can also guide Itachi's code of conduct in the direction of the root."

After finishing speaking, he added a special sentence: "So Yiyong, those two explosions, including the ceiling falling, were all caused by root ninjas. Don't blame Itachi for this matter... "

"I never blamed him for that."

Giyu's focus is not on this at all, but a new understanding of the dark side of the ninja.

"What do you mean by Gen's code of conduct?"

"In short, as long as a person poses a threat to Konoha, the root can bypass Hokage and Konoha's rules and regulations and directly eliminate the other party regardless of the evidence. This principle also applies to other countries. It is the style of the root to eliminate the hidden dangers of Konoha when it is only a seedling.”

He continued, "The root ninjas don't need to have their own will, they just need to follow the judgment of their leader, Danzo Shimura."

Yiyong paused, he had only heard the name from Xiao Nan yesterday.

The innocent and naive peace organization that Xiao Nankou talked about without resorting to force was destroyed by this person and Sanjiao Hanzo together.

"What does this person have to do with Yanhuo's death?"

"It's just a guess at the moment. We only know that Yanhuo's route is mostly betrayed by someone, and he has the ability to provide this information; he has a criminal record for doing human experiments; this incident will lead to Konoha and Uchiha He also has this motivation; the reason why he wants to exert influence on Itachi should also be for the purpose of preventing Uchiha in the future."

Zhishui made a conclusion, "So, instead of staying here and continuing to be monitored and deliberately misled, we should go back first and start with this person to find out the truth."

Of course, his most important purpose is to give the ready-made answers to the clan as much as possible, and first resolve the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha.Investigations can be carried out slowly and secretly.

It was the first time for Yiyong to encounter such a complicated situation, but now that Yanhuo's body has been found, Sansho Yujiaga, who can be used as a clue, has also been killed, and it is meaningless to investigate further.

"Let's go back."

He agreed to Shisui's proposal, then looked at Itachi and said seriously: "But you have to give me the report on the salamander transplant experiment, I can't let you take that thing back."

"I understand."

 12 o'clock on the shelf

  There is another chapter, big brother's, this afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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